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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. All your Drones are belong to US!!! nice model
  2. Palestine theatre

    what, never heard of time warps??? it was easier to just leave things in the _types ini from the WW2 mod, rather the rebuild/renumber. I take it you added a year to the ActiveDate= line in their object listing? (it was 0 before, so they'd show for WW2) I'm still tied up with Central America, and staring rework on Gepard Persian Gulf, but if you need help, just shout out! the tiling and city placemtns and such should be about right; so hopefully I won't have to rebuild a TE for that
  4. XVI32; easy to use and it's free!! http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm
  5. Seahorses... what's next, Aquaman??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3yb-Zuykfc&feature=related
  6. they're just standard or garden varity Level=2 decals. Look at some of my Skyhawk and/or Phantoms skin/decal sets ... they change and WILL rendomize (as all Level 2 decals do, and will stay matched with each other) the numberlist is usually for the Modex numbers, but does control the 4 digit tail BuNum and the "aircraftname" 6 digit BuNum as well (as long as they associate in order example: 500 (modex *** ) 5094 (tail 4 digit) A-4C 145094 (bunum on aft fues) they'll always match what I do, expecially for Modex of a certain sequence, is NOT use the generic USNFighterNum or USNAttack (or USMC for that matter) decal pointers. I pull ALL the relevant numbers from their cat, rename/renumber for each use. like above, for the A-4Cs used by VSF-1 -available in our d/l section-shamelessplug!--, (actually, in this case I made new Modexs -Modexi?)as they were 500 series, and called them "Num***" For the 4 digit, I called them "FNum" (fueselage number) BuNums were easy, as just 'BuNum', with the aircraft type name, and the full 6 digit number. in the screenie below, you can just make out the aircraft type name and bunum decal under the stab. reusing the stock ones, if the Modex is 201-219, I pull them, and drop them in the /D subfolder, and rename to fit what I need, and create a number.lst accordingly. it's actually pretty easy. Do you have the full USN BuNumber listing? I hae the complete list from 192-something through 1988. It's also somewhere in the 1stGen downloads section. If you cant find it, I'll repost or PM it to you (or anyone that wants it)
  7. The Super Etendard Combo Pak that I uploaded in October has a LOT of fixes/tweeks and modifications. Including the CGR Exocets, and the necessary data ini edits http://combatace.com/files/file/12345-super-etendard-super-etendard-m-for-sf2-by-foxmonter/
  8. the LOD is ONLY available from the DAT --- you'll have to wait for Capun to approve your membership.
  9. extract the data ini from the relevant ObjectCat, place said data ini into the aircraft folder, and edit away!
  10. Palestine theatre

    I don't know if some of the regular 'tricks' work in FE, but changing sides is just a text edit. IF the 'ActiveYear=' tag is valid in FE, you can turn on the Royal Army stuff near Gaza around 1917 or something (iirc, I set the map time frame around 1915) if the year edit works, it's be something like this: [TargetArea120] Name=Royal Army Camp, Gaza Position=304000,370000 Radius=2000 ActiveYear=1917 <--- was 1915 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY Target[001].Type=CommBuilding1 Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=0 same for the RA strongpoint outside the camp/city then, the city of Gaza would change to Location=8 (for Ottoman Palestine) I'm not much of a campaign guy; but I think most can done with in the campaign ini should be able to use the one, base terrain, maybe with different inis depending on year or whatever (again, I'm not knowledgable in that area) Give Baltika a shout; he's a Campaign Guru!
  11. Palestine theatre

    major edit: I just looked over the Palestine_Data.ini, and the one in my FE2 install is dated 10/9/2009, and STILL has all the 1stGen statements (ie: using the 08 level fx statements) so, for those with FE/FEG, it should just drop right in and work (provided, of course, you have the 08 Desert.cat) if the inis need tweeking, gimme a shout!
  12. Palestine theatre

    reverting/converting/perverting back to 1stGens isn't that hard for terrains basically, follow these instructions in reverse (kinda sorta) http://combatace.com/topic/54856-converting-sfwo-terrains-to-sf2-usage/ and MOST IMPORTANT!!! you must have the SF/SF2 Desert terrain in you FE/FEG/FE2 /Terrains folder to make it work! at the very worst, you take your 08 level Desert_Data.ini and copy the top sections (from the very top to the 1st instance of tile listing; iirc, it's Sea1.tga) into the Palestine_Data.ini. (but NOT eliminated that tile listing!) If somebody can't get it right, let me know and I'll pervert back for ya's.
  13. SFMap, by Kreelin (iirc), BUT... it only works in 1stGens, and all the inis MUST be ANSI. And it's kinda tempermental, at best. You can also generate plannimg maps with Gerwins tile tool. BUT... expect to do a LOT of repainting and 'hand lettering' for the lables (as in paint over the ones generated, and use the text function in PS). It's how I did the MidwestUSA planning maps
  14. been there, done that, got the kill marks. You'll find them running 'round on a LOT of terrain mods. no harder than the IJN barges Capun did for the WW2 PTO mods (just slightly larger) Crusader: nice to know, finally!! after all these years what exactly they are!! Now, to edit all my _types inis, and the Pboats main ini, so the name shows!!!
  15. we've had those since Day 1 -- look in your /GroundObjects folder for a strange item called wait for it..... PatrolBoat speedboat with twin 14mm MGs, and a 'Generic' nation user tag
  16. forgot this: reccomended download, it be even if volume 3 (rhyme!) http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/06/usn-aircraft-carrier-air-units-vol3.html
  17. copy/paste is the usual method. That's how I got all mine in from 1stGen to SF2. Be advised, the FM is still a bit 'off' for SF2 don't forget that you'll need to do the same in the /Decals folder -- copy/paste the ENTIRE aircaft folder, with the skin subfolders intact into the /Decals subfolder. Then, delete EVERYTHING from the main folder -the one you just placed in the /Decals folder (all the inis, lods, etc). Open each of the skin folders, and delete EVERYTHING but the /D subfolder (where the decals reside). it should be noted, MANY, if not all the original skin/decal sets will need some editing & renaming of certain decal tgas as they're numbered incorrectly (all Level=2 decals MUST start with 000). You'll see them if look. The may also need editing of the full path of the decal (to read as: F-86F-40\461FDS\D\*nameofdecal* for example) if they'r my skin/decal sets, the downloads are already set up for SF2 (well, actually, even 1stGens work that way, but we never used it). Don't forget the JASDF skin sets!
  18. I said THAT a long time ago!!!! I'm dying for good stock ones! btw, the N & S are listed in the Nov.2011 aircraftobject listing to answer DA's ??? (having done s**tloads of USN decals for KAW....) modex number have no relation to BuNums; modex number series (100, 200, 300, etc) relate to the squadron's position within the CVW. Traditionally, the 1st two are fighters (100, 200), 2nd attack (300, 400) and so on. as has been said, integrating the CVW tail code & any 'art work' (stripes, symbols, etc) into one decal is the best. Don't forget that BuNums would be seperate. but don't go tooooo crazy with commbining; due to overlarge sizes, and not to be forgetting that each one needs 2; a right and left - lots of work and big files to up/download. TK has supplied us with (literally!) boatloads of squadron badges for all the Navy/Marine birds. Extract the squadronlist.ini and brows through it. The squadron number, as shown below: [Squadron170] Name=VMFA115 DisplayName=VMFA-115 Able Eagles Nation=USMC should mean (iirc), sqtail170 (or whatever the navy one's are called) would probably be that particular squadorn's tail decal. Again, you'll probably have to extract all the decals from the object cats to cross check
  19. Rock Paper Scissors Lizard SPOCK!!!
  20. the McD facility is at Lambert, just next door. yes, better buildings are truely needed (and would be a nightmare to place!!!; but worth the effort.) Go look at Chicago!
  21. Version


    -Part of an on-going series of mod recreating Central American Airpower Modifications, and a complete reskin of Pasko's MD-450 Ouragan into those as used by the El Salvadoran Air Force. This is a COMPLETE aircraft mod, with EVERYTHING needed to just unzip, install a few weapons (if needed) and fly. Included is Ordway's cockpit pak, fully installed. The skins, from new home-made templates, expanded to 1024 x 1024, have all new panel, rivet and other details. The templates ARE included with this pak!! New decals for the individual aircraft are from historical listings. The numbers.lst, while included, is NOT active, to prevent 'running out of numbers in game'. It's just renamed, so it's easy to reactivate it. You also get a new WoE style Hangar screen, all the weapons in the new "folder format" for use in post-patch installs, and in EACH weapons folder is a _data.ini as used by SF2. Unfortunately, as I don't have SF2, some experimentation on your part will be required to install and get them up and running. (meaning, I'm not sure how the numberation runs...) This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however. The original readmes from Pasko and Ordway are incuded. As expected, the standard or garden varitey highly detailed readme is included with all the necessary instructions and so forth. It'd be worthwhile to give it a once over! Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein

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