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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. well.....the Iranian are still using theirs.... Jon, all the D/Ls are here in these threads*. If you're missing something, let us know *except the Iran/Iraq terrain it's based on -- in the SF2/Terrains/DLs; apply the fixes
  2. Yet ANOTHER Birthday!

    Happy Birthday to ChampionsVA65, my competitor/collaborator/corrector on USN skins!! have a great day dude!!

    best wishes and no hangovers to 2 of our long timers allenjb bobrock gents, many happy returns of the day! Heres a round of each of you on me!! have a great day guys!!
  4. actually, they were the stock desert tiles, with lots added for 'clear spaces' and such. this looks MUCH better; really looks like Nellis!
  5. see nazghuls' thread on the very same issue: http://combatace.com/topic/68554-where-might-be-the-problem/
  6. that's why I keep a set of lods/extracted cats from May2011 around -- even if they take up a decent amount of HD space...it's worth it sometimes!
  7. there's no aircraft data ini included in the pak ... you'll have to cross-check with the Mud Hen's data ini in the cockpit ini: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-15E_Cockpit_Beta Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,4.35,1.5 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=160 MinYaw=-160 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-48 MinPitchRear=-40 match with aircraft data ini. why it' uploaded in SF1? got no clue;
  8. considering the avionics ini is set up for SF2's fx, I'm suprirsed it works at all. check the cockpitposition; cockpit ini vs data ini ... i'll bet they're not the same. Also, check the data ini for the CockpitCGOffset= line; which is also for SF2 only.
  9. neither do i .. there's nothing on his list that points to 'bulges', 'blisters', or 'boobs! Wonder if they actually might be completly part of the fuselage mesh, and not editable out... nuts .. might have to ask TK or DanW about that one.
  10. ok people .. a VERY large update pak, with buttloads of groundobjects, newly renamed TFD/HFD to create to IR2003 terrain, LOTS and LOTS of terrianobjects (builtin). Some you'll probably have already, but they are included following my almost religious policy of "CYA". 3 CV stations are placed far enough from the 900km line to be operational .. the CVs are there; if that's a issue (not real familiar on how that works), juse edit the IR_Targets.ini to remove them. They're down near the bottom, the last object called out in each one. This will presrve the battlegroup escort ships. With luck, and no major screwups, this'll just about do it. There's a boatload of stuff supplied, a good deal of which is NOT used ... they're just there because I didn't remove the unused items. also, 2 very large, albeit somewhat outdated, maps of the relevant region (1970s era) the important stuff: unzip a always, and drop into the 'NAG' specific installl --DO NOT INSTALL THIS TO THE ORIGINAL IR TERRAIN IF IN A GENERIC INSTALL-- it will f*** it up. If you do, you'll have to d/l the IR terrain over. This 'fix' is designed ONLY for use with the NAG mod. (that's for the slightly less experienced users, not for folks that really know what's going on, and what to do!) after installing the goodies, RENAME the IR terran folder to IR2003. All the inis supplied are done with this in mind; this will create an era/theatre specific terrain, and not conflict with the 1980s IR version (unless it gets screwed up somehow during your installation) wander around -- there have been some major retiling fixes, additions and general fiddling with. (edit: for those wanting a very small update for the 1980s IR terrain, simply rename the IR2003.TFD back to IR.TFD, and drop it into the /IR terrain, allowing the overwrite. It'll just add the retiled areas) let me know what's what.
  11. thanks Florian!!! Been wanting that ... I"ll add it, and have some parked around the army bases!!
  12. I didn't know that! even with the flight engine tweek, to expand borders? I can move one north, right at the green line, if needed...
  13. the gun bulges are called 'Sabrinias' after an actress of the time, that had certain large 'attributes' which lod? FGA9??
  14. well, iirc, it's based off the su-25, so it should have all the same hardpoints (not having the 39, cn't sa for certaion try this; if it don't work, dump it. Data came straight from the Aerofax by Yefrim Gordon. Rather generic in nature, using all STOCK items...
  15. speaking of carriers.... where the frak are they??? I'm jut about to upload the (hopefuly!) final terrain update, and relaized I don't have any carrier stations! Now, thinking of the tactical/strategic considerations, and how much sea-room they need (eliminating the shallow,crowded, confined waters at the head of the Gulf)....I'd reccomend them no further north than the green line, with possible postions as show with the green stars This is all that's holding it up.... so, how many CVBG? this will also allow me to add FFG/CG/DDG in the general vicinity, as CVs be unvulnerable EDIT: oh, yeah...I"ll need names for them, unless you want me to pick...I have some thoughts on that, given the region and it's rich history/mythology...
  16. thanks Zur! A new -3 would be welcome, considering all the skin/decal work that's been done for it of late
  17. "terrainman" yup, yup, I'm a good terraformer. definatelly; too many 'modernazations' to not create it new. I'll give instrutions for those that don't know how when I post the update. Still a few tweeks ... btw, there's a MAJOR lod fault with TKs Leo5 tanks ... has GYNOMOUS tractor shadow issues, so they're being switched to something else. Pity; I did a partial reskin to a desert mottle camo...
  18. if I only had the time... what one would expect to find around St Petersberg...
  19. do I hear 50,0000 USD? Opening bids... sorry, but no. Closed to team members only -- who ARE the best in the business
  20. as promised, and forgotten due to (re)working the terrain, the Iranian Hercs (based off Dels' C-130H, nationalized -but userlist included so a simple data ini edit returns to USAF -although years may need adjusting- and other skins added) ============= Also, had a thought last night, while retargeting. Would/Is there an interest in making this a completly 'new' seperate terrain, that does not conflict or replace the existing 1980s version I did. Similar to the "CubaOTC", where it's different from the "cuba' terrain Basiclly, it's a very simple matter of renaming the IR folder, a few inis, the HFD & TFD so it would become "IR2003". Nothing else would really change. If warranted, I can do this for the next update. Thoughts?
  21. remember folks ... use ONLY mods/addons that are freely available here at CA. Keeps things nice and tight, and readily accessable to all End Users ™
  22. from the vietnamSEA.ini: [AllowedMissionTypes] FriendlyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON EnemyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,RECON that should explain it all. Think about the capabilities of the VPAF .... the types of aircraft, and more importantly, how little range they had.
  23. Popular AVIATION movies you've watched and liked!

    you mean James Cagney's "Captains of the Clouds"??? or the early parts of "A Yank in the RAF"?? (movie buff...)

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