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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Comes with an RAF camo (although a later all-gray will prolly be needed) unfortunately, like the T-45 that's built from it, has some major 'shadow tractor beams' maybe, with the right bribe, we can talk Russo into having a look at the lod???
  2. colors that I know (mostly from WW2 mods, adding fromatin/positin lights): yellow/amber: Color=0.9126,0.8814,0.0429 blue: Color=0.1755,0.275,0.858
  3. Russo did a T.1A a llooooooooooooooooooooggg time ago http://combatace.com/files/file/5888-bae-hawk-t1-by-russouk2002/ (could use some SF2 TLC, however) I wonder why Florian's bird is a the DAT site only??
  4. guys, i'm at my wits end with this POS ... canNOT get the bird back on the boat!!! It just won't catch the wires. I'm gonna try ONE more thing.........then package it with the 'no-carrier functionaly' caveat, and release it "as is". Maybe somebody eles can figure out what hell I missed!
  5. We aim to please, at times! (so, we ask everyone to please aim.... )
  6. Gay Flight Attendant

  7. that's because the Netz is a single-user ONLY aircraft (IDFAF). You need a 'mult-user appropriate mod why not download a package some kind soul assembled, that has USAF and NATO users all set up?? AND creates a new F-16A for USAF & NATO usage? http://combatace.com/files/file/12643-f-16a-falcon-generic-usafnato-gray-skindecalini-pak/
  8. Hey!! somebody edited my edit!! I didn't change the tile name!! to quote Jimmy Cagney (from a famous movie).. "All right...who did it? Who did it???"
  9. I guess extracting the InstantAction.ini, and editing the date, terrain and aircraft listed was too much work. Ssoooooooooo much easier just rebuilding menus to remove them. Yeah, that works
  10. its ok, I know CPR, LSMFT, CIA, FBI, MI6 and whole bunch of other alphabet soup acronyms!!
  11. fueltanknodename= leave blank or comment out at the very worst, you edit the compenent, and remove it
  12. yes, in the data ini.... [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-10.95,-4.59,0.35 LightSrcOffset=-0.20,0.00,0.00 Color=0.98,0.25,0.25 <----- Brightness=0.07 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=WingO_L but you need to convert the RGB values to this decimal thingy (hexidecimal?) try this site: http://www.javascripter.net/faq/rgbtohex.htm edit: that one might not work, as it's full hex (3digt/3digit/3digit) cause white in game is 0.88,0.88,0.88, not 255/255/255 im out of ideas!
  13. Damascus is about to have a very bad day......if the photo dosen't fall off the insturment panel....
  14. (re) modded pit ... was able to move the AoA indexers back into sight. As I'd forgotten how important those are for getting the bird back on the boat.... however, was unable to move the standby compass to upper frame; kept disappearing behind it,so you won't have one and yes, the cockpit ain't perfect, and has much more sophisticated avionics than it should (and the radar screen should be shifted right .25 m, and Whales did NOT have gun/bombsight -was all handled via radar and it's operator next to the pilot, and most assuredly didn't have an RWR!!), but everything works and is MUCH closer then the pit that was issued with their release. Had even given thought to using the Intruder pit...but that would require way too much work to get to fit right. Too many meshes linked to move thing properly. Maybe at another time, when I'm not too buried with terrains... (yah, like THAT'll ever happen!)
  15. that first post in this thread is what my high school history teacher would call "a perfect example of yellow journalism" In other words, in plane, simple Americanese, it horses**t
  16. easy enought fix to edit the title. You all just sit down, take slow breaths, and let your heart rate return to normal. Got it handled for you
  17. given a 'known' number of aircraft in service, I usualy extrapolate from a whole number up and down. example: Myanmyr has 10, with a know serial of 108; I'd start at 100, go to 110, and use the randomization feature
  18. yeah, edit the terrain Nations ini, and activate the LimitedNations=TRUE in the main ini. (btw, the game's Nations.in classes Etiopia as 'Friendly', all others are Enemy. Just extract it, and have a look see. I don't see WHY you'd need to ... Somailia is set as ENEMY, as is Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen and several "visiting teams" Ogadenen War was in my mind, when building this, as well as the 'incidents' between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
  19. Happy birthday to...

    Happy Birthday !!!!
  20. you ain't lying, brother!! of course, one could just use my Patent Pending set of Generic Target Buildings ™: Every city gets at least one of each: Generator Building1 (as 'Admin Building') Building2 (as 'Ops Building') CityBuilding3 (as 'telephone/telegraph office'*) warehouse (just a couple scattered around) HQ building (well, depending if you don't use...) GovtBldg (repurposed CityBuilding1) Fire department watertower and of course, the Star of Every Terrain Targets Ini.... The EvildamnCommBuilding!!!! *=which is a type of Comm_Building! Oh! the Humanity!! For Extra Credit: what with Europe having bunches and lots of rivers ... there's all them damn bridges!! edit: just for grins and giggles, Gepards BoB terrain contains MANY landmark buildings ... Arc de Triumph, Tower of London and other buildings from all over Europe. The Effiel Tower seems to cause CTDs for some reason, though...
  21. your' kidding, right??? Exp1 gave us the Mig15, 2 spitfires, vampires, meteor, mustang, dakota (which is the skytrain to me) get with the program, baby!! (or, get THE program!!)

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