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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. (example loadout, Type 96 Fishbed, IAF) [AirToAir] Loadout[01].WeaponType=AA-8 Loadout[01].Quantity=2 Loadout[01].RackType=APU-62L Loadout[02].WeaponType=AA-8 Loadout[02].Quantity=2 Loadout[02].RackType=APU-62R Loadout[03].WeaponType=AA-2D Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AA-2D Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=Tank490_MiG21 Loadout[05].Quantity=1 don't forget the weapons stations, in the data ini, will need the "2IR" code
  2. gonna need MIANG when I finish the MidWest USA map (as they're home is there)
  3. with regards to insurmountable/unrepairable flaws in the old P-47D-25, for WW2 USAAF/USAF and post-war uses in Latin America For those not knowing, in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/66616-needed-new-flight-model/ is a screenie of the flaw. It's pretty obvious, expecially now in SF2. I've got a fairly decent flight model dialed in -- it's not 100% perfect, but flys pretty damn close what what my research has indicated. I have a 90% completed package for the bubble-top, it'll contain 4 skins: 1 WW2 USAAF (368th FS, ETO) 1 Post-War USAF 1 FAB (Brazil, for WW2 and post-war) 1 FAC (Colombia, post war) Obviously, when no bombs or tanks are loaded, the offending pylons would not be there. But on STRIKE, CAS, ARMED_RECON, ANTI_SHIP they would be. The center station is partly hidden by the belly tank. But the untextured meshes would still be there... So...given this massive flaw, would you as end users download this aircraft? One main reason I want to get this out, is to have others test the FM. But with these LOD issues.... They can ONLY be resolved if we have the MAX files, which seem to be unavailable. IF we had the MAX files, my reasoning is those meshes can be seperated, and them mapped to a NEW skin bmp, seperate from the main LOD, as are the stock 3W aircraft. Given my almost total lack of understanding on how 3DS Max, works, I'm assuming this would not be too difficult of a task (for those with the skill, that is!) So there it is ... is it worth it, or has this just been a one-handed exercise? All answers will be considered. I thank you for you time (and yes, I've tried decaling the pylons, they won't "take") wrench kevin stein
  4. P-51D Mustang, RAAF, 77 Squadron



    P-51D, RAAF, 77 Squadron Skin/Decal Pak =For SF2, Full-4 Merged Installs =WITH= Expansion Paks 1 & 2 (reccomended!) *Please Note: Exp2 added several new nations to the userlist, and LOTS of decals for the Mustang. I do not know if this pak will work otherwise (meaning: with Exp 1 only). You are, of course, encouraged to test on your own* This pak contains a skin & decal set replicating CA-18 Mustang Mk.20s from RAAF 77 Squadron from 1948-1951, during the Occupation of Japan and during the Korean War. The serial numbers are 100% historicaly accurate for those airframes assigned 77 Sqdn during that time frame (some actually didn't participate in Korea, as they suffered some attrition due to various and sundry malfunctions). Number randomization has been activated, so make sure you're at LEAST at the June,2011 patch level. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  5. I'll venture a guess .... XP+DX9+SF2????
  6. File Name: Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) (TMF/MM) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 July 2011 File Category: F4U Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) (TMF/MM) - For SF2, Any and All, This is a modification of The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 (French Navy version), into the earlier, and almost identical (albiet modified), F4U-5 version as used by the Honduran Air Force in the 1950s and 60s. TMF original -7 readme is included. This is an SF2 revamp of the version I uploaded a few years ago. This mod makes use of the latest patch level tweeks for randomization of aircraft serial/ID numbers. So, make sure you're at least at June 2011 or above level. Included are a new SF2-style hangar screen, some weapons, engine sound and a pilot figure. A Userlist is included, even though this is a "Nationalized" version. The WW2-era bombs are NOT included; you can find them in the GunnyPak, or edit the loadout ini to use stock 3rdWire ones, if you have SF2:Is Expansion Pak 1. This is a COMPLETE aircraft, with almost all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. Many tweeks have been performed on this, mostly by Column5 to the FlightModel. Some data ini mods by me (duplicating the HVAR stations) alow for wingfold and the ordanance to "stay put" the pylons. Canopy & wingfold is activated by manual animation keys; use Shift/0 for the canopy, Shift/9 for wingfold. Obviously, the FAH dosen't have carriers, but research indicated that the wingfold was never disabled. As always, all the external lighting has been updated to be historically/mechanically correct. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, please review the Legal disclaimers at the bottom - some changes have been implimented. Special thanks to TMF, and Sony Tuckson in particular for permission to include all the bits and pieces. Many Thanks man! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  7. Central America, using Stary's GH3, plus many custom-made by me. It's 'bare rock', not mud (although, durning the rainy season..... )
  8. yeah, it's for SF2 .... in the downloads section, under SF2 WEapons Mods: Linky: http://combatace.com/files/file/10602-mgunnys-ordnance-shop-ii-for-sf2/
  9. there used to be a tutorial in the old 1st KB ... but I couldn't find it!! maybe shoot a PM to Baltika, he was prett good at building campaigna. The campain (pun in intended) inis should be pretty similiar between the series
  10. the lined maps were never released with the original templates, sorry to say.
  11. or are very willing to die for their dollars!
  12. THAT would be frakking awesome Dels!! (the skins could use a little work, but not that big a deal, consider all else...) I've been trying to get the MAX files from Wolf for over 2 months ... "advertised" for his help both here and at SimHQ. But no response. Anything you need from me, just ask. Got lots of books on pdf with diagrams and suchlike many,many thanks! wrench kevin stein
  13. see post #4 above (and WHY would you want to?)
  14. those are for using Gerwin's cat extractor. GEt TKs .. its soooooooooo much easier to use How about you tell us EXACTLY what you trying to accomplish? If just extracting/adjusting the cockpit ini, you extract the cockpit ini ONLY, and place THAT single file into the aircraft folder. I can't make it any simpler than that. What your skin issues are, I have not idea, unless you've added/created a NEW skin/decal set. You're not giving a lot work with. In your attempt to repack the cat are most likely screwing that cat up somehow. Follow the instructions I just gave you
  15. Yes, see the original answers; my post #5 btw, the view limitations, as stock, ARE exactly correct for the aircraft. Visiblit was always limited on these birds. They ain't Mustangs or F-16s with them big clear bubble top canopies
  16. moving this to the SF2 forums you can't repak SF2 cats ... not a good idea EVEN to attempt. You extract the cat to a temp folder, pull the items needed, drop them into the aircraft folder, then, depending on HD space, delete the extracted items. Very simple, very clean. OR, get TKs new extractor, and pull the single or multiple files needed -- much less work
  17. if it's a 'new' version of the Crud, you have to extract all the skin bmp, create a new folder for them (named to fit what it it), an dplace them in the /Aircraft/*nameofaircraft* folder (meaning: what exactly are you doing with the Crusader? Creating a 'new' version Is this for 1stGens, or SF2? If SF2, i'll move this whole thread to the proper froum
  18. using the fake pilot method has one fatal flaw..... the pylons will be there forever ... they will always be 'mounted' for any mission profile (especially for those that don't require them) in every data ini, for every aircraft there's this statement: [LeftWingPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.475,0.0,-0.555 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName=Left_Wing_Pylon <---- PylonMass=10.0 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=P-47_Tank75 this tells the game engine that when that station is unloaded, that that particular mesh is not to be shown (in the Jug's case, standard A-A is just the centerline) . A perfect example of pylon mounting using FP, would be my F-79 Manta. The 2 wing pylons are added via fake pilot. If I hadn't fiddled the loadout ini to give drop tanks for all AA profiles, they's be hanging off the wing, with nothing on them, and no way to make them disappear. In the screenie below, is a 'clean' AA config, with no tanks. You can see the black pylons are not visible, as nothng is loaded on them. Even if using a FP pylon method, it still needs a 3D guy to make and map the pylons, so they can skinned. So, that puts us back to less than Square 1.
  19. short answer: No, you can't change it
  20. to (re)cover the patching with flyable AI aircraft .......... onnnneeeeeeee mooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee tiiiiiimmmmmmeeee: http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/ read all posts

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