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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. following recent discussions of 1stGen aircraft conversion to SF2, with respect to DAT WoA, the cockpit/external model canopy framing seems to be the biggest issue (aside from the expected FM issues) So, here's what I had in mind ... when building new aircraft for WW2, cut the fuseleage into several different meshes. As seen below in the screenie. Now, many aircraft HAVE seperate meshes for the nose, fuselage and tail. What I propose is simply cutting an additional mesh around the cockpit section, calling it in the data ini, so it can be removed via the ShowFromCockpit=FALSE line. Along those same lines, as iirc, boostjunky has been experimentatin with, calling the front frame/windscreen/whatever-it's-called in the cockpit ini, and removing it that way. The drawback of that is not having an OUT for some aircraft, thereby forcing one to use a hexeditor (which ain't all that hard, really) to discover the mesh names Having a seperate mid/forward fueselage mesh should make the edit farily easy, and shouldn't effect anything in the FM. Somewhat similiar to what GregoryP was doing with the AvHistory FM -- calling out all the varying parts of the aricraft Thoughts? wrench kevin stein (btw, just used Russo's Jug as an example -- the hide node in the cockpit ini trick works pretty damn good on this one!)
  2. A small nations ini tweek for general WW2 usage, but with PTO more in mind. This will split the Imperial Japanese forces in the Army and Navy (as is historically correct) Assuming one has the WW2 nations ini, or in particular the most current Nations.ini with the WW2 nationalities added... Where *** is the number in sequence [Nation***] Name=Japanese Empire DisplayName=Imperial Japanese Army Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesJapanese.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=WW2GerFighter Formation.Attack=WW2GerAttack Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsJPN.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsJPN.str ActiveDate=01/01/1920 InactiveDate=12/31/1947 [Nation***] Name=IJN DisplayName=Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesJapanese.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=WW2GerFighter Formation.Attack=WW2GerAttack Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsJPN.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsJPN.str ActiveDate=01/01/1920 InactiveDate=12/31/1947 (note: extra long, wrong end date for PTO WhatIfers) The only down side to this, is now one needs to go throug the data inis for those aircraft that are IJN used. It'd look something like this: [MissionData] NationName=IJN ServiceStartYear=1940 Off the top of my head in-game IJN aircraft: A5M Claude A6M Zero(all marks - incuding Rufes) D3A Val B5N Kate B6N Judy G4M Betty (all marks) E13A Jake L2D Tabby N1K1 Rex N1K2-J George (whatifs..) J8M Ki-201/201B
  3. Ludo just turned 40 !

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ludo!!! WHOOT!!! wrench kevin stein
  4. remember the prob I had a coupla weeks ago. I could upload with no issue, but after I approved my own file, they went wonky. Sunspots. I blame it on sunspots. yah, that's it. glad it's working for you now
  5. File Name: Crashed/Destroyed Aircraft for SF2 WW2 Installs File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 June 2011 File Category: Effect Mods Destroyed Models Pak for SF2 WW2 Installs This package is for use in creating the 'Destroyed Crashed & Burning Wreck' ™ for add-on aircraft in SF2 based WW2 installs. These bits have been culled from the various terrain mods as these contained static parked aircraft with their associated destroyed lods. THESE are those destroyed lods!!, with repainted skins to make them look a bit more burned up/toasted. This will allow you to add them and have the burning wrecks on the ground ala the later model jets and so forth as seen in SF2 installs (and FE2 as well). As always, fully detailed (and illustrated!!) install instructions are included. As well as a highly detailed "Notes" section, elaborating on the procedure, and giving alternates as you =WILL= probably be using several stock destroyed models as well in the data ini edits, as some of the larger aircraft will require reuse of the stock wrecks. =PLEASE= read this document throughly before installing -- that will help you in making correct choices on what to use. This pak is for free usage; any and all are welcome to it. Let's enhance our SF2 WW2 Experience!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    Destroyed Models Pak for SF2 WW2 Installs This package is for use in creating the 'Destroyed Crashed & Burning Wreck' ™ for add-on aircraft in SF2 based WW2 installs. These bits have been culled from the various terrain mods as these contained static parked aircraft with their associated destroyed lods. THESE are those destroyed lods!!, with repainted skins to make them look a bit more burned up/toasted. This will allow you to add them and have the burning wrecks on the ground ala the later model jets and so forth as seen in SF2 installs (and FE2 as well). As always, fully detailed (and illustrated!!) install instructions are included. As well as a highly detailed "Notes" section, elaborating on the procedure, and giving alternates as you =WILL= probably be using several stock destroyed models as well in the data ini edits, as some of the larger aircraft will require reuse of the stock wrecks. =PLEASE= read this document throughly before installing -- that will help you in making correct choices on what to use. This pak is for free usage; any and all are welcome to it. Let's enhance our SF2 WW2 Experience!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. I thought we were up to 27.3 people, a coupla years ago???
  8. Here's some new flight models for testing in SF2, PTO installs. These are for USN/USMC F4U Corsair series. Most are for mods of the Corsair that I've done. Those are available in the 1stGen WW2 Allied Fighters Section. new datainis are for the F4U-1 (birdcage stand=in) F4U-1A F4U-1C F4U-1D F4U-2 (nightfighter) These are all based on Wolf257s Corsairs from the WW2 Planes Pak. Again -- for Wolf's Corsairs ONLY!!! FIRSTO!!!!! backup the orignal data ini!!! Just in case; after all I AM the High Priest of CYA Unzip the pack, and you'll see that I've folderized each with the proper aircraft name. After backing up the original inis, Just drop the folders into the Objects/Aircraft folder of you WW2 PTO install. not included is one for the FAA Corsair Mk.1 -- I haven't done an ETO mods folder yet; expect that one soon Flightmodel is by column5, for 'another corsair for another project' that will remain nameless for the moment All have correct light placements, etc. Feedback, comments, etc, please post in a seperate thread in the main PH Forums below. thank you!! wrench kevin stein (also have to fix the FAS FG-1D for El Salvador, too!) IMPORTANT Correction!!!: In the ControlSurfaces section in ALL the above data inis, scroll down to the Rudder call out. Change the rotation axis to read thusly: RotationAxis=Y-AXIS had it wrong, and it looked funny!
  9. now we just need a 3d guy to build a to-scale Volks and/or Abokir filter, and we can have Trops!! wrench kevin stein
  10. No 1stGen supports destroyed models. All the more reason to move up to SF2, eh??
  11. Readmes are acutually quite fun ... if you print them out, you can make paper airplanes out of them!! Can't do much of a Bucc; these will be WW2 only. Although one for the Bucc could be done just pointing to a stock one, Mystere or F-100 is a close match in shape. After all, it's just gonna lay there burning!
  12. In response to a question in one of the other Forums, asking 'what to do about the parked statics on older terrains'. Well, there are 2 ways to go about this... 1) keep them, and if one still has an 06 level terrain cat (Desert, VietnamSEA or GermanyCE), extract the 6 airfield inis and drop them into the offending terrain folder. In some cases (the question was about the old EAWEuro WW2 terrain), renaming of the airfiled ini to match the original naming convention will be required. 1a) OTH, one could just as easily go through the _targets ini and rename the airfield ini pointer to match the Desert_Airfield***.ini (this is a good idea, as 90+% of the ww2 terrains have been edited to use the stock, standard Desert airfield naming style. The above method will keep the statics in their original places. 2) However; for 08 and SF2 usage, you'll have to do a LOT more editing. And its actually quite easy. Again, you'll be needing the desert airfield inis (all 6) from the most recent patch level. Extract them and drop them into the terrain folder that needs fixing. Now, you'll have to go through the targets ini and somehow remove all those now 'in the way' parked statics. The Easiest, Simplest Way ™ is to just rename to item pointed to. Thusly: (our example is Abbeville Fliegerhorst on the EAWEuro terrain. All other WW2 terrains will need editing the same way -all- the maps used for MTO and PTO.) Note the bold/colored "X". This will cause the game engine ™ to skip over that item, effectively ignoring it. This saves a boatload of time in rebuilding/renumbering target areas. The game will automanicly generate the parked birds. Sometimes even era and theatre appropriate. It should be noted at this time, that the stock airfield inis have something you won't/shouldn't see on 99.9% of WW2 airfields -- too many lights around the runway and taxiways. These will need to be removed, and it's quite doubtfull that such brightly lit targets would exist in the War Zones. That's the subject for another post; as we're going to keep some lights, just not all of them wrench kevin stein
  13. that's an easy one edit the _targets.ini, and remove the parked aircraft slots/statmemnt. Easiest, simplesy way is to just rename to item pointed to. Thusly: (from Abbeville Fliegerhorst) Note the bold x. This will cause the game engine ™ to skip over that item. saves a s**tload of time in rebuilding/renumbering target areas. Then, using the latest airfield inis (best to have them IN the terrain folder. seriously. 08 level ones will also work fine.). The game will automanicly generate the parked birds. Sometimes even era and theatre appropriate. Meaning: extract the desert airfiled inis (all 6). You'll have to rename them to match the EAWEuro naming conventions (EuroWW2_Airfield***.ini), and that should take care of it. Unless you want to go through the targets ini and rename all the airfiled pointers to "Desert_airfiled***.ini". Too much work for us old guys. wrench kevin stein ps: i take it you've deployed again? Be safe out there DA!!! K
  14. yes, your nitpicking There is no end date; the next skin starts at whatever year you specify it would work the same way ...example: you start with the SEA (DefaultStartDate=1), then Euro1 ( StartDefaultDate=1975), then Hill1 (StartDefaultDate=1985) or whatever the year you want it to start with. they switch autovanmatically. Select the mission start year, and see whats up (test with my OzMirages -- you'll see) wrench kevin stein
  15. Yah, them Rufes is kinda weak. (can't take credit for superhuman shooting!! ) Stock 50 cals too!! guess I should up the armor a bit on the Rufes....(they definatly need a FM -- too damn slow!!)
  16. Nice ones Stary!! Now, on the other side of the world (and war)... Angel of Okinawa...
  17. had to get the new Iowas in game, so I could really check it out.... Congrats to the Idiot Team!! A superb job!! Here's a screenie with particular attention to the circling drone (and it DOES fly around the ship ... very cool)
  18. Why Brother Sid, it's as if you know where that bridge is.... (even if it's only there after 2004)
  19. I had to try this ... if I didn't, Mannie would be sure too! under!! over the top, looking back!
  20. no tile set really exists that can duplicate that region ... although combinining GH3 with polak's desert tiles (suitably color adjusted for more greenage) might be usable. Though IsraelME -- might be closer, if it werent for the fact that every tile is rotated 45 degs off the normal N/S axis (which plays hell on trying to locate target items. Try fitting railroads that must run E/W or N/S or bridges across the too-small rivers.) Sounds like a good project for ya ... should get started on that right away!! (and before it's said "don't know how to use the Terrain Editor" ... NONE of us did when we first started.)
  21. should be a SideArm in the old BunnyPak as for dispensers, have you looked at the F-104S and/or S-ASA-M mods available??? Zipper seems a poor choice for WW -- short legs and not (quite) enough ordanance. btw, a lot of the KLU Gs had ECM boxes added late in their service life.

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