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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'm betting your alpha channed dosen't look like this....
  2. admitedly, not as "current" on Red Air as I'd like to be!!
  3. 337 Stratoliner, C-97/KC-97. (all based off B-50, an outgrowth of the B-29) hard to put one over on me with US birds!!
  4. mine does it on and off (Nov 2011, Full 4 plus both expansions). Pausing and unpausing the game usually brings it back. some glitch somewhere, that's hasnt been fully addressed
  5. sidd: stock aircraft & skins load faster, expecially when you nose-deep in terrain objects (looooooooong load times in my terrains! ) nobody noticed the skyscrapers??? this shot's from Doha (with thanks to Gepard who created them -- yes, they're NOT TOD objects, but terrain objects, just like the stock city buildings)
  6. nice kit-bash!! you know, of course, all those follow-ons to the Bull are/were based off that Superfort design (evolutionary sorta thing)
  7. maybe not paras, but we've had Soviet Infantry since 2005/ish ... look for "Soviet_Squad" in many terrains or in the 1stGen D/L section (iirc, Kesselbrut did them) If you can't find them, let me know. I gots all different kinds (same lod, just different countries!) why not just use the Zombie squad???
  8. on approach to beautiful Abu Dhabi....
  9. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    the movie or The Hot Chick ™????
  10. CVN-65 Enterprise

    well, bring to an admin's attention --with all the viable proof. we've had piracy issues before, and IF proven to be reverse engineered, it'll be dealt with
  11. how MANY are you using?? the most I've done/used, iirc, is around 200. In theory, like all things TW, 3digit max should go to 999 (like in types and targets listings) I assume you're using the WoV/WoE TE???
  12. Version


    Ki-57 "Topsy" skin - for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO instals This is just a simple reskin of Wolf257's Ki-57 IJAAF transport plane to give it a slightly better looking paint job. Nothing really special, just added on the 'side windows' (ie: painted them on). The skin is based off my Ki-21 'Sally' upgrade for some time ago. It's a very basic, rather generic IJAAF green, with no important markings. Simply because I couldn't find any in my source books! As this aircraft IS desinged for AI use only, I haven't included any of the really neat little bits for adding a cockpit. You can use the instructions in either of the Sally upgrade pak. It might actually be kind of fun, to just take off and fly around the map (avoiding enemy fighters, of course, as you ain't got no guns!!). The cockpit ini, just for giggles, IS included. You'll need to have the cockpit from Pasko's Mosquito B.IV. The readouts have been converted to use metric data, as has the data ini. The included slightly tweeked data ini, adds Japanese pilots and seats for them to rest on. A damage tga is also included, so you can have the shot up look. I didn't bother to create a hangar screen. It's a transport, and nice for eye candy. See the enclosed readme for more, detailed install instructions Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. yup, you're right! didn't scroll down far enough in the data ini to notice the CWIS and Standards!
  14. nice to see the Matadors finally have a home!! great work!
  15. start service date is incorrect, change to ServiceStartYear=1961
  16. so, a revamped package is now available, is what you're saying?
  17. CVN-65 Enterprise

    SZ: you wanns substantiate that?? The only other CVN-65 around was BigBeers, finished by Capun, and only available at the DAT site, after they're removal from here at CA Browsing our 1stGen D/Ls shows I found NOTHING else of yours but the every-building betas of the Nimitz class So, show us the proof
  18. try these (from A-4F, but should be close!): Gun_right GunBarrel_Right Gun_Left GunBarrel_Left (why I keep those old pre june extrated cats around)
  19. Bring It Iran

    even as we speak, I'm working on it. I suppose I could put back Central America, yet again, and fully concentrate on the PG.....(sigh... our Latin American Brethern ™ will just wait a bit longer. besides, I still need dinosaurs for JP!!!)
  20. wouldn't it depend on which F-4C that's being used? There are 3 of them ..... and loadouts WILL change with mission year, and which model is being used. It's how the game works. that, and Falcon IS the standard loadout for early Cs. actually, that for for another member (who's still here), who consistently was always posting utterly incorrect answers, and totally messing up people's games. One of several "sufferers" of Persistant HUA
  21. sound like the standard Middle East situation to me ... the s**t never ends, just goes on and on and on and on.....
  22. don't place airfield within 1 tile of the coast -- they'll never flatten correctly (even in the TE). Unless you extract the height bmp, and "paint it flat" manually (way too much work, and often makes it worse)
  23. have you even tried converting them down? If the lods are ANSI, it's a very simple matter to copy/paste the weapons data info the the main weaponsdata.ini, do the 'regular add weapons dance', and go from there. 5 minutes work to find out
  24. my point exactly if anyone is so interested, I'd glady make availalbe US Army manual FM-44-1 "US Army Air Defense Employment" on pdf. Albeit dated (1965), it's got more info than some folks here will be able to use.

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