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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. trying to save money, as i've been unemployed for 6 years this month. That $15.00 a month would be of greater use in my pocket (and my wife's), rather than yahoo's. everything, however, is still archived on CD or external HDs
  2. Which CTD bug??? as there are/were several. Please specify!!!
  3. Mwahahahah! Space-related

  4. 2 seperat meshes with identiacal positions example: [Decal001] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=SovietNum Position=3.13,-0.113 Scale=1.5 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=SovietNum Position=3.13,-0.113 Scale=1.5 DecalMaxLOD=3
  5. site's closed (kinda ... ) all the items have been removed
  6. ok ... this is driving me bat-s**t crazy. What the heck is causing this??? (see below). Been noticing this on many TODs, even brandy-new ones, like the one shown. This is a city2mountain50 tile (the 75 does the same, as do the city2deserts) here's the top section of the data ini for the terrain; it was copied right from the latest (Nov 2011) Desert data ini (since this is a desert named tileset).... the buildings are fine; sitting like they're supposed to on the ground. Could it be Cavorite in the water causing the trees to levitate???? I'm at a total loss on this one!! Even does with stock Desert TODs. All ideas considered (excepting the obvious one with firearms...)
  7. Long Dong sausage plant, that provides to the Wun Hung Lo resturant chain? Could be in either the cities of Mi Hung Wel or Wat Mi Wori?? In the provence of Phuc Yu?? (i had to use theses .... been waiting for a lllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I got lots more!!)
  8. piviot axis is off ... extract the newest dat ini, and check the axis call out (X??) for the mains and adjust as per the newest data ini common problem with older stuff edit: one dosen't even need that old outdated 1stGen stuff anymore, when the game supplies 2 differend EAF Fitter-A camos.... EAF desert Nile 1 scheme
  9. Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital??? I know .... it's where the Jove missile was built/launched from!!!!
  10. just testing a new skin..... now, if Ican figure out WHY one airfield won't flatten....sigh....
  11. Really, now???? THINK about what you just said..... because you're MANUALLY loading those hardpoints on/in the loadout screen. What you said that you wanted, was to NOT have winders loaded 'off the shelf' for said strike missions. what I posted abso-f***ing-lutely works. See screenie below. methink you're unclear as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish??
  12. see my answer above. it will do exactly that
  13. the FakePilot is always a FakePilot ... like was said above, it's the item being used as the seat that matters -- SuperZipper pylons, canards, etc.
  14. for WW2, FE isn't right ... lacks many "things" that'll be needed. You can use 08 level, just expect a certain amount of 'oddness' in aircraft handling (as all the FM will be porked)
  15. when done right (or close to....) you can even do borders. Below, should give you some idea Gepard did it perfectly on the old Isreal2 map.
  16. a callout of "0" items to be loaded is easier and requires no deletiion of lines
  17. http://www.helis.com/howflies/ontheair.php or, in other words, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry carefullly
  18. extract loadout ini from whichever cat it in ... drop loadout ini into whichever Phantom is to be edited... open loadout ini and do this -changes in BOLD ... (plane-jane, no-suffix F-4E show; other similiar) nothing to it, really!
  19. I take it this was of no help??....... http://combatace.com/topic/19630-how-to-create-a-seperate-era-specific-install/
  20. File Name: India-Pakistan Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 February 2011 File Category: Full Terrains India-Pakistan Terrain -For SF2, Full-4 Merged, Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)- India-Pakistan Mod, Part 1 This is the first part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains the Terrain itself. Follow on packs will the the full GroundObjects, Weapons, Menu Screens, and later, aircraft. (ExpansionPak 1 will be needed for the Vampires, and possibly some others) This terrain is designed for use with a stand-alone Indo-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in a seprate Word Doc, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base. However, it can be placed into any /Terrains folder. Just be advised you'll be missing a LOT of things! Please read the aformentioned Doc for details. Usage in a 'all is everything' install is NOT reccomended. Doable, yes. Advisable, no. You've been warned. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Happy Landings! For the India-Pak Mod Team, Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. a 30 second ini edit ... for those of us that actually know how to things (re: USNCargoShip)
  22. Here's an idea: just use plane text without all the fancy junk ... so we don't have to go back in and edit it so it's understandable. and try to be a little more descriptive as to just "what this mod is", so folks know what they're getting before they download it. thanks!
  23. so is the old WoVSqmd -- the old mission builder. Excellent for setting the front line

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