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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. glad that book will be of some help!!
  2. UK, I went and moved this here, as it's more of an SF2-series question. making seperate installs for the various theatres is a very simple matter take your game exe of choice say, SF2.exe. Rename to which ever theatre you want. We'll start with standard WW2 Europe (ETO) so, copy and paste the exe BACK into the SF2 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2), and it'll call itsef copy of SF2.exe (or words to that effect). Then, rename it ETO.exe. Create a new shortcut wherever you put them (there's even theatre-specific icons avaliable -- check the 1stGen DL section. if not, I have them -as I made most of them!) Run the exe and let the game build the new ETO mods folder, in the saved games folder. Run the game and do uor setups for controls, and graphics, and etcs. Then delete ALL modern aircraft (note: if you're merged, with Expansion Pak 1 -don't delete the Spit 9s!! You might want them!) Delete all the modern ships (leave the cargo ship and tanker), tanks, AAA, SAMs, etc. Leave the USTruck, ZilTrucks and USJeep -- they'll be needed. Then you can start populating the /Aircraft and /GroundObjects and /Terrains folders with the WW2 era terrains and aircraft and vehicles and whatnots Be advised -- 99.9% of all WW2 aircraft now available from 3rdParties are NOT fully speced for SF2 usage. Even those with 08 1stGen level flight models. They CAN be used, but expect some 'oddities' now and then. Any other questions, just ask! edit: I converted WoA to SF2, and it works fine with very little tweeking of the terrains data ini -which will be needed for ALL 1stGen terrains imported to SF2. FMs are still a bit 'quirky'. Of course, you know that SF2 handles decals differently, so you'll need to drop all the aircraft folder INTO the /Objects/Decals folder, and delete EVERYTHING from inside EACH folder, excepting the /D subfolder. This keeps the pathways intact, so no decal ini editing is/will/should be required.
  3. don't install to program files .. install to the root of /C covered in the knowledge base
  4. we'd discussed Kamikazies in one of the thread in the PropHeads forum ... but I can't find it!! what we'd figured out, was using an aircraft, changing the AI parameters for bomb release to 0 altitude, so it releases AFTER it impacts with the ground or ship or whatever. For a cruise missile, you'd need to cinvert it to an aircraft or something like that targetable missiles would be the best way -- which we ain't got (I do remember being able to do that in ATF/FA way back when, but I think only after editing the missiles)
  5. would this help? Red Star #34: MiG-25 (one of Gordon's books) cockpit pics near the end also have the Aerofax on the 25 & 31, but it mostly just rehashs the Red Star book
  6. missing the MaxDecalLod= statement from each of the decal entries. A very common problem on reallllllllllllllllllllyyyyy old 1stGen mods ported over. OTH.... why not just download this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/9082-at-6g-texan-mosquito-fac/ where all the work has been done (with 100% historical serials -albeit no paticular unit) the 'at6g' fakepilot-antenna pak will need updating to SF2 /Pilots spec, but that's a no brainer (and ifyou get stuck, I'll shoot you mine)
  7. PLEASE DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!! It's for answers only! --------- to answere the question, there's the WoVSQMD and Kreelins mission creator/editor -- both in our downloads section
  8. my best guesstimate as to TCAs location the hardest part, would be replicating that iconic terminal building, and parking ramp (without building a completly new airfield)
  9. i'd suggest READING the targets ini for that terrain, (ie: locating that target area) and LOOKING at the listing of target objects IN that area, then looking for them IN the _types ini. It ain't that hard to figure out and yes, they DO have shadows (but are seriously f***ed up due to lod internal mesh issues) again, this is one of the piddley things that really don't matter, and shouldn't be worried about
  10. I don't see why the stock GermanyCE couldn't be used for that (45-48 timeframe). The basic demarkations between East and West are already there. Berlin is lacking Templehoff, however, but some retiling could probably take care of that relatively easily (ie: new city-to-airbase tiles would be required for ALL 4 seasons) don't seem all that hard to do (maybe replace SAMs with AAA units via the Active/inactive line in the targets ini ie: Target[0xx].ActiveYear=1945 Target[0xx].InactiveYear=1959 (when SA-2 first started deploying) of course, flying in years before SAMs operatinal start, automatically limits to static or mobile AAA units
  11. yes there is look in the terrain folder to answer the next question, yes there's one for the af63 as well
  12. it's amazing what a single typo will do....was going nuts trying to figure out WHY the serial number decals weren't showing on the BirdDog.... the difference was between the 0 (zero) and O (oh). Eyes must be going....
  13. there's a whole thread about the "Double Cockpit Issue" in the SF2 Knowledge Base http://combatace.com/topic/58372-the-double-cockpit-issue/
  14. RedAirs= in general Migs, Sukhois, Tupelovs, etc. In other words, any AI controled aircraft (which includes the Skyraiders and Canberras and Starfighters -oh my!) a little helpfull hint is here: http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/ the 2nd or 3rd post (don't exactly remeber which)
  15. File Name: Lockheed S-3B Viking by FoxMontor File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 31 August 2011 File Category: Other Lockheed S-3B Viking by FoxMonter = For SF2, Any and All = This is the (hopefully) full, compiled package of FoxMonter' S-3B "Viking" Sea Control Aircraft, upgraded/updated/fiddled-to-fit the SF2 series. I've assembled all the skin/decal sets I could find into one big lump. Skins included in the pak are: VS-21 Fighting Redtails + VS-27 Sea Wolves * VS-29 Dragonfires + VS-30 Diamondcutters + VS-30DS (Desert Storm) ? VS-32 Maulers ? VS-33 Screwbirds + VS-33lo Screwbirds (Lo-Viz) + VS-35 Blue Wolves * VS-38 Red Griffins + VX-1 Pioneers + The suffix symbols designate the artist that created the skins/decals. The Key is below: *=HrntFxr +=Paul Nortness ?=IDK All decals and decal inis have been fixed and updated to SF2 standards. Several ini edits to the loadout, data and avionics also update them to SF2 standards (as of Aug, 2011). Wingfold and bombay animations have been seperated; bombay uses the standard Control/O (oh)key, and the wingfold is activated via the Shift/9 key. The cockpit is not equiped with an RWR display, so an 'audio-only' version is used. The flight model is unchanged. A new, SF2-style photographic hangar screen is also included. I've also included several sounds called for in the data ini. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full,detailed, easy-to-follow install instructions. With thanks to all the skinners, and FoxMontor for their work! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  16. intrenal bay tankage, like the F-105??? .... hhhhmmmm.....sounds workable to me! (but I'm not structral engineer). Be easy enough to do, ini wise
  17. don't forget, too, that when patching or adding a DLC, it will overwrite and/or remove any modded inis from the aircraft folders (and possible GroundObjects -but I'll have to check that one) so, if you've got flyable RedAirs, they'll revert back to unflayalbe after patch or DLC installation.
  18. 1200 single object at Khe Sanh??? I thought the targeta area limit was 999??? I've had long loading times on many terrains, but never a crash I'm tring to remember when .. but I think TK may have said (many moons ago) that 999 was possible, for total target areas. And maybe for 'intrnal' listing (ie: Target[999]) nobody's ever gone that far before! (meaning: maybe a 3digit limit)
  19. there's mention of that in the 'Detail & Scale' book too. Interestering concept, but I'm sure that without the alwyas-carried drop tank, would have reduced the range to unacceptable levels. Still ...
  20. that whole set of British Secret Projects is great!!! Now, if we could just get some of the Flying Saucer aircraft....
  21. I was wondering about that, the pinned Falcons, just the other day ... it does effect everything below. So, the newest addition should be right below them. I prefer seeing the newest at the top, but it don't really matter all that much. Just a couple of click a page or 2 back, and one can usually find what one is looking for
  22. worked perfectly for me, both is SF2 and in my last remaining 1stGen install as well!!
  23. couldn't say for sure, but probably not. It ain't just the tiles ... it's the height field display (HFD) and the targeting. More work than I want to take on at present. Meaning: starting fresh, with a clean DEM, and using Stary's GermanyCE 4 Season tile set is the best answer
  24. to say nothing of me trashing the map, rebuilding it (literaly) from the bottom up, and re-releasing the terrain only as "SoCal" aka Southern California

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