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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. actually, i wouldn't even bother. We don't KNOW yet what SF2NA is going to bring; so anything done now is likely to get hosed by the 'new' system. why not be smart, and wait and see what we get?? Otherwise, it just pissing in the wind
  2. if SF2, this post is in the wrong set of Fourms let us know, and we'll get it moved to the right place
  3. for which Airacobra? Wolfs or Veltros??? if wolfs, I can give you my template, and you can make your own. if veltros, you'll need to create a new one
  4. PLEASE!!!!! DO NOT POST QUESTION IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!!! All question, comments, etc go here in the main forums. -------------------------------------- your answers are probably in the SF2 KB, but be advised, MANY SF2 mods use lods that are in Unicode, and unreadable in 1st Gens. Short anwser: move to SF2
  5. oh, and btw, STAY AWAY FROM THE ISRAELME TILESET!!!! they really and truely suck
  6. welll................. it kinda sorta depends on what kind of tile you wanna make. Is it a transition tile (sea/land, farm/mountain, etc) or a regular kind? it's all done with layers...lots and lots of layers depending what the finished result requires (then, of course, if it's a city...adding the TOD buildings, which can only be done in the TE) it's not really all that hard; as a skinner you should be used to multiple layers. i should have, either archived or floating around somewhere various psds for tiles I've had to make. anyway, ask your questions, I'll do my best to answer!
  7. and other than the mapping being 'off', there's something wrong with the ones we've been using all this time??? Don't think so, but go right ahead with whatever you wanna do
  8. actually, the KIEV was tested on the 'waterworld' terrain. They're Marcello's projects (Forger and KIEV) no timeframe for release, but they'll be SF2 only
  9. Gulls in Flight

  10. aren't the in-game phantoms already capable of carrying TERs and rocketpods, ARMs, etc? I seem to remember that... pull the data & loadout inis, and take a good hard look at it ... you'll see
  11. if you need/want the squadron/signal 'in action'..... http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2008/04/aircraft-in-action-n114-37t-37.html if that's any help of course!
  12. well, in that case... open the offending terrain's data and do this: [WaterTextureMaterial] //EffectShaderName=terWaterEffect.fx <---this DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=TRUE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE CullMode=CLOCKWISE LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=TRUE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 SpecularColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 SpecularPower=10.000000 Reflectivity=0.00000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 BlendOp=ONE NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=NO_OP that should eliminate the so-called problem
  13. might want to wait a bit, until this map is finished, or be ready to create a new campaign (yes, there are some unresovalable scaling/distance issues)
  14. skinning and decaling is a reasonably simple matter, once a good model is in hand.
  15. the PAC-3s have been already updated/converted -- they're in the Operation Darius GroundObjects pak, in the SF2/Objects d/ls section. should be a simple copy/paste of the relevant statement in the DetectSystem section to the PAC2 search/track radars as to the S300 ....
  16. dingdingdingding!!! and we have a winner!!! Zur (the Great & Powerful) has given the correct answer. You may collect your prize in "2 weeks" the game is now over. We now return control of your television set to you, until next week, at the same time when the Control Voice will take you to... The Outer Limits.
  17. i'm not a FM guy ... more of a skinner/decaler and loadout dancer. I'm sure we can find someone, though I'm LOVING this new one!!!
  18. Kim Jong Il is dead

    all your tears are belong to us??? glad to see the whack-job gone; just worried as to what happens next
  19. my guess is, as they're updated, it'll overwrite/replace them
  20. if it's anything like I go through with terrains ... oh, yeah. I feel for ya, brudda!!
  21. the maps were released before (well, actually, for SF1, and modded up) SF2 required what's called a '_water.bmp'. I don't remember where they are exactly, but terrain specific (ie: named and shaped to fit!) ones are available around here someplace. Check this thread.... http://combatace.com/topic/60932-formats-for-carriers-and-warship-with-the-mission-editor/page__pid__537369__st__100#entry537369 don't know if the various _water.bmp(s) are still posted as attachments. if not, use the 'cheat' mentioned near the end of the thread. It's not perfect, but it will get things working. You'll just have to be very carefull in poisitioning your CVs --- the planning maps will show you where the sea is.
  22. addictions???? well, in truth, we all know how addicting mod-making can be!! (j/k!!!)
  23. no TIEs or Z-95s?? bummer, man!!

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