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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. When transfering terrains from 1stGen to NextGen (sf2), one simply does a copy/paste of the entire terrain folder in question. Then, of course, there's some editing of the terrain _Data.ini (covered in the SF2 Knowledge Base) Are we talking about GROUND objects (found the /GroundObject folder; like tanks and ships and SAMs and AAA) or TERRAIN objects (found in the terrain's main folder), such as buildings and fueltanks and warehouses and the like?? TODs are the trees and buildings, built INTO the terrain itself, associated with each terrain tiles. They must be placed in the terrain folder, if different from stock Exactly what bmps are you asking about??? more info is needed; a screenie of the folder of the terrain is question -and it's name!- would be of tremendous assitance. Also, make sure you're point to the correct terrain cat file
  2. er...ah....um....aah...actually, no. I think I lost them when I got the new computer in April. Can you resend, Stary???
  3. that might explain some of the 'mesas' I've just noticed in Costa Rica/Honduras -- but, as they're just jungle, that won't be a problem for the Players
  4. did you add this line to data ini: CockpitCGOffset=TRUE also, make sure the PilotPositon= in the cockpit ini is the same as in the data ini; you may have to turn on the ShowFromCockpit=TRUE for the fuselage using any moves in the cockpit ini? (went through this with the Hustler last week...)
  5. It's the old question: who do I have to kill for C-54??? (and, can we drop candy from it???)
  6. Left and right mouse buttons, maybe??? That what it defaults to. Go to Options --> Controls --> Customize and the reset everthing. See if that works
  7. the WHOLE city has it's sphincter in an uproar ... I ain't the least be worried wrench kevin stein
  8. is it vitally critical to the visual 'look' of the ship? If truely not, I'd leave them off, and save the polys just my opinion
  9. My pleasure! I wasn't sure what was known or not! DA --
  10. The Wall is an easy fix.... from FlightEngine.ini [WorldSettings] SectorWidth=20 SectorHeight=20 SectorMaxObject=256 Border=35000.0 MinHeight=1.0 MaxHeight=35000.0
  11. Unfortunately, there's no vertical component in the target's ini -- I've tried, believe me however .... somebody REAL clever could edit one of the terrain object (say, citybuilding2, as it's the tallest at 6 or 8 stories), and 'hide' a gun at the top via creation of a data ini. It would have to be placed as usual, but the hard thing is to figure out how to make it fixed to the terrain, and exist in the GO folder. (like I've done with the ASR object - it even shows on TWS) sort of like the Ent I was trying to build. P ... still looks like you could sneak in a TuAF base on the north coast, or at the very least, a multi-use airport.
  12. did I save the bmp with the wrong specs!??? Damn ... hate when I do that!! can you post the fixed _water.bmp?? Jus zip it, and upload like a regular mod, so everyone can have. I'd be thankfull!! there should be more than enough A-S routes to keep even Sparkomatic happy!! BTW ... nobody's answered the questions on the names!!!
  13. What we Angelenos are expecting this weekend...

    Anybody remember the old song "Nobody Walks in LA"???? Or Steve Martin's "LA Story"???? funny stuff!!! and what's a real crack up, is they're only doing HALF the bridge -- the southside lanes. Next June, they're doing the rest of it. So we get to "suffer" all over again. as always, people are making mountains out of molehills (via HFD manipulation). When the had the 84 Olypmics, the same dire warnings were wafting about ... and the traffic was so less than normal. And that was during the work week. This is on a weekend sheesh .. I worry about the mentality of my city's citizens....if they actually have any!!
  14. Buzz Job (aka: Annoying the merchant crews)
  15. Well, if used, you no longer have to have NONE in the number.lst (which IS still necessary) Here's the entries from the A-16 Attack Falcon's textureset: [TextureSet] Name=USAF Euro Nation=USAF Squadron= Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 StartDefaultDate=1985 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=100 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=99 As I figgure, it works like this... DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE pretty self explainatory. I assume (oh!! that word! ) this tells the game engine that it's ok to pick and mix Level 2 decals DecalNumberBlockSize=100 is the total number of decals (in this case, serial numbers. This starts with the 000.tga and ends with 099. Which leads us to the next ones... DecalNumberStart=0 tells the engine that 0 is the start point (as it always has been!) and DecalNumberEnd=99 tells the engine that 99 is the last one In-game, it'll then select from anywhere in the list, and mix them up in any order. Now, what I DON'T know but assuming (-oh! that word!!) the same is true for all Level 2 decals, it now may be possible to have less than the always reccomened (by TK hisself, in the old 1stGen decals tutorial) 18. This does need testing. Example: I have 100% historic Burearu Numbers for the 6 TBFs that flew from from Midway during the battle. With the logic above, you can now tell the engine that it can pick from any of the 6, and put those decals on any aircraft in the flight Something like this: [TextureSet] Name=VT-8 Midway Detachment Nation=USN Squadron=VT-8 Specular=0.4000 Glossiness=0.2000 Reflection=0.30000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=6 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=5 Me personally, I always make 18-24 (well, 26 for RAF with letters). I am the High Priest of the Temple of CYA!!
  16. that looks MORE than a little familiar!!
  17. We know what TFR is -- I"m sure FastCargo could go into some REAL detials, as he used to drive B-1s Bottom Line: Ain't never gonna see it in 3rdWire game. Same with AFR. It all goes back to the Standard Response ™ Let's focus on the possibilities of WHAT TK might be doing, as opposed to 'blue sky' fantasy wish lists. And I got plenty of them, too!!!
  18. It all depends, realisticlly, on how much time you want to spend targeting the map. Blue and Red (no pun intended!) sides still need to be represented (ie: NATO/WarPac). After 1990, the Nations.ini could possibly change them (the republics of the USSR) to FRIENDLY. Personally, I'd need to see a 'basic' map (an bmp/jpg of the HFD) to see if that would be a problem So, no help from me! but option 1 sounds good wrench kevin stein
  19. Obvious answer: So don't fly it! You're also forgetting that the VNSEA terrain should use the LimitedNations=TRUE statement, thereby cutting out anyone that don't belong there, other than the expected Red -VPAF. It may also uses "AllowedMIssions=" statements, limiting what type CAN be flown by the VPAF (and by inference, Blue as well -no shipping routes on the Red side!) To say nothing of what was mentioned above about the narrowed year usage. This is easly fixed in the VeitnamSEA.ini. You should have a set of statements for 'AllowedYears' or words to that effect. Remember too, not only to edit the Options.ini in the root folder, but the SingleMission.ini (will need extracting from one of the Flight cats), and the terrain's year limits. (if applicable! don't mod 1stGens anymore, so...)
  20. nobody's twisting anybody's arm to buy, are they??? Over the years, we've had a LOT of features turned off due to whiney little s**ts that bitched and complained and ranted about how they're suffering from terminal HUA and couldn't/wouldn't/can't figure out how to use, that many of us Modders needed. AND... there are a lot of 'features' hidden in the various and sundry dlls that have neve been activated since Day 1, SFP1. Maybe now, they'll be turned on. BTW, we've had terrain following since Day 1 SFP1. Look in any avionics ini for aircraft classed as "ATTACK" and have radars. You'll see these statements: TerrainAvoidanceRangeSetting=1,2 ClearanceDistance=152.4 The autopilot handles it quite nicely. Don't belive? Fly the ANW terrain on autopilot in a Scooter and get back to us. We'll wait here. Remember, too, at the end of the day, it's TK's descision on HOW he runs his business. Hell, I'm unemployed and still manage to purchase the ExpPaks and DLCs. I really don't see an issue here. wrench kevin stein
  21. was there something wrong with it before? It looked good to me! Or just re-optimization for SF2??
  22. I thought I'd fixed the HM height spec!! set the HM to 2.000 -- the whole top section (before the tile listings), comes from the 7/11 update, so it should be good

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