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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. actually, it's what I get for parking in downtown Newark!!!
  2. How about NOT using all that weird off-the-wall linking and formatting,hmm? How about just plain, easy to read text? I just love trying to read a post so full those, as to make it completly unintelligable. And spending time reediting it, so it makes at least some sense for other people. 1st Warning: next time, instead of editing ....
  3. as reported over the Darfur region....
  4. I think that's the idea...always there -- that's how we did it before FP. commenting the NOSE section brought it back, with the probe assemlby sitting were it's supposed to.... (there is, I noticed, some severe decal bleed on the nose. it's an old model, what can ya say?)
  5. pretty much what i figgured... something being used in the loadout ini, as opposed to fake pilot. we'd had the same problem with the A-4L and other skyhawks that used the avionics hump as a jammer pod -- never showed up on parked birds until converted to the fake pilot method now, to find that missing bit....
  6. you don't need extra ones, if using a stock one ... so, NONE of the AB effects are working, even on STOCK aircraft (Phantom, Crusader, any MiG made flyable)??? If that's the case, your install is borked, and should be deleted (the mods folder), and started from fresh with abso-frakking-lutely NO addons, to make sure the stock, out-of-the-box game is working correctly. This'll help narrow down the issue to 'game files' or "machine issues". That's something I'd reccomend in any case, given the recent problems you seem to be having. you can just rename the mods folder (assuming SF2) with a x, run the SF2.exe, let it rebuild the mods folder, move your defalut.ini to the /Controls folder so yo don't have to remap all the controls, and see what works. With STOCK aircaft -no add ons!!! More and more it's starting to sound like a machine issue, not a mods issue.
  7. copy/paste the statements off a stock aircraft data ini. Quickest and easiest! AfterburnerEmitterName=AfterburnerEmitter2 (from MiG-23)
  8. oddly, only seems to show when on the ground (see below). in flight (above 30-odd meters), it's casts normally. SF2 also seems to not recognize the old 1stGen, 06 level shadow lods -- I have the Mig19 shd IN the folder, pointed to in the ini with the correct statments, and it don't work either. can it be fixed? only by them....and that raises other problems as to cockpit-wise, all mine work fine. Of course, I'ved edited the living daylights out things (moved, copy/pseted, fiddled inis, etc). HUDs still a little wacky on the Q-5D .... but, what can ya do?
  9. what about using the new nation-specific loadout? call the exact tank you want for each nation, in a seperat listing?
  10. I did a bunch of work on one model (Q-5II??? maybe???); redid the FM based off the stock Farmer, cockpit replacement/fixes etc. I'll have to go through my birds again, and see which one I did (in between all the terrain work....). Yes, the LOD needs MAJOR reworking to close the holes in it ... expecially for the shadow (missing the center of aircraft!)
  11. Not that far behind you; be 55 in April! one of the major issues of conversion to SF2 (other than physical model and FM issues....), is are userlist inis needed? Many of the PTO axis aircraft weren't EXPORTED=TRUE; damn near all the Allied are! in ETO/MTO, lots of Axis aircraft were used amongst the various 'member nations' (Rumainian & Regia Aeronatica 109s, RA Stukas, etc). Then, there's the 'new allied' Italian AF (Co-Beligerent) after Sept 44. Allied stuff...goes without saying, with few exceptions it gonna get interesting, when it starts to happen Of course, the availability of the downloads is always an issue...
  12. even in a pig like this, rootin' and scootin' through canyons is FUN!!!
  13. why would you mess with that??? set your horizon disance from the game control menus ... Options/Graphics, and then fiddle from there. return the FE.ini back to stock (or better yet, just rename it so the game wont see it)
  14. I've requested an SF2 WW2 d/l section, so if that happens, all the stuff that was on my site (with few exceptions) will start being uploaded here. There is, literaly, gigs of stuff.
  15. as long as the end result is what's wanted, who cares how ya get there!!
  16. even with my monster quad-core, and vid card, I set the horizon to normal. try that.
  17. -3E aren't WW2 ... that should be Korean-era only (well, post-war anyway, for ASW kinda thing) if you want to get rid of hte ventral MG, add this to the bottom of the ]AircraftDAta[ section (where components are listed) //moves// Component[010]=Move1 Component[011]=Move2 [Move1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=vGunPivot_ok DestroyedNodeName=VGunPivot DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move2] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Gun2_ok DestroyedNodeName=Gun2 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  18. flightengine ini is 'something completly different'* and it's in the /Flight folder (*couldn't resist)!!
  19. what are your horizon settings, and do you have Fade turned on in the options.ini??
  20. Those that notice such things, perhaps will have seen the 'grayed out' Nation or Service name on various and sundry loadout screens. This is caused by NOT using a 'insignia' decal on the aircraft. In other words, those with painted-on-the-skin insignia. There's a real quick and easy fix for that. Open up the decals ini of the aircraft in question, and copy/paste the text below into the decals ini, at the bottom. Where XXX is the next number in sequence.... [Decalxxx] MeshName=Left_Outer_Wing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=0,0 Scale=0.000001 DecalMaxLOD=3 save and close. It dosen't matter even if said aircraft dosen't have that exact mesh name; all that matters to the Game Engine™ is that it "sees" a Level=0 decal. The will 'reactivate' the national/service name on the loadout screen.
  21. are you using the latest versions that Paulo released in 2010? Baffmeister (re)did some FM work. Still needs some tweeking, says so in Baff's readme. You can always try adding this to the data ini: [AIData] TakeOffRotationAngle=20.0 AileronDeltaRoll=1.2 AileronRollRate=-1.0 ElevatorDeltaPitch=1.0 ElevatorPitchRate=-0.1 ThrottleDeltaSpeed=0.05 ThrottleVelocity=-0.01 DeltaSpeedForAfterburner= DeltaSpeedForAirbrakes=-50 MaxPitchForAltitude=30.0 MinPitchForAltitude=-20.0 PitchForThrottle=0.005 PitchForAltitude=0.001 PitchForVerticalVelocity=-0.001 RollForHeading=15.0 RollForHeadingRate=-0.5 MinRollHeading=15.0 MaxRollForHeading=65.0 PitchForRoll=0.23 FormationSpeedForPosition=0.8 FormationSpeedForRate=0.5 worked (well, reduced at least) on the Corsairs and Thunderbolts...
  22. Just the Avenger??? (I should also ask which version -- I have 3; -1, -1C, -3, not including the FAA Tarpon) What type of missions are you flying, and which map??? That can be quite important! Mission statements for the TBF-1, -1C should be: PrimaryRoles=ANTI_SHIP,STRIKE SecondaryRoles=ARMED_RECON,CAS,RECON TBM-3 PrimaryRoles=ANTI_SHIP,STRIKE SecondaryRoles=ARMED_RECON,CAS try this nations ini....it's got some changes back up the old one first (CYA baby!!) see how that works.

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