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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Help!!!! gone through the lod, looking for the obvious things, vents, divot, triangle-shaped intake thing-a-ma-bob, and just can't figure it out!! Any ideas anyone??? TIA!! wrench kevin stein
  2. I'll venture a guess ... XP and SF2 and DX9?? artifacts caused by how SF2 "reads" lods. We'd had some issues with that in KAW as well OTH, it dosen't seem to be present in SF2 w/DX10 (although, the expected shadow artifacts are -the infamous 'tractor beam'
  3. try to pay attention ... that's NOT the same keystroke for 'view target' -- ie: F8. Seems to work for aircraft, but not ground targets (those assigned for STRIKE) You used to be able to hit it on the runway, and then F8jump to look at it. Not any more. Not even when righ over it
  4. SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2



    SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2 = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E -- *Important Note: The main reason for SF2 and/or SF2E, is this aircraft now uses the stock Hunter FGA.9 cockpit. Should be available in all versions, excepting stand-alone SF2V (and even then, possibly when merged, even using the SF2V exe?). In other words ... any SF2 install that has access to the Hunter 9's cockpit parts. --- This is an upgrade/mod of the SAAB J29F Tunnan, as released by Phlerp & Co in either 2004 or 2006 (the lod is dated 2004, and the original readme in dated 2006. Go Figure!) Several small tweeks to the various inis have been done; the cockpit switched to the stock Hunter 9, all skins and decals are setup SF2 style, and all weapons for this aircraft are included. I couldn't positiviely ID the canopy node, so that is NOT working. The weapons are taken from the GunnyPak, so if you have them installed, just allow the overwrite. There are also landing lights.<grin> The destroyed model uses a stock 3rdWire one available in ALL versions, so won't be any issue there (Fresco). The damage textures have been converted to dds format; however the original tgas ARE included. A new SF2-style hangar screen in included. Avionics mods adds a radar-ranging gunsight (weither this is historically accurate??? don't know!). A new Userlist ini is included; with luck I got the years right (or close enough) As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other stuff. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  5. can't resist this... safe to assume they're double Ds??
  6. is anyone else getting a non-functional F8 "view target" keystroke??? I just noticed this!
  7. just look at the targets ini -- this is used on the wW2 maps as well*. They're in dedicated off-shore 'convoy' stations. They'll only be tasked in STRIKE missions. BTW, they're radars will NOT show up on a TEWS, even if you have the correct RWR tga and have the radar type listed in the various and sundry rwrlist inis. the most recent Modern Darwin has a lot of them removed, they just got in the way. the game engine just treat it like any other target area, in single missions. As for campaigns??? ??? *as it was Edward that originally did these maps, it was his idea; I just borrowed it.
  8. use the sf2 exe for all my 'era' specific mods folders
  9. I'd reccomend extracting the latest Nations.ini from the flight data cat, and going through it line by line ... it'll rapidly become apparant how the 'switch' works.
  10. apparenly, there's some new damage routines post patch. In forcing the aircraf off to early, I bounced real hard (with an exciting new crunching/grinding/scrapping metal sound), and noticed it was quite bright in my rearview mirror. Sadly, I crashed. But it looked cool.
  11. we better let TK know, without the seasonal switch, Korea is gonne be f***ed.
  12. full package, all inclusive (but I can't find the Austrian skin that I"m sure I saw once. unless it was just for the Draken....?? ???)
  13. actually, it is broken. I was testing the Tunnan conversion just now, and the only dates I kept getting was Feburary. 15+ missions, and nothing but winter. I'll be gone this weekend (back sunday night) so I can't test my theory ... I think someting like the FE/FE2 Vogessin might need to be done. (or is the Latitude= too far north? 80 degs?? Shouldn't it be like 50-something?) That is, move ALL the tiles to a seperate sub-folder in the /Terrains folder, and change the seasonal pointer to 'look in that direction' I'll experiment when I get back.
  14. read my post(s) in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/65548-skywarrior-decal-trouble/ as to weapons, are the inis converted to SF2 standard? EDIT: if you wait a couple of days, I can have the full package, SF2 ready early next week.
  15. Fly my terrain mods. There's always something interesting to find.
  16. In our ever handy, ever ignored Knowledge Base, this will (hopefully) be of some assistance: http://combatace.com/topic/50389-selecting-the-proper-terrain-cat/
  17. incorrect or missing cat pointer line in the terrain's main ini
  18. do you the 4 seasonal folders? (fall, hard winter, spring, winter) did you use all the supplied inis? There's 'seasonal switchs' in the GermanyCE.ini [season001] Directory=hard winter StartDate=1/1 EndDate=02/27 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 [season002] Directory=winter StartDate=02/28 EndDate=03/15 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season003] Directory=Spring StartDate=03/16 EndDate=05/21 ScatteredChance=40 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season004] Directory=fall StartDate=09/21 EndDate=11/09 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season005] Directory=winter StartDate=11/10 EndDate=12/05 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season006] Directory=hard winter StartDate=12/06 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10
  19. been that way since Day 1 ™. That's why we made the 'ajustment'.
  20. cause TK added some scripting to allow for airdefenses to move with truck convoys OTH, if one still wants to keep a defensive umbrella on CAS mission, create a 'clone' of the SA-8 (there's 2), call them SA-8_s (for static), and make the data ini adjustment to MOBILE_AAA. This should allow them to come out and play for fixed defenses
  21. what skinpak is it (link please!), and I assume it's for the DATs Skywarrior? I ask cause there's a stand-in using Buny's B-66 from many years ago. also, what game are you installing it to? Some decals might not be available (which I highly doubt) in say, SF2I as opposed to a Full-4 merged SF2 at worst, extract the needed decals from whichever cat, drop them in the /D subfolder and adjust the path accordingly (most A3Ds would have 6** series modex anyways, at least according to all the source books I have) EDIT::: the answer's been staring us in the face, right in the first post Add this line to EVERY decal call out: DecalMaxLOD=3 SF2 requires the maximum # of lods called out. Should have seen that right away, when I posted the Scooter decals ini. That'll fix it right up Might also what to shorted the folder name, and adjust the pathwa. SF2 HATES spaces in names. delete the '(space)Forestall' so it read VAH-1 only Edit the decals ini to match the new folder name
  22. "Insignia" should work, but pretty much all them have had name changes in SF2 this is from the stock A-4B's decals ini:
  23. where did you PUT the decals folder? It dosen't stay with the aircraft/skin folder anymore. Look in your object folder for /Decals. The easiest and simplets way to do it, is drop the WHOLE A3D folder into the /Decals folder. Then, open it up and Delete EVERYTHING but the skin folder. Then open up the skin folder and delete EVERYTHING but the /D subfolder. this keeps the original pathways intact in the decals ini. See screenie below for example
  24. dummy me forgot to post the "please contact me" statement here. In case you pass through So, Please contact me, either via PM or however. The PropHead Community ™ has a VERY important question/favor to ask of you. Many thanks in advance!!! wrench kevin stein

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