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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yes, it does. historical note: THAT was what the original SCal terrain was built for, by Dave around 2004. little trick for flattening... create a new SCal_cities.lst, list ONLY the items needing to be flattened, and then use that for the HFD editing. Sometimes, you can get away with only 1 item listed (as I just did for adding Al Asad to OpDarius). To keep it seperated from the original, I usually name min with my initials. IE: kj_SCal_Cities.lst example (from Central AMerica) [City001] Name=Tegucigaia TextureType=5 Randomness=0 PositionX=226.000000 PositionY=621.000000 Width=5.000000 Height=5.000000 HasAirfield=TRUE [City002] Name=Toncontin Airport TextureType=3 Randomness=0 PositionX=222.000000 PositionY=620.000000 Width=5.000000 Height=5.000000 HasAirfield=TRUE (these 2 just happen to be next to each other) sometime, for the usual unknown reasons with the finikey POS TE, you need 2 'airfields' listed. One is just 'there', and always stays the same, #2 is the working one, to be flattened. if that's not too clear, shout out edit: for tile placement, expeically for airfield tiles and all the little desert/mountain, desert/farm, etc, don't forget my 'cheat' of painting the edges of the transition tiles in the TE's main folder -- REALLLY helps in alignments!
  2. Sid, I'd actually thought about doing that ... it'll have to be split in 4 part due to the Jovian size of some of the folders. Again, that's not a big deal Let me check with Dave, and seem a good idear to him, I'll take care of it! have a safe voyage!
  3. odd... I can't find it either! did find the naval threat whiteboysamauri.. should be added too http://combatace.com/files/file/11993-basic-naval-threat-library-for-rwr-displays/ i'll pm dtm and find out where it went.
  4. opps.. I should have linked that! Thanks TH!!
  5. the same way we do it for aircraft w/o templates... make them ourselves.
  6. Terrain Update Attached!!! well, it's been brough to my attention by 2 of our resident USAF experts, (Storm & Dave), that a critically important base was left out of the map So, Al Asad AFB has been added. which meant reflattening that section which meant retiling many sections, as roads had to be added (said roads link the base to nearby cities, and head west to the map's edge, toward Syria and Jordan) which meant throwing a bridge across the Euphrates, west of Baghdad, to link Ar Ramadi to Baghdad on the flip side, Al Asad being closer to Turkey, should allow for TuAF basing in the N/W region of the map. Downside is, it's not quite where it should be (about 8 tiles-width further n/w, closer to Tharatah Lake), but this'll do. It's a runway 4, so large birds can use it. -- Insturctions: unzip and drop into the IR2003 terrain folder, allowing the overwrite. go fly! if there are no further terrain fix/tweek/retile/mess with requests, the terrain is now in it's final state thanks!
  7. Version


    F-20 Tigershark Skin, Cockpit, and Ini UPgrades Pak for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*) *Note: due to some stock decals used, USAF & RAF, at minimum, you need SF2:E* A bunch of new skins for Veltro2K's recently released Northrup F-20 "Tigershark". This pak will also includes some cockpit and many ini tweeks. This pak is designed to be installed OVER your existing F-20, with several caveats ... so it's important you read the install instruction =BEFORE= applying this pak. As this is an Reskin/Ini Pak, the aircraft lods are not included. A new cockpit, however, is. This mod represents Production variants, had they been made, for the USAF and other Allied Nations. The export customers are based upon those identified by Nothrup as "Tier 1" customers (ie: users with F-5 experience). A new Userlist is supplied, for those wanted to create/redecal some of the existing skins for those shown in the user list, but not provided here. A new, Generic Hangar screen is included. 11 skin/decal sets are included in this pak. The name in paranthesis (name) designates the skin folder name. The skins are: Football City AF (from "The Wingman" book series) (FBCAF) JASDF,1 Hikotai, in overall Martime blue (JASDF) ROCAF, 2-tone F-15/16 style grays (ROCAF) RSAF, in a solid 'Air Superiority' gray (RSAF) RNZAF, #75 Squadron 'King Kahu', in overall green (RNZAF) RAF, #92 Squadron, overall gray (RAF) 57th FW, Nellis AFB (Nellis) 152nd FS, 162nd FW, AZANG, in a dark F-16-style gray (AZ) 10th TFS Hahn Germany, in 2-tone F-15 style 'Compass Ghost' grays (Gray2) "Generic" Dark Air Superiority gray (Gray) "2 Tone BlueGrays", a repaint/rename of the original release skin (2Tone) These last 2 listed have "Generic" nation callout, and can be rebadged/decaled/reused for the creation of other user-nations of the aircraft; either through selection via the Single Mission/Loadout screen, or via creating entiely new skins. One of the massive advantages of not painting on markings... All markings on all skins =ARE= decals, making is quite easy to create said other user nations. A great number of new decals were created for this mod, and many borrowed from other skins. A full listing of those are in the Credits section. New damage textures in DDS format are also included. My Home-Grown Templates ™ are included, for those wishing to create new skins, and/or improve on my basic design (yeah, it could use it! LOL! -cough- RAF Euro camo -cough- various SEA 3-toned -cough-) No weapon are included; they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak. The drop tanks from the original release are NOT included (as they're kinda sorta stock, too) The cockpit included herein more than likely has more funcionality than would have been in the production aircraft. The avionics ini also makes use of dtmdragon's complied RWR tweeks/expansion pak ... if you don't have it, you should! Sounds are also not included, as those from the F-16 paks are referenced here. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. That section needs to be read, as it explains/offers alternatives as to WHY some of the nation-specific loadouts are NOT working as they should It is vitaly !!!IMPORTANT!!! that you read this document throughly before installing ...as you will be deleting, renaming and/or moving several files and folders to make full and correct use of this Pak. So, unzip it first to a temp folder or your desktop, or anywhere that allows ease of access to it. READ IT!!! Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein with special thanks to Veltro2k for bringing us the much wanted bird!
  8. in index or RGB?? the stock ones seem to be index
  9. question: are your SPAD loadouts selectable from the loadout select window in the mission builder? The Tigersharks are, but just not 'defaulting' on the regular loadout screen... more frakking oddness!
  10. went looking yesturday, and found some nice maintences pdf (how to take it apar and service). unfortunately, it was for a 2-bladed version. Said that one weighed in at 254 lbs (or was it 245?) so, I couldn't find anything on the 3 bladed version ... maybe divde by 2, take off 25 lbs for the hub, add the difference for 3 bladed?? my guess is, this is for calculated moment of inertia for prop torque?
  11. All the statments above look like they should work... actually, i'm running into the same problem on the Tigersharks .... have nation/year specific loads for USAF, Japan, RAF, and year specific for all (CAP/INtercept -changes to 120s from 7Ms & Skyflash), and nation specific for RAF (Strike, CAP/Intercept & Escort -strike should use standard UK bombs) , a total of 17 seperate load statements. The RAF ones aren't working. wonder if there's an upper limit? Maximumo of X number of load statments? Maybe we should bug TK?
  12. modding ability has nothing to do with being able to use 3DMax -- cause I sure can't!!! as to the rack, is there a similarly shaped one in any weapons pak, that could be re-edited for use??? (ie: repurposed?) The APU-62s come to mind (R & L). They may be too small, but only mounting them with Metors will tell Don't the Hornets have a dual AHM rack??? (what I don't remember is, if it's horizontal mounting or L shaped)
  13. I did???? Ok then! (meaning: I called out the TFB names for airports?) so, what are Iranian Turkeys doing flying over the Port of Long Beach/San Pedro??? the gray skin looks REALLY good!! also, a note to folks about the downloads ... DON'T FORGET TO RE-D/L THE TERRAIN!!! Even if you have it already; there's been some fixes/changes/corrections since the last terrain update of a couple of weeks ago.
  14. Version


    "What If..." MiG-21MF(U), New Iraqi Airforce for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*) *Note: should work in any install with access to the MiG-21MF lods. Which, iirc, are available in all versions* While doing research for the "Operation Darius" mod, I came across some statments about rebuilding the New IrAF, possibly using upgraded/updated/rebuilt versions of many that were outside Iraq when OIF kicked off. This mod is the result, albeit beyond speculation, into the realms of pure fantasy. This assumed (oh! that word!) that the GoI chose to refurbish 18 MiG-21MFs that were in Serbia in 2003 to modern 21st Century capabilities. Think along the lines of the Mig-21-93, Lancer or even closer, the HAL-built Bison for the Indian AF. These aircraft would be used for border security, in-country airspace control, ground support and martime strike. If required. This aircraft has a modern HUD, TEWS, full avionics suite with multi-mode AA and AG radars, and a defensive pak with jammers and expendable decoys (ie: chaff and flares). It's speced/cleared for weapons of NATO, French and US origins, as well as being able to (re)use old Soviet/WarPac munitions. Offensive weapons mounts carry standard IRMs and medium range radar guided missiles (Magics and R-530F) This mod also makes use of dtmdragon's 'generic' RWR listing, so make sure you have that installed and updated. As expected, the canopy operates via manual animation keystroke, the ever popular Shift/0. All new serial numbers using the 2010-stle 'YI' codes have been created, as is the new IrAF insigina (same as the new flag). This is the same prefix code now seen on NIrAF C-130s, Cessna 182s, various helicoptors, and T-6A Texan IIs now in service. 2 versions of the insignia are included; one is full color, the other a Low-Viz version. It's set for the full color now, but you can switch it, if wanted, by a simple edit of the decals.ini. No weapons are included (other than a "new" 2-IR mount); they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. Good Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. a small error like that on the nation ini is a simple text edit ... just go ahead and add it!! I'd call this the 'basic' pak ... but at 3.5 gigs, it's little large for that!
  16. File Name: "What If..." 2011 MiG-21MFU (Upgrade), New Iraqi Air Force File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 November 2011 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar "What If..." MiG-21MF(U), New Iraqi Airforce for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*) *Note: should work in any install with access to the MiG-21MF lods. Which, iirc, are available in all versions* While doing research for the "Operation Darius" mod, I came across some statments about rebuilding the New IrAF, possibly using upgraded/updated/rebuilt versions of many that were outside Iraq when OIF kicked off. This mod is the result, albeit beyond speculation, into the realms of pure fantasy. This assumed (oh! that word!) that the GoI chose to refurbish 18 MiG-21MFs that were in Serbia in 2003 to modern 21st Century capabilities. Think along the lines of the Mig-21-93, Lancer or even closer, the HAL-built Bison for the Indian AF. These aircraft would be used for border security, in-country airspace control, ground support and martime strike. If required. This aircraft has a modern HUD, TEWS, full avionics suite with multi-mode AA and AG radars, and a defensive pak with jammers and expendable decoys (ie: chaff and flares). It's speced/cleared for weapons of NATO, French and US origins, as well as being able to (re)use old Soviet/WarPac munitions. Offensive weapons mounts carry standard IRMs and medium range radar guided missiles (Magics and R-530F) This mod also makes use of dtmdragon's 'generic' RWR listing, so make sure you have that installed and updated. As expected, the canopy operates via manual animation keystroke, the ever popular Shift/0. All new serial numbers using the 2010-stle 'YI' codes have been created, as is the new IrAF insigina (same as the new flag). This is the same prefix code now seen on NIrAF C-130s, Cessna 182s, various helicoptors, and T-6A Texan IIs now in service. 2 versions of the insignia are included; one is full color, the other a Low-Viz version. It's set for the full color now, but you can switch it, if wanted, by a simple edit of the decals.ini. No weapons are included (other than a "new" 2-IR mount); they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. Good Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  17. EDIT: zip files deleted 11/20/2011. They will be uploaded over then next 34-36 hours to the main SF2 Downloads Sections; the IR2003 terrain will be in the /Terrains downloads, the Rest (aircraft, objects, weapons, main game support folders) will be in the /Campaigns. As they are in MANY parts, you'll have to unzip them to a temp folder, and re-assemble the various main sub-folders (in particular, for the aircraft, which is in 4 parts) Wrench Kevin Stein Logistical Support Section "The Maker Gave Us an Empty Box .. We Fill It With Wonders"
  18. they already exist .... they're called (insertterrainname)_target.ini & (insertterrainname)_types.ini from pretty much any terrain I've done

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