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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. oh, believe me, I WILL right now, with shadows=FALSE just looks odd on the runway! what really yanks my crank in SF2; once upon a time (ok, 06 level) you could pull the shd lod, rename them and have them work with a 'similarly shaped aircraft'. Not anymore ... pulled the A4 shd, renamed it to match thelod, and it just don't work. NO matter what the shadow statement is, it wants to use the main aircraft lod for shadow generation
  2. 'rooting and scooting in the Valley... (yup, had to rebuild that skin completly....)
  3. shoot...there's an hour left on my date (PST, USA). looks like no for me!
  4. that's what I needed! thanks guys! I knew our northern brothers would come through!
  5. you DO know the Oriskany and Coral Sea are (nominally) PacFlt boats??
  6. i've had no problems killing them with Shrikes, HARMs or ALARMS... the "height" has nothing to do with the physical presence of the model in game ... tht's set by the min/max extensions all "height" sets is how tall (or high) the antenna dish (ok, the vitural reciever/transmistter horn) is above the vehicle frame.. iirc, the 'hieght' was set that way, because we lack the "BigBird", and allows it OTH views/targeting.
  7. File Name: Brewster B-339 Buffalo, ML-KNIL File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2012 File Category: British Commonwealth Brewster B-339 Buffalo, ML-KNIL, Pak For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs 1/8/09 This will allow you to re-create the Brewster B-339 as used the Dutch Army Air Force in the Netherlands East Indies, at the beginning of World War 2. This is an INCOMPLETE mod, as it only contains the inis and skins and some other small parts needed to create a nationalized version of the Dev A-Team F2A (USN). The aircraft's LOD and cockpit folders are =NOT= included -- you will need to copy them over from the F2A to complete this mod. 2 new skins, from new templates I created (based off the originals by Gramps) are included. One is a more-or-less 'standard' RAF style coloring, with the Orange roundel (trindel??), and the other is more NEI-ish; done up in "Old Leaf", "Young Leaf" uppers and natural metal unders, with the Dutch flag roundel (rectangudel???). Full instrucions in the enclosed read me - so READ it!! *while designed for 06 level SF/Wo*, it is usalbe in 08 level SF/Wo*, and in SF2. However, the FM WILL need rebuilding for SF2. Fly Accordingly!!* Click here to download this file
  8. Man, I missed this!!! I live less than a mile (the runway length), from this. Looks like they moved it from the older building on the north side of the field, to about mid-way down, in the center/southern side Link to LA Times article: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0226-museum-of-flying-20120226,0,3798707.story Link to the Mueaum's website: http://museumofflying.com/ definately gonna have to check it out; mainly to see the RG Smith artworks they used to have in the old place (I had them ALL as a kid. Family ties to Douglas Aircraft: my cousin Terri worked there, and my Dad stood guard around it in early WW2)
  9. cool link!! some other that might be of use: http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2010/01/aeroguide-07-ee-canberra-b-mk-2-t-mk-4.html http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/10/on-target-profiles-7-english-electric.html http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/09/english-electric-canberra-and-martin-b.html
  10. it sure is possible .. I do it all the time. They're NOT mutually exclusive; they just may not show up all the time, or be different every time if using the generic target tags
  11. other than the substantial difference in size between the 8 & and 12 ... it's a neat idea
  12. and install the game to the root of the C/ drive (ie: C:/Wings Over Europe), NOT to the /Program Files (x86) as that's a protected region, and you wo't be able to make changes/mods to the inis and such.
  13. aircraft carrier = mobile runway (maybe runwy 7??) if it's a NEW parking structure, can't help but wonder if the other boats get a tweek as well. Can't wait to start pulling GO and terrain inis....
  14. so, is it or is it NOT released? Or is the pre-order? (only asking, cause tommorrow, the 29th was the dat I picked...)
  15. unusually clear weather over the Gulf today...
  16. Um, isn't that kinda like paying for the same ground twice??? but, it is true about the transferable skillsets!
  17. I've got the Warbird Tech on the 'Sabre Day-Fighters' (included the H), be glad to send it to ya, Zur!
  18. Version


    Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C Skin Pak = For SF2, Any and All = A new skin/decal pak for the TMFs MiG-29C, representing ErAF Fulcrums from the late 1990s to the present. Inis tweeks were made to the data, loadout inis. You'll want to back up your original before installing this pack. A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Weapons are =NOT= included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have TMF's MiG-29C in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to. These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings, creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available. In actuality, the ErAF only has 7 MiG-29s; I've cheated and extraploated numbers for 12 aircraft. So, it's not 100% historically accurate. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them after unzipping, and before installation!!! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein with thanks to TMF for creating this bird; especially to BPAO.
  19. File Name: F2A-3 Buffalo, Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2012 File Category: US Navy and USMC F2A-3 Buffalo, Skin and Ini Update Pak For SF/Wo*/SF2 PTO Installs This is a semi-complete package for the Dev A-Team F2A Buffalo, in USN and USMC service at the beginning of World War 2. It is semi-complete due to DAT rules, the aircraft lod is NOT included. So, you'll need the F2A-R2.LOD to compete this package. Everything else IS included. 3 skin/decal set are included; and there's 3 individual readmes, as I've combined all the earlier seperate downloads from my now-closed site, into one. I'd reccomend reading them all, if only for the historical reference VF-2 "Flying Chiefs", USS Lexington, December 1941 VMF-212, MCAS Ewa, Territory of Hawaii, circa January 1942 VMF-221, Midway Island, June 1942 (yes, them). This skin is 100% historically accurate, with BuNum matched to Modex numbers for the aircraft assigned during the Battle of Midway. (shown in screenshot) Canopy works via manual animation key, the standard Shift/0 Also included is the engine sound, and a pilot figure. NOTE: the pilot figure is set for 06 level, so you drop him into the root of the /Objects/Aircaft folder. For SF2 usage, you'll get a new folder for him in the /Pilots sub-folder. In essence, you've got him twice! Once unzipped, all you need to is drop the LOD into the /F2A folder,and off you go. I'd also advise reading each of the enclosed readmes. *Note: while still designed with 06 SF/Wo* in mind, it should also be usable in 08 Level SF/Wo*. If used in 08s & SF2, be advised a completly new FM will be necessary. Also, cockpit repositioning will be needed for SF2. Post all questions & problems in the SF2 PropHead Forum. I'll get them worked out (excepting FMs and LOD issues)!* Click here to download this file
  20. File Name: Brewster B-339 Buffalo, 67 Sqdn, RAF (Far East) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2012 File Category: British Commonwealth RAF Brewster B-339 Buffalo, 67 Squadron, Far East for the DAT F2A - read on.... This will allow you to re-create the Brewster B-339 Buffalo as used the Royal Air Force in the Netherlands East Indies, Burma and Southeast Asia, at the beginning of World War 2. It creates a new, stand-alone version, seperate from the US Navy's F2A. This is an INCOMPLETE mod, as it only contains the inis and skins and some other small parts needed to create a nationalized version of the Dev A-Team F2A (USN). The aircraft's LOD and cockpit folders are =NOT= included -- you will need to copy them over from the F2A to complete this mod. A new skin, representing 67 Squadron, as seen in Singapore, and mostly in Burma. *while designed for 06 level SF/Wo*, it IS usalbe in SF2 - the FM, however, will need rebuilding. Fly Accordingly!* As always, full detailed insturctions included in the enclosed readme! SO READ IT!!! Click here to download this file
  21. File Name: B5N1 Kate: Pearl Harbor & Midway Skin/Decals/Ini Set File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2012 File Category: Japanese Air Force and Navy Nakajima B5N1 Carrier Air Groups Skin Pak -- 2/5/09 "Pearl Harbor & Midway Attackers" The Bombers Part 2 This package contains a set of 6 NEW skins and decal sets for DATs B5N1 "Kate" carrier based torpedo/level bomber. These skins are designed for a 'start of the war' time frame, up until approximately July/September 1942. Basically, up until Midway, although Shokaku and Zuikaku skins could probably be used up until the Battle of the Eastern Solomons and/or Battle of Santa Cruz time frame. You MUST have the DATs Kate to install this pack to! Full instructions and stuff are in the enclosed readme. READ IT after unzipping *works fine in SF2* Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    F2A-3 Buffalo, Skin and Ini Update Pak For SF/Wo*/SF2 PTO Installs This is a semi-complete package for the Dev A-Team F2A Buffalo, in USN and USMC service at the beginning of World War 2. It is semi-complete due to DAT rules, the aircraft lod is NOT included. So, you'll need the F2A-R2.LOD to compete this package. Everything else IS included. 3 skin/decal set are included; and there's 3 individual readmes, as I've combined all the earlier seperate downloads from my now-closed site, into one. I'd reccomend reading them all, if only for the historical reference VF-2 "Flying Chiefs", USS Lexington, December 1941 VMF-212, MCAS Ewa, Territory of Hawaii, circa January 1942 VMF-221, Midway Island, June 1942 (yes, them). This skin is 100% historically accurate, with BuNum matched to Modex numbers for the aircraft assigned during the Battle of Midway. (shown in screenshot) Canopy works via manual animation key, the standard Shift/0 Also included is the engine sound, and a pilot figure. NOTE: the pilot figure is set for 06 level, so you drop him into the root of the /Objects/Aircaft folder. For SF2 usage, you'll get a new folder for him in the /Pilots sub-folder. In essence, you've got him twice! Once unzipped, all you need to is drop the LOD into the /F2A folder,and off you go. I'd also advise reading each of the enclosed readmes. *Note: while still designed with 06 SF/Wo* in mind, it should also be usable in 08 Level SF/Wo*. If used in 08s & SF2, be advised a completly new FM will be necessary. Also, cockpit repositioning will be needed for SF2. Post all questions & problems in the SF2 PropHead Forum. I'll get them worked out (excepting FMs and LOD issues)!*
  23. Version


    Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony", Skin and Ini Paks, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs Thi package contains a reskin and cockpit/cockpit ini modification of the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 "Tony" . You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony, and it's suggested also Christian59's "Tony Family Package" before installing this mod, as without it, this does you no good!! Having the DATs Hurricane 1 would be a good idea too, as the new cockpit ini will need it! This package several skins for various Ki-61 marks, but no lods or cockpit are included. You WILL need the DATs Ki-61, and Christian59s "Tony Family Package" to apply this to. SKins/decals supplied are for: 19 Sentai (screenie shown) 37 Sentai 105 Sentai (all 3 Chutai) each is contained in a seperate zip, so you'll have some extracting to do. Each set contains it's own readme, so you'd be advised to read it. Note: while desgined for SF/Wo* at the 06 level, it should be usable in 08 levels and SF2. Be advised, however of many FM issues that will need resolving. An experimental SF2 FM for one of these (disremember which) can be found in the SF2 PropHeads Forum, in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/70595-tony-data-ini-for-testing/ have fun!

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