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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. exhausted: one simple word...... Piracy I won't speak of the group known for it on an open Forum not funny Pete!!! no, really ... are we looking for a mesh to move??
  2. lods are located in ObjectData002.cat. Which is locked out since early 2011. No extractor will open it, not even TKs. Which is why several of us keep archived pre-may2011 extracted cats 'off board'. what are you looking for, in particular?
  3. Don't want to miss this....

    I know everyone's all moist and sticky over the release of SF2:NA, but we mustn't forget our friends... It's Sony Tuckson's Birthday Today!!!! happy birthday man!! here's a couple round from me!!!
  4. I get that a lot when trying to generate planning maps Ant, you might have to run it in the standard TE, add the tile to the textureset, save, and let a new TFD generate (which, of course, dosn't actually solve the problem....). The TFD being where the tile data is stored
  5. of course, we're kinda screwed without the new extractor ... without that, we don't/can't know the pilot position to dial in the pit.
  6. I don't think I've ever landed a plane ... I always thought that's what the AP was for!!
  7. that's old news ... came with the Nov 2011 patch. you also missed the F-84_56, J-7I & 7II, MiG-15bisSB, MirageIICZ, 3 Oz Mirages, and several others.
  8. well, checking Red Star 36 on the Yaks --- they have no active radar, but only lead computing gunsights, one can see the OddsRods antenna, so a Serina, and an weak inernal jammer, I'd reccomend the MiG-21F13 cockpit for now. One could 'get away' with the radar-ranging gunsight as used therein too. mind you, just as a stand in. I cn post pics, if anyone wants....
  9. For the 790 billionth time .... PLEASE!!!! DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!!! ========= to actually answer the question, those are the x and y coordinates on the terrain, as measured from the lower left corner (the 0,0 point)
  10. R-27 + F-14 ?

    yes, they maybe insane, but they ain't stupid.
  11. I have a "new" A-4Q and A-4P both in SF2 -- I know I rebuilded them. Maybe I just never released them???
  12. in particular, one i remember reading of, a Skyraider for San Deigo ... actually took off, flew the circut and landed safely! (albeit with VERY shallow turns!!)
  13. that's gonna look reeeeeeeeeeeeealll funny on the approach to the deck .... canopy open, wings folded!!! from what I've seen, you can use any slot number for them. In General Consesus ™, we modders have chosen the Shift/9 keystroke for in-game use
  14. hhhmmmm... methinks more of a Freudian slip, perhaps????
  15. File Name: Ki-61 Tony Family, Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2012 File Category: Japanese Air Force and Navy Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony", Skin and Ini Paks, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs Thi package contains a reskin and cockpit/cockpit ini modification of the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 "Tony" . You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony, and it's suggested also Christian59's "Tony Family Package" before installing this mod, as without it, this does you no good!! Having the DATs Hurricane 1 would be a good idea too, as the new cockpit ini will need it! This package several skins for various Ki-61 marks, but no lods or cockpit are included. You WILL need the DATs Ki-61, and Christian59s "Tony Family Package" to apply this to. SKins/decals supplied are for: 19 Sentai (screenie shown) 37 Sentai 105 Sentai (all 3 Chutai) each is contained in a seperate zip, so you'll have some extracting to do. Each set contains it's own readme, so you'd be advised to read it. Note: while desgined for SF/Wo* at the 06 level, it should be usable in 08 levels and SF2. Be advised, however of many FM issues that will need resolving. An experimental SF2 FM for one of these (disremember which) can be found in the SF2 PropHeads Forum, in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/70595-tony-data-ini-for-testing/ have fun! Click here to download this file
  16. SF1 downloads, New aircraft, WW2 Aircraft, Axis fighters.... http://combatace.com/files/file/7111-ki-61-family/
  17. anyone know the serials for the Br.1150 Atlantiques used by the Kon Marine??? The one photo I've been able to find shows a nose number of '253', and I know they only had 9 of them....
  18. yeah, I think that's got it!! be a nice follow-on to the MLD Neptune skin I did some time back! thanks for the help guys!!
  19. SB: you know I released an SF2 upgrade for the Hawk last week, right?? Russo took it upon himself (and thankfully so!) to rework a LOT of stuff. you want a Red Arrows skin? Marcfighter's has one; but it's gonna need some work.
  20. that needs EXTENSIVE!!!!! reworking -- as in, a completly new model, FM rebuild (which, in truth, can be taken from stock Harriers), and lots of other stuff
  21. opppy...I forgot to say "add this to the crew section", where I descrbe the ]Pylon[ setting
  22. using the A-4L as an example... first, you'll need to folderize the pylon into the /Pilots folder -- just pretend its a seat. YOu'll need the lod, bmp and an ini for it (note: Daniel's already got it in a folder, so just add the ini, named to match -- I'd suggest A4Pylon cpy/paste this into a blank notepadsheet [LOD001] Filename=A4pilon.LOD Distance=2000 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=2000 MaxVisibleDistance=100 save as "A4Pylon.ini" and close open the data ini for whichever A-4C you tweeking, and add this line to the fuselage section, where *** is the next systemname number: SystemName[***]=Pylons then, down to the /crew section ..... and here's where it starts to get fun.... [Pylons] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.00,0.00,0.00 PilotModelName=FakePilot SeatModelName=A4Pilon SeatPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 MinExtentPosition=0.10,0.988,-0.102 MaxExtentPosition=0.10,0.988,-0.102 CanopyNodeName= SeatID=2 don't forget, you'll need FCs fake pilot mod in the /Pilots folder too ! what I did here, is place the "seat" (aka: the new pylons) at the 0 coordinate for x/y/z. What you might need to do, is mmove it up or down, fore or aft or left and right to make it fit under the bombs/rocketpod/sidewinders, whatever. to find the fit, assuming you've already got the outerwing stations listed in the data and loadout ini, select a mission where something is loaded there, and see where it fits. The adjust the x/y/z accordingling. like this: SeatPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 x is the first number, meaing left/right y is the middle number, meanig fore/aft z is the last one, meaning up/down once you do it a few dozen times, it's gets easiser! edit: don't be afraid to rename the lod to A4Pylon.lod -- it won't hurt a thing!

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