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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and needed for my Central America map, too!! Kess has given 'blanket permission' to use his stuff, so that takes care of the cockpit issue
  2. for the Iranian, don't forget post-79, the markings change to IRIAF. Change the 'nationname' decal to use the stock, 3W one, it and other roundells/flashs will automaticly change to post-islamic revolution markings based on year selected in the drop down. (did that on the What If iranian F-16A, except I was dumb, and used 2 skin/decal sets, with a differend StartDefaultYear= tag)
  3. they ALL use stock objects .... I'll bet you don't have SF2, with the Desert terrain and the Desert.cat, to which these terrains are "pointing" to. Re-read the readme -- expecially for Libya, Iran/Iraq. They're quite detailed in the "To Install" sections; with particular note on the "Selecting The Proper Cat File" section. If anybody knows, it's me. as to a full 3d, 'step into the picture to place the object' mission builder. Ain't never gonna happen.
  4. il2 clouds FE2

    zip and upload as an attachment; the Board software don't care about zips. I do it all the time. as to the il-2 clouds mod, has anyone LOOKED at the shaders/effects called out? They may need updated names to match those used in FE2 (dx10 style). Pull the envrionment.ini and cross check
  5. Toughening up ground objects

    you could add some armor to them. you'll have to extract the data ini, from whichever ObjectData *** cat that its in (prolly 001), put the extractged data ini IN the truck's folder in the /GroundObject folder, and add the armor type and values to the components as they're broken down & listed. Now, since most of my work is SF2 (from WW2 on up), I don't remember if all the types are used in FE/FEG/FE2 Wood Aluminium Steel Titanium there may also be a concrete, for structures I'd go with Wood; add 10-15mm to the ]Truck[ section -that's probably the chasis/cab of the vehicle like so, since it's an "open" vehicle, nothing on top. thickness is in MMs Add to the bottom of the secion shown: [Truck] ModelNodeName=truck (snippage to remove unneeded stuff) HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=WOOD Armor[FRONT].Thickness=5 Armor .Thickness=5 Armor .Thickness=5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=0 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=10 save and close, and go test it out!
  6. Moved to the correct Forum (ie: the SF2 ones) -------------------------------------------- if you don't see the physical aircraft, you're missing the LOD. (only available at the DAT site) the third pilot, I'll venture a bet, is due to the use a 'FakePilot', and the items being used as the (fake)'Seat' is missing. the 'white patch' (which I'll bet is square in shape) is an mesh artifact, and I'll venture a guess that DA is on XP or Vists with DX9. Older 1stGen models, in many cases, with undefined (ie: 'no material applied') meshes show that way. If the offending mesh is internal (like a bulkhead in the fuselage), you can use Bpao's (patent pending) "remove mesh data ini edit", once the mesh has been located in the OUT file (if supplied). the shadow 'tractor beams' usually means open holes in the LOD's meshes that can only be fixed in 3d MAX. Or just turn the shadow statement OFF in the A-37B.ini. Another aircraft that needs a complete rebuild to fix many issues. A pity, as Kesselbrut's cockpit is quite nice! Jug, if you can post a screenie, it'd help!
  7. I like it! was wondering when someone would come up with that one!
  8. Best Airline advert EVER!

    I'm sure someone has to have posted this before, but I'll do it again. It's just that good! there's also a short 'behind the scenes' video on the page as well
  9. a new set of screwdrivers is always welcomed .... especially if they're Snap-On!! -------- along with SF2:NA, I can't help but wonder if, along with the 'new' terrain engine, if we'll be getting a new terrain editor. Badger: do a search here in the Forums for SF2: North Atlantic (aka "The SF2 Tomcat Game")
  10. considering Pasko's original HAWKs are from 2003 .... . It's possible that bunkerized lod may have been reverse engineered from the original HIPIR lod (adding it's nodes to the 'stand', and thereby maintianing the defective mapping. in short, there's no way to fix it without the MAX files. One could (if clever enough) always create a new skin, hex edit the lod to name change/adjust/whatever/ the HIPIR skin pointer to try and fix it. Mabye use the PanelFinder as a skin, and see what lines up where. and why would anyone NEED to be that close to the object to see the defects? Personally, it just ain't worth the effort and time wasted. I've never, and will never, use that bunkerized one. HAWKs are meant to be moble, and moved around as needed. (having a copy USArmy FM on air defenses helps that respect) Dosen't mean they weren't used in fixed sites (as they were all through Europe and Asia), its just an un-needed thing
  11. It's such a nice day for flying.... especially when one is carrying 2 nuclear tipped missiles.....
  12. should we send him the Swedish Womens Volleyball team???? happy birthday man!!
  13. File Name: F-4D (78), North Dakota ANG "The Happy Hooligans" by Chris File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 December 2011 File Category: F-4 F-4D (78) USAF, North Dakota Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Recommended) *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4D_78* Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by "Chris" in 2005, brings it to SF2. This skin represents the 178th FIS, 119th FIG North Dakota Air National Guard, aks "The Happy Hooligans". All decals used herein are from this original pak. The skins are stock, with a new-made _5.bmp to add the painted on fin stripe Other mods included are the data and userlist inis, with corrected 'end-of-service-dates', as many ANG units seem to have used the D until the early 1990s. Also, the canopy has been activated via the usual manual animation key (shift/0). Couldn't pass that one up! For grins and giggles, jpg copies of the skin maps are included .. in case someone wants to save HD space. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The original 2005 readme is included. Any mistakes/errors are all mine. Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein ps: having placed their home base on the terrain I working on, couldn't resist having more Hooligans! Click here to download this file
  14. Spam

    and..... for us of the older, DOS generations, the empty cans were perfect holders for 3.5" floppies!! what more could ya want, I'm asking!!
  15. herc, that needs a big "W" on the belly!!! and everyone knows... Elvis is Everywhere!!!!
  16. Some folks just ain't got no respect....they're just downright mean!!
  17. Version


    F-4D (78) USAF, North Dakota Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Recommended) *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4D_78* Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by "Chris" in 2005, brings it to SF2. This skin represents the 178th FIS, 119th FIG North Dakota Air National Guard, aks "The Happy Hooligans". All decals used herein are from this original pak. The skins are stock, with a new-made _5.bmp to add the painted on fin stripe Other mods included are the data and userlist inis, with corrected 'end-of-service-dates', as many ANG units seem to have used the D until the early 1990s. Also, the canopy has been activated via the usual manual animation key (shift/0). Couldn't pass that one up! For grins and giggles, jpg copies of the skin maps are included .. in case someone wants to save HD space. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The original 2005 readme is included. Any mistakes/errors are all mine. Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein ps: having placed their home base on the terrain I working on, couldn't resist having more Hooligans!
  18. didn't I do/release the FAC M5COA already??? I've got one sitting here on HD (dated 7/11 on the inis...)!!! I can't remember or find it in the d/l sections!!!! edit: boy am I dumb ... found it http://combatace.com/files/file/11962-dassault-mirage5coa-fuerza-aerea-colombiana/ dated july cause I prolly updated something in my install
  19. Actually, there's an tutorial in the 1stGen Knowledge Base.... Suggested Reading: http://combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/ suggested download (for the Word doc inside): http://combatace.com/files/file/4522-shipwreck/

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