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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. In our ever handy, ever ignored Knowledge Base, this will (hopefully) be of some assistance: http://combatace.com/topic/50389-selecting-the-proper-terrain-cat/
  2. incorrect or missing cat pointer line in the terrain's main ini
  3. do you the 4 seasonal folders? (fall, hard winter, spring, winter) did you use all the supplied inis? There's 'seasonal switchs' in the GermanyCE.ini [season001] Directory=hard winter StartDate=1/1 EndDate=02/27 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 [season002] Directory=winter StartDate=02/28 EndDate=03/15 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season003] Directory=Spring StartDate=03/16 EndDate=05/21 ScatteredChance=40 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season004] Directory=fall StartDate=09/21 EndDate=11/09 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season005] Directory=winter StartDate=11/10 EndDate=12/05 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season006] Directory=hard winter StartDate=12/06 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10
  4. been that way since Day 1 ™. That's why we made the 'ajustment'.
  5. cause TK added some scripting to allow for airdefenses to move with truck convoys OTH, if one still wants to keep a defensive umbrella on CAS mission, create a 'clone' of the SA-8 (there's 2), call them SA-8_s (for static), and make the data ini adjustment to MOBILE_AAA. This should allow them to come out and play for fixed defenses
  6. what skinpak is it (link please!), and I assume it's for the DATs Skywarrior? I ask cause there's a stand-in using Buny's B-66 from many years ago. also, what game are you installing it to? Some decals might not be available (which I highly doubt) in say, SF2I as opposed to a Full-4 merged SF2 at worst, extract the needed decals from whichever cat, drop them in the /D subfolder and adjust the path accordingly (most A3Ds would have 6** series modex anyways, at least according to all the source books I have) EDIT::: the answer's been staring us in the face, right in the first post Add this line to EVERY decal call out: DecalMaxLOD=3 SF2 requires the maximum # of lods called out. Should have seen that right away, when I posted the Scooter decals ini. That'll fix it right up Might also what to shorted the folder name, and adjust the pathwa. SF2 HATES spaces in names. delete the '(space)Forestall' so it read VAH-1 only Edit the decals ini to match the new folder name
  7. "Insignia" should work, but pretty much all them have had name changes in SF2 this is from the stock A-4B's decals ini:
  8. where did you PUT the decals folder? It dosen't stay with the aircraft/skin folder anymore. Look in your object folder for /Decals. The easiest and simplets way to do it, is drop the WHOLE A3D folder into the /Decals folder. Then, open it up and Delete EVERYTHING but the skin folder. Then open up the skin folder and delete EVERYTHING but the /D subfolder. this keeps the original pathways intact in the decals ini. See screenie below for example
  9. dummy me forgot to post the "please contact me" statement here. In case you pass through So, Please contact me, either via PM or however. The PropHead Community ™ has a VERY important question/favor to ask of you. Many thanks in advance!!! wrench kevin stein
  10. 3rd party terrain needs something called the *terrain-name*_water.bmp. There should be some in the downloads section, although I disremember where exactly. There does, however seem to be some kind of 'glitch', as I read somwheres, about adding ships via the new mission editor. DA -- prolly because somebody forgot to add shipping routes? It's an easy fix!!! (see: Elric, 'The Ship That Sails Over Land and Sea)
  11. (I know this is after the fact...) why not just extract the Borts needed, and drop them in the /Polish/D subfolder? That way you get which ones you want regardless. As long as the numbers.lst has them AND...you can use the new randomizer function in the textureset.ini
  12. cone de penetration

    Developed by FastCargo.... what the 'fake pilot' method is, in essence, adding an invisible pilot figure at the 0/0 coordinate of the model, and useing whatever the item-to-be-attached is as the pilot's seat. As such, it can be placed anywhere on the aircraft, and depending on the LOD, used for many purposes Several uses come to mind ... the weapons pylons on my "What If" F-79 Manta flying wing fighter (really the Horton), the aformentioned P-38M, early user-made variants of the MiG-17P/PF/PFU, MiG-19P/PM (this is before we got real ones in SF2); all sorts of things. How it works is something like this: you add the {SystemName}***= to the aircraft component (as defined in the data ini...this is rather simplified from the Manta: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage SystemName[001]=LeftEngine SystemName[002]=RightEngine SystemName[003]=Pilot SystemName[004]=FuselageFuelCell SystemName[005]=NoseGear SystemName[006]=LeftMainGear SystemName[007]=RightMainGear SystemName[008]=LandingLight SystemName[009]=F7Pylons1 SystemName[010]=F7Pylons2 SystemName[011]=Canopy then, add the 'pilot and seat' to the cockpit section that declares the crew //leftside// [F7Pylons1] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=FakePilot Position=0,0,0 SeatModelName=F-79pylon SeatPosition=-2.375,1.11,-0.05 SeatID=2 ///rightside// [F7Pylons2] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=FakePilot Position=0,0,0 SeatModelName=F-79pylon SeatPosition=2.375,1.11,-0.05 SeatID=3 In this case, I needed 2 new "pilots" with 2 new "seats". You can see in the screen below, the 2 pylons YOu can place the "seat" pretty much anwhere you want to. One of the downsides, is it WILL be visible from the cockpt with the "no cockpit" view, as the game may think it's a weapon of some sort, or other external aircraft component.
  13. we don't have a fingers crossed smilie, but MY fingers are crossed!! Here's hoping!
  14. Gents, if you HAVE workable fixes, PLEASE post them in the Tips/Tweeks/Tricks thread!! Even down to individual aircraft, if possible (and I know it's a hellava lot work!!) If you think He111s are bad, try B-17/24/29!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. cone de penetration

    Yes, it'd need to be in lod format, either colored via material or with a skin bmp. Then, it's a fairly easy matter to attach via the fake pilot method. The same thing was done for me by one of the 3d guys for the P-38M NightLightning, to add the 2nd cockpit and radar pod under the nose. wrench kevin stein
  16. now, we just have to wait for Jim to show up and tell us, one way or the other..... Thank you Gentlemen! wrench kevin stein
  17. Ask the Head Terraformer, for he knows damn near all.... no so much the s**tty ww2 libya, but how about the Tunisia map rebuild -- I'd HIGHLY suggest that (yes, shameless plug) http://combatace.com/files/file/10465-ww2-tunisiawestern-med-update-pak/
  18. They still do! Just like truck or ground attack routes The routes also must be defined to run between 'end points' (for lack of a better term) on the same side. (Blue to Blue, REd to Red) *GA routes must run opposite -friendly to enemy-* Obviously, they also need an ocean or a sea to transit on. OTH, large interconnected lakes work as well too (read: US/Canada Great Lakes) You can even limit WHICH side gets to fly them. Example: enemy forces occuping colorado/wyoming/nebraska/kansas can run A-S missions against friendly forces in michigan/illionis/wisconson (sp?)/candae, while friendly forces can't (due to lack of large water featrues) That's set in the AllowedMissionTypes statement in the terrain's main ini (see: VietnamSEA.ini) wrench kevin stein
  19. well, what with the fact that TKs locked the lods away as of the 5/11 update, and given the fact ALL the Migs/Su/IL/Tu etc are designed for AI use only (WE made the flyable --nobody else-- and they weren't meant to be) They were meant to be targets, just as plane and simple as that. The only one that can fix TKs Migs is TK hisself. What with all the other things on his plate, I wouldn't be holding my breath. Again, someone can always take on the task of modeling completly NEW aircraft .... not that that's likely to happen. As mentioned above, all the existing skins go right in circular file. Enjoy them for what they are. OTH, a LOT of detail can be added to existing skins, as the mapping IS pretty well known, either by directly painting or via decals. You'll find the interior of the speed brakes on the _BODY.bmp. Time to break out you image manulipator program and give it wack!! wrench kevin stein
  20. those are GREAT skins Nigel!! Now, we just need a better ww2 Euro map for them to play on!
  21. in the /Controls folder, you'll find a "Default.ini" . That contains all the control/keystroke setting. To move it, is a simply copy/paste to whichever mods folder you'd like (works the same for both 1st and NextGens) wrench kevin stein
  22. just to let you all know, I'm working on a package of destroyed models for a good number of the WW2 birds. They won't be perfect, but you'll have burning, smoking wrecks scattered around. Expect it, and it's HIGHLY detailed you-damn-well-better-read-it readme in a few days. wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: 3W P-51D, 72nd FS, WW2 PTO File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 June 2011 File Category: P-51 P-51D Mustang, 72nd Fighter Squadron, WW2 PTO -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered), and/or SF2I -both w/ExpansionPak 1 -- (it can be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the stock P-51D) NOTE: you =MUST= have, at minimum, SF2:I Expansion Pak 1, and/or with a full-4 merged w/Exp1 installed. If you don't have these, don't bother downloading this package. Skin represents aircraft of the 72nd FS, 21st FG as based at Ie Shima, Okinawa during mid-1945 through wars end. Included is the most recent data ini (5/11), with the addition of corrected lights (running, formation, landing) and a opening canopy. Use shift/0 to open and close. More importantly, the weapons data for the stock 3rd Wire Mustang drop tank -NOW WORKING!!- For some reason, when NOT in the weapons folder, it wouldn't work. Please note, if you wish to have the tanks on other Mustangs in other installs mod folders (ie: IDF Mustangs, Central American or even post-War USAF), you'll need to use the supplied loadout ini. Drop it into the aircraft folder of the bird lacking tanks. The WW2 era pilot is not supplied; you should have him already in you WW2 game install. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  24. most assuredly ... and major retiling.

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