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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ah, the GVG code. Can you getme a better close up? OTH, once the color is established, it's a farily easy job to "paint under the layer" (the alpha) and change the AA colors What SQTail number is it?
  2. try this. see if it's the one you want it's 256x265, adjust decal size accordingly.
  3. you just need to black eagle marking? s**t, that's a nothing bro!! gimme 10 minutes... wrench kevin stein
  4. as for guns, just use the gun package that comes in Gunny's Pak. They're all there. Unless they used the AvHIstroy guns, and even then it's a simple conversion using TKs gun editor. Weapons conversion is bitch... you'll need to move each called for lod to their respective folders, open each lod with a hex editor to find the skin names (the **.bmp) the major PIA is decals conversion .... the simplest, easiets (and it DO entail a s**t-load of work), is copy ALL the aircraft folder -in their entirety!!!!- into the /Decals folder. Then, open each aircraft folder and delete everything in the folder EXCEPT the skin folder. Then, open the skin folder and delete everything EXCEPT the /D subfolder. this keeps the pathways intact in the decals ini. should take a couple hours, depending on how many aircraft you have. (and number of WW2 installs, and it'll need to be done for ALL of them) Terrain conversion to SF2 takes less than 30 seconds. See the KB for my tutorial wrench kevin stein
  5. they almost look like the WW2 500 pounders; too fat for Mk82s (well, to my eyes) wrench kevin stein
  6. they're already set up in the data inis, why would you need to fiddle with it? As for the Vindicator, you mean that craptastic stand-in I built some time ago? in fact, if you get one of my SBD packs (don't remember which one), I even added the correct # of rear MGs (to say nothing of corrected running/formation lights an all sorts of little tweeks
  7. That's the Bridge of the Americas*, and the Port of Balboa, Panama If you look at the cruise ship VERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY closely, you can see my mom waving (she's made the Transit) *bridge 'liberated' from pureblue's Anatolia terrain -- the is just superb!!
  8. They were green (???) from the Falklands, repainted yellow for Port of Miami (OTC Cuba), now repainted blue for Balboa, just like in the picture. Yah, I sure could use container stacks; both here and Coco Solo Any 3D guy want to take it on? wrench kevin stein
  9. I'm ganna buzz that cruise ship, and fly under the bridge!!! (fubar: as per our conversation yesturday!!! )
  10. as to Carlo's question on the Zippers ... yes, the data ini on the old mods will need editing, to add the 'node name sections' for the mid-wing and tip tanks. The tank skins will also have to be placed in the respective skin folders, and in some cases, be modified (read: repainted or rotated to fit) as the tanks seem to have been remapped as well data ini edits (snipped some stations for bevity. these are from my 104-ASA-M mod) [LeftWingtipStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.539,-0.154,-0.263 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.0,-11.0 LoadLimit=650.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass= FuelTankName=Tank170_F104 <-- FuelTankNodeName=droptank_f-104_TL <-- [RightWingtipStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=3.539,-0.154,-0.263 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.0,11.0 LoadLimit=650.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass= FuelTankName=Tank170_F104 FuelTankNodeName=droptank_f-104_TR <--- --snip-- [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.883,0.400,-0.675 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_left_inner PylonMass=72.58 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank195_F104 FuelTankNodeName=droptank_f-104_WL <--- [RightWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=11 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.883,0.400,-0.675 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_right_inner PylonMass=72.58 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank195_F104 FuelTankNodeName=droptank_f-104_WR <--- not the name changes to the tank lods wrench kevin stein
  11. why not just 'film' it over Isreal, and call it Vietnam (just like any/all of the Iron Eagle movies)??? --- I must say, Baltika's post is one of the most conscise and well written one I've seen in a loooooooooooooooooooong time. As one of the 'terraformers' involved, I agree, the TOD fade makes it a bit more diffucult to locate/place those pesky terrain object buildings. You find a spot that looks clear, and all of a sudden, a building pops into existence. We WILL adapt, however. Like many old-time users, I've got them all, and well keep getting them. wrench kevin stein
  12. "find and replace" RUULLZZZZ!!! (over)use it all the time! it's exactly the same issue we had when the 08 patch came out for 1stGens, too (well, some stuff 'sunk', whilst other stuff rose)
  13. nothing says lovin' like a cbu fresh from da oven!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. Cuba V2.0

    unfortunately, nothing in Mexico (yucatan) or South America, like this one (which I LIKE!!). More in Florida, Bahamas (with a special easter egg for Fubar512), and Jamacia (cuban strikes on ganga plantations???) . Port au Prince is tiled but just too close to The Wall for my liking secret pirate bases for Jack Sparrow and Co. ...hmmm.....?????
  15. create a /Menu folder, if you dont have one, and dump the wavs in there. Works the same in both series. btw, the "loading.wav" goes in the /Flight folder
  16. for all water bmps: [Texture001] Filename=vietnamS1.TGA HasWater=2 HeightMap=vietnamS1_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=2.000000 Color=0.197438,0.279657,0.312405 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=
  17. Cuba V2.0

    actually, the new OTC terrain is has operational dates from 1959 - 2050
  18. File Name: Modern Darwin Terrain "CleanUp" Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 May 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Modern Darwin Terrain, CleanUp Pak For SF2 - Full-4 Merged Reccomended (but not fully required) (Reccomended to have the SF2:V VietnamSEA cat readily available) While working on the Oz-Mirage, I noticed some errors, shall we say, with the Modern Darwin terrain, so decieded to go through it do some clean up. It could still use a major retargeting, but this will enchance things a little until such time as that happens. Several areas have been completly retiled, some cities moved/removed/renamed/retargeted, and so forth...lots of fiddiling with the Height Field to remove some oddities were performed. I think it's much better now, thank you! <grin>. If you don't have the terrain already, use the following URLs to download it. The original terrain is here: http://combatace.com/files/file/6089-modern-darwintimor/ The SF2 Upgrade Pak is here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11564-sf2-update-modern-darwin-terrain/ If you already have it in your SF2 install, and have the SF2 update installed, this package is all you need. HOWEVER....if you wish to enhance the terrain, I'd reccomend Stary's GreenHell3, as it uses the exact same placements as the stock tiles (with some tree exceptions), and is REEEALLLY worth the download. Yes, I've tested the terrain with BOTH tile sets. You can get GH3 from here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11649-green-hell-3/ NO OTHER TILESETS, OTHER THAN GH3 and the STOCK ONE are RECCOMENDED!!! Otherwise, the TODs =will= foul up the targeting (ie: placements of buliding and GroundObjects). For those wishing to use GH3, a Darwin_Data.ini all set up for that use is suppled. Several changes to the targets, types, movements inis, along with the invocation of the LimitedNations=TRUE statement should bring this more in line with the Real World ™. New planning maps are supplied, too. A modified version of the PLAN Destroyer from my Formosa upgrade is included (changed a few things). No other GroundObjects (read: ships) are included; you should already have them in the game installs, along with the various SAMs, AAA, vehicles, and etc. Several new, custom TODs for the Grass-river tiles are included, for use =ONLY= with the stock VN-SEA tileset. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other target areas may also fall into that classification. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. As always, the expected "Notes" section for whatever reason it's there for! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  19. No, I must amend my prervious statement. with the 1/11 patch, they were working (i remember this from testing the Iran/Irag terrain -- especially around the ports of Umm Qasar and Basra, Khoramshar and Busher) -even the vector on my IIRAF Phantoms showed the paint by the cargo ships. However, post 5/11 patch, in testing an upgrade for Darwin, the docked ships -including the new TICO- no longer register. Even though they're pumping out SAMs like crazy (at least that works!!) So, something got definately got broked. OTH, the landbased SAMs and radars and radar-equiped AAAs are still working! (even the specified HAWKs, AAA all use the generic term) wrench kevin stein
  20. prolly missin the _water.bmp; which is needed fro the SF2 mission builder.
  21. yes, they do emit ... take something with a TEWS*, and fly over some of ports with ships in it. You may see a "U", as some of them aren't in the RWR lists; OTH, the modified stock cargoship and tanker ini that come with many of my terrain mods use the Barlocks radar data , so you may sea "S" for search. Fubar's mod of the SumnerFRAMs have working seach, track and fire control radars (they also show up!) wrench kevin stein *actually, even a vector rwr will show them
  22. in the data in, in the GroundObjectData, add this line anywhere: SinkTime=135.00 (time is seconds) great job man!! Jim, BZ on the skins!! looking good! wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: P-2H "Neptune" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 April 2011 File Category: Other P-2H "Neptune" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod of the original P-2H (P2V-7) released by Tracker and the Argentine Modders Group, incorporating some tweeks perfomred by ChampionsVA56 You do NOT need to original download, but if you want the COAN skins, you'll need it to add them. All inis, lods, etc, and 3 new skin and decal sets are provided. The inis have been 'adjusted' back to original USN state, with a completely new UserList.ini, descripting the different countries that used this late-model Neptune. (NOTE: RAF is not listed, as they used only earlier models, with the gun turrets. Hopefully, I also got the users & years farily close, too) Skins included in this set are: VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s * (* revamped version of pappychksix's, now with decals) All new decals are included, many with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). The Basic Skins ™ for the USN Gull Gray/White and Seaplane Gray and White, can be used for many other countries, simply by creating new skin folders, copying the relevant files, and creating new textureset and decals inis that reference the proper markings and nationality. A new weapon is included; the Mk.44 lightweight torpedo (note: it needs a new lod, as it's using the Mk.13 which is too long, but it works just fine!!). Loadouts have been corrected, with some reengineering of mounting points. Not perfect, but very workable. Other ini edits use Champ's landing gear & light fix, and I've replaced the pilot figures with the stock 'Prop_Pilot' with the baseball cap. The engine sound has also been replaced, and supplied. It's not what I consider a perfect match, but it's seems what should be farily close. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Warning Note: If installing fresh, do not use the original download;s inis, use these =ONLY=!!! If/when installing the COAN skins, use =ONLY= the skins, and nothing else!! You will mess things up severly, and have to start completly over. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  24. remember folks, his problem ISN'T with SF/Wo* ... its for some other game

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