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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Don't suppose you've seen the A-1H/J upgrade kits I released last year? Even without a 'proper' cockpit (ok, extensively modified Scooter-B pit), works pretty damn good. To say nothing of the skin paks We have an early SPAD pit, but it's for the 1-4s, so it has the radar. I'm sure we might be able to talk the modler into removing it for the H/J
  2. Happy Birthday to

    Gents, have one on me! Happy Birthday to both of ya!! wrench kevin stein
  3. Don't know about you, but for me, it's usually the Primary target!!! (bomb long, bomb short. even with nukes I can miss it!)
  4. Kruge returns

    Feed Him!!!
  5. Kudos on the Vipers guys!!! Departing Howard AFB, for some fun...
  6. you got me on that one, too! we just recently went through that with SF2, and it was something TK had to fix. 1st time I've heard of it in FE
  7. That's funny

    do you have the correct pilot figure called for in the data ini or, is the data ini calling for a 'fake pilot' figure?? If so, you're missing the 'fakepilot' (happens alot is SF/Wo*/SF2 when that object missing, too!) wrench kevin stein
  8. Zur promised us a real FJ-4M one day ..... PB, if they carried winders, use the lod that's in that pak -- it has the rails. You can call it whichever mark in the main ini. As the gunsight, ALL Sabres had radar-ranging sights (excepting maybe the D/L/K all-weather versions, as they had air intercept radars)
  9. you mean this one? http://combatace.com/topic/50389-selecting-the-proper-terrain-cat/
  10. the flashing building phenon may be caused by flipped faces on the meshes of the objects used to create the TOD buildings. If so, there may not be a fix for that. we've been enountering that for years is SF/Wo*/SF2 with a lot of the terrain object buildings, and the only what to fix it, is to have the object rebuilt in MAX. Another thing to do, is backup the original data ini, extract one of the stock terrain data inis, and copy/past the relevent sections into JTs terrain, and see what happens. Just as an experiment, doncha know! wrench kevin stein
  11. and don't forget the updated avionics ini .. .has a working radar-gunsight
  12. Ok, first and formost, for vista/Win7: DO NOT ISNTALL ANY 1ST GEN 3W GAME TO ANY OF THE C/ProgramFiles/**** FOLDERS Install them to the root of /C, as in: C:/Wings Over Europe Create you new shortcut, and you'll find everything works just as it's supposed to. This IS covered somewhere in the 1stGen Knowledge Base. when placed in teh /ProgramFiles folders, it'll become essentially "locked" as those are protected areas, and you wont' be able to mod it. That should fix that issue.
  13. just a plane-jane, unmarked skin??? Get the Iranian Sabres I did a few months back. All markings are decals, but no fues/wing stripes the templeates should be in the 1Gen templates d/l section. If not, I'll shoot you mine (which aint' stock!) wrench kevin stein
  14. anybody have any? If not, I'll make my own. Need a different 3-tone camo than the IDF one TIA! wrench kevin stein
  15. while during research on the current terrain probject, and concurrently on the militaries of the countries involved, I stumbled on a blurb about the FAH wanting to buy Kfir C2. So, with a few decals .... (historcally/Real Life™, they wouldn't have the rudder flash. But it looked cool) wrench kevin stein
  16. shoot, I LOVE Hunters ... one of the most beautiful planes ever built!!! Nice job guys!!! Keep up the good work!
  17. When transfering terrains from 1stGen to NextGen (sf2), one simply does a copy/paste of the entire terrain folder in question. Then, of course, there's some editing of the terrain _Data.ini (covered in the SF2 Knowledge Base) Are we talking about GROUND objects (found the /GroundObject folder; like tanks and ships and SAMs and AAA) or TERRAIN objects (found in the terrain's main folder), such as buildings and fueltanks and warehouses and the like?? TODs are the trees and buildings, built INTO the terrain itself, associated with each terrain tiles. They must be placed in the terrain folder, if different from stock Exactly what bmps are you asking about??? more info is needed; a screenie of the folder of the terrain is question -and it's name!- would be of tremendous assitance. Also, make sure you're point to the correct terrain cat file
  18. er...ah....um....aah...actually, no. I think I lost them when I got the new computer in April. Can you resend, Stary???
  19. that might explain some of the 'mesas' I've just noticed in Costa Rica/Honduras -- but, as they're just jungle, that won't be a problem for the Players
  20. did you add this line to data ini: CockpitCGOffset=TRUE also, make sure the PilotPositon= in the cockpit ini is the same as in the data ini; you may have to turn on the ShowFromCockpit=TRUE for the fuselage using any moves in the cockpit ini? (went through this with the Hustler last week...)
  21. It's the old question: who do I have to kill for C-54??? (and, can we drop candy from it???)
  22. Left and right mouse buttons, maybe??? That what it defaults to. Go to Options --> Controls --> Customize and the reset everthing. See if that works
  23. the WHOLE city has it's sphincter in an uproar ... I ain't the least be worried wrench kevin stein
  24. is it vitally critical to the visual 'look' of the ship? If truely not, I'd leave them off, and save the polys just my opinion

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