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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. http://combatace.com/topic/67597-swedish-campaign/
  2. copy and paste maybe??? hell, that's how I do it, then simply do the renaming of the needed/wanted/desired object
  3. Low flying at high altitudes...

    frakking snowboarders!!!
  4. File Name: EAF MIG-17F Fresco, Fighter-Bomber Modification File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 November 2011 File Category: MiG-17 EAF MiG-17F Fresco-C Fighter-Bomber Mod =For SF2, Any and All - Reccomended for Use in SF2:I= This is a revamping of my 2008 releade of the same aircraft, now updated/tweeked/fiddled with for SF2*. As such, it is my not-so-humble attempt to duplicate the fighter-bomber modifications the EAF performed on their MiG-17's during the 6 Day War. *meaning....I'd forgotten I was doing it and stumbled across it 'hidden' in SF2I!* Inis have been adjusted to make use of various and sundry imporvement since the initial release. This is a complete package, with weapons*, skins, cockpit (Ordway's Fresco pit). Markings make use of all stock in-game decals. The only thing =NOT=included is the Fresco's LOD, as it's pretty much available in ALL versions of SF2. Loadouts have been 'adjusted', using the new 'change by year' feature, to discontinue use of the Sakr pak, and return to standard UB series rocket pods around 1975. The data ini (ie: Flight Model) is fully updated to the latest patch level (Oct 2011 -not the betas) *weapons included are the Sakr rocket rack and pylon set. It uses the S-5 57mm rocket that should be stock in all installs. The FAB-100 may require the GunnyPak* As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: F-4E Phantom II, "Air Inferiority Orange" Skinpak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 December 2011 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar F-4E "Air Inferiority Orange" Skin Pak = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended*) *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4E* This actually started as a joke, during the building of "Operation Darius", and took on -as usual- somewhat of a life of it's own. It's being placed here, in the "What If..." skins simple because I can't think of a better location. This represents F-4E (no variant) aircraft painted in a VERY bright Orange. It's called "Air Inferiority Orange" for several reasons: Many smaller, less powerful airforces still use the Phantom. Sometimes alongside more modern 5th Generation fighters. The reasoning is you take a known aircraft, with the some of smokiest engines in history, well documented radar signatures (both from it's on-board and skinpaints) paint it an exceedingly bright, highly visible color, and use it to lure enemy aircraft into traps (your more modern, angrier, birds are hiding in the weeds, running silent). It's set up for IRIAF markings, but a simple edit will allow any F-4E user to be selected from the drop-down menu. It'd also make a very good Drone, too! With simple skin bmp renaming, it can be used for any other F-4E variant. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Remember, this was done as a joke, so have fun with it!! Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein ps: forgot to mention in the Credits, without Sundowner's templates this craziness wouldn't have been possible. Thanks Ant!! Click here to download this file
  6. so, if my translation is correct, if the world dosen't end on Dec 21 of this year, the PAK-FA will be released???
  7. Jonathan: AWESOME!! one of the best of the worst!!
  8. AWSOME!!!!! FC!!! prolly my fav of the Real World ™ What Ifs.... So many possibility for skinning that bird. now, if I could only find that out-of-print paperback "Last Flight of the Arrow" (well, it's availble ... just short of funds as usaal!)
  9. well, i can tell you right off the bat, 98% of that land will be unsable, as it either too close or behind The Wall. Safe to assume that "auto texture" and "transition textures" didn't work??? (notwithstanding the fact that you'll still be hand-tileing the coastlines for proper transitions) EDIT: for those wishing to actually see the images, I offer these below, converted from bmp (who uses that anymore for images???) to jpg so as to see what's what and to the point I was mentioning....about the transitions somehow, they're out of order - mine's the 'desert tiled' screenie)
  10. s**t, that's easy!! add the SystemName to a main component (nose or fuelage) then, add the actualy LD below the hardpoints...(I always add a commentedout header, so I know what it is!) //sensors----------------------------------------------------- [LaserStation] SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR CameraFOV=2.500000 SightTexture=AVQ26_lock.tga CameraPosition=0.700000,3.500000,-0.245 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268763136 MaxSeekerRange=27.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=180.000000 DualFOV=TRUE SearchFOV=10.000000 SearchTexture=AVQ26_track.tga We've been 'adding' them like that since around 2004/5
  11. Happy Birthday to

    Yah!!! Happy Birthday!!!
  12. yes, that's right ... you can only hit primarys. that's how the engine works. as you see from the data ini above, the LD built into the aircraft, therefore it ain't necessary to add one via loadout ini mods.
  13. how about a picture of the open TE, with the display set to 'show height field'??? like below.... this is what i meant, in 'is the hfd showing water'
  14. Korea

    Google Earth is your friend... make sure you have 'pictures' and 'places' turned on. There's a boatload of things to see and do in Seoul
  15. Falika Island?? It's supposed to look like that. If you'd gotten closer (less than 100m alt), you'll see how it blends to the surrounding tiles. That's the city 'on the corner', right next to the 7-11. (look in the terrain folder for sea2city-mountain25b.tga) and the water effect is just fine for the region it's representing (nobody else has ever complained, since ODS -same tileset/effects- and the original Iran/Iraq mods were released 5+ years ago)
  16. Moved to a more better Forum, where it can be seen by "those that know" =========================== Don't we all!!! ------------------ are you using a complete terrain texture list ini? Do you have all the tiles IN the TE, converted to bmp format --ESPECIALLY all the sea, river, and sea/land transitions? Does the DEM have water on it? Is the HFD showing the 'blue' regions for said water??? not enough info a present to accurately answer the question or find the fault! More info needed!!!
  17. or just do this the HUDData.ini... [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE that way, you have the switch already to activate/deactivate
  18. anybody have any LNG spherical storage tanks and LNG 'tankers'?? (with the storage spheres) it appears they're needed in the PG the tanks should have the approximate footprint of the stock oiltank1 (which is 32x32 m, so, call it 35x35 or anything close!) TIA!!
  19. oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's what I call as perfect as it gets!! edit: change pic, after changing label to something more appropriate (and silly)
  20. Eritera/Ethiopia/Dabootie, retiled with the new Desert set (JSF_Aggies??). Just sort of experimentating till the new terrain objects are passed to me for Persian Gulf ... it needs more work than I can give it at the moment (well, it's all fully retiled and some quickie targets adjustments within the last 24 hours) I could actually release it 'as is', if someone else wants to regtart -and the eventual retiling that'll be needed after misplaced targets are moved- if not, it'll be low on the list (after PG, CenAm)
  21. Flying (and fighting) over the Birthplace of Human Kind....
  22. now you know WHY I write such detailed ones!!!

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