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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. i think this moot, as paulo just released his ... and his look better!!!
  2. well, I guess I can stop fiddling with mine! (I like yours better!! ) thanks!! EDIT: since the national marking are painted on, here's a little trick to get the nation name to show up on the Loadout Screen's menu open the decals ini, and add this: [Decal007] MeshName=wing_left DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=InsigniaWingL Position=0.0,0.0 Scale=0.000001 DecalMaxLOD=3 this'll force the game engine to 'think' there's a marking there, and turn-on the name on the loadout screen
  3. there is NO stock cockpit for the BirdDog, as it was always an AI aircraft, and never designed for player usage (it's poor FM alone says that). you might, with a lot of work, get the SF2 mod I uploaded to work. good luck!
  4. there's a bit of a problem with the shock/intake cones ...they're only mapped at one place for both sides... as you can see below. uforntunately, might have to drop the accuracy a bit, and leave them black (you know how I hate being inaccurate, to0!) those badges ARE small! let me see what I can do....
  5. File Name: JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 October 2011 File Category: F-104 JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization = For SF2 (Any/All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered) = *Note: Usable for any SF2 install with access to the F-104G* *Note2: You should have made them Flyable as per the CA Knowledge Base article @ http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/. Follow the instructions therein! *Note3: this is NOT the full aircraft -- just some fixes. Read on... --------- Some general cleanup and optimization of the EXCELLENT! JASDF F-104J by Spillone104 for SF2 Designed to be applied Directly =OVER= these 2 paks: Original Aircraft Pak: http://combatace.com/files/file/11113-f-104j/ paulopanz's sf2 upgrade pak: http://combatace.com/files/file/11130-lockheedmitsubishi-f-104j-sf-2-upgrade/ It -MUST- be installed after these 2 are installed, right over paulo's pak. Changes: Latest data ini (as of Sept,2011) Loadouts adjusted Uses 'built-in' drop tanks and skins (sknis supplied) All decals inis adjusted to have squadron badge at Level 1 All textureset inis have correct format for squadron listings. Canopy operates via manual key (surprise! Shift/0) New SF2-style hangar screen (photograph) This will bring the flight model and avionics up to the latest patch level. All weapons used are (or should be!) stock in-game items. In the instructions below, are also the listings to use for the Squadronlist.ini, to add the Hikotai to the game. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Clear Skies! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization = For SF2 (Any/All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered) = *Note: Usable for any SF2 install with access to the F-104G* *Note2: You should have made them Flyable as per the CA Knowledge Base article @ http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/. Follow the instructions therein! *Note3: this is NOT the full aircraft -- just some fixes. Read on... --------- Some general cleanup and optimization of the EXCELLENT! JASDF F-104J by Spillone104 for SF2 Designed to be applied Directly =OVER= these 2 paks: Original Aircraft Pak: http://combatace.com/files/file/11113-f-104j/ paulopanz's sf2 upgrade pak: http://combatace.com/files/file/11130-lockheedmitsubishi-f-104j-sf-2-upgrade/ It -MUST- be installed after these 2 are installed, right over paulo's pak. Changes: Latest data ini (as of Sept,2011) Loadouts adjusted Uses 'built-in' drop tanks and skins (sknis supplied) All decals inis adjusted to have squadron badge at Level 1 All textureset inis have correct format for squadron listings. Canopy operates via manual key (surprise! Shift/0) New SF2-style hangar screen (photograph) This will bring the flight model and avionics up to the latest patch level. All weapons used are (or should be!) stock in-game items. In the instructions below, are also the listings to use for the Squadronlist.ini, to add the Hikotai to the game. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Clear Skies! wrench kevin stein
  7. better? or is the triange too red? needs the tail badge decal, which I can't seem to find anywhere!
  8. yes, they really aren't needed is SF2, due to the fact that individual weapons are folderized with their own main ini and data inis. don't even need the Editor, realy, anymore
  9. Samuri .... (new zealand standing in for Hokkido). These skins are just sooooooooooooo well done ... (figure if I to an overhaul on the JASDF Zippers, we'll get them as a DLC!)
  10. What reunites the Worlds Religions?

    Tell ME about it!!!
  11. Ready on the Cat.... stand by to launch!!
  12. anyone else notice, that IF you're NOT on the Sept2011 update, you can't install it?? my days just keep getting better and better.... so.. are the faults in that patch fixed, or am I gonna get screwed?
  13. mine, of course, be slightly different (prolly for the screenie location), but here it is: (also, has the extended end years)
  14. ok... new, generic NM for anyone, shown using stock 3W decals 2 views of the new SEA 3-tone for BAF (sony's decals) does it look ok, or? let me know!
  15. these might be more 'modern'...but maybe usefull! http://www.airsqnpatches.com/BELGICA.htm
  16. Actually, not so much. Using bobrock template, just repaint (via new layer) the 3tone and see what happens! bobrock's template comes with a GREAT NM layer, too. lots of stencling, etc the only difference I've noted, looking at the pics in Lock-ON #1 (104G-J, mostly focused on BAF zippers) is the red waring stripe and placard i'll post some pics later (of both)
  17. did any of these downloads come with the AircraftObject.ini??? perhaps this might be of assistance: http://combatace.com/topic/32892-controls-not-working-andor-mapped-oddly/ rename AO.ini to test
  18. boy, do I feel dumb ... the ONLY place I didn't look.... wanted to upgrade/upsize Sony's SEA 3-Tone skin, withOUT having to redraw everything meself. thanks guys!
  19. I'd think the HAF roundells and finflash would be a dead giveaway.... ------- be veeerry verrry quite ... we're hunting SAMs....
  20. look in ObjectData015.cat .. there's a LOT of BAF numbers and codes hidden in there (stumbled on them today looking for BLW Zipper codes)
  21. well...let's see.....off the top of my head, RAAF Mirages (he did say 'they were coming', iirc, right after I released my pak) of course, to do it up right, 3 different versions would be needed. Clem's available, if one knows where to look. The SF2 version I'd uploaded was removed at Marcello's request; I'd thought it was TMFs, since it was in one of their packs, but it weren't.
  22. that's because it's referencing an airfield ini that's NOT in the cat file that's being pointed to for object reference. A common problem, easily fixed by dropping ALL the airfield inis (including to German/Soviet/VPAF base inis) INTO the terrain in question (hence, the reason they're always included with my terrain mods -- can't take for granted that the End User ™ will have the proper terrain cat to reference.) or, if the terrain guy is smart, just using the standard or garden variety Desest airfield inis for both side, and make target object adjustments accordingly.
  23. i take it you found it then? http://combatace.com/topic/53913-canopy-operations/

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