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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. why do you think I put at least 2 in every city I target??
  2. actually, that was very well put. Might be a good time for some folks to dig into their library and pull out "Red Storm Rising". Or checking into USN/NATO/RN doctrine for the North Atlantic. and again, until we actually SEE the planning maps for the new terrain, will we finaly know exactly where on the ocean we'll be working from. Would be nice to see a real GIUK map, but given the 63% 'perversion of scale' (as I call it)... might be difficult to be done properly. Again, it's all wait and see. (btw, the Paran/Dhimar campaign on the Desert map could be construed as fantasy, as it ain't a real place)
  3. like this .... the "Martyr Maker" take one the loudest aircraft, with the most visible exhaust trail, an easily recognizable radar signature (TEWS), paint it the brightest color possible for maximum visibility, and use it to draw enemy aircraft into traps EDIT: new screenie. corrected decal positions, used correct slimers. looks 'more right' now
  4. pity those color charts don't give you the RGB values to create the necessary color chips for the paint palatte. and since when are aircraft sparkling clean and unweathered? might want to check, as has been mentioned several dozen times before, SimmersPaintshop.com for accurate FS color chips with proper RGB values. I can tell you right now what colors you'll need, AND the RGB values: 89,92,78 208,167,121 123,105,78 218,218,218 its a no brainer
  5. if you want, I'll just upload the whole batch, skin and all. basic rule of thumb .... if the airplane is black, you've forgotten to copy over the skin bmps (done that too!)
  6. and using the Ant's IRIAF Phantom skins, and the color picker/eyedroper tool was not an option?
  7. Do fighters really need afterburners to take-off?

    actually, methinks the question should not be 'do fighters need afterburners', but... "Do afterburners need fighters?" ducks and runs..............................
  8. Happy Birthday Erik

    Happy Birthday Erik!!
  9. because they've NEVER been player selectable, not existing in the nations.ini
  10. we're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy ahead of you! why don't you download it and find out??? Lots of surprises hidden in plane sight! ps: this is a screenshots thread, NOT a comment thread; that would be the 'Let's Start a Virtual NATO' Thread below
  11. you need the most recent ini from the latest build cat files. YOu'll have edit the hardpoints to either remove the 'addon' tanks or comment out the node names for the built-into-the-aircraft lod tanks. To be also checking the loadout ini, too! had to do the same thing with the Oz Mirage and the 'what if' F-114 Mirage.
  12. File Name: Supermarine Scimitar Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 November 2011 File Category: Other Scimitar F1, F1 (60) Tweeks Pak =For SF2 A small 'tweeks' pak for Paulopanz's recently released upgrade kit for the DAT Scimitar. Be advised, you'll still NEED Paulo's Pak and the aircraft LOD from the DAT as outlined in his readme. Otherwise, this just plane won't work. Things changes/adjusted/modified: - Loadout/Data ini tweeks re-adds the rocket pods for both, - Year-specific loadout for F.1(60) adds the the AGM-12 Bullpup missile in 1964 (included UK version) for Anti-Shipping missions, - New DDS damage textures for both, - Revamped SF2 version of my artwork Hangar Screen for both - Other small data ini tweeks adjust rolling radi, statments added that allow wing position lights to move with wings when folding, slight armor adjustments, - All weapons switched to UK versions (bombs, rocket pods, etc) All weapons used, excepting the included Bullpup, are stock in-game 3W versions. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! With many thanks to Paulo for his work!! Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  13. hmmmm.....in regards to Dave's pony, we have a llama from the Argentinian group ... would that suffice? I miss the camels and water buffalo objects we had in ATF/USNF/FA ... those were fun blow up! (yah, I'm twisted!)
  14. Version


    Scimitar F1, F1 (60) Tweeks Pak =For SF2 A small 'tweeks' pak for Paulopanz's recently released upgrade kit for the DAT Scimitar. Be advised, you'll still NEED Paulo's Pak and the aircraft LOD from the DAT as outlined in his readme. Otherwise, this just plane won't work. Things changes/adjusted/modified: - Loadout/Data ini tweeks re-adds the rocket pods for both, - Year-specific loadout for F.1(60) adds the the AGM-12 Bullpup missile in 1964 (included UK version) for Anti-Shipping missions, - New DDS damage textures for both, - Revamped SF2 version of my artwork Hangar Screen for both - Other small data ini tweeks adjust rolling radi, statments added that allow wing position lights to move with wings when folding, slight armor adjustments, - All weapons switched to UK versions (bombs, rocket pods, etc) All weapons used, excepting the included Bullpup, are stock in-game 3W versions. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! With many thanks to Paulo for his work!! Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein
  15. Wasn't that discussed after one of the recent patchs??? There's a bunch of stuff called out in the GroundObject.lst but again, everyone's jumping to conculsions based on less the minimal data. Speculations and assumptions based on just sreeenshots. Why don't we all STHU and wait and see what's delivered? wrench
  16. it tips over? I tested it last night, using the desert_water.bmp placed in the old China (WW2) terrain, and it definately allowed me to see and change the vessals in an anti-shipping missing. Now, I'm thinking that swapping out ships is one thing, especially where a route has been defined in the _movements ini, as opposed to simply adding one to a 'spot in the ocean'. I'll have to test that; adding a carrier and flying/recovering on it. But, when one looks the planning map, it's not to difficult to see where land and sea seperate we'll see how this works out.
  17. transfering 2 inis and cockpit folder???
  18. so.... you're saying that the game engine dosen't need to know exactly where the water is on any given terrain? That is just needs to 'look for and at' any _water.bmp? Interestinging ... as the 4 stock ones all match the outlines of the landmasses depicted. if this is true...it's a hell of a time/brain/frustration saver!
  19. There is no simple way... you'll probably still have use the terrain editor (I haven't tested Germwin's neat little tool, as for me swappingout/adding/creating new tiles is not that difficult).. It not just a simple matter of adding a single tile ... every tile requires 3 transition tiles to fit the area surrounding it; for example, we'll use the GermanyC1.bmp (a central city tile) Surrounding that, assuming the cityscape gives way to farmlands...you have what the Germany tileset calls 'G' series (think of that as 'grasslands', even though it looks more like farmland to me...) where the numbered section represents the percentage of the tile covered, in this case, with 'city' GermanyGC25a GermanyGC25b GermanyGC50a GermanyGC50b GermanyGC75a GermanyGC75b so, at the very minium, you need 4 tiles ... the actual one used in the center, and the surrounding 3 transitions (25,50,75). You need to add the 4 new tiles to the texturlist.ini; again not that diffcult. After placing -- and making sure they're aligned correctly (that's one of the hard parts), saving the work will generate the new TFD, and add the new tiles at the bottom of the terrain's _Data.ini. Transfering that listing is a simple copy/paste into the existing Formosa_Data.ini. Make sure the new tiles are IN the Formosa terrain folder; copy/paste the new TFD into the terrains -BACKUP the ORIGINAL by renaming, I use a number (1-Formosa.TFD, 2-Formosa.TFD, etc) Use the targetstest.msn (in the 1stGen KB) to get yourself over the retiled zone, and see what it looks like. Sometimes adjustments to the edging where the trasitions meet may be necessary (ie: repainting) If nothing has been changed in height field dispay, like airfield flattening or adjusting sea level, you won't need the newly generated HFD. BTW, I'm in a slow process of reworkign the entire Formoas_targets & Types.inis, as there's some major issues with where and how target areas have been placed. Unfortunatly it probably won't be finished before sometime late 1st Quater of next year, and several other terrains have been in pipeline for some time.
  20. no one really builds anything for 1stGen anymore ... so you'll just have to follow the instructions outlined above
  21. didn't Stary create a mod with 'ejecting pilots'??? I seem to recall someing of that nature

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