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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. lack of proper transition tiles, maybe? I was looking through all the tiles, and it's definatily missing a good number of transitions
  2. Nice Zippers Carlo!! ----------------------- You all have heard of 'moon over miami'.... how about a Crud over Miami??? (not smog!)
  3. that's the sound ... I even use on the 3dWire ones, too
  4. no, the correct quote was "Oh, thank G*D". Watched it again the other night. Pity it wasn't the full cut, that had Enola tripping over the plague Hillary placed on the summit of Everest It's a special terrain project that Fub's wanted, that WILL be released. A very bare-bones terrain, with LOTS of carrier stations for sea-borne action wrench 'Deacon of the Dez'
  5. figuring out the mapping on the skin was a nightmare ... expecially for the tail hook! Kept coming out green!! you'll note they more-or-less follow the Isreali camo pattern ... laziness sometimes pays off!!! Now....if some 3d Guru want to build a GPU-5 lod ... I've got all the ini work already done (just need a lod that fits 'betwix the legs.
  6. buzzing the Overseas Highway and 7 Mile Bridge
  7. something for fubar ... I TOLD you I'd do it!!!
  8. Your best mods for First Eagles?

    http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/index.php?sid=d13c8446379546f32d69516a4ece53ec on the page above, you'll see a 'Board & Files Policies'. The info you need is in that forum wrench kevin stein
  9. I reallly must apologize in advance ... I just couldn't resist!! (fubar made me do it!!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaGO_WqS40M wrench kevin stein
  10. looks like an update is in order; this is from the wate section in DBS: [WaterTextureMaterial] //UseEffectShader=TRUE //EffectShaderName=WaterEffect.fx EffectShaderName=terWaterEffect.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=CLOCKWISE LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=TRUE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE Note the 'FALSE" have to fix that
  11. for S & Gs, have you tried using the Netz avionics in with the old Team Viper birds? Seems to work pretty good with the Blk15 cockpit on the Paki version just a thought -- as none of the old hud stuff is working for me, even after updating the avionics and cockpit inis to use SF2 materials
  12. you attempting the impossible, in regards to the pylons. They're part of the aircraft model (ie: the LOD), and aren't moveable outside 3dMax. How about trying this line on the relevant hardpoints (as seen on the Scooters:) RackLimitOutsideOnly=TRUE you'll only have 4, but it's better than massive clipping issues as to the gunsight, are you referencing BOTH the Corsairs cockpit and avoinics inis??
  13. nice to see JMSDF represented!!! be perfect on the Kamchatka map! (and modern Korea, too!)
  14. oi.... well, the winders may stay white (don't want to make a whole new weapon.) reskinning the tanks is not too hard .. just generate a new psd!! (which I was gonna do anyway!!
  15. looks like some data ini checking is ahead, and a post in the KB for a fix!! thanks guys! (gonna double check and make sure)
  16. which versions of DBS and Libya? (they've gone through a couple of changes) Look in the terrain data inis, you should see this for ALL sea and sea/land transitions tiles: HeightMapScale=2.000000 both terrains should have full black painted _HM.bmps for the sea, sea/land transition tiles
  17. seems to me, somebody's rereading "Firebreak"....
  18. why move an 85+meg file when a simple text edit can do the same?? [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Black Sea DataFile=BlackSea_data.INI TargetFile=BlackSea_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=BlackSea_types.INI MovementFile=BlackSea_movement.ini NationsFile=BlackSea_nations.INI BriefingText=BlackSea_briefing.INI DogfightFile=BlackSea_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=10.817 Latitude=51.111 CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat <----
  19. black sea uses GermanyCE naming conventions for the airfields. If you point it to the GermanyCE cat, the problem should go away. alternatively, extract ALL the germanyce airfield data inis from the latest patch level, and toss them all into the black sea terrain folder, then you can point it to any cat
  20. missing the proper skin bmps did you create seperate folders for thse ground objects, ala 08 patch? If so, you'll need to locate the correct/matching skins. look for JAP.bmp JAPSOLIDER.bmp weapons.bmp for the Type 88 and Type 96 AA units
  21. Adding stuff to FE2

    did you add the engine sound wav to the /Sounds folder??? A reminder to all: the Knowledge Base for SF/Wo*, and SF2 contains the basic information to mod ALL the 3rd Wire games. It's HIGHLY reccomended reading. http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-1-knowledge-base/ http://combatace.com/forum/268-thirdwire-sf2-series-knowledge-base/ everything works exactly the same, just in the 'NextGens' (SF2/FE2), the location of the "mods folder" --where everything BUT core game operations files are-- is in a different place. wrench kevin stein
  22. Yup, time to start learning those skinning skills. If you don't have/can't get Photoshop, get Gimp. It's free, and does pretty much everything that PS does. what you'll need to do, is create a couple of new layers on whichever skin bmp needs the RedStar ™ painted out on one layer, you'll redraw the panel lines on another layer, you'll redraw the rivet lines (if any) on still another layer, you'll 'color match' the background gray, and paint over the RedStar ™ then, using the opacity slider, drop down the panel and rivet lines opacity to match the look of the existing ones. flatten layers, and save the skins (alternatively: one could now add the required insignia TO the skin bmp, and not have to worry about decal placements) if one dont know how to draw panel and rivet lines, simmerspaintshop.com has EXCELLENT tutorials. Read them, and practice them. we all started somewhere ... it's your turn now!!! (after all, those of us that've been around for so long will be needing replacements at some point in time ... we aren't going to be doing this forever) as to decals, they're not too diffucult to figure out placements ... use a 'known location' (example: the lights on the wings, and move inboard). It may take an hour or so, but it quite easy to do, after you've done it once or twice. Also, study any decal inis for the aircraft; someone may have already plotted their positions. wrench kevin stein

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