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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ShockStroke= maybe??? it may be set in MAX (length of nose strut), but the stroke IS adjustable. you just might not be able to actually lower the aircraft. of course, that'll probably screw up the rolling radius ....
  2. Again, from the 'UnNamed' high-speed, high-altitude, low-observable asset.
  3. why extract the and move the lod, when all that's needed is a simple pointer line in the main ini? [LOD001] Filename=Hunter9.LOD Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=Hunter9_LOD2.LOD Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=Hunter9_LOD3.LOD Distance=500 [LOD004] Filename=Hunter9_LOD4.LOD Distance=1000 [LOD005] Filename=Hunter9_LOD5.LOD Distance=10000
  4. iranian fencer, as promised. please look in the updated userlist, as i've listed the IRIAF deployments of their assets repainted the other skins as well, removing the Sukhoi OKB tag. This bird works here, and will work just as well in europe. weapons should be in the pak Dave uploaded; sounds from his as well. EDIT: change TO this in the data ini, for the engines: ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter forgot to do that before zipping
  5. what, you're extractor not working!!????
  6. this post in the SF2 Knowledge Base was of no assistance? http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/
  7. you know, there's a LOT of unused bases all around the map ... Doha, Manama, the large saudi bases..... just saying don't forget airfield 1,5,6 can only take 3 squadrons, while airfield 4 can take six. airfield 2 & 3 only holds one edit: will have the IRIAF Fencers later today; having issues with a decal placement and have to redo all the frakking loadouts - don't know who did them, but theyre sure screwed up! (will also be usable for Eurpe)
  8. small terrain update ... thanks that I'm lazy and forgetfull that I didn't remove/backup the terrain editor folder that's JUST for I/I... new TFD, new HFD, target upgrade adds the city of Qom and the yellowcake processing centr nearby. and the SAM batter protecting it, and the road connect Qom to Kashan (and by inference, Teheran) instructions: unzip, drop into the IR terrain folder, allow the overwrite. REMEMBER!!! --- these and all subsequent terrain tweeks are ONLY for Op Darius!! NOT for a historicl iran/iraq war of the 80s
  9. you know the VietnamSEA terrain is both nation and year limited, right? If you've only got SF2V, you'll be running into various and sundry problems with "allowed years", "allowed missions" and "allowed nations" SF2V is only good for one thing: the Southeast Asian war. SF2V is not the best choice for an expansive, many modded game the terrain ini says it all: SF2 and/or SF2E are much more liberal in respect to modding 'the hundred year span' as to the other issues, sorry I can't help there. Try removing ALL the mods, running the game straigh out-of-the-box, and see what/how the frame rates and playability is. That'll help narrow it down to addons or machine issues
  10. will it fix the stutttteerrrrriinnng in the Oct patch, too?
  11. file this under the heading of "wow, what a coincidence!", about 2 weeks ago I was messing around with the Fencer and Frogfoot, updating some goofed up stuff. so, anyway, heres be an Iranian one. Updated userlist, the skin is the basic one (haven't found any real pics) all weapons are stock, etc. They "acquired" 6-8 from Irag, and have 8 more on order, so it set to "VERY_RARE" the soviet camo skin blends very nicely into this tile set.... have fun!
  12. no hard data has been found so these so they may be out of service by 2009, or in long term storage now. At best, there was only a dozen or so. But, heres an IRIAF Mirage F-1EQ, ex iraqi. Also, a modded magic ii with corrected dates for export, and the desert drop tank. Something different to have floating/flying around. unzip, and allow for the overwrite. all decals are stock.
  13. File Name: Mig-15UTI Midget by Pakso, SF2 Updated Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 October 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft MiG-15UTI "Midget" Jet Trainer by Pasko, for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended) Modification, tweeks, compilations and other adjustments to Pasko's MiG-15UTI trainer, to bring in more in line with SF2 requirements. Data ini tweeks include an all new FM, based off the stock 15bis; please note that as that is usually an AI-only aircraft, there may be some small issues. Fly accordingly. Several skin/decal sets have been compiled from the Archives, to try and present as complete a set as possible. Included skins are: Soviet Silver EAF Silver LSK Silver Mozambique (a pale blue) Desert camo (Iraqi) Also included are the weapons (ok, the slipper-style drop tank), 'Early MiG' pilot figures and M15 seat, and the VK-1 sound. New Post-Oct patch SF2 hangar screens are included, rebuilt from the original 2004 release version. As expected, the canopy still operates via the standard or garden variety manual animation keystroke -shift/0. Is should be noted, that most of the original work was done by suhjake, and is taken from his MiG-15bis & 15UTI pack from 2009 (available here at CA). I just did a little fine tuning and compiling. THIS pak replaces the UTI from that one. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    MiG-15UTI "Midget" Jet Trainer by Pasko, for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended) Modification, tweeks, compilations and other adjustments to Pasko's MiG-15UTI trainer, to bring in more in line with SF2 requirements. Data ini tweeks include an all new FM, based off the stock 15bis; please note that as that is usually an AI-only aircraft, there may be some small issues. Fly accordingly. Several skin/decal sets have been compiled from the Archives, to try and present as complete a set as possible. Included skins are: Soviet Silver EAF Silver LSK Silver Mozambique (a pale blue) Desert camo (Iraqi) Also included are the weapons (ok, the slipper-style drop tank), 'Early MiG' pilot figures and M15 seat, and the VK-1 sound. New Post-Oct patch SF2 hangar screens are included, rebuilt from the original 2004 release version. As expected, the canopy still operates via the standard or garden variety manual animation keystroke -shift/0. Is should be noted, that most of the original work was done by suhjake, and is taken from his MiG-15bis & 15UTI pack from 2009 (available here at CA). I just did a little fine tuning and compiling. THIS pak replaces the UTI from that one. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  15. get GIMP; they say it's pretty easy to use, and its free. look in the KB (both SF1/SF2) there's decal creation tutorials in there somewhere; alos in the FE forums.
  16. another suggested fix by pureblue again, open the targets ini, find Al Basra, and repjlace the items with those below: Target[080].Type=Blindfire Target[080].Offset=3502,1370 Target[080].Heading=90 Target[081].Type=Rapier_L Target[081].Offset=3431,-1455 Target[081].Heading=90 Target[082].Type=Rapier_L Target[082].Offset=3213,1531 Target[082].Heading=90 Target[083].Type=Rapier_L Target[083].Offset=3135,1315 Target[083].Heading=90 be a little less crowded than with 4 PAC3 batteries....
  17. this is how you do a recon photo... ---------------------------------------- Taken at high altitude from a 'unidentified' high-speed, LO platform
  18. quicke target ini fix... open the IR_Targets.ini, and 'find' Bushehr. Scroll down the list to item 099 ... it's reads AAA; change it MTB. A shilka looks funny sittin in the water.....
  19. ok...wasn't really gonna add this to THIS screenie thread, but some might appriciate and/or recognize. Remember; it's just for fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAP over the Gulf encountered this aircraft, 75 nm north of al-Quaseem. Aircraft carried no markings, excepting for a white inverted triangle on the aft fuselage. Pilots waved at the intercepting aircraft, and made a slow turn to the east. Aircraft was not followed on orders of GHQ
  20. yup! just think of me as the "Logistics Guy"
  21. forgot something ... i have a C-130H for Iran, but its incomplete as it lack serial numbers -- never could find any hard data. is it worth uploading, even "as is", so they'll appear parked around bases?
  22. i cheated a LOT on adding the AD units in Iran ...they're built INTO the cities, not as seperate target areas - of which there are plenty (3 or 4 around Busher). I found it worked better, both for general targeting -- reduces that cursed overlap of areas, and playability -- makes it a tad more "interestering" for player ok, new ground objects and weapon; tweeked for this usage ONLY!!! Found the issue with the HAWKs was some wrong end years unzip, and drop over the /Objects folder (with luck I spelled GroundObject correctly, right PB!!?) screenies show that things WILL get interestering....as the Grumbles are showing up i think the TOR as mobileAAA may force it to appear in CAS/ArmedRecon. It's easly changed to MOBILE_SAM; just hope the usual glitch don't raise it fugly head...
  23. give me a couple of hours ... found my updated Gammon and SquarePair...have to check the others edit: no need to adjust the FansongF, SA-2LF, SA6 or straightflush .. newly extracted inis show all the correct (for our use) countries listed. However, they are set to RARE. do you want it adjusted to COMMON? How ofted do you wish to die??
  24. as/is was supplied in the GO folder I uploaded. -- many new userllists don't remember if the SA5 has one ... 2s are easily extracted and tweeked, as is the 6. Hawks are still in iran, as many were hand placed, and the userlist shows them if one wanders around Iraq, in the usual places where I put the AD batteries, you'll see Western units (since Irag is classed as FRIENDLY in the terrains nations ini) Tor are showing up in Iran; as seen in the recce phots. i will be leaving things set as 'generic' -- if hand placing SAMs and Radars, the Old Bug is still there ... I've flow right over Patriot batteries, hand placed, and they NEVER showed on my TEWS, even with dtmdragons updated RWR.lst

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