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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. was there are error message associated, or just "SF2 has stopped working" kinda thing?
  2. just saying. The old one keeps crapping out with a runtime error. Really pissing me off!!! :angry2:
  3. I wonder if it's because I've added like 24 more tiles....????? Should still read the 'normal' ones. wouldn't load Iran/Iraq12003 and a couple others. I'll go through the terrains, and see what's what. Wish I know more about this kinda thing! edit (10 minutes later): figured it out... the CenUS_Data.ini was in Unicode; once converted back to ANSI, it read it. Now, to test I/I2003!!!
  4. holy crap!!! that's what I call a planning map!! We've never had one that really read the heights ... and look at the Andes!! (Central America, which uses the VietmanSEA tileset) Only one small problem.... it needs to read the IsraelME tile set. cause dumbass me use that for the MidWestUSA tiles (fortunately, only 3 maps so far use it -cause it sucks-, Midwest, Afghanistan and of course, IsraelME) superb work man!!
  5. well, on the Hooligans skin, that's the stock 3W skin maps, with resued decals from a 2007 1stGen skin. whats REALLY Odd with the Lod, is I have 2 other skins in the F-4D_78 folder that are bmps ... and they ALL work just fine. TK's done something sneaky with the new locked lods ... they're reading and using BOTH formats. How that's possible, I have no idea!!
  6. It's SidDogs birthday!

    Man, I almost missed this!! have a great day Sid!!
  7. another revamp, almost done! (interestering to note the use of jpg skin textures on F-4D_78)
  8. anything you can do, is beyond appriciated ... (meaning, thank you sometimes just isn't enough)
  9. File Name: F-4E(78) Indiana ANG Skin/Decal Pak by Dr. Doyo File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 December 2011 File Category: F-4 F-4E (78) USAF Indiana Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended) *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4E_78* Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by Joe "DrDoyo" Royal in 2007, to bring it to SF2. This is my way of saying "Thank You". And remembering and honoring one of our own. This skin is the "Egypt1" 2-tone gray camo from his 3-skin pak. I chose this one, as more aircraft (according to his notes) were in this pattern than the others. The skin has had some very small tweeks, to fill in some bits, and is renamed to fit the _78 model Phantom. I made the assumption (oh! that word!) these would have been the variant he worked on in the Indiana ANG. If I'm wrong, my extensive apologies! With a simple rename of the skin bmps, it can be used for any/all F-4E variants. All decals were done by DrDoyo, and reflect 100% accuracy for the aircraft depicted. Randomization is set the "TRUE" for the 25 tail numbers (it might even work!). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! DrDoyo's original readme is included, as it has nice personal historical notes. Any mistakes/errors are all mine. Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  10. it's odd, but I LOVE it!!!! (actually, looks pretty damn cool!
  11. good thing she's under way, otherwise the gunners wouldn't see diddly through all the smoke!!
  12. Version


    F-4E (78) USAF Indiana Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended) *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4E_78* Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by Joe "DrDoyo" Royal in 2007, to bring it to SF2. This is my way of saying "Thank You". And remembering and honoring one of our own. This skin is the "Egypt1" 2-tone gray camo from his 3-skin pak. I chose this one, as more aircraft (according to his notes) were in this pattern than the others. The skin has had some very small tweeks, to fill in some bits, and is renamed to fit the _78 model Phantom. I made the assumption (oh! that word!) these would have been the variant he worked on in the Indiana ANG. If I'm wrong, my extensive apologies! With a simple rename of the skin bmps, it can be used for any/all F-4E variants. All decals were done by DrDoyo, and reflect 100% accuracy for the aircraft depicted. Randomization is set the "TRUE" for the 25 tail numbers (it might even work!). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! DrDoyo's original readme is included, as it has nice personal historical notes. Any mistakes/errors are all mine. Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein
  13. Version


    F-4E "Air Inferiority Orange" Skin Pak = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended*) *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4E* This actually started as a joke, during the building of "Operation Darius", and took on -as usual- somewhat of a life of it's own. It's being placed here, in the "What If..." skins simple because I can't think of a better location. This represents F-4E (no variant) aircraft painted in a VERY bright Orange. It's called "Air Inferiority Orange" for several reasons: Many smaller, less powerful airforces still use the Phantom. Sometimes alongside more modern 5th Generation fighters. The reasoning is you take a known aircraft, with the some of smokiest engines in history, well documented radar signatures (both from it's on-board and skinpaints) paint it an exceedingly bright, highly visible color, and use it to lure enemy aircraft into traps (your more modern, angrier, birds are hiding in the weeds, running silent). It's set up for IRIAF markings, but a simple edit will allow any F-4E user to be selected from the drop-down menu. It'd also make a very good Drone, too! With simple skin bmp renaming, it can be used for any other F-4E variant. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Remember, this was done as a joke, so have fun with it!! Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein ps: forgot to mention in the Credits, without Sundowner's templates this craziness wouldn't have been possible. Thanks Ant!!
  14. speaking of terrainianmaina, anyone have a good Mount Rushomre in MAX? I'd like to put it on the map, but we need to change Teddy Roosevelt's face to Dave's.* *its was Fubar's idea....I'm just following through....
  15. want to know what boring is??? Trying filling in all the blanks in 150 cities for a terrain mod; all the research of "who has what where"... and the movements, and making sure everything fits...and the look is correct....and and andandnananananananananaadd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! maybe classed as a type of insanity?
  16. Iran displays captured UAV

    funny how the color seems to match those of resin model parts...
  17. for one of our Lost Friends ... DrDoyo his Indiana ANG Phantom Euro1 scheme, seen over Fort Wayne (modified for SF2 -needs corrected serials, but...)
  18. sounds like me talking about my SIL!!! All she does is whine! actually, it's working ok with Desert, WoE, WoV based TFD/HFD (of course, when said terrains are placed in an 08 level 1stGen install....it just don't seem to like WoI based terrains, which is odd, considering it's built IN the WoE/WoV TE) btw, Ken, did you look at the Jug pak I uploaded recently? Albeit Lo-Fidelity....the FM ain't too terribly bad http://combatace.com/files/file/12375-pf-47d-25-thunderbolt-by-wolf257-for-sf2/
  19. Iran displays captured UAV

    somebody need to do a bit more research on current Iranian capabilites, methinks
  20. definatly less painful than the terrain editor (I was just at the dentist today, too!)
  21. no as we don't have the inis associated with the stock TODs. The only way to fix that, is create new ones. hence, my insistence on 'clear' airfield-only tiles (and, of course, their triple-damned/cursed transitons) I'll say this one more time, for those not fully paying attention...and trying for whatever reason to re-invent the wheel ---Have a look at terrains that are already done using the tilesets in question -like those listed above- there's a 98% chance what you're looking for already exists and, then it's a simple copy/paste of the needed TOD, with perhaps a quick check of the Desert_Data.ini, to make sure said tile has the necessary Solid and Alpha object callouts listed
  22. Harry Morgan Dead at 96

    rest well, Col. Potter

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