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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. well, wadda expect from the Hunter9 FM!!! (other wise, it quite nice!!)
  2. this is with the 'new' revamped FM!!
  3. in the SF2 downloads section, under /Objects http://combatace.com/files/file/11993-basic-naval-threat-library-for-rwr-displays/
  4. looks like American NorthWest (ANW) -- it's FULL of deep, winding canyons
  5. well, A-N tail codes are/were Atlantic/Med Fleets ... (M-Z WestPac) try this site? http://www.anft.net/f-14/
  6. The "DefaultFor=" statement must match the mission statement in the aircraft's data ini [strike_LGB_85] Nation=FrenchNavy StartDefaultDate=1985 DefaultFor=Strike Loadout[01].WeaponType=AtlisII Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=BGL400 Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=BGL400 Loadout[05].Quantity=1 [Attack_CBU] Nation=FrenchNavy StartDefaultDate=1979 DefaultFor=CAS,ARMED_RECON Loadout[01].WeaponType=BLG66B Loadout[01].Quantity=2 Loadout[01].RackType=Rack_SUE Loadout[02].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Matra-155 Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=Matra-155 Loadout[05].Quantity=1
  7. File Name: Libya Map Tweeks, for 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 October 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Lybia Terrain - 2011 Updates Found this while looking for something else! Way back in March, 2011, when the New Libyan Revolution started, a couple of CombatAce members asked me to add a couple of new cities. In particular, those where the fighting was heaviest at the time - Bin Jawd and Ra's Lanuf. This is the result -- just some very minor tweeks and retiling/retargeting to add these 2 places. No other major changes are in effect. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  8. (nice paraphrasing, huh?) as some of you know, i'm updated/upgrading the old Super Etendard for SF2. Now, 2 of the weapons this aircraft SHOULD be able to carry are the AN-52 free-fall/retarded Nuke and ASMP missile (so says wiki) here's where it all goes south ... adding the weapons, checking the proper format (which should be right, after all, I'm pulling them from the gunnypak!!), years, weights, size, etc. They don't even show on the 'available weapons' list on the left panel. Even when the proper weapons codes are used on the hardpoints (below) -even has them listed on the outer, even tho i'm not sure the AN52 would go there (after all, it's just a really powerfull bomb!) the an52 data: and ASMP data: I can understand the ASMP possibly not loading due to a lenghtlimit, but there ain't one on the hardpoints! The AN52 should have no issues, as it's a bomb (albeit NUC). Looking over other data ini, it seem NO external HPs have lenght limits (phantom or mirage3 for example) this is the strangest damn thing ... had similiar problems when working on the Tonka Pak with Dave (that drove me bats**t crazy) -- weapons that, within their allowable year spans simply do NOT show up and since they don't show up, don't load. Has something gotten weirded out lately that preventing things from working the way it always has? Or am I just blind(er) than usual? TIA!
  9. Version


    Lybia Terrain - 2011 Updates Found this while looking for something else! Way back in March, 2011, when the New Libyan Revolution started, a couple of CombatAce members asked me to add a couple of new cities. In particular, those where the fighting was heaviest at the time - Bin Jawd and Ra's Lanuf. This is the result -- just some very minor tweeks and retiling/retargeting to add these 2 places. No other major changes are in effect. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  10. FE terrains are a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to small for WW2 birds. All the existing WW2 terrains, excepting the EAWEuro work pretty damn well in SF2 Making a stand-alone WW2 install is a piece of cake! (tv reference/pun intended)
  11. AHH!! (slaps self on forehead!!) Of course! FrenchNavy is a seperate nation from France! Why didn't I see that!!?? thanks Florian, you're a life and mod saving genius!!
  12. The sabre is closer in general shape than the Huns You can still open cockpit lods with your handy-dandy hex editor; it's only the aircraft lods that are lock away. You WILL have some fiddling to do with positioning, external visible meshes (on the external aircraft model) and other sorts of nonesense. but quite doable
  13. moved to the What If Forum ----------------- really nice looking skins!!!
  14. when did they start showing up in a gray, lo-viz scheme??? Can't find any data on that, let alone the 2-tone gray! TIA!
  15. thanks gunrunner! looking here from the USA turns up next to nothing! carlo - many thanks! that's the perfect skin; and there's a newer, better AN blue tooo! just have to check with Sony on permission to include this is the loviz gray i'm still working on .. some panel lines still to do, and dirty it up a bit
  16. Afghanistan, 2010 ... Battle Flags are Flying!
  17. yes, The one I"m doing has brandy new, fully SF2 compliant FM. Still working out a few cockpit bugs. Thinking about the SE-M variant for post-1990 usage (but trying to find a replacement cockpit withOUT a moving map display....<cough> A-7E <cough> there's a couple of screenies in the Screenshots thread of the original blue skin
  18. Sure you're not going out to Dr. Carrington's station, to investigate that 100 ton metallic object that impacted the ice??? -- ace: what what ifs? point them out, please. yes, it should still be 'in force' for those -- and WHY oh WHY are people STILL asking/commenting on stuff like "what overcast mod is this", when a PM to the poster would be MUCH more efficent, and keep the thread content relevant? Lets try this for a change -- Post Pictures, Not Text!! -- A nice day for flying over the Med..
  19. is this even in the right Forum? Anotolia for the SF2 series
  20. that's the loviz gray I'm looking for! (and redrawing a new template to make!) the Tiger skin's great! so, where to find it?
  21. goes in the skin's textureset ini, Russo, based on the number of decals (ie: serils, modex, letter codes, etc) [TextureSet] Name=14 Flottille Nation=FrenchNavy Squadron= Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.550000 Reflection=0.350000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=16 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=15
  22. stock game only give you SA2 and SA6 (SA8 iirc, may be tasked as Mobile_AAA) -- do you have any other SAMs (and their radars) in the /GroundObjects folder (3, 5,7,10,11, etc) So, grab the necessary add-on SAMs (and radars), dump them in the /GO folder and they should show up Otherwise, it's editing the desert targets and types inis -- they have to be added TO the terrain itself

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