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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. looks like some data ini checking is ahead, and a post in the KB for a fix!! thanks guys! (gonna double check and make sure)
  2. which versions of DBS and Libya? (they've gone through a couple of changes) Look in the terrain data inis, you should see this for ALL sea and sea/land transitions tiles: HeightMapScale=2.000000 both terrains should have full black painted _HM.bmps for the sea, sea/land transition tiles
  3. seems to me, somebody's rereading "Firebreak"....
  4. why move an 85+meg file when a simple text edit can do the same?? [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Black Sea DataFile=BlackSea_data.INI TargetFile=BlackSea_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=BlackSea_types.INI MovementFile=BlackSea_movement.ini NationsFile=BlackSea_nations.INI BriefingText=BlackSea_briefing.INI DogfightFile=BlackSea_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=10.817 Latitude=51.111 CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat <----
  5. black sea uses GermanyCE naming conventions for the airfields. If you point it to the GermanyCE cat, the problem should go away. alternatively, extract ALL the germanyce airfield data inis from the latest patch level, and toss them all into the black sea terrain folder, then you can point it to any cat
  6. missing the proper skin bmps did you create seperate folders for thse ground objects, ala 08 patch? If so, you'll need to locate the correct/matching skins. look for JAP.bmp JAPSOLIDER.bmp weapons.bmp for the Type 88 and Type 96 AA units
  7. Adding stuff to FE2

    did you add the engine sound wav to the /Sounds folder??? A reminder to all: the Knowledge Base for SF/Wo*, and SF2 contains the basic information to mod ALL the 3rd Wire games. It's HIGHLY reccomended reading. http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-1-knowledge-base/ http://combatace.com/forum/268-thirdwire-sf2-series-knowledge-base/ everything works exactly the same, just in the 'NextGens' (SF2/FE2), the location of the "mods folder" --where everything BUT core game operations files are-- is in a different place. wrench kevin stein
  8. Yup, time to start learning those skinning skills. If you don't have/can't get Photoshop, get Gimp. It's free, and does pretty much everything that PS does. what you'll need to do, is create a couple of new layers on whichever skin bmp needs the RedStar ™ painted out on one layer, you'll redraw the panel lines on another layer, you'll redraw the rivet lines (if any) on still another layer, you'll 'color match' the background gray, and paint over the RedStar ™ then, using the opacity slider, drop down the panel and rivet lines opacity to match the look of the existing ones. flatten layers, and save the skins (alternatively: one could now add the required insignia TO the skin bmp, and not have to worry about decal placements) if one dont know how to draw panel and rivet lines, simmerspaintshop.com has EXCELLENT tutorials. Read them, and practice them. we all started somewhere ... it's your turn now!!! (after all, those of us that've been around for so long will be needing replacements at some point in time ... we aren't going to be doing this forever) as to decals, they're not too diffucult to figure out placements ... use a 'known location' (example: the lights on the wings, and move inboard). It may take an hour or so, but it quite easy to do, after you've done it once or twice. Also, study any decal inis for the aircraft; someone may have already plotted their positions. wrench kevin stein
  9. mystre cockpit is SF2:I. A full-4 merged install should be able to reference it. If not, there's something wrong with the pointers in the ini. (btw, if they're based off Migs, why not use a Mig Cockpit??
  10. the old WoV SQMD works just fine in SF2 (you'll find it in 1stGen downloads, prolly in 'editors'. Works perfecto for locating carrier stations
  11. blank???? describe in more detail. better yet, how about a screenshot??? too little info to go on
  12. Happy Birhday Slartibartfast

    Happy Birthday! now, get back to work on those fjords!! wrench kevin stein
  13. no gun pod, just the internal Vulcan. Planning on euro and gray skins ... just need marking for NYANG
  14. still very much a wip (rivets, panels, and that odd mapping on the nose bumps, needs figuring out) wrench kevin stein
  15. Decals, maybe???? Unless the Red Stars ™ are painted on the skin....then, reskinning is in order. Also, it'd be a good idea to generate a UserList.ini for the Fulcrumbs, then you can select the nation from the Loadout screens dropdown menu, and it'll add the proper markings automatically
  16. Yes, indeed it does. Change the amount of fuel, and watch the AUW change
  17. Lost the will to fly/play

    so many mods are just 'hanging' due to lack of interst/general malaise I've got 2 terrains I should be working on, all the WW2 aircraft to try and update to SF2, several others in upgrade stage for SF2 but I'm just lacking the motivations .... been playing Plants vs Zombies
  18. isn't this covered in the 1stGen knowledge base on 'editing hardpoints'??? I'd suggest spending some time in KB; a LOT of your questions have already been answered. 99.9% of EVERYTHING in 1stGens works the same in NextGen SF2
  19. the 'fly all' defaults to the A-4B pit. Otherwise, you'll have to go through the standard procedure for getting the Migs flyable. Again. however, the cheat, is to have a backup copy of the main ini, with the the additional lines for the avionics, cockpit, the cockipit folder(s) etc, already set up and renamed to "xNameofAircraft.ini", and then just rename it.
  20. are the lod(s) called out in the AGM-65K ini?? As: [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=AGM-65K Maverick ObjectDataFile=AGM-65K_data.INI [LOD002] Filename=AGM65G-001.lod Distance=600 [LOD001] Filename=AGM65G-002.lod Distance=1200 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=2000 MaxVisibleDistance=100
  21. unfortunatly, all lights appear round. No 4652 headlights, sorry! If they 'look' too large, make them dimmer. Brightness= (usuall number is 0.10) for 2-light systems, stay around 0.06 as to the Sentry skin ??? ???
  22. to gain something, you have to lose something ... usualy the winder stations on the Rhinos. Had asymentrical loads on the 1stGen F-4Gs ... You renumber ALL the stations to fit (don't even know if I still have the mod around ... but I'll look) there simply aren't enough group slots for it. There was a trick, iirc, for adding stations that don't appear in the loadout screen (Group=7 and above) If I remember right, you just add the new group IDs, list them in the loadout ini, and hope for the best. They will NOT be changable in the Loadout screen, as they're 'invisible'

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