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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. A-4P remod .. fully SF2 compliant ("liberated" skin by dtmdragon, with a little paint fill in)
  2. there's a hi-rez repaint for Zipper pit in the 1stGen downloads ... I've been using it for the last 5-6 years. c'mon people ... a little mouse-work gets you 4 new flyable aircraft. sheesh...
  3. ALL terrains are convertable. less than 2 minutes of work. i see that babe is back .. she sure get around!!!
  4. Weapon database

    no, actually, if you're lilke me ... you're going to be spending a LOT of time over a farposst!!! May I suggest investing in a VERY LARGE external HD, you're gonna be d/ling books by the gigabyte!!!
  5. since we have a 'crash and scrape' sound now, how about we add this as well: Probably the mose recognized of type, worldwide. just a thought ....
  6. Weapon database

    http://missile.index.ne.jp/en/ Yefram Gordon's book can't be beat... http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2336 follow the link in the link above
  7. actually, 3rdWire textures, with a little modification by me, and all the original decals by nosecone from the original SFP1 mod from forever ago I can do all the ini work for A-4CA and A-4P, but don't have time to do the camo skins (as new templates ARE required)
  8. with luck, yes. there's still a (to ME!) major bug with 'mix and match' on both Red and Blue SAMs (ie: Rapier radars on a HAWK site, SquarePair -SA5- at a Goa -SA3- site). And there's the 'operation years' thing too... TKs Guideline and Gainful (2 & 6) have the network type already added in; I know I've uploaded all the SA3 stuff somewhere ... most likely in a terrain package. I know my 5s -Gammon- (by FastCargo) are all networked Caveat: when calling out directly in the _targets ini a specific type of SAM, SAML, and EWradar, sometimes they may not show properly on the TEWS display. OTH, with a vector type, this is not a real problem, as it only shows lines. If using the 'generic' callouts, it's very possible probable to get something you won't like (ie: nasty, deadly with pointed fangs dripping high explosive venom) things like the Barlock (EWR) are, in real life ™ used by 2 and 3, along with Sidenet (3). We've spent a LOT of time trying to straighten that mess out! edit: to make matters worse, there's the FireCan gun radar, and THOSE AAA guns networked to that (KS-12/19/60
  9. stock SAMs, and most of the aftermakets (if I've tweeked them) are already networked to their proper missile and EW radars Fixing the Goshawk was easy.... did you add ARM to the outboard station callouts, and the proper systemnames in teh Fuselage section for the dispenser? (eject position needs fixing) And edit the loadout ini to add Shrikes to the stations 3 & 4? If you want, I'll send you the tweeked data nd loadout inis. (took me more time waiting the terrain to load than the edit the inis) remember -- shrikes/harms ONLY go for radar emmitters -- the launchers themselves, and the AD guns surrounding have to be hit with rockets, bombs (CBUs are prefferable)
  10. frist off, why would you want to fly SEAD without a RWR display??? (that's kinda dangerous, as you won't have the direcionality of the emmitter) True, the stock 100D dosen't have one ... I'd put the Shirkes on the OUTboard stations, iirc, there's a bit more room May I humbly suggest the TA-4J??? Albeit not quite ready to go (still working out a few small things, and the model has shadow issues =tractorbeams= from the outer pylons), but with the late E_65 pit it has a nice vector display RWR
  11. mac: I take it you don't have SF2:I & SF2:E???? CJ (Shahak) and Neshers have been in game since the beginning. Even in 1stGen WoI In SF2E we have not only the 104G, but 3 CF104s they only lack cockpits, and that's covered by TKs download of the 1stGen G from his site (and my instructions on 'how to ...) in the SF2 KB. The Lockheed "issue" has been a non-issue for many years. However I WOULD like a IIIE!!!
  12. was talking about this with Fubar ... surprised we haven't see Argentine Scooters and Mirages....
  13. and labor intensive, I'm here to tell ya. If done properly
  14. how about some serial numbers??? (even has a new name, in keeping with Lockheed tradition, and reflecting it's high altitude capabilites "Starduster" -- after a spaceship in an old move I really like!). Decal pack and some other tweeks coming, prolly next week. Trying to figure out the placement for the fin light. Making them move is easy
  15. nicely done! could have used some of those in SoCal and Libya!!
  16. 2, 3, and 1 battery of 5s you should see the SAM/AD rings around Pyngpongyang!! (and though Hanoi was bad....) Sqmd shot (dosent show the rivers) --->
  17. Then, I respectfully submit that the mod itself is at fault. If anybody knows, through extensive research and placements, over the 4 years the terrain has been building, it's me. I'd also suggest just running a little search on NK and it's air defenses ... you'll find that what I said above is true. The data I used was current as of 2009. I highly doubt the NKs are going to have those 'modern' weapons. I never found even a single reference to SA-6s, let alone the "Big Boys" (now, of course, 7s would all over the place, as that's a MANPADS) As proof, if you really want, shoot me a PM.
  18. is this on a specific terrain, or globaly over the entire game? http://combatace.com/topic/55030-adjusting-beginning-ending-years-for-sf2-series-terrains/
  19. that don't work on most aircraft; it all depends on how the LOD was built. sometimes you loose the external canopy frame, sometimes you loose the propeller. Also, you've REMOVED the open cockpit statement (which really shouldn't be used unless absolu-frakking-lutely necessary), and even then a LOT more ini editing will be needed (both in the data AND cockpit inis) Best is to make the adjustments of the pilot position in the cockpit ini, and move as necessary It also might actually help if we knew WHICH aircraft and WHAT cockpit is f***ing up. More info is required, which is NOT being supplied....
  20. would it be too much to ask to fix the shadow stuff??? (asking sheepishly and politely)
  21. Interesting ... have to check with Russo as to what the stroke length is on the model. The spring/damping seems a bit high imho: Slarti makes a good point ... we DO have a TA-4 Scooter, but I don't know if it'll take 'winders
  22. Can we have this gun for traffic days...

    Atomic Annie!!! (now a museam piece at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland)

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