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Everything posted by Wrench

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    Ok...we're gonna try this one more time.... Dassault Mirage5COA, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana = For SF2, (Full-4 Merged Installs, at minimum, SF2:E & SF2:I) = As stated, this pak will =only= work with a Full-4 Merged install, as it makes use of the Mirage5F lod from SF2:E, and the Nesher cockpit from SF2:I. Obvioulsly, if you have both of these, it'll work (ie: Full-4 merged is best!). This mod represents Mirage 5(COA) aircraft from the Colombian Air Force, with historically accurate serial numbers. All loadouts use 100% stock, in-game items. The canopy has been activated via a manual animation key; use Shift/0 to open and close it. The data and userlist inis have been set to a 'single nation use only' type. Landing lights have also been added, for those pesky night flights. An SF2 style hangar screen is also included. As always, easy to folllow install instructions are included; so read and follow them! Let's hope THIS time, it uploads and downloads for everyone! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. while testing missiles/avionics tweek, this was just TOOOOO nice a shot to pass up wrench kevin stein
  3. File Name: Dassault Mirage5COA, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 May 2011 File Category: Mirage 5 Ok...we're gonna try this one more time.... Dassault Mirage5COA, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana = For SF2, (Full-4 Merged Installs, at minimum, SF2:E & SF2:I) = As stated, this pak will =only= work with a Full-4 Merged install, as it makes use of the Mirage5F lod from SF2:E, and the Nesher cockpit from SF2:I. Obvioulsly, if you have both of these, it'll work (ie: Full-4 merged is best!). This mod represents Mirage 5(COA) aircraft from the Colombian Air Force, with historically accurate serial numbers. All loadouts use 100% stock, in-game items. The canopy has been activated via a manual animation key; use Shift/0 to open and close it. The data and userlist inis have been set to a 'single nation use only' type. Landing lights have also been added, for those pesky night flights. An SF2 style hangar screen is also included. As always, easy to folllow install instructions are included; so read and follow them! Let's hope THIS time, it uploads and downloads for everyone! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  4. Beauty!! thanks guys. don't know what the heck went wrong yesturday!!
  5. Aviatik-Berg D.I is here

    Great first product! And the line up on your sight is QUITE impressive!! Keep up the good work!! wrench kevin stein
  6. So, its working now I take it???? Don't see any complaints, lets hope so!
  7. and a Happy Birthday to Amokfloo

    I'm drinking mine...(and yours ... and I don't EVEN drink!) Happy Birthday Florian!! wrench kevin stein
  8. I wouldn't worry about the twit that gigged you. That's CombatAce's very own troll, rhuzyo. He keeps coming back, we keep banning him. It's sort of a game, since we don't really have a way to block the whole state of Nebraska; and he keeps spooffing using various and sundry proxy server thingys. One day he might actually grow up, move out of his mothers storm cellar, and become an actual, functioning human being. Or, they'll just up the meds
  9. as seen in the screenie below, how do I get them OUT farther away from the aircraft (more forward) I can't rmemeber WHICH of the numbers to tweek these are the data ini entries: [LandingLightLeft] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-3.60,-0.8,-0.80 LightSrcOffset=0.0,6.0,-0.2 Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Brightness=0.02 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE IsLandingLight=TRUE [LandingLightRight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=3.70,-0.8,-0.80 LightSrcOffset=0.0,6.0,-0.2 Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Brightness=0.02 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE IsLandingLight=TRUE I know it's either the LightSrcRange or the Light RAnge, but can't remember which!! TIA!! wrench kevin stein
  10. that's because the OTC setup predates the 08 patch, and won't properly work it in. Without a complete rebuild....well, you get the picture wrench kevin stein
  11. and most importantly ... WHERE is you WoE install???? if you've installed to the defalut location (C/ProgramFiles(x86), you won't be able to mod/edit it. For Win7, ALL 1stGen game need to be installed in the root if C/ --there's even a mention of this somewhere in KB, and in several post by folks with the same issue. so, your path would be: C:\Wings Over Europe and, as been menitoned above, it don't work in SF2. Yet wrench kevin stein
  12. agreed! But I remember reading in one of my aviation magazines, speculating on Sea Flankers for the USN (even had a nice photoshoped picture! looked VERY believable!) -------- I just liked the crescent moon and contrials in this one.... W
  13. minum 5 pixels, is what I use (usually MUCH more!! -- I'm paranoid about decal bleeds!!) wrench kevin stein

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISRAEL!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. Happy Birthday to mauricepiesligeros!

    Happy Birthday man!!! wrench kevin stein
  16. Bring It ON, baby ... we're ready and waitin' for ya.....
  17. are we supposed to actually land at the end of mission??? FH, this one's for you, brother --->
  18. yes, indeed, those puppies WILL eat your lunch, steal your milk money, and rip up you homework!!!
  19. yup, ain't nothing. done nearly 1000 nose art decals.
  20. very carefully???? ------- No, really, this is how just like we used to do, back in 1stGens 1)create the new tank skin bmp 2)save with a 'squadron specific name'* - NOT TO EXCEED THE NUMBER OF DIGIT COUNT OF THE ORIGINAL BMP!!!! 3)create new weapon folder for the new squadron specific drop tank with a unique name (ie: VF-999 or whatever) 4)move the lod, ini, dataini and new skin INTO the new folder. 5)with a hexeditor, OPEN the tank's LOD, find the name of the bmp, and REPLACE SAID NAME WITH THE NEW TANK BMPS NAME --NOT TO EXCEED THE DIGIT COUNT OF THE ORIGINAL BMP!!!!! (can't emphasize that enough) 6)rename lod to match the squadron name 7)edit dataini and main ins for the new tank, to reflect the squadon affiliation HOWEVER -- you cannot make the reskinned, squadron-specific tank appear automatically via the loadout ini. The End User ™ will have to select them for themselves from the Loadout Screen in-game. *=if, given the tank bmps name is "Tank_F14.bmp" means you have 8 digits to left of the file name extension (.bmp), which gives you 8 "places" to use. For example, if it's for VF-151 say, you can use "tnkvf151" for the bmp's name, and that'll fit within the required spacing inside the lod. You MUST use all the available 'spaces', and NEVER exceed them, as it'll cause CTDs. This is the same way we've been creating 'new' pilot skins for like, forever! If you can't do it, Sid, send me the files; it's a 2 second job (well, once a name has been chosen) wrench kevin stein
  21. it's a seperate tank, not part of the aircraft lod (so, you'll need to hex edit and create a squadron specific drop tank) wrench kevin stein
  22. at least it dosen't say "UNSPACEY" on the side!!! looks good in the blue/white! wrench kevin stein

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