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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. P47N

    already been asked by me -- 3-4 (or more!) months ago.
  2. None We've decieded not to use them. They use too much fuel, and we're cutting back as a measure to spur economic growth. Also, due the economic pressures of modern-day America, Dave and several other Team Members (myself included) will sharing one keyboard and joystick (probably an MS Sidewinder) Since they won't be included, there's no need for seperate flight models. There is as yet insufficent data for a meaningfull response.
  3. File Name: Ethiopian Air Force F-86F-40 Sabre Skin & Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 01 February 2012 File Category: F-86 Ethiopian AF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak = For SF2, Any and All = A new skin/decal pak for the Sabre, representing those as flown by the Ethiopian Air Force in the 1960s through the mid-1970s. Designed specifically for the F-40 (as this model/lod has the least in-game problems -ie shadow probs), it can be used on any version as they're all mapped the same. However, what little data is availalbe seems to suggest the later 'hard winged' versions. So, stick to that one A modifed Loadout ini, with Ethiopian nation-specific loads, is included, as they never seemed to have been fitted with Sidewinders. This A-A load has been eliminated via the magic of that recently (as of Sept/Oct 2011 patch) implemented trick. Ground attack loadouts using rockets keep the 8 HVAR loads. All others are the same as before. A new "Userlist.ini" is also included, that replaces the one from my JASDF Sabre Pak. It would be advisable to add THIS package over that one, or you'll be editing the main ini to add the Userlist line. Serial numbers are/have been extrapolated from the 3 known photos - one of which was a derlict camo aircraft, and are not 100% historically accurate (excepting 251 and 258). The aircraft is in Natural Metal, as delivered from the USA. Sometime in the 1970s, the EtAF recieved several dozen from Iranian stocks, which were painted in the same camo colors as the IIAF F-5s. That skin may be forthcoming...who knows! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Somali Air Corps MiG-17F Fresco-C File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 01 February 2012 File Category: MiG-17 Somali Air Corps MiG-17F Fresco-C =For SF2, Any and All with MiG-17F Avaliable= A new skin and decal set for the stock 3W MiG-17F Fresco-C, representing those as used by the SAC in the 60s/70s and maybe the early 1980. With so little hard data available, and only 2 know serials, some conjecture and extrapolation was used in creating the others. 24 decals are supplied for the serials, all other markings are stock items. Locations, from the 4 existing pictures -and 2 were Farmers and of no use!- showed the serial sometimes on the nose, sometimes on the vert fin. I've 'split the difference', and placed them on both. 100% historical accuracy is =NOT= claimed. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for the serials. It's reccomended that you have converted your AI-Only Fresco to Player-Usable by adding Ordway's cockpit pak availalbe somewhere in the CA downloads section As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. the A-6A is a stock aircraft in both WoV and SF2:V. However, the SF2V versions ain't got no cockpit being AI-Only, so you'll have to find one. Either in the D/L section or extracted/copied-pasted from WoV
  6. the splinter looks great on that Thud!!!
  7. === Moved to the correct Forum, as it's SF2, and not SF/Wo* related ==========
  8. maybe should be asked at the DAT site? Prolly get an answer quicker
  9. P47N

    yup. shore do. did it a coupla years back made bunches of changes. You want it??
  10. Version


    Somali Air Corps MiG-17F Fresco-C =For SF2, Any and All with MiG-17F Avaliable= A new skin and decal set for the stock 3W MiG-17F Fresco-C, representing those as used by the SAC in the 60s/70s and maybe the early 1980. With so little hard data available, and only 2 know serials, some conjecture and extrapolation was used in creating the others. 24 decals are supplied for the serials, all other markings are stock items. Locations, from the 4 existing pictures -and 2 were Farmers and of no use!- showed the serial sometimes on the nose, sometimes on the vert fin. I've 'split the difference', and placed them on both. 100% historical accuracy is =NOT= claimed. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for the serials. It's reccomended that you have converted your AI-Only Fresco to Player-Usable by adding Ordway's cockpit pak availalbe somewhere in the CA downloads section As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein
  11. Mwahahahah! Space-related

    Even worse ... they spun it up before FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE docked ... that's frakking stuuupid!!!
  12. is/are the planning map bmps in the terrain folders in question? If not, they'll need to be placed there
  13. trying to save money, as i've been unemployed for 6 years this month. That $15.00 a month would be of greater use in my pocket (and my wife's), rather than yahoo's. everything, however, is still archived on CD or external HDs
  14. Which CTD bug??? as there are/were several. Please specify!!!
  15. Mwahahahah! Space-related

  16. 2 seperat meshes with identiacal positions example: [Decal001] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=SovietNum Position=3.13,-0.113 Scale=1.5 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=SovietNum Position=3.13,-0.113 Scale=1.5 DecalMaxLOD=3
  17. site's closed (kinda ... ) all the items have been removed
  18. ok ... this is driving me bat-s**t crazy. What the heck is causing this??? (see below). Been noticing this on many TODs, even brandy-new ones, like the one shown. This is a city2mountain50 tile (the 75 does the same, as do the city2deserts) here's the top section of the data ini for the terrain; it was copied right from the latest (Nov 2011) Desert data ini (since this is a desert named tileset).... the buildings are fine; sitting like they're supposed to on the ground. Could it be Cavorite in the water causing the trees to levitate???? I'm at a total loss on this one!! Even does with stock Desert TODs. All ideas considered (excepting the obvious one with firearms...)
  19. Long Dong sausage plant, that provides to the Wun Hung Lo resturant chain? Could be in either the cities of Mi Hung Wel or Wat Mi Wori?? In the provence of Phuc Yu?? (i had to use theses .... been waiting for a lllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I got lots more!!)
  20. piviot axis is off ... extract the newest dat ini, and check the axis call out (X??) for the mains and adjust as per the newest data ini common problem with older stuff edit: one dosen't even need that old outdated 1stGen stuff anymore, when the game supplies 2 differend EAF Fitter-A camos.... EAF desert Nile 1 scheme
  21. Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital??? I know .... it's where the Jove missile was built/launched from!!!!
  22. just testing a new skin..... now, if Ican figure out WHY one airfield won't flatten....sigh....
  23. Really, now???? THINK about what you just said..... because you're MANUALLY loading those hardpoints on/in the loadout screen. What you said that you wanted, was to NOT have winders loaded 'off the shelf' for said strike missions. what I posted abso-f***ing-lutely works. See screenie below. methink you're unclear as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish??

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