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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. up to a point ... the old bugaboo of "4 Cargo ship types" still rears its ugly head occasionally. (meaning: the game will grab any of the first 4 ships classed as CargoShips from the GO folder, ignoring most others)* for vehicular ground objects, one needs to check the GroundObjectRole= in the data ini. Many of the lighter AFV/IFVs are classed as "RECON", and don't come to play CVs will also never show up on their own, unless placed via a scriped mission and they MUST be listed in the _types.ini for the terrain, as would all GOs; ships, vehicles, AFV, tanks, sams & their associated radars, etc. At this point, carriers are still unvulnerable, and therefore useless are 'targets' -unless cloned to a destroyable state. also, don't forget that unmodified, SF2V "ends" in 1982, thereby automatically eliminating anything with StartServiceYear= later than that. *one wonders if there's a GroundObjectList.lst, like the aircraft, that could be editated??*
  2. yup, it uses the 'NukeExplosionEffct', with no destroyed lod as I'm sure the ship would be obliterated/vaporized.
  3. Happy Birthday To.....

    have a great one guys
  4. well, the SB-2 would be usefull in pre-ww2 China - that terrain already exists!
  5. missing the lights.tga in the skin folders maybe?
  6. or if there's an OUT, use the 'remove/move component trick' for either the cockpit or external airframe. Also, in the data ini, CockpitCGOffset=TRUE spinners: Captain Scarlet!! I remember Russo had started on the actual Angel fighters once, a long time ago!
  7. I'm TRYING Ken!!! It's not lilke I (really) want the picture; I want that to go to the 3d/FM guys. I just want, like everyone else, a good solid, decent Jug for WW2 and post-war. belive me, I've done almost everything I know how to get Wolf's MAX files to pass on to willing 3D Guys (for ALL his birds!), so to bring it up more to SF2-spec. Posted requests to Wolf both here and SimHQ last year, with no reponse. we need a rebuild of the razorback, the D-20 and later 25/30 with fin fillet ... as freeware if possible. edit: btw, Ken, have you flown over Kalamazoo Airport on the CenUS map yet?? "Easter Egg Time!!!"
  8. so, simply change the pointer in the aircraft's main ini (ie: F4E.ini) to look for jpgs like so:
  9. have you looked in the downloads section, perhaps??? Even though its still the very old (and tired) Wolf Jug, CenAm is very much covered. as for a stock 3W one; don't be holding your breath. Although I WAS quite pleasently surprised by the SF2I:X1 Mustangs and Spits (albeit withOUT pits for Spits...). TKs always said WW2 wasn't his "thing" for this series. Nobody wants better WW2 birds than me ... as the last 7 seven years will attest
  10. i don't think is 'sees' unicode files. you'll probably have to upgrade to the stock, 3W one (either as a DLC or from one of the expansion paks)
  11. yah, I'd say they look pretty good! i've left plenty of space for on-shore storage spheres, too!
  12. russ: that'd be great! just a sphere with 4 legs, like a TradeFederation starship!! intereting to note, the first one in 1959 was named Methane Princess. And they women don't .... well, ya know! perfect ship Ed, i'm testing its placement now!
  13. they're stored inside the various terrain cats, and have to be extracted useing TK SF2 extractor. Grab the _types.ini too, as you'll probably be needing that as well
  14. And today is......

  15. edit: forgot this when you get really cleaver and creative, you do this with tiles i could have built the piers on the right into the 'breakwater', but chose to use objects instead (the reason I need to LNG spheres & ship)
  16. why didn't you just use the SG-RivR and SG-RivL to make them? Wouldn't have had to mess with the alpha at all!!! All you'd have needed to do was add a layer from the City1, and just erase the unneeded city parts. There's like 6 different kinds of those tiles already existant ... they're scattered in various terrains
  17. only if the RGB section is in layers (like painting the farms or the water itself). Leave the alpha as itself. so, in other words, don't merge down. I totally agree with Brain & Stary -- it's pretty much how we ALL do it!! "Working Smarter, Not Harder, To Build You A Better Terrain" i like that phrase...ok, it's mine -- i'm calling "DIBS" and copywriting it!!
  18. there's also an update to the Libya terrain, adding some of the more important location to the revolt
  19. the urals and gaz's were fixed in the original OpDarius GroundObject pak (visual distance errors), as they weren't targetable eric: thank you for your explination; it also answered another question (the missing missiles) that I'd also experienced. and everyone knows how I feel about proper readmes!!!
  20. might I inquire as to why the targets ini was so heavily re-edited? And as to why certain Iranian Air Defense units were removed? Don't you think they were placed there for a reason? I can understand adding some 'new' things for GA or Amphib assault or strategic strike, but why the removals? Everything is done for a reason, based on Real Life positioning and/or tactical doctrine, playability (or just being sneaky). I find it quite disturbing, and more than a little --cant even think of a word here--
  21. addendum to my Freeware allowance status: http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/page__view__findpost__p__545949
  22. *** Special Cases ONLY means that I'm removing my permission for modification to any and all my terrain work. I'm tired of seeing hundreds of hours of research and build time get tossed around like a cheap soda can. Every one of my terrain works is heavily researched to nth degree, and are the best possible product, given the Engine Limitations. When one of my terrains is finished and released, you can bet your ass it's 98.6% True to Life ™ IF such modifications/changes & whathaveyous are needed, they'll have to go through ME first, and have a pretty good, and powerfully convincing reason as just why they are needed. However, all my aircraft, skins, groundobjects, etc are STILL covered under the Freeware accords, and may be used as freely as they've ever been; just spell my name right in the credits. Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. paint brush, and black paint everywhere but the river itself albeit without the picture (don't know where it went...) this'll be of some help: http://combatace.com/topic/50042-simplified-sealand-transition-tile-creation/ in other words, use a alpha off the SEA1 or SEA2 (since youre VnSEA tiling) and paint around it
  24. have you looked at ChampionVA65 and/or my Tiger skin sets? Should be some farily 'blank' ones in there. in the SF2 d/l sections, prolly under /Aircraft

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