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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. well, for that specific skin, just don't call out the 4-digit BuNum in the decal ini Level3 is for killmarks only and Russ suggetion also works; take my SqTail decal from the A-12 'flying dorito', rename it and use that. It's 1 pixel using less decals would be the best answer, however the sharkmouth decal would be a nightmare ... i'd just use a skin (use Ant's templates!!!!) for that specific squadron of course, without screenies....
  2. DA, if I had another copy, I'd ship it over to ya! It's one of the 'must have/read' for gamers!
  3. to answere the question, if you want the RAF/RN birds in SF2, they MUST be added to the SF2 mods folder. If you want them only in Europe, they go in the SF2E mods folder (along with any/all appropriate weapons, pilots, etc) Think if each mods folder as a seperate game, running as it does from seperate, individual exes. Only the stock 3W aircraft are available by default in all installs (ie: mods folders). Anything 3rd Party ™ must be added where you want them to go.
  4. we sure do ... someplace! Prolly in the GunnyPak (I know I've had working Silkworms for 3-4 years now; used 'em the DS mod)
  5. Bpao gets the credit for discovering the 'remove nodes trick'. I just repeated it back!
  6. end users can just edit it in the terrain's _Types.ini [TargetType0****] Name=ASR FullName=ASR Radar ModelName=asr.lod TargetType=RADAR ActiveYear=1950 TargetValue=200 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=1.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=80 StartIdentifiedChance=20 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=6000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=SmallFire DestroyedModel=asr_destroyed SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect SecondaryChange=100 AnimationID=1 AnimationTime=2.0 <--- right here!! and.... if you really want to get tricky, grab the ASR_Data.ini from any of my recent terrain mods, and toss it into the terrain folder. It's been tweeked to act as a search radar, and will show up on the RWR and TEWS (mostly)
  7. somebody's missing whatever the lod is that the 'fake pilot' using ... better recheck your download! (or didn't install it properly)
  8. it's just a simple as matching serial numbers on that 63 split-window fuelie vette!! everything has to be named the same.
  9. apparently, there's a plethora of different kinds and shapes!! here's a link to google images: http://www.google.com/search?q=lng+storage+tanks&hl=en&sa=N&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=kY4PT-uSMuOJiAL6va3RDQ&ved=0CGIQsAQ&biw=1006&bih=550 hope it works! is there a formula to compute the physical size based upon internal volume of sphere/cylinder?? this (hopefully!) is the spherical kind i was asking about: http://images.businessweek.com/cms/2011-08-10/comp_ing34__01__popup.jpg
  10. Topic Moved to a More Correct Forum PLEASE DO NOT POST QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/ETC IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!!!! that sort of stuff goes here, in the 'regular' forums thank you! :)
  11. what kind of ship is that? It's way cool!! We can always find a use for another ship!! edit: is that an icebreaker??? taking a closer look at the bow....seems like it has the slope to ride up over sheet ice. Be good for DBS! I just need the spheres right now, as the "cities" where they would be are being worked on. although there aren't any here (in the screenie below), you can get an idear as tohow many oil tanks are being used! (largets refinery complex in the world, plus the offshore 'island' terminal in the background). Still need to fill in some empty bits
  12. Gun Jams

    I came across it the other day in one of inis, after extraction & studying it for something else. lemme check.... AircraftObject.ini, probably in the ObjectData.cat (in SF2 it's in ObjectData001.cat) has this line: [GunData] AllowUnjamAttempt=FALSE what I don't know, is there a keystroke for it in SF (prolly not). Can't hurt to look! The revolver cannons (M-39, etc -ie, rotating breech block) did NOT have any way to unjam in Real Life ™. Gatling-type would just spit out the dud with the caseings
  13. actaully, if you rename the folder, rename the main ini AND rename the TFD & HFD to match, it would ok
  14. let's put it this way .... we're also glad you moved on. Bye! edit: oh, and one other thing... if the statemnet had actualy been read, you'd see that I didn't say "you can't use it". It just states you can't change or modify it without permission.
  15. Good News From The Doc

    I'm glad everything worked out ok! jeez, sounds like a close one!
  16. I take it you haven't seen this change of status, posted 5 days ago in both SF1 and SF2 forums? http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/page__view__findpost__p__545949 =========================== if it's for your personal use, go right ahead. But do NOT release or redistrubute or post.
  17. it all depends on the airplane ... most both player and AI use, have been remmapped. Sometimes the differences are very small (Phantom); sometimes pretty big.
  18. iirc, the 'boxes and cones and pointers' are tgas in one of the FlightData cats ... you should be able to create/use a different shape, as long as it has the same name as the original, and drops into the /Flight folder (just my guess, however!)
  19. that is WILD Ant!!! very cool looking (one just wonders how it's gonna get 'on the deck'!!)

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