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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. what, TK didn't give us SEA camoed Thuds???
  2. ==that question shouldn't be in this thread, but in it's own=== probably putting them in the wrong place. Are you putting them in the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 folder? They don't go there Check the Knowledge Base, and the most unused text file of all time -- the readme that comes with every download. aircraft go in the 'mods' folder, in your (example is mine) C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft
  3. under pure autopilot control, even with the Radical Cobra ™, both birds make it off the deck in the mission above (with the data ini tweeks) Just wish I know WHAT was causing that pitchup!
  4. Bobby Dragon running the show again?? (I thought he was dead!) = As for DLCs, I'd like to see the Mirage IIIE (need it for Pakistan)
  5. cockpit ini...... Position= ???????????
  6. Hey Dave, good thing I have this airbase all ready for them, huh? (Harrison to the left, Detroit in the distance)
  7. I'll venture a guess..... SF2? If so, the answer is in the SF2 KB ... look for "double cockpit" (and if so, this thread belongs in the SF2 PropHeads Forum, as pretty much nodoby is doing 1stGen stuff anymore)
  8. Version


    MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters" = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 = As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus/and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1. If you do not have these minimum requirements, DO NOT DOWNLOAD this package, as you'll be unable to use it. The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) "nose" bmp to add the NKPAF Red Nose. Those familiar with actual historical marking will note that is IS slightly smaller, and without the central cutout for the Bort numbers, than those made (in)famous during the Korean War. Those familiar with the movie "The Hunters" will note that the 'MiGs' were really F-84s, but that's neither here nor there <grin>..... So, basically what this is, is a re-purposing of of the decal set as used on Pasko's MiG-15 to recreate the movie Enemy Aircraft ™, now using TK's model from Expansion Pak 1. However ... number randomization has NOT been activated for this skin, so with luck "7-11" should be the first aircraft shown. After all, you want to fly as Casey Jones, right? Not as some lower-echelon flunky?? The latest (as of 7/11 patch + all the DLCs -don't know if they changed/added anything) Data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on. If you have the Cuban MiG-15 skin/ini pak, the data ini herein will replace that one. Allow the Overwrite. I've made some AI changes, to try and improve the insane pitch-up they perform on take-offs. The canopy is (still!) activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Have Fun!! wrench kevin stein 8/11/2013 Note: It's suggested you ONLY add the skin and decals to the KAW MiG-15bis. THAT one has the good flight model by Fubar512. So, do NOT use the data ini included herein!
  9. ok... I had some ideas, and made some changes. I guess I didn't do enough research when I did the conversion. To be sure, however, the entire FM needs refining.... in the FlightData, add these lines: FlapSettingForLanding=2 FlapSettingForTakeOff=1 FlapSettingForCatapult=2 in AircraftData, change the weight (it's too heavy) EmptyMass=4460.0 (note: empty inertia will need recalculating, and I don't know how to do that) I also upped the thrust a bit (may slightly too much) In the Engine section: SLThrustDry=37809.9 (again, not a real good guess -used A-4E engine spec) edited one of my old test missions; the aircraf still does that oddball pitch up (ie: flys with the nose pointed straight up, and the belly going forward!!) Here's the mission to test; requires full-4 merged, VietnamSEA terrain copy/paste the text below into a blank notepad sheet, and 'save as...' T45_CV_Take0ff.msn it really DO act strange!!
  10. have you looked through the nations.ini, and the various cats for decals??? I'll bet you'll see a 'status change' for Iran somewhere in there. (hint: nation166) oddly, the F-5A has both sets of decals. YOu'll find an "IIAF" decal in my Iranian Sabre pak
  11. did this a long time ago, never did anything with it: to really f*** with people, change the groundobjectrole= to TRANSPORT. It'll show up on Armed_Recon missions, and shoot you full of holes
  12. re: "Red Phoenix" by Larry Bond fast and low and you're probably getting hit by the wrong ones, too. The NKs have one battery of SA-5s near Kaesong, all the rest should only be 2s and 3s. They have few, if any SA-8 style. AND....there should be no SAMs before 1970 (the first deployment of the their SA2s, and some 3s) Trust me -- I know where they all are, including the NIKE, HAWK and Patriot batteries in the South. Now, if we can just finish the 50s mod, I can release the 'modern' version too, with all the insanity
  13. look in the iran-iraq terrain map, you'll find a V-100 (albeit a repurposed BRDM)
  14. download one of my P-40B/C/Tomahawk paks ... already set up
  15. SPAD XIII???? ducks and runs --- very fast!!
  16. finally got to see it! Great work on the video. And special thanks for listing the music; I recognized most but couldn't place the source (I collect soundtracks) Thank You! wrench kevin stein
  17. wasn't there someting about that over at TKs site? I DO remember somebody asking that question....
  18. one of the major reasons to a) never throw ANYTHING away and,' b) have massivly large external drives for storage I found it in my archives. One of you PM Sony and get back to me, and I'll upload it. Should work in 1stGens as well as SF2 edit: for 1stGens, the gun will need importation. It'll be uploaded, when permission is given, in the SF2 Ships section
  19. iirc, in a campaign in can be. squadrons are assigned to airbase. in single missions, any/everything just 'pops in for a vist', based upon parking space size
  20. ummmm... not to shake you too much ludo, brother but .... http://combatace.com/files/file/11962-dassault-mirage5coa-fuerza-aerea-colombiana/ some months back... (of course, feel free to improve it!)
  21. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    I see it .. because I've met a few of them.

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