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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. even in a pig like this, rootin' and scootin' through canyons is FUN!!!
  2. why would you mess with that??? set your horizon disance from the game control menus ... Options/Graphics, and then fiddle from there. return the FE.ini back to stock (or better yet, just rename it so the game wont see it)
  3. I've requested an SF2 WW2 d/l section, so if that happens, all the stuff that was on my site (with few exceptions) will start being uploaded here. There is, literaly, gigs of stuff.
  4. as long as the end result is what's wanted, who cares how ya get there!!
  5. even with my monster quad-core, and vid card, I set the horizon to normal. try that.
  6. -3E aren't WW2 ... that should be Korean-era only (well, post-war anyway, for ASW kinda thing) if you want to get rid of hte ventral MG, add this to the bottom of the ]AircraftDAta[ section (where components are listed) //moves// Component[010]=Move1 Component[011]=Move2 [Move1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=vGunPivot_ok DestroyedNodeName=VGunPivot DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move2] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Gun2_ok DestroyedNodeName=Gun2 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  7. flightengine ini is 'something completly different'* and it's in the /Flight folder (*couldn't resist)!!
  8. what are your horizon settings, and do you have Fade turned on in the options.ini??
  9. Those that notice such things, perhaps will have seen the 'grayed out' Nation or Service name on various and sundry loadout screens. This is caused by NOT using a 'insignia' decal on the aircraft. In other words, those with painted-on-the-skin insignia. There's a real quick and easy fix for that. Open up the decals ini of the aircraft in question, and copy/paste the text below into the decals ini, at the bottom. Where XXX is the next number in sequence.... [Decalxxx] MeshName=Left_Outer_Wing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=0,0 Scale=0.000001 DecalMaxLOD=3 save and close. It dosen't matter even if said aircraft dosen't have that exact mesh name; all that matters to the Game Engine™ is that it "sees" a Level=0 decal. The will 'reactivate' the national/service name on the loadout screen.
  10. are you using the latest versions that Paulo released in 2010? Baffmeister (re)did some FM work. Still needs some tweeking, says so in Baff's readme. You can always try adding this to the data ini: [AIData] TakeOffRotationAngle=20.0 AileronDeltaRoll=1.2 AileronRollRate=-1.0 ElevatorDeltaPitch=1.0 ElevatorPitchRate=-0.1 ThrottleDeltaSpeed=0.05 ThrottleVelocity=-0.01 DeltaSpeedForAfterburner= DeltaSpeedForAirbrakes=-50 MaxPitchForAltitude=30.0 MinPitchForAltitude=-20.0 PitchForThrottle=0.005 PitchForAltitude=0.001 PitchForVerticalVelocity=-0.001 RollForHeading=15.0 RollForHeadingRate=-0.5 MinRollHeading=15.0 MaxRollForHeading=65.0 PitchForRoll=0.23 FormationSpeedForPosition=0.8 FormationSpeedForRate=0.5 worked (well, reduced at least) on the Corsairs and Thunderbolts...
  11. Just the Avenger??? (I should also ask which version -- I have 3; -1, -1C, -3, not including the FAA Tarpon) What type of missions are you flying, and which map??? That can be quite important! Mission statements for the TBF-1, -1C should be: PrimaryRoles=ANTI_SHIP,STRIKE SecondaryRoles=ARMED_RECON,CAS,RECON TBM-3 PrimaryRoles=ANTI_SHIP,STRIKE SecondaryRoles=ARMED_RECON,CAS try this nations ini....it's got some changes back up the old one first (CYA baby!!) see how that works.
  12. the SF2NA terrain is LOD-driven; no more TE. That terrain is build in MAX.
  13. remember, the alpha channel acts like a 'hold-out matte', that blocks all but the image in the center... i've zoomed up the image, so you can see it little better.... (yes, that's Rose from Dr. Who). Now, when I did these these for the P-61, the actual size of the working image was huge .... 2048 or above, then resized down to 256 or so for the actualy decal (some were even larger, with 10+ layers) this is the nose art decal, with just the background image. you can see the white background this is JUST the alpha channel, without anything else and this is all 4 channels, RGB plus the alpha I picked a nose art to show, as they usually are oddly shaped, and multi-colored. I type in the lettering in black, then block it off with one of the marquee tools (usually the rectangular), then use the paint bucket on the lettering to change the colors. This is done BEFORE adding/creating the alpha, and any color other than black with change the opacity down and not show as 'bright' as it should be. To get the image centered, I cut the lettering/image out and then paste it back into the background layer. For some reason, PS automatically centers the image; then merge it down flat. Then, copy the background (with the image), create the new alpha, the paste the image into the alpha channel. But there's still more to do... For LRRH Herself, to keep her quite visible, no changes in opacity on the RGB layer are attempted ... we want her to shine!!!. After creating the alpha, I had to 'paint out' or remove any of the alpha INSIDE the figure (as can be see in the alpha-only image) - it's pure white, to allow her to come through in all her glory. The edges are painted using a 1 pixel hard round brush, following the outline of the body. Then, the interior gets painted out. It can take some time, but the end product is well worth it.
  14. decal with All 3

    From the album Wrench's Images

  15. decal with alpha 2

    From the album Wrench's Images

  16. decal No alpha 1

    From the album Wrench's Images

  17. I'm assuming you have all the proper Bad Guys ™ installed for the time frame (I know, dumb question ... but...) I've never had that happen, all the way back to 2004, when we built the first WW2 installs. Have you tried this, on the SingleMission statement, in the Options.ini... StartYear=0 EndYear=0 That's what's in mine, and seems to work OK. I only have a PTO WW2 atm, so can't check the other theatres (btw, didn't notice this before, but MTO IS North Africa! Unless its' the DAT one)
  18. JRL's video's are worth the watching!!
  19. You mean the Gilbert XF-120???? try brake_R brake_L that's what I found
  20. yes, it called "copy/paste", and "allow the Overwrite" So.... thusly... Unzipped, NF4+/Objects ---> copy/paste /Objects OVER the existing /SF2:E/Objects folder. When asked "Overwrite?" click the "Yes" box. it don't get any simpler than that! You'll do that for ALL the new addon folders, allowing the Overwrite each time.
  21. actually, by fiddiling with the x/y/z of the cockpit position, on could even 'hide in plane sight' (as you can see, I'm not quite dialed in yet....)
  22. no, it shouldn't do anything but remove it from sight in the cockpit. Do that, and look at the extrnal model. if the probe remains ... if not, it can be done by the HideExternalNode= line added to cockpit ini (unless, of course, that remove the Raz one -which it shouldn't with luck) or... in the Nose section: ShowFromCockpit=FALSE and the odds of us getting AFR are so close to Zero ™ that makes no difference

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