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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. kilograms everything in the 3rdWire series be metric
  2. only IF they build me dinosaurs, too!!!! I even know exactly which species.....
  3. here you go ... found in Panama. be easy enough to reskin/reflag btw, you know we're missing LCACs and Ledbeds, right? I could also use some dinosaurs right now for the Central America map..........
  4. unicode

    unnecessary to make changes; SF2 reads both ANSI and Unicode -- all my terrain, aircraft etc inis are in ANSI and nobody's complained of a problem.
  5. not readily avilable, but I can try and take some later today (after finding where on which terrain I placed them -- maybe CubaOTC?? they're used there "in port")
  6. there are 2 ROROs readily available! Baltic Ferry & Nordic Ferry
  7. i don't recall ever seeing them as player-usable nations, all the way back to 2004 when I started with The Series. They're not even listed in the main Nations.ini; they only 'exist' in the Desert_Nations.ini (inside the Desert.cat) and have always appeared as AI controled flight during missions off the top of my head, I'd say yes, Dhimar and Paran will need adding to the Nations.ini (which is going to be real intersting, as the desert_nations.in lists them as nation256 & 257 -which is also the number for their national insgigia decal-, whereas the Nations.ini only goes to 206) every aircraft they'd use (or could possibly use) would need an updated userlist; every data ini will need crosschecking for Exported= TRUE, and the export year started. that's an awfull lot of work...I just can't see a 'return on investment' big enough for all that effort (unlike rebuilding the Desert terrain ala Piecmeal's mod; make the place look 'more alive and lived in') Like they say, it's your mod!
  8. Version


    Operation Darius Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into many smaller, more managable parts. You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing. Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want). You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied. You can, OTH, simply install the GroundObjects, Aircraft, Pilots, Weapons, Guns, and Decals to a regualar install, but you do so at your own risk. There is a distinct possiblity of severe damage to said install. However, use of the varous GroundObjects would probably NOT cause any difficulties. Many of them you may already have; 99.9% of the original releases were WRONG in how they were handled either for incorrect Nations applied and/or the complete and utter lack of proper Userlist.inis. This has been corrected. As yet, there is no 'Campaign' built for this .. it's designed for running single missions, as outlined in the various threads in the General Discussion Forum. You'd be adivsed to read through those, to get a feel for what's going on === This is Part 1. The zip file contents are as shown in the screenshot. Sub-folder for the main mods folder contained herein are: Effects Flight Menu Missions Sounds *please note: the HUDData.ini included MAY have the Debug= set to TRUE. You'll need to change it to FALSE. My Bad!* Do Nothing With These Until You've Obtained ALL the Pieces! There are 6 in total, of varying large sizes, included the IR2003 terrain. All available seperatly.
  9. File Name: MidWest USA Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 December 2011 File Category: Full Terrains MidWest USA Terrain for SF2 = For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended) This map represents the Central section of the North American continent; from the Great Lakes in the east as far west/north as Regina SK, and as far south as Tulsa Oklahoma (destroyed/occupied) and pretty much all points in-between. The original base map, centered around Omaha, Nebraska, is/was the basis for FastCargo's "Super Secret Mod". This is a =highly= expanded version. Rivers include the Mississippi, Missouri, Platte, Assiniboine & Soruis, all the waterways and canals interconnecting the Great Lakes, and so forth. Lots to see and do here!!! The map takes place in a "What If..." world of a partly Occupied America; something along the lines of "The Wingman" novels, the TV series 'Jericho', the movie "Red Dawn" (always a favorite!) and any number of Post-Apocalyptic scenarios. It will fit any timeframe from the mid-1950s through the Present Day (ie: my "Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance" kinda thing). This map make use of the Limited Nations statement, as well as the Allowed Mission Type. This is due to there =not= being any shipping routes for the Blue side to attack; all those routes are within Blue territory, so only the Red side can use them. All others are active. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or even exist as such. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification (ie: mountains, hills, valleys, etc). Some cities may also NOT have all their proper Real Life ™ industries, facilities and other building classifications, or be fully loaded with 'target objects'. Accuracy has been strived for in all cases, to reflect the Real World ™. As much as is possible with this Engine. This map also makes use of the 'Expanded Borders' mod, wherein you make changes to the FlightEngine.ini. Instructions on making this adjustment are included (if you haven't already). Several 'new' GroundObjects are included, some modified from others, some you may already have. All are SF2 compliant and may not be 'down convertable' for 1stGen usage. As I don't mod 1stGens anymore ... Many more GOs are required; you should have them already for other terrain mods. If not, its up to YOU to get them. All the usual suspects, of course (SAMs, vehicles, ships, AAA units, truck, tanks, dinosaurs, etc) As expected, there are several Easter Eggs -- you'll find them if you look hard enough. As a matter of fact, the largest Easter Eggs =EVER= placed on ANY terrain in SF series history are on this map. There are also several target items that will "turn on" after a set year; this being the year of construction or start-of-existence (for a certain shipping company, some buildings and bridges). As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. It's most important that the disclaimer be read, as there are a couple of 'permisison only' items used, that CANNOT be used elsewhere with their creator' approval. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  10. mount rushmore don't exist*, and Cleveland would have been 40+ tiles east of The Wall *meaning I couldn't get a 3d guy to make one (as the really good on in 3dWarehouse wasn't downloadable), with Dave's face replacing TRs
  11. I don't understand the question....please eleborate! each aircraft has their own specific userlist (as do many groundobjects) due to year availabilities, exportation and End Users ™. and why would one need such a thing???
  12. can't EVER go wrong with CH products!!!!
  13. The truth about cats

    I for one, welcome our Feline Overlords
  14. well, that didn't take no time at all!!
  15. should be about 10-20 minutes of ini work to recreate it as a stand alone bird, using Ant's skin. when I get bored of targeting the Central America map, I can whip one out in a day or so
  16. wow is right! when it started, I said to myself 'no fair Stary, posting film clips from Blue Max!!'
  17. you won't find airfields in the data.ini; that only has the 'terrain' info (what tiles, height field information, etc) you'll be looking in the _targets.ini. If you're using my slightly upgraded verision http://combatace.com/files/file/6930-ww2-europe-by-fng2k-edward/ even with the 'euro_ww2_****airfield.ini, it should still work. mine always did, pointing to desert or germany cats be advised, that that terrain (to not to put too fine a point on it), has serious issues
  18. traditionally, isn't page 2 reserved for scantily clad females??? (from what i've been told about UK 'news'papers)?
  19. shadows fixed on ajundairs??? that was the biggest bug-a-booo!!
  20. definately NEED better Finbacks than what's not available
  21. the USMC carried them from land bases (maybe Navy too), but not off the carriers.
  22. 1) wrong terrain cat reference pointer 2) missing airfield from the terrain cat referenced 3) missing airfield data ini from terrain cat referenced
  23. one could always just download the A & Cs from the 1stGen section, and make the necessary adaptions (however, there ARE extensive shadow artifacts on those lods) CF104s are, iirc, essentially G models build for specifc CF needs, and are physiclaly different from the A/C (different fin/rudder chords, and other stuff i can't remember off the top of my head.) if physical accuracy isn't a 100% concern, wouldn't be difficult to redecal for whatever service usage (would need the bolt-on probe for USAF C, and prolly the CFs as well; ie via FakePilot)

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