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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: B-58A Huster for SF Upgrade/Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 July 2011 File Category: Other B-58A "Hustler" -- For SF2, Any and All -- This is a modification of Pasko's B-58 Hustler, to bring it more in line with SF2 standards. If you have the 2009 SF2 Update, just install this directly OVER your pre-existing folders, allowing the overwrite. If you don't, don't worry about it. Two skins are included (the same basic skin used twice), with all new 100% Historicaly Correct ™ serial numbers, listing each operational aircraft that served with the 43rd and 305th Bomb Wings. Unfortunatly, I was unable to break them down each into which served with each of the 6 Squadrons in the 2 Wings, but this should do nicely. There are also 2 cockpits included: The original SF2 mod by Dave (USAFMTL), that uses the F-106 pit and, An extensivelly modified F-4 Phantom pit (stock 3W ini only -as the cockpit exists in all versions of the game). This one makes use of many 'moves' to drop items out if sight, and uses the physical external model for the windshield framing. Neither one is perfect ... this is elaborated further in the "Notes" section, with instructions on what to switch or turn off in the various inis; depending on which you choose. Right now, it's using the Phantom pit, as it really is quite a bit closer than the 106's. In the Loadout ini, several alternate loadouts are listed. These can be accessed from the 3rdWire mission editor screen (for post-Expansion Pak 2 users). Other ini edits repositon the running & landing lights, add 'virtual' flaps (as this aircraft made use of drooping elevons -without the original source file this is impossible to duplicate-), minor engine adjustments, and avionics tweeks. It could also stand a slightly improved FM; the changes and other comments are in the "Notes" section. Weapons are included, the nuke explosion effects are =NOT=. YOu should probably have them from the GunnyPak. Speaking of weapons, a "new" 8kt ARM is included; this is a fictional ARM version of the Genie, more in line with "Fail Safe" and the No.6 Decoy/EW/Escort aircraft, and gives you a SEAD load. Kill SAM sites DEAD!!! Since real decoys don't/can't exist....it's just for fun! There's also and EO version, that can be used for STRIKE or SEAD missions. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. This =IS= Required reading -- there are some issues that are addressed there. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  2. check the engines for thrust angles, landing gear for rolling radius, rolling resistence, shock damping, etc. a LOT of 1stGen conversions manifest this very same issue. I personally believe it a LOD problem possibly from 'mirroring' meshes, but haven't been able to prove this
  3. been that way since Day 1 -- I don't think there IS anything that can be done about it.
  4. Quickie Update: upon further experimentation, I found a solution to the 'freeze' issue. OPen the data ini, and in the first section locate the line AircraftRole= change it from BOMBER to ATTACK and with luck the AI statments will keep you at high enough altitude for weapons release, and safe escape from the blast zone. It's not a perfect solution, but will keep the game from freezing. wrench kevin stein
  5. have to be placed via terrain's _targets ini edits, and added to the terrains _types.ini
  6. This is what we been doing, when doing mods on products that do NOT have Freeware permissions: Leave out the LOD or whichever file(s) are personaly copyrighted. In the readme, you add a statement somewhat like this, from my mod of his -3 Hellcat to the F6F-5: Basically, you put the onus on the End User ™ to go and get the non-permissioned parts needed, and tell them where to get them. This eliminates any and all possibilities of pissing someone off. And is the smart and honorable thing to do. Also, don't forget to list Geo in the Credits section wrench kevin stein
  7. i'd suggest reading the readme -- it says NOT to use the IsrealME cat, and NOT for 1stGens. SF2 only They won't sink because they're ground objects being used as terrain objects; therefore, they 'think' the surface of the water is hard ground. Also, as 'terrain objects', they're subject to targeting for Strike just like any other (evildamncombuildings, oil tanks, etc). This has been discussed many times between us Terraformers. Nothing to do about it. You're probably missing the "Oiler" ground object, hence no visible target. It's called an "Oil Tanker", which is what displays in your target window, which is WHAT it is (actually, a CIMMARON class AO). Read the rest of the entry: [TargetType144] Name=Oiler FullName=Oil Tanker //ModelName=Oiler.LOD TargetType=FUEL_STORAGE ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=1000 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=Oiler RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DestroyedEffect=ShipDestroyedEffect DamagedModel= SecondaryEffect=LargeOilFire DestroyedModel=Oiler.LOD SecondaryChance=100 that should clear that up. TK never gave us a destroyed model for the SUMNERFram, so there you have it. So when destroyed, it vaporizes. That can be fixed by adding these lines to the SUMNER's _types entry (which I thought I'd done) DamagedModel=DD.LOD DestroyedEffect=ShipDestroyedEffect DestroyedModel=DD.LOD SecondaryEffect=MediumOilFire SecondaryChance=100
  8. CAS, A/R use the same statement -- ATTACK
  9. "Waterworld" Terrain



    "Waterworld" Terrain for SF2 Full-4 Merged (Reccomened) and/or SF2:V Just a bit of silliness. I was asked to create a 'quick and dirty' mostly ocean terrain by Fubar512, so he could test some ship mods. This is it. Just a little something fun, and slightly different. Yes, there are Easter Eggs. In fact, the WHOLE map is an Easter Egg! This terrain contains 2 land-airfields (one for each side) and 6 CV stations; 3 each for Blue and Red. I made use of the "Allowed Missions" statement, so you won't be seeing any CAS or Armed Recons (with no place to drive too...well, you get the idea). Plenty of shipping routes, however. No tiles (excepting one special, and one for use with GH3) are included with this, but it uses the VietnamSEA tile set, as pointed to via the 'use this cat' statement in the terrain's main ini. If one wished to, you can easily just drop Stary's GH3 set, or any other Vietnam-named tiles directly into the terrain folder. Once the terrain has it's own internal tileset, you can use any cat pointer =EXCEPT= the IsrealME.cat. The cities on the map have the minimal amounts of targets possible ... this is more for those liking to keep their feet wet. Also, you might just want to consider this terrain a "myth-mash" (see notes below). Bonus point awarded to ID the source of several of the place names. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Happy Swimming! Wrench kevin stein
  10. OPPS!!! ok folks ... take note ... it should be AIM-9PG
  11. who need crappy Falcons, when you can call upon a Genie? (very quick and dirty experiment -- definately needs reskinning to remove a BUNCH of stuff)
  12. only when a change get made on a particular aircraft, then just that folder gets copied to the external(s). A LOT haven't been touched for some time, and there's a few seperate skin psds that are still in the various aircraft folders (on those, just minor panel/rivet redrawing -like for the Oz Mirage, for example) a lot are also 1stGen 3w, and probably don't work anymore.
  13. well, it's been over a month, and nothing from Wolf. I think it's safe to say, we're probably on our own with this. So, oh well! We tried to get the MAX files. carry on, folks ... go back to what you were doing. wrench kevin stein
  14. after you do a couple dozen, it gets easier
  15. How do you think we do it?? How else are we creating layered templates for the stock birds, when none exist? Like all the ones I've & others have done (Mustang, MirageIII, C-47, etc) this post might be of some assistance: http://combatace.com/topic/66071-polish-mig-29/page__view__findpost__p__507765 wrench kevin stein
  16. F-104G

    IF you have an old one, rename the data ini in you F-104G folder, and see what happens. Just trust me, and try it. Also, rename the loadout ini, so the game will 'look for it' in the object cats. let us know what you see (I already know it'll fix it) there was a glitch caused by the last round of patching on older, previously extracted Zipper data inis. this is the fix. alternatively, delete the existing ones and the extract fresh ones from whichever ObjectData***.cat (disremember right off the top of my head which one). In case youve activated the canopy or someting.
  17. try this loadout. This is withOUT messing with the data ini, for the renumber/refiddle with the existing stations: Meaning: all stock station IDs backup the original loadout ini by renaming -assuming you've extracted it. Then, copy/paste the data below directly OVER the existing statements. Some guesswork was involved (Read: taken/adjusted BACK from the A-16 I just released) It's not perfect (as noted with the use of rocket pods on the outer stations -replace with 9Limas, if wished, or add RP to the Left/Right outer wing stations in the 'AllowedWeaponsType=' line) It's a known issue with ALL variants of 3W game; the base A-A loadout does NOT include drop tanks. A serious handicap for the MiG flyers. Pretty much all of us have fixed that in out installs The stock Netz, that PFunk used has in internal ECM suite. If you want to delete that from the data ini, comment out the statments below the hardpoints (or in the Fuselage section of the data ini. The centerline station should say EP (electronics pod -jammer), and you can edit the loadout in for Station 7, and put the ALQ-131 there in the loadout ini Like this: of course, for the strike/cas/sead, you'll have to loose inner wing station ordanance, and replace with drop tanks (as we all know, Falcons rarely -if ever- flew without them. wrench kevin stein hint: edit the Loadout.ini only, not the data ini. using the data you've provided above, this is your STRIKE loadout - 2 wing tanks, centerline jammer, wingtip winder and 6 82s (i been editing loadouts a while! )
  18. yeah, seriously! let me have it for a couple hours ... and it'll look like a real USAF bird!!

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