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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. elaborating on Fubars.... did you force placement via the mission editor, or place them (specifically called out ) via _targets.ini edits -which, btw, works better)
  2. mentioned in the readme ... mesh errors ONLY when the outer pylons are loaded. Bugs the crap outta me, too. On an otherwise nearly perfect aircraft. The fix is alos mentioned ... change CastShadow to FALSE the only alternative I can think of, is have a 3D guy build a new pylon, comment out the outers via the 'remove component method', and add the 'fixed forever' new pylons via the fake pilot method (like the Argentina Scooter's avionics humps)
  3. I would say, try the button on the first page, 'clear cookies set by the site', and try again the admins have looked at it, and get it with no problems. also, try logging out, clear all cookeies and log back in that's all I can think of.
  4. I see you turned the shadow off ... Wish we had the MAX file to fix that! btw ... it NEEDS an IDF skin!!!!
  5. Isn't that the SAME as using the TE???? After a while, it starts to feel good, then you know you should stop. btw, the link to outsky isn't working for me, and like Veltro, it's not like I can read Chinese....
  6. It wasn't just 3dparty models, but TKs as well
  7. open the main ini (AmericaNW.ini) and SCal ini, delete the lines for the EnviromentalSystem= statement. The envirosys ini included should have been left out, and they're 1stGen and don't work properly. [Terrain] TerrainFullName=American North West DataFile=AmericaNW_data.INI TargetFile=AmericaNW_targets.ini TargetTypeFile=AmericaNW_types.ini MovementFile=AmericaNW_movement.ini //EnvironmentFile=AmericaNW_ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI <--- NationsFile=AmericaNW_nations.ini BriefingText=AmericaNW_briefing.ini DogfightFile=AmericaNW_dogfight.ini DogfightOnly=FALSE CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat Longitude=123.04 Latitude=49.08 let's the game engine's envirosys handle everything
  8. you didn't, by chance, edit the options ini's FlyAll= statement, did you?? [singleMission] AircraftType=A-4Q_CANA Service=ArgentineNavy MissionMap=PANAMA MissionType=RECON MissionTime=AFTERNOON MissionWeather=SCATTERED AirActivity=HEAVY AirDefenseActivity=HEAVY FlyAll=FALSE LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Missions\targets test 1 Commie.MSN MissionDate=1982 StartYear=0 EndYear=2050 EditMission=FALSE
  9. are the shaders updated? here's the airel nuc effect ini i've been using:
  10. File Name: MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider, version 6 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 Oct 2009 File Category: A-1 Skyraider A-1H Skyraider, USN/USMC by MontyCZ Ver. 6 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Series, 06, 08 and Up Patch Levels This is a complete revamp of MontyCZ's Original Skyraider ™. Historically, this aircraft was the VERY first add-on aircraft available for Strike Fighters 'way back when. At my request, Monty was kind enough to revisit this aircraft, and cut several new mesh faces for ease of skinning and decaling. This aircraft mod is designed to REPLACE all eariler versions; however, there will be some small modifications YOU, as the End User ™ will have to make in the various skin bmps and decal inis if wishing to convert older skin mods to this newer LOD. Full instructions on the how-to are in the accompanying Word document, "Updating Older Skins". Now, it should be noted, some of the very old skins may NOT take to the new lod. They, therefore, may need replacement. This aircraft also makes use of the "prop-pit" mod I created for the WW2/Korean Era Skyraiders, and is based off the existing Skyhawk's. It is included. The new skin accompanying this mod represents A-1H Skyraiders from VMA-331 "KillerBees" in approximatley 1958-60 time frame. The aircraft has been EXTENSIVELY tested in 08 Patch Level and SF2 "NextGen" series games, and has had several changes in the data ini to try and update it as much as possible. It could still use some fine tuning of the FM, but it seems to handle pretty well, considering the last update for the FM was in something like 2005!!! It is also fully usable in 06 level game installs, with some minor back-tweeking (documented in the "Notes" section below). It is fully carrier capable, and now has folding wings. ECM capability has been updated, with the addition of chaff and flare dispensers. The aircraft also makes use of an audio-only RWR. Weapons fit uses all stock in-game items; no weapons pak is needed, but feel free to make whatever changes you wish. The shadow statement in the main ini has been updated to post-08 standards, and will work in SF2s as well. All aircraft lighting has been adjusted as per real aircraft, with properly placed formation, running and landing lights. Wingfold is now active, and controlled via an animation key (shift/9). There are a few issues with the canopy still but it's quite livealbe with. 3 Hangar screens, and a USN loading screen are included. The "sf2_A1H_Hangar.bmp", while obviously desinged for SF2 NextGenners, can also be used for TOS games as well. It's a 'generic' carrier-deck style, with no blackboard. My original 'boxart' style for TOS games is also included, as well as the carrier-deck style, WITH blackboard. Your choice!! The aircraft folder and main ini have been named in such a way as to differentiate =THIS= A-1H from the stock 3rdWire unitin SF2:V or the Razbam versions. Do NOT change these names!!! As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. There's an extensive "Notes" section, detailing various and sundry things of interest, including an appeal to our 3D modelers.... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  11. A-4P remod .. fully SF2 compliant ("liberated" skin by dtmdragon, with a little paint fill in)
  12. there's a hi-rez repaint for Zipper pit in the 1stGen downloads ... I've been using it for the last 5-6 years. c'mon people ... a little mouse-work gets you 4 new flyable aircraft. sheesh...
  13. ALL terrains are convertable. less than 2 minutes of work. i see that babe is back .. she sure get around!!!
  14. Weapon database

    no, actually, if you're lilke me ... you're going to be spending a LOT of time over a farposst!!! May I suggest investing in a VERY LARGE external HD, you're gonna be d/ling books by the gigabyte!!!
  15. since we have a 'crash and scrape' sound now, how about we add this as well: Probably the mose recognized of type, worldwide. just a thought ....
  16. Weapon database

    http://missile.index.ne.jp/en/ Yefram Gordon's book can't be beat... http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2336 follow the link in the link above
  17. actually, 3rdWire textures, with a little modification by me, and all the original decals by nosecone from the original SFP1 mod from forever ago I can do all the ini work for A-4CA and A-4P, but don't have time to do the camo skins (as new templates ARE required)
  18. with luck, yes. there's still a (to ME!) major bug with 'mix and match' on both Red and Blue SAMs (ie: Rapier radars on a HAWK site, SquarePair -SA5- at a Goa -SA3- site). And there's the 'operation years' thing too... TKs Guideline and Gainful (2 & 6) have the network type already added in; I know I've uploaded all the SA3 stuff somewhere ... most likely in a terrain package. I know my 5s -Gammon- (by FastCargo) are all networked Caveat: when calling out directly in the _targets ini a specific type of SAM, SAML, and EWradar, sometimes they may not show properly on the TEWS display. OTH, with a vector type, this is not a real problem, as it only shows lines. If using the 'generic' callouts, it's very possible probable to get something you won't like (ie: nasty, deadly with pointed fangs dripping high explosive venom) things like the Barlock (EWR) are, in real life ™ used by 2 and 3, along with Sidenet (3). We've spent a LOT of time trying to straighten that mess out! edit: to make matters worse, there's the FireCan gun radar, and THOSE AAA guns networked to that (KS-12/19/60
  19. stock SAMs, and most of the aftermakets (if I've tweeked them) are already networked to their proper missile and EW radars Fixing the Goshawk was easy.... did you add ARM to the outboard station callouts, and the proper systemnames in teh Fuselage section for the dispenser? (eject position needs fixing) And edit the loadout ini to add Shrikes to the stations 3 & 4? If you want, I'll send you the tweeked data nd loadout inis. (took me more time waiting the terrain to load than the edit the inis) remember -- shrikes/harms ONLY go for radar emmitters -- the launchers themselves, and the AD guns surrounding have to be hit with rockets, bombs (CBUs are prefferable)
  20. frist off, why would you want to fly SEAD without a RWR display??? (that's kinda dangerous, as you won't have the direcionality of the emmitter) True, the stock 100D dosen't have one ... I'd put the Shirkes on the OUTboard stations, iirc, there's a bit more room May I humbly suggest the TA-4J??? Albeit not quite ready to go (still working out a few small things, and the model has shadow issues =tractorbeams= from the outer pylons), but with the late E_65 pit it has a nice vector display RWR
  21. mac: I take it you don't have SF2:I & SF2:E???? CJ (Shahak) and Neshers have been in game since the beginning. Even in 1stGen WoI In SF2E we have not only the 104G, but 3 CF104s they only lack cockpits, and that's covered by TKs download of the 1stGen G from his site (and my instructions on 'how to ...) in the SF2 KB. The Lockheed "issue" has been a non-issue for many years. However I WOULD like a IIIE!!!
  22. was talking about this with Fubar ... surprised we haven't see Argentine Scooters and Mirages....
  23. and labor intensive, I'm here to tell ya. If done properly

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