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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. looks like the Bosporus, from pureblue's Anatolia map -- which is EXCEEDINLY well done!
  2. still working on terrain and targeting updates....AND it seems something in last several patchs has broken the 'emplaced' destroyed models (aircraft), as I'd built a nice junkyard at Baghdad Intl, and they ain't showing up. retiled/added the marshes/lake west of Basra; fixed Falika island, added iranin offshore rigs. just need to find the kuwaiti, saudi, and iraqi ones. GE is failing me!!
  3. profiles how a single line, but not what it says. from this book: http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/10/on-target-profiles-7-english-electric.html
  4. a check of an freshly extracted data ini will tell if there's newly attached DT nodes
  5. i think the water bmp is hosed .... maybe we can talk brain32 or ??? into doing a better one. everyone I do, dont work; even using brain32 color pallete act
  6. armor values in the _types ini; but down-tweeking causes other problems (especially when some wack-job terraformer adds earthen berms around ammo bunkers....)
  7. ....cause the AD-6 was only blue for about a year, having the pre-57 skin is kinda wastefull; and there's still the 'not having a stock cockpit issue' (although Dels new pit covers that quite nicely)
  8. oh goodie!!! Been using the stock Leo 5 for 'parked' vehicles at the various camps/depots --------- here's the semi-standin F-7M unzip, drop over the /Objects folder. All decals are stock; includes one PLAAF silver skin,too. Userlist for other countries, and stuff like that there. Wired for Magics
  9. updating some of the ground objects, and target areas, with particular (peculiar?) reference to the parked vehicles at the various and sundry army camps... could you all look thorugh the GO folder, see if I'm missing something (there's an update coming that adds the GAZ and MBZ trucks --all FULLY updated and corrected userlists and such--, Stryker, Humvve, Leo 5 in particular I'm looking for/at AFV, IFVs, tanks that the NAG would have.
  10. copy the SF2:E exe up and down, BACK into the the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 it'll rename itself 'xxxxxcopy.exe' then, just rename it NF4, create a new shorcut, run the game so it builds a new NF4 mods folder, and then have at it! Should be in the SF2 KB someplace.... sorta like the screenie below
  11. create a seperate install for Nato4+
  12. since the CF-104s are AI only (and the 104G for other NATO users), they're probably not. the squadronlist.ini would/might need the addition of the CF squadrons, and the campaign inis edited to match. however, they are easily converted to player usable .. look in the SF2 Knowledge Base for full instructions
  13. forces need deployment in the north as well, Mosul, Kirkuk...historically iranian attack corridors. If anyone needs to Osprey books for references (i/i war - tomcats and phantoms), I can shoot a link to where to get them. ------- ok, filed under 'just for s**ts and grins', or really bending to my what if-ishness... 100% refurbished 21MFU (Upgraded); similiar to the IAF Bison; cleared for all Western/NATO weapons (and many Russian); fully upgraded avionics suite, blah blah blah... should the insiginai bee full color, or subdued? just for fun, mind you! (only 18 aircraft). I may release this in the "What If..Hangar" anyway. Give spinners something to fiddle with!
  14. ...and the color is wrong too ... brown should be more 'sand' (light earth?). should also have 'anglish' serial/TAB number codes. if we can live with just the 3 point, I can have it out in a few hours. after all ... it's just a target!! ha! maybe we'll see one as a DLC!!
  15. best i can do for the IRIAF F-7s ... so much conflicing data; some pics show 3 hardpoints, some text tells of 5 ...since we ain't got the right body for the later models (cranked delta - which iran does not have, or even this one with the slightly different canopy/no rear window), this is an M with normal wings, and 3 hardpoints you all want it?
  16. Korean War Flight Sim

    probably not, as is uses the Desert map for it's cat pointer to say nothing of EVERYTHING needing overhauling for SF2. Not worth the effort
  17. File Name: AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF (Skin & Ini Tweeks) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 October 2011 File Category: Other AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended) A new skin and decals, some data, loadout and weapons mods for Dels and FastCargo's AT-6B Texan COIN version. The aircraft is available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9849-at-6b-for-sf2-version-15/ This mod is designed to be applied =OVER= the existing AT-6B in your game(s) install. This is NOT the full aircraft; just a package of inis, the new skin and decals. The new skin is for the reformed Iraqi Air Force, circa 2010 and later, with some Real Life ™ and extrapolated serial numbers in the new style, along with the new fin flash/national insignia (locations are educated guesswork based upon other aircraft's placement). Data ini edits are very small; mostly to reset the cockpit position to remove the 'double cockpit'. Everything else is pretty much the same. A new weapon, the FIM-92 Stinger for self-defense has been created, so as not to conflict with those used on the MANPADS versions (this had been an issue). The avionics ini has been updated to use the generic "RWR.lst" by dtmdragon. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Important: it should be noted here, that the userlist supplied covers operators of =BOTH= the T-6 trainer and AT-6 COIN. It should also be noted, that I've made the assumption (oh! that word!!) of the T-6 and the AT-6 being interchangable for Iraqi use for training and 'internal security'. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  18. all sf2 lods are "locked" in their cat file, and not extracable. Also, once finalized and exported, they can't be changed.
  19. Version


    AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended) A new skin and decals, some data, loadout and weapons mods for Dels and FastCargo's AT-6B Texan COIN version. The aircraft is available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9849-at-6b-for-sf2-version-15/ This mod is designed to be applied =OVER= the existing AT-6B in your game(s) install. This is NOT the full aircraft; just a package of inis, the new skin and decals. The new skin is for the reformed Iraqi Air Force, circa 2010 and later, with some Real Life ™ and extrapolated serial numbers in the new style, along with the new fin flash/national insignia (locations are educated guesswork based upon other aircraft's placement). Data ini edits are very small; mostly to reset the cockpit position to remove the 'double cockpit'. Everything else is pretty much the same. A new weapon, the FIM-92 Stinger for self-defense has been created, so as not to conflict with those used on the MANPADS versions (this had been an issue). The avionics ini has been updated to use the generic "RWR.lst" by dtmdragon. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Important: it should be noted here, that the userlist supplied covers operators of =BOTH= the T-6 trainer and AT-6 COIN. It should also be noted, that I've made the assumption (oh! that word!!) of the T-6 and the AT-6 being interchangable for Iraqi use for training and 'internal security'. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  20. OGPA not gonna effect that, unfortunately. recomparing the screenie with the real one, it looks like the pivot point of the nose gear yoke (steering knuckle?) has less angle than it needs (more angle? -- it's too straight in any case!) ... unfortunaely, that might only be fixalbe in MAX. And given it's an AI, and not "supposed" to flown, unlikely it'll be fixed from the Manufacturer. Maybe a nasty letter to OKB MiG might be in order? however, thats a NICE skin! there was a discussion, some time ago, about the RN Phantoms too ... there's no 'overextension' of the nose strut like in Real Life ™ for cat shots. I don't think there was a fix for that, either.
  21. should have more greenish in it, but I really didn't want to take the time and make a new template to paint it. ----- anyone given this any thought, even though the GoI has stated they'd rather feed, clothe and make sure the water and electricty works than spend more money on aircraft (expecially old ones) be ok GA birds, depending on the Threat environment
  22. we'll teach you...don't worry about that!!! muuuuuaahahahahahahahahaaaa (<--- evil laugh) "once you start down this path, forever will mods dominate your destiny" -- another cheat, is to just rename the whole /Objects folder to xObjects, run the patch or DLC, they copy/paste/move the new aircraft folder (if DLC) into the old xObjects, and rename back. effects, terrains, menus, sounds, etc are NOT effected (affected?) by either patching or DLCs, at least in my experience. Campaigns, however, may be.

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