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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Apes

    BARSOOM!!!!! I've been waiting 35+ years for a GOOD version of 'Princess of Mars'!!!
  2. air defense units are loaded randomly in terrains, and again, based on year(s) availability. If one plays enough, they'll eventually show up the stock desert map is notorious for it's lack of Red AD units (they're scatterd a bit thin). Blue has almost none, excepting AAA units.
  3. "USS Bon Homme Richard" would be on one, single line (all CV names were) other than that, it looks good!
  4. wrong, outdated data ini will do that. it's a common problem
  5. File Name: F7U-3M Cutlass by Marcfighters File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 August 2011 File Category: Other Vought F7U-3M Cutlass (by Marcfighters) - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered) - This is an upgrade to the F7U Pak I released in 2008, and like the original, still a sort of Beta (Minus). This is simply because the aircraft model is/was NOT finished by Marcello. Details as to this rating are enumerated in the 'ori-2008_f7u_readme.txt' included. It's suggested for a Full-4 merged, although it can be used in any version that has access to the F-4B, as that cockpit is referenced, and the A-4's 300 gallon drop tank. These should be available in all versions, perhaps excepting SF2I, as that lacks the F-4B as stock. Several ini tweeks move this a little closer (well, in that respect) for SF2. For the change list, see the "Notes" section below. 2 skins/decal are included: VA-116 (Gull Gray/White, from the original pak) VF-124 (new, in 'natural metal') I've also included the skin templates, just in case someone might want them (and IMPROVE them!!). Also included is the AIM-7A Sparrow & AIM-9A Sidewinder from the GunnyPak (in case you ain't go it). All other weapons/drop tanks used are stock in-game items. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... I've also included my original readme from the 2008 release -- might want to give a read. It states what's what with this, and why it's classed as a "Beta Minus" release, even now. So, again, please read it. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  6. ... for the A-4A Skyhawk: VA-43 VA-93 VMA-224 was it ChampoinsVA65?? suhjake??? need to credit them in the readme, as I've finished redoing everything to fit the SF2 Scooter's mapping TIA!
  7. DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW.2



    DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW2 for SF2 = For SF2, Any and All = This is an upgrade/mod of Skippybings Sea Vixens, BOTH the FAW.1 and FAW.2 - so you get two complete aircraft in one pakcage!!! Such a deal!!! (Unfortunatley, this IS a rather large package...so, sorry!). This was done simply to make it easier for you, the End User ™ to install. (Almost) Everything necessary to unzip, install, and fly away is supplied. Included are updated versions of the BunyPak FirestreakIR and RedtopIR*, and the drop tanks. All other weapons used are stock items (with the possible exception of the AGM-12C Bullpup -not supplied- which may be from the GunnyPak) *=these are seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak & Redtops; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.* Skins/decal sets included are: FAW.1: 890 NAS (w/one Sundowner bmp, edited by me, so as not to waste decals) 892 NAS 893 NAS 899 NAS (these all by Sundowner) FAW.2: 766 NAS 893 NAS 899 NAS (all Sundowner skins!!) Where possible, the Squadron Badge has been used for the paint chip in the Loadout Screen. Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints (on the FAW.1 only); one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use bombs and rocket pods. Other tweeks to the avionics and cockpit 'clean up' or replace a few gauge skins, a new gunsight and missile "shoot cues" were created/modified from others. A "new" engine sound is supplied for the Avons. Both aircraft have SF2 stlye 'carrier deck' hangar screens, and the damage/shredded tgas have been converted to dds (hope they work!!!). Flight model remains untouched; it "feels" about right. Remember -it's a gunless, missile-only armed Interceptor, NOT a dogfighter!! Fly accordingly!! As a bonus, for those End Users ™ with SF2:E AND with Expansion Pak2, there are alternate Data and Loadout inis for the FAW.1, adding the 2inch Micro-cell rockets. Usefull for hitting bombers, trucks, ships and other assorted annoyances. REMEMBER --these are 2 seperate inis, and you'll need SF2E Exp2 to get them to work. Instructions on how to switch are below in the "To Install" section. (these were removed on the FAW.2, so don't go adding them!) As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing. The procedures for missile firing should be reviewed. Let's hope this one works! Good Hunting Wrench kevin stein
  8. have you checked your controls, in the Opeions --> Controls --> Customize panel??? Possibly the controls.ini may have been overwritten, and need to be remapped/reset
  9. just rename the ENTIRE Objects folder (use something easy - like xObjects) run the game to rebuild it. Then run the patch (or DLC) exe, start the game, start one mission, and exit. then, go to the mods folder --- DELETE everything but the new plane (if installing a DLC), the simply rename the /xObjects folder back to /Objects, allowing for the overwrite (again assuming the additon of a DLC). Start the game and everything will be back to "normal". it ain' that hard ... in fact I just did this yesturday with this last patch. (of course, with 8 installs... new, renamed exes must be 'created' as well for them to keep everything up to date) and don't forget my 'trick' of keeping a x-nameofmig-.ini in EACH of the non-flyables so a simple "save as.." brings them all back. yah, it's a beeeyotch to do this every few weeks, but what can you do?
  10. well, since we're showing old bird... this is bobrocks new -2 Panther for KAW, VF-111
  11. Razbams Banjo? (that cockpit is a work of art, man!!) We had one under construction for KAW; don't know what the status is, though. I know I did one for really old DAT F2H-2 for VF-172
  12. of course I do .. how do you think I did all those skins??? (the whole Scorpion Pak for SF2 is already in the D/L section) ... somewhere's in the middle methinks edit: went to find link: http://combatace.com/files/file/11027-f-89-scorpion-pak-for-sf2-series/
  13. F7U-3M Cutlass by Marcfighters



    Vought F7U-3M Cutlass (by Marcfighters) - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered) - This is an upgrade to the F7U Pak I released in 2008, and like the original, still a sort of Beta (Minus). This is simply because the aircraft model is/was NOT finished by Marcello. Details as to this rating are enumerated in the 'ori-2008_f7u_readme.txt' included. It's suggested for a Full-4 merged, although it can be used in any version that has access to the F-4B, as that cockpit is referenced, and the A-4's 300 gallon drop tank. These should be available in all versions, perhaps excepting SF2I, as that lacks the F-4B as stock. Several ini tweeks move this a little closer (well, in that respect) for SF2. For the change list, see the "Notes" section below. 2 skins/decal are included: VA-116 (Gull Gray/White, from the original pak) VF-124 (new, in 'natural metal') I've also included the skin templates, just in case someone might want them (and IMPROVE them!!). Also included is the AIM-7A Sparrow & AIM-9A Sidewinder from the GunnyPak (in case you ain't go it). All other weapons/drop tanks used are stock in-game items. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... I've also included my original readme from the 2008 release -- might want to give a read. It states what's what with this, and why it's classed as a "Beta Minus" release, even now. So, again, please read it. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  14. didn't I just answer this very same question LAST WEEK??? open the DBS.ini, and comment out or remove the line for the EnviromentalSystem.ini
  15. yes. been done already look for comprnt's airfield lighting mod, prolly in the 1stGen D/L section. ck Piecemeals Desert3 terrain (i don't know if he 'turned of the floodlights', but that's an easy tweek of the _airfield .ini)
  16. HELP! I Need Somebody!....

    all off the top of my head..... not the USAF, but USAAF -- and the US in general -- WW2. so many different types from trainers to very heavy bombers, seaplanes (flying boats), floatplanes, very early helicopters ... Gen 1 Jets (P-59, P-80) I'll look...but I know the G could carry a double Shrike rail. usually, ECM pods on both outer stations F-89, F-100, F-101, F-102, F-106, F-4C/D (USAF Rhino - Navy always used 'winders it was their missile), Draken and Viggen (RB-** dirivetives)
  17. meters, iirc (like everything else 3W!!) I cheated when I fixed mine .. just removed the _HM statements in the terrain's data ini. IMO, I just felt it didn't add anything to the terrain. (OTH, they look good on Stary's VNSEA!!)
  18. see PureBlue's thread on removing the tail RWR bump from the Rhinos ... you'll see the statments (they go in the data ini below the AircraftData section. Just change meshnames to what you want removed. Don't forget to add them as 'components' IN the AircraftData section btw;, it was Bpao that discovered this
  19. shot one ... VF-124 over Miami, 1958 shot two ... i thought Batista was on OUR side (what we were to intercept)
  20. and it didn't leave a 'hole'???? screenie!! please!!
  21. Happy Birthday(s) to 76. IAP Blackbird, Tailspin (where you at, man???) and Spinners!! (Master of the What If...) Have a Great One ™ Guys!! here's teh first round... wrench kevin stein
  22. new markings for FastCargo's F-107A 355th FIS, Phu Cat, RVN 1966

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