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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. why not, instead of attaching to a post =which will eventually wander off the bottom of the page, and clog/fill up your /attachments folder here on the server= upload them? There should be a category for menu screen in the SF2 D/L section and they are NICE! wrench kevin stein
  2. could you be a little less specific??? is it safe to assume the TOD biuldings are not showing up? (meaning: the little 1,2 and 3 story buildings in cities) along with the trees. which terrains? a single terrain, or ALL add-on terrains? are the stock terrains showing their terrain objects? which cat are they pointing to? (example below) Terrain cat tutorial: http://combatace.com/topic/50389-selecting-the-proper-terrain-cat/ more information is requred if we're to diagnose this issue
  3. don't forget dumbbombs! look good Ant!!
  4. I'd suggest 'cheating' ... like I've done on many of my RAF skins. Make the roundel/DF one decal (ok, 2 - since r & l are opposite) at Level=0, and the individual a/c letter at Level=2 something like this: (mind you, wrong font here)
  5. data in tweeks to the SlowPropRPM= FastPropRPM= MaxPropRPM= IdlePropRPM= statements???? Maybe???
  6. HEY!!! That's my line!!! Nice job, ace!!
  7. Nice one Ed!! Got the bathing suit on the right in blue? -- No matter how many ways or times I look at this, there's something I positivly, 100% cannot figure out WHY is bothers me.... Just can't put my finger on it....
  8. Salvadoran and Honduran Corsairs mixing it up............
  9. ww2 or modern???, and Ours or Their's????
  10. That's because this is a very basic VT skin, as used by USN squadrons
  11. File Name: Lockheed U-2A for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 December 2010 File Category: Other Lockheed U-2A =For SF2 (any and all merge levels) *Note: as I'm not fully sure if "Dragon Lady" applies to this early model, I didn't add the name*. This is a slight overhaul of Pasko/Column5's Lockheed U-2A recon plane. This is a full aircraft pak, with a modified cockpit. All new serial number decals have been created, historcally accurate for the USAF version, and those discoverable for CIA usage (US civil N-series). Both the original skins (NM and 'dark gray') are included. A new SF2-style hangar screen is included, as is Pasko's "PilotU2" , dressed in the 1950s style pressure suit. The flight model feels pretty good in SF2, considering it hasn't been tweeked since 2005, but the aircraft is NOT a fighter, so don't expect massive manuverabililty. Other ini tweek remove some unneeded cockpit bits, add an audio-only RWR (couldn't find any info if A-models had jammer suites), landing lights, and a working Driftsight (ie: downward looking periscope). A destroyed model has also been assigned, for SF2 users. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. You should pay special attention to the "Flying the U-2" sections below, as it explains the use of the 'driftsight' and other things you'll need to know for correctly flying recon missions in this bird. It is also highly likely this mod can be used in 1stGen SF/Wo* with minimal adjustments -- as 08 level game also use the /Decals subfolder, this should pose no issue whatsoever. Some data ini adjusment of the landing gear rolling radi may be necessary. Since I don't mod 1stGens anymore, this was not tested. And yes, for those that look for such things, there are 2 Easter Eggs in the cockpit (actually, 3, but one seems to have disappeared!). Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  12. it's a full aircraft package .... EVERYTHING was included. I'd delete it from your install, and try again. Cause it works fine for everyone else, or there'd have been more complaints.
  13. Dude, do you even LOOK in the downloads section??? http://combatace.com/files/file/11915-t-45a-goshawk-for-sf2/ some months back... sheesh....
  14. How about any that have been released in the last 12 months?? AE (Magadasscar) OTC 2 (cuba) Iran/Iraq Waterworld Darwin ASW and so on................ they even have up sized parking slots (ie: more available) in the airfield inis could've saved yourself some work, eh?
  15. "Sorry, you WON'T be" says Yoda!
  16. reduse the rotor diameter to 6.0 or less
  17. Been there done that .... look in like the last 3 or 4 terrain mods I've posted. Not only Runway2, but Runway3 has been totally 'paved'. No more FOD worries from dust/dirt/tumbleweed ingestion
  18. WaaaaaHOOOO!

    Happy Birthday to LloydNB!!! may the fan in front of you always keep you cool! (prop-heads joke!!) wrench kevin stein
  19. re: http://combatace.com/topic/66381-does-the-patch-update-all-xxxexe/ might point you to some answers, as would the SF2 Knowledge Base (I know it's covered in there someplace !
  20. You should get one for the back garden

    worked in WW2, why not now?? I'll take a Flogger -- that'll really f*** with the parking enforcemnet officers on my street!!!
  21. with (great deal of) assitance from Dave (decals are mine though!) Soon
  22. Ya can't go wrong with CH -- EVER!!!
  23. How do you think I did the A-16A??? Let me assemble the package...and I'll upload it.
  24. in a full-4 merged, EVERYTHING is available in the SF2 (base) install. So, propbably, you'd need SF2V merged to get them. (and FRAM2 as well) EDIT: checking my SF2E install mods folder, they 2 stock CVs also show. Must be a 'merged' then, when reading mods folders from the SF2E.exe, with all the others. They're in SF2:I as well. (to say nothing of Israeli Centurions/Sho'tkal/Magach and European Leopards in SF2V) this is what the userlist and limitednations statements in the terrains are for

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