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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. perfect! I just want to state, here and now and for all eternity.... how jealous I am of 3d guys!!! thanks Russ!
  2. or considering they go up like mini-nukes, maybe just a smoking hole in the ground!! the 'half-broken' egg is great idea!!
  3. just wondering how these were coming along? I've 'reserved' some parking slots for them (Ledbeds) at Busher and Khrag(ho) island, so whenever they're released.... I'm all set to place them on the PG map
  4. nope. not without Win7 and it's native DX10 support. however, having said that, you'll be slightly ahead of the curve by already having SF2 when it's Computer Upgrade Time ™, and not have to run around too terribly much to catch up
  5. Birthdays time!

    OMG!!! How did I miss this!!! Happy (belated) Birthday(s) Gents!!! my apologies!!
  6. sorry, pal ... the general use vehicles (GAZ, MBZs, etc) are not -- they're set as they should be for general international usage. I'd suggest looking over the supplied userlist inis I created for them. That goes for bunches and lots of the others as well. The ones that I modded ARE correct He can always pick and choose which vehicles and whatnots to install, can't he?
  7. use groundobject pak from Operation Darius -- they're the most recent, improved and corrected for SF2 (will need the corrected SF2 weapons, too)
  8. some of the lods had things 'repositoned' for SF2 try using the decal positons from the stock decals ini, and see where they sit, ajust as necessary
  9. well, at least the poor SOB has something to sit on! ---- testing object placments for some new goodies from Cocas (I repainted them Daniel...just to be different!)
  10. yeah, it has to match the callout in the aircraft's data ini (I found that out just like you did!! )
  11. yes/no ... they'll always show / can't remove them (linked via the common dlls used by the game from the core directory)
  12. yes, you can still look with the hex editor (pre may/june/whatever) which has helped for other aircraft mods unfortunately in this case, it didn't gain us anything, and I apoligize for that. I'd hoped there was something there, but as it turned out....
  13. Copyright

    well, maybe not for free, but how about "deeply discounted"? (75% or so??? can't hurt to try!)
  14. look at the Super Etendard pak ... I think I added a Argentine loadout for thiers... [Anti-Ship_ArgN] Nation=ArgentineNavy DefaultFor=Anti_Ship Loadout[01].WeaponType=Pod_SUE Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=AM39 Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType= Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 there is a limit, iirc ... maybe 2 nations max???? disremember.... i remember malibu43 having some issues with the Skyraiders for USAF/VNAF nation-specific loadout.
  15. aren't they in the downloads section already???, in the WW2/AlliedBombers??? I distincly remember doing a whole bunch of nekked women.... I mean, as decals for noseart ... opps!
  16. Viva Las Vegas!

    well, I have a rather large collection of apocalypse and post-apocalypse movies and books. Something of a hobby of mine it's fun to watch this movie ... please take special note of the phone modem, when Broderick's character calls out
  17. just a plane jane F-15, as it's the one (currently) in my 'target placement mission', over the Persian Gulf. When I get to the Iranian side targets, prolly one of their Phantoms.
  18. I've looked in all 3 F-4B (B, B_65, B_67) lods -all 1/28/11 extraction dates- and there's no drooping aileron listed. looking at the F-4J its the only with the droop i think, it might have had to be set in MAX when the LOD was constructed (via dual animation thingy?? -not sure about that exactly)
  19. Viva Las Vegas!

    "Global Thermonuclar War"???? what's next, Tic, Tac, Toe??
  20. no, he dosn't want pirates reverse-engineering the LODs anymore, hence the locking of ObjectData.002. and the reason some of us folks have archived pre-june 2011 extracted cats. So we can look into The Abyss (and have it look back at us... sorry...was watching the movie again)
  21. *I'd have made new ones for CubaOCD, but like it says in the readme, SFMap crapped out* YES it does!!! I used it to make the planning maps for the MidWestUSA. Prolly use it again for Central America and the Persian Gulf. Other than having to do some reworking it's great!(ie: 87-odd layers so I could paint over the exsiting tags, and relabel with different more visible text) It's the best feature in it! (well, for me that's all I need it for!)
  22. that's right ... we've known that for years. Not only the inis, but the HFD/TFD too. ALL names must match you might also want to leave the OTC+ alone ... other than those outdated tiles (which I really didn't like to start with - Flordia/Cuba kinda sorta don't really look like that...), it's a near perfect as the Engine allows
  23. well, if it creates a footprint like the oiltank1, that'd be 32x32 meters. So, maybe assume 50 meters side to side? (not diameter, full width -makes it easier to place in rows with semi-even numbers!)

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