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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. (is the in the correct forum? as is asks about Gen1 aircraft..or is it pertaining to Gen1s in SF2?) did you try renaming the glass tgas in each skin folder (where they need be, btw)? are the reflection statements called out in the various cockpit inis?? wrench kevin stein
  2. I mean, seriously....how hard can it be?? you see before you approx 2 hours work, using all stock parts and some new decals (more in the making). Same thing I did with the INAS SeaHarrier Mk.51s -- just used the Harrier 1 from SF2E. The differences are soooooooooooooooo minor, as to mean less than nothing VMA-513, approx 1971/72 the only thing I haven't/can't figure out, is where the damn rudder is mapped to, for the blue background and white stars!! wrench kevin stein
  3. Happy Birthday Muesli!

    Whoot Whoot!! happy birthday!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Suggest checking the userlist inis for each of those birds, AND the textureset inis as well ... textureset ini now have a DefaultStartDate line, so if a certain skin (say a camo) wasn't available BEFORE a certain year, it won't be in pull down. Given the timeframe, its quite possible all the WarPac users may only have the natural metal skin
  5. Yup, must reiterate what Streak said ... you want the original lod, you buy the game. Period. on as aside, isn't the SF2E Harrier 1 pretty much the same as an AV-8A????
  6. File Name: A-4B Skyhawk, VMA-331 Bumblebees Skin/Decals Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 April 2011 File Category: A-4 A-4B Skyhawk VMA-331 Bumblebees Skin Pak -- For SF2, Any and All that have the A-4B Accessable This skin/decal represents VMA-331 Bumblebees as seen in 1962/63 when based at NS Rossevelt Roads, Puerto Rico and NS Guantanamo Bay (aka Leeward Field), Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis All new, historically accurate BuNum decals have been created (thank you Skhawaks.org!!). Unfortunately, the listing didn't match Modex to BuNum, so it's not perfectly accurate. Other mods include a tweeked data and loadout ini. The loadout ini changes the STRIKE bombs to use 1000 pounders. Data ini changes include activating the canopy via a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open and close), and the addition of the landing light. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  7. control/o open ALL bomb bays by default
  8. Since we seem to be on a Grumman Felines kick... Tigers ... (sf2 conversions coming soon!!! - with new decals too!) wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: TMF's Mirage F.1C for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 April 2011 File Category: Mirage F1 Dassault Mirage F.1C by TMF For SF2 (any and all, Merged or not) This is a semi-complete upgrade of The Mirage Factory's Mirage F.1C to SF2 standards.I call this 'semi-complete', as some tweeks are still needed (see "Notes" below). A cockpit upgrade, loosly based on my AMI F-104S-ASA-M adds a working HUD for all modes, various A-A modes, and Ground Mapping. Some functions may be too modern, but hey, it all works!!! The cockpit is still the Zippers, as originally released with. A new userlist ini is also included, with hopefully everyone and fairly close operational years. A new SF2 style Hangar screen is also included! Several weapons are included, from the GunnyPak. Loadouts are set for mostly French weapons, with the occasional NATO slipping in (Sidewinders in the early operational years). (see Notes for comments on the desert skinned drop tank) Skins and decals included in this pak are from (iirc) the original release, and maybe some others: AdA Blue EDA Camo Greece Blue Desert As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. PLEASE read them. With special Thanks to TMF & Sony Tuckson for giving permission to modifiy and upload. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  10. Had a posting problem like that yesturday too, Sony. Boards wouldn't accept an 41 meg attachment! As always, we look forward to ANYTHING TMF produces. So people, until the new one arrives, please consider this just a temporary fix! But enjoy it nonetheless!! And thanks again, Sony, for all your and Bpao's hard work. We still miss him wrench kevin stein
  11. all the aircraft that were involved in DS (with few exceptions), right down to the squadrons, are IN the ODS mod. Mabye downloading it and finding out??? (since I deleted my 1stGen version....actually, zipped and archived on an external)
  12. EVERYTHING works on my end; I NEVER upload something that dosent work --- EVER I suggest you look to your game install for something missing as noone else has mentioned ANY issues whatsoever; other than those I enumerated in the readmes' Notes section.
  13. just don't try activating the wingfold animations....they'll flap like a birds, and wrap them completly around the bottom of the aircraft!!! Looks funnier than hell!! wrench kevin stein
  14. 1) have you looked in the File Announcement Thread recently (like, the last 24 hours?) 2) you may need to nationalize* the aircraft; the edit the data ini pointers for the droptanks to read: FuelTankName=Tank_RP-35D, (or whatever it's called in the tank's data ini) edit the loadout ini accordingly to match; create a nation-specific userlist, and hope for the best wrench kevin sein *covered in the SF/Wo* KB
  15. cool.. because after 3 attempts to attach the zip, it wasn't going up!! here's a link the SAM Modelers Datafiles at farposst: http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8633 wrench kevin stein
  16. let me zip up the Modelers Data file on the Merlin Spit (I have the Griffon one, too) It'll be huge, even zipped...but well worth it There are utterly fanastic line drawing, breaking down all the components. wrench kevin stein or they can be found a farposst. which ever you want!
  17. what about the surprise twist at the ending?? ... bet you didnt see THAT coming!!! (no, it WASN'T the butler!!) wrench kevin stein
  18. Twister

    look up Ben Bova's old scifi book "The Weathermakers" I'd reccomend dumping liquid nitrogen in the region of the funnel; after all, tornados and hurricanes are heat engines; remove the heat, and the engine stalls wrench kevin stein
  19. Fluctuat nec mergitur

    Boston Whalers might beg to differ...up to a point, I"m sure wrench kevin stein
  20. the old Bunypak should have it. it'll need a quick run-through the 08 level WepEditor....and maybe folderization, but it should be there. if you can't find it, let me know. Hopefully, i've still got it around someplace! wrench kevin stein
  21. Looking Good!! some thoughts... obviously, the underwing radiators/oil cooler needs changing/swaping out/whatever what about using a 'fake pilot method' of adding the smaller underwing cooler, and 3-port exhaust stacks? Using the remove component trick -if the right side rad mesh can be located- and a 3D guy can make the correct exhaust stack as a matched pair left/right, it's just a matter of dailing in the correct positions. Might be somewhat easier than building totaly new models. Same could be done for the, say, Mk.V Trops -- just need the dust filter as the fake pilot's seat....hmmmmmmm (would 2 different filter housing be wanted, or would just the 'standard' type be used?) Wonder if the SAM Modelers Guide on the Merlin Spits has the size measurments? Have to check the views in there. (if anyone needs said book, I have it on PDF) wrench kevin stein

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