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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. it's just a small little bit ... just don't look at the right side!! PB: oopss!!!! ok people, rename the GroundObject folder to match what pureblue said!
  2. paulo, are you on XP with DX9?? I don't see that on Winge7 and Dx10. It could be an untextured mesh hidden inside somewhere, showing up (like on Pasko's F-82 Twin Mustang) can you post a screenie? PB: sf1 style? meaning that I didn't use a seperate skin subfolder? It still works though!
  3. File Name: Replacement Data Inis for Sea Vixen FAW.2 & FAW.2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 October 2011 File Category: Other DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & 2 Replacement Data Inis = For SF2, Any & All versions = This small package contains data inis for =BOTH= the Sea Vixen FAW.1 and FAW.2, allowing them to trap on aircraft carriers. It is to be applied to my Sea Vixen Pak located at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/11975-dh-sea-vixen-faw1-faw2 Small tweeks in the flight model now allow it safe landings on the various carriers available (and soon to be available). No other changes are in effect. Note: this is NOT the aircraft itself, just 2 new data inis!! As always, comparatively easy install instructions are included. Give them a read! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. you all should thank Skippybing for creating it .. I just fiddled with it (and thanks to Ant for his skins!)
  5. TK did change the apparent generated height of the cloud deck a few patchs back ... it seem to be now 'fixed' at certain level. Want to test high altitude? download the Himialaya terrain, and fly on scatterd/broken/overcast days, and let us know (just watch out for cumulo-granite clouds)
  6. remember, to, that the Game Engine ™ only loads "items" within a 50km radius of the player's aircraft. Cuts down on processing cycles (methinks!) So, when you leave an area, vehicles, ships, AD units will "pop" out of existence; conversly, when approaching the target area, the "goodies" will 'pop' back IN to existence.
  7. open the SCal.ini, and delete the line for "SCal_EnvronmentalSystem.ini". It was a gen one and don't work in SF2
  8. Korean War Flight Sim

    plus the KAW mod for SF2 we've been working on and off with for the last couple of years....
  9. i've never gone beyond 500, so I can't really say. in theory, 999, using TKs 3-digit format
  10. nuts .. should say "Sea Vixen FAW.1 and FAW2" ... damn typos!!
  11. saw you post in The Pub about the Seahawk book ... that totally Excellent man!!
  12. one of the Iowa's missiles at work.... that Koni is about to have a reallllly Bad Day ™
  13. File Name: Planning Maps for Sweden Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 September 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains Just some quickie maps made with the old SFMap program, that will replace the 3 planning maps for Gilig's newly released Sweden map Install: just unzip, and drop into the /Sweden terrain folder and allow the overwrite. Click here to download this file
  14. no! please tell (unless it's my trick of repainting on the planning maps?)
  15. Version


    this is the missing gray drop tank for the SUE(M) just unzip, and drop into the /Weapons folder. sorry I forgot it from the package wrench kevin stein
  16. we had the same problem for the Indo-Pak mod. do this to the airbrake section: the model need complet revamping and lots of MAX work to seperate the animations meshes and such (gear doors are the airbrakes)
  17. File Name: Gray drop tank for Super Etendard (M) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 October 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Weapons this is the missing gray drop tank for the SUE(M) just unzip, and drop into the /Weapons folder. sorry I forgot it from the package wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  18. File Name: Super Etendard & Super Etendard (M) for SF2 by Foxmonter File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 October 2011 File Category: Other Dassault Super Etendard & Super Etendard(M), SF2 Combo Pak (by FoxMonter) For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Prefered - At Minimum, =MUST= have SF2:I AND SF2:V) *Note: the reason for these requirements are the cockpits used on =BOTH= versions of the aircraft. They reference 2 very different cockpits and avionics displays, only truely available in a Full-4 Merged installs.* *Note x2: There are 2 seperate readmes in this Combo Pak - one each for the Super Etendard and Super Etendard (Modernized). It's suggested that after downloading this pak, you unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, and =READ= both before installing, as well as this complete readme. Install instruction are, as usual, the same* This package contains 2 complete aircaft - the early version, Super Etendard as used by the French Navy and Argentinian Navy, and the late 90s to-date version, the Super Etendard (Modernized) as used only by the French Navy. All skins, inis, decal, weapons, etc are included. Specific details for each are in their own readmes, inside this archive. You'd do well to read BOTH!!! (no kidding! really!!) All new SF2-style hangar & loading screens are included (exceptng the SuE loading, it's the orignal converted to jpg). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! I'd reccomend that you unzip this archive FIRST (to a temp folder or your desktop), and READ through this readme document, and the other 2, before installing. The extensive "Notes" section in each readme also contains a Change List of modifications and other impertinant information. All original readmes are included, for historical reference. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein EDIT: updated 10/13/2011 -- added the missing Tank_SUE_Gray For thos that already downloaded this pack, the tank in availalbe in the SF2 Weapons downloads section Click here to download this file
  19. oh, f***!! I'd knew I'd forgotten somehing!! I'll get that taken care of ASAP!! I"ll upload it seperately, then add it to the full package, rezip and reupload the whole thing
  20. File Name: New "Undead Horde" squad File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 October 2011 File Category: Ground Object Mods New "Undead Infantry Horde" = For SF2 (Any and All) and SF/Wo* = A Horrific New Enemy ™ for the 3rdWire series; just in time for Halloween!! A Just-For-Fun Mod, for folks with twisted imaginations! Modifications/repaints and ini tweeks to Kesselbrut's Infanty squad now create Legions of the Walking Dead. A new sound file is included, along with instructions on editing the Soundlist.ini to add it. Included is a CAS mission on the Desert terrain, so you see how they work. Within that mission, are 6 escaping enemy transport aircraft. As they may be carring infected survivors, they cannot be allowed to escape!! Watchout for enemy air defenses as well! (NOT Zombie-crewed) As always, fairly simple easy to follow install instructions are included, so give them a read! Should be usable in SF/Wo*, but this is untested. There should be no reason why not... Duck, Cover and Cower ... they're coming for your brains... Enjoy! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. from the USNavy .. after hours of searching. ground units I couldn't tell ya
  22. here's an Orbat for USN/USMC units in korea - by ship and year. this is what we're (ok, should be) using for KAW. It definately show R for the code on VF172 Banjos on the Essex

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