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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the new tools are out...what I find interesting is a new gun and new weapons editor Does that mean the previous Weapons Paks are about to have issues, and will need rebuilding? Or is this for something else, due to cat restructruing? With the privious patchs, we've have to do the 'copy/rename/cop back the exe' thing on all seperate mods folders. (KAW, Iran/Irag, IndoPak, all the WW2 -if you have any-, etc). So, it may be safe to assume (OH! that word!!) the patch exe patches ALL 4 (6 w/expansion paks) exes. So far, it seem that those modders that chose, for whatever reason, to issue cats fro their mods paks will either have to a) rebuild them with the catpak IF --and a very big IF- TKs new extractor repacks them (unlikely) or b) end users will have to use gerwin's extractor and pull them apart, placing the various and sundry bits into their proper folders (on a personal note, one reason I've always disliked 'mods cats', and won't use them) Anything that is in a folder already, with particular reference to 3rd party terrains (and NOT objects in non-backuped mods folders), will (usually) be unaffected . It's been this way since patch1, SFP1. HOWEVER ... there may be additions to the stock terrain cats being referenced, so it might behoove us terraformers to extract the data inis from the patched terrain cats, and look for changes (with particular scrutiny on the shaders) We go through this everytime we get a patch ... the main difference is now, with sf2, we can hide the mods folders (yeah, all 10 of them!!!) safely out of the patch exes sight, and hopefully rebuild with a minimal amount of backtracking. wrench kevin stein edit: this one wonders if the new extractor will even see the older cats at all? editx2: yes, it does
  2. the old WoVSqmd (mission builder) is superb for that. Look in the downloads section
  3. File Name: DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW.2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 May 2011 File Category: Other DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW2 for SF2 = For SF2, Any and All = This is an upgrade/mod of Skippybings Sea Vixens, BOTH the FAW.1 and FAW.2 - so you get two complete aircraft in one pakcage!!! Such a deal!!! (Unfortunatley, this IS a rather large package...so, sorry!). This was done simply to make it easier for you, the End User ™ to install. (Almost) Everything necessary to unzip, install, and fly away is supplied. Included are updated versions of the BunyPak FirestreakIR and RedtopIR*, and the drop tanks. All other weapons used are stock items (with the possible exception of the AGM-12C Bullpup -not supplied- which may be from the GunnyPak) *=these are seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak & Redtops; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.* Skins/decal sets included are: FAW.1: 890 NAS (w/one Sundowner bmp, edited by me, so as not to waste decals) 892 NAS 893 NAS 899 NAS (these all by Sundowner) FAW.2: 766 NAS 893 NAS 899 NAS (all Sundowner skins!!) Where possible, the Squadron Badge has been used for the paint chip in the Loadout Screen. Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints (on the FAW.1 only); one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use bombs and rocket pods. Other tweeks to the avionics and cockpit 'clean up' or replace a few gauge skins, a new gunsight and missile "shoot cues" were created/modified from others. A "new" engine sound is supplied for the Avons. Both aircraft have SF2 stlye 'carrier deck' hangar screens, and the damage/shredded tgas have been converted to dds (hope they work!!!). Flight model remains untouched; it "feels" about right. Remember -it's a gunless, missile-only armed Interceptor, NOT a dogfighter!! Fly accordingly!! As a bonus, for those End Users ™ with SF2:E AND with Expansion Pak2, there are alternate Data and Loadout inis for the FAW.1, adding the 2inch Micro-cell rockets. Usefull for hitting bombers, trucks, ships and other assorted annoyances. REMEMBER --these are 2 seperate inis, and you'll need SF2E Exp2 to get them to work. Instructions on how to switch are below in the "To Install" section. (these were removed on the FAW.2, so don't go adding them!) As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing. The procedures for missile firing should be reviewed. Let's hope this one works! Good Hunting Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. butt-sniffing belougas???? does the same with rockeyes and uk500# too. could be a spacing issue on the MER. we've had that before with CBU-24s on the phantoms, too. move the forward mount 0.15 forward, and see how it sits (or move both , one aft one forward?)
  5. with 7 or 800 skins to that do .... oi vey!! remember folks, the "000" decal is actualy the FIRST one, so like Paulo said, add 1 to the last number for the block size! any differences in teh shadow, for you post-patch users?? *just curious, as I'n not patching unitl the new extractor comes out!) wrench kevin stein
  6. Thank you!! hope you all enjoy it!! wrench kevin stein
  7. TK's tires arent animated, so I wouldn't worry about it at all!
  8. campaign inis have the same format in SF/Wo* or SF2. Same procedures apply
  9. several on-line converters will do the job of lbs thrust to newton meters. check google
  10. I took it down so we can see what's wrong with the up/downloads . Be paitent .. it'll be back soon wrench kevin stein
  11. shouldn't you be able to determine distance fore/aft in MAX? Given a known length of vessel; where the port/starboard bow is, and the aft facing surface of fantail?? or, given the known length, moving the hull number decal forward x meters, slightly less than half the length? The stern nameplate would DecalFacing=REAR, and the max extent of the stern mesh (at least, thats how the Daring worked) wrench kevin stein
  12. a couple of quick fixes -- didn't have any problems during testing, but this just showed up. (due tothe missiles for the Sea Vixen's and Javelin mods) Open the data ini, and replace the first 2 hardpoints with this data: [LeftOuterWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.07,-2.28,-0.67 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=240 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,IRM,2IR AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN ModelNodeName=outer_pylon_L PylonMass=30.0 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=missile_rail_L LaunchRailHeight=0.16 LaunchRailMass=25 [RightOuterWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 3.07,-2.28,-0.67 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=240 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,IRM,2IR AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN ModelNodeName=outer_pylon_R PylonMass=30.0 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=missile_rail_R LaunchRailHeight=0.16 LaunchRailMass=25 this'll prevent anything but 'winders and Magics from showing up.also, had to remove FRANCE, as 1964ish you'd get the IR R-530, that the RAAF didn't use. Matra's will still load, but you won't see the name listed on the loadout screen. However, in game they ARE there. You can always edit the ATTACK loadout in the loadout ini, and swap them for LAU-3As (if you want) -- then, delete ALL the skin listings from the main ini. Open the 75SqdnOld and 76SqdnOld textureset inis, and do this: [TextureSet] Name=75 Sqdn (Silver) Nation=Australia Squadron=75 Squadron StartDefaultDate=1964 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000 [TextureSet] Name=76 Sqdn (Silver) Nation=Australia Squadron=76 Squadron StartDefaultDate=1964 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000 somehow or another, the dates got fouled up. Or, you should be able to just delte the StartDefaultDate= line completely, and it should revert to 1964-1970 usage, when it'll change to the camo skins. sorry guys! If necessary, I'll reupload the whole package with the corrections, if there's too many problems. don't know how that slipped past ... must be getting old.... wrench kevin stein
  13. in 1stGens, the decals were working, as I'd done all the nameplates and hull numbers for the Daring DDs. They stopped working (well, for me -- might have to recheck the decals ini) TKs' carriers (CVA63) seem to have working hull numbers. At least, as I recall. I'd say it's a damn fine looking ship! For something less 'cruvy/faceted', we could use some auxiliries ... APAs, AKs, etc (and lots more early destroyers/cruisers!) keep up the work!! wrench kevin stein
  14. that means the mirrored faces of the meshes are not perfectly aligned ... you'll find many occurances of this on older models. 06 level games (and eariler) were a bit more forgiving, methinks wrench kevin stein
  15. umm...how do you think we've been doing it all this time, with Gerwins??
  16. is it just me, or is there something wrong with the wing insignia??? Decal mis-sized?? Also, where's the readme on "how to install"? (not like it's that hard, but ah, well, some folks like to have it) Please review this post: http://combatace.com/topic/60088-a-reminder-before-you-upload-a-mod/ wrench kevin stein
  17. Dassault Mirage IIIO, RAAF



    Dassault Mirage IIIO, RAAF For SF2, Full-4 Merged -or, at MINIMUM!- SF2:E and/or SF2:I *Note: it should be stipulated at this time, that this aircraft mod is being released as a "stand in" until the proper 3 versions are completed and released by The Mirage Factory. At such time, my reccomendation is to delete this mod, as the TMF versions will be the correct 'body type' for F, A and F/A III0s as used by the RAAF* This mod creates a 'stand alone' aircraft, using all in-house/in-game stock bits, to recreate some of the Mirage IIIO (F/A) used by the RAAF. This makes this mod slightly historically innaccurate, as mentioned above, there were 3 versions. This sorta kinda combines them. You MUST have, at the least, SF2:E to access the MirageIIIC lods, and SF2:I to access the Shahak's cockpit. Therefore, this mod is truely, ONLY reccomended for a Full-4 Merged install, as the Game Engine will have full access to all the bits needed from the all the Object cats. The 5 Skins are included with the pak are: 75 Squadron, in Natural Metal in the 1960s (called 75SqdnOld) 76 Squadron, also in NM for the 1960s (called 76SqdnOld) 3 Squadron, in gray/green camo for post-1970 usage * 75 Squadron, also in G/G Camo 77 Squadron, also in G/G camo (3 Sqdn not shown in screenie) *note: squadron badge decal is active, when in Real Life ™ it was not,according to what little photographic evidence I could discover. A simple edit of the decals ini will remove it for the Historically Correct practicioner.* As all markings are decals, it should be a simple matter for other skinners to create other squadrons by simply shifting decals around (Example: a NM 3 Squadron). All new, 100% historically accurate* serial number decals have been created for all aircraft. Data ini edits change (essentially) nothing, but nationalizing the aircraft to Australia, and adding landing lights. A new userlist is incuded . The canopy is activated via an animation key; use shift/0 to open and close it. Avionics mods add an audio-only RWR, and the Ground Mapping radar seen on the "A" variant, which was added to all at various times, creating the Mirage IIIO F/A. It's active on ALL, so just pretend. Loadouts are standard 3rdWire. No weapons pak is needed, and it should work with any/all/or none (ie: stock weapons) *My research has shown that pretty much ALL the 116 III0s served with pretty much ALL RAAF Mirage squadrons at one time or another. So, don't be surprised to see some serials duplicated.* As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein NOTE: this pack became moot with the release of the Oz Mirage DLC package. However, this one WILL still work, some a little renaming edit to remove conflicting names, and/or these decals can EASILY be used on the DLC Mirage IIIO
  18. why would you even be messing with it? You'd only need to if adding a new nation, like I had to do with Panama. the reasons for some of the years is, some nations didn't exist until after the collapse of the Soviet Union, some have insigina decal changes (Egypt & Syria, fer instance), and so forth
  19. have you adjusted the rolling radius and the shock spring and damping?? (btw, this is a MAJOR issue on just about all 1stGens built prior to 06, and many built later) wrench kevin stein
  20. Happy Birthday Zurawski!

    woot woot de-woot!!! Many Happy Returns to The Great and Powerful Zur!! wrench kevin stein
  21. remove mesh trick only works on aircraft, not ships or weapons unfortunately. like WK said, there is an M60 in the old BunyPak that might work wrench kevin stein
  22. it's the same procedure for all patching (which is, YES, covered in the KB in 'patching made easy part2' post) ... if you have pulled any ini (data, avionice, loadout, etc) or tweeked them in any way, and do NOT back up ALL the mods folders, they WILL be overwritten by the new stuff. This means that any AI made flyable, will have to be done all over again if you apply the patch to your pre-existing mods folder Hence, the need to back up (ie: just rename them x*nameofmodfolder*), create the new exe copies, run each and every one, thereby creating NEW mods folders -- don't forget to start each and every game install and start a single mission-, they delete the newly created mods folders, and rename the backed up ones back to their original names. I've got 10 I have to deal with ... and, as already mentioned somewhere, Gerwin's cat extractor NO LONGER WORKS ... so we're waiting for TKs. I'm hopeing it's like the old one, and lets us pulll single files, unstead of unpacking the cursed thing!!! wrench kevin stein
  23. yup, TK said it should be out sometime next week. also, it appears that any mod that has a user-created cat is now non-functional as well. You'll probably have to extract all the bits, and place them in their proper folders (which, no doubt, will need to be created) wrench kevin stein
  24. somebody explain the "more Brit love" statement above??? more details on the changes would be helpfull....I hate patching; even someting (relatively) esay as SF2. Too many damn instlls...
  25. transfer the files by hand, allow for any overwrites wrench kevin stein

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