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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'd like to found out "How To.." as well. The old SFMap works most of the time, but to create the old style maps, you need to run the exe from inside a 1stGen; absolutely does NOT work from inside SF2 at all. Now, even in 1stGens, every once-in-a-while, it gives a runtime error, and crap out. In essence, we need a new map generator. wrench kevin stein
  2. Well, then I suggest you start work on it, eh?? you'll need 2 islands at opposite ends of the map for the airbaes (one for each side is the minimum game requriement), each one just big enough for a Runway4 -that'll allow large aircraft to operate. Sounds like a good projet for you
  3. I beg to differ on the movements ... there are, yes, NO CAS locations, but there are ARMED_RECON routes. I'd download my Rage Upgrade Pak, as it adds these There's very few terrains around that I havn't "fiddled with" !!!
  4. File Name: P-2H Neptune MLD (Netherlands Naval Air Service) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 April 2011 File Category: Other P-2H "Neptune" RNNAS (MLD) Skin/Decals Pak -- For SF2, Any & All -- This skin and decal pak is for the P-2H Neptune, and recreates aircraft from 320 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service (aka Marine-Luchtvaartdienst or MLD), in the 1970s. Designed for the recently released SF2 upgrade, which can be found here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11914-p-2h-neptune-skinsdecals-and-ini-update-pak/ (yes, shameless self-promotion!) This adds another user's skin, with (hopefully!) historically accurate markings and serials. Another minor tweek, is the canopy glass tga has now been made fully transparant. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. A note about the canopy glass tga is in here too! Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody READ the Knowledge Base!! my work is done here.... HR, blessings upon you and all of yours!!
  6. I KNEW you'd read those!! defending London with a single destroyer armed with Metalstorm launchers ... oh, yeah! wrench kevin stein
  7. Version


    P-2H "Neptune" RNNAS (MLD) Skin/Decals Pak -- For SF2, Any & All -- This skin and decal pak is for the P-2H Neptune, and recreates aircraft from 320 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service (aka Marine-Luchtvaartdienst or MLD), in the 1970s. Designed for the recently released SF2 upgrade, which can be found here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11914-p-2h-neptune-skinsdecals-and-ini-update-pak/ (yes, shameless self-promotion!) This adds another user's skin, with (hopefully!) historically accurate markings and serials. Another minor tweek, is the canopy glass tga has now been made fully transparant. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. A note about the canopy glass tga is in here too! Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Marines!!! Let's GO!!! wrench kevin stein
  9. don't know, all i really did was adjust the nose gear rolling radius, and reset the CG (that's what probably did it) wrench kevin stein
  10. Do the allowed nations (meaning: AttachmentType=) in the aircrft data ini match the allowed nations (also AttachmentType=) in the weapons' data ini? Also, depending on the nation bein flown, are the weapons set to EXported=TRUE (not having the bird, I cant' check for my self)
  11. File Name: T-45A Goshawk for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 April 2011 File Category: Other T-45 "Goshawk" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak -- For SF2, Any & All -- The package is a slight revamping of RussoUK's T-45A "Goshawk" USN trainer. This complete full aircraft package incudes all new decals, a slightly 'noised' version of the skin, and some minor ini tweeks for SF2. The cockpit has been replaced by using the stock A-4B, as these don't have a radar. However, the radar-ranging gunsight and an audio-only RWR have been added. New decals for VT-1 have been created, as have BuNum tags. Other ini edits switch the canopy to a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open close), and a somewhat fancifull loadout ini, with loadouts for the STRIKE, RECON, CAS & ARMED_RECON profiles. (see Notes below for comments). Self-defense Sidewinders are carried on all mission profiles. The Aden gunpod has been changed to allow for USN usage, and a substitute 100 gallon drop tank has been added. Both weapons are included; all other weapons fits are stock, with the exception of the CBU-59, so you'll need Gunny's Ordanance Shop for that. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: be a perfect addition to the Mescalero Training Range, too! Click here to download this file
  12. here's a trick I do when making new templates for stock or otherwise unavailable skins assuming (oh! that word!!) the stock skin is the bottom or background layer, duplicate it, then INVERT it. Panel and rivet lines will now appear white, and be just a smidge easier to see. A LOT of guess work is still involved, but it really does help. Rivets being the biggest nightmare, the reason I didn't do them on the stock C-47 wrench kevin stein
  13. that would make sense, as cargo ships, by default, don't have any weapons or sensors for them (well, there are some that do....) what's needed would be an APA, LSD or LST, with it's self defense batteies wrench kevin stein
  14. ok, now this IS some weird s**t... found the tga for the glass (veridos.tga -doh! since verde is green in Spanish) Made it transparant, and the shadows came back. Beyond my limited understanding!!! other shot is with all the decals (more or less correctly) placed., upper fus walkways removed, spinner repainted Just needs a readme, then out the door it goes
  15. I know the feeling ... 4 years for me. We're with ya, brother. Hope all gets back together soon. wrench kevin stein
  16. no sweat brother!! I wouldn't worry about it!
  17. ships placed in target areas, even in the Open Sea ™ don't move, as they're location is fixed in the Targes.ini (look at modern Darwin, Libya, and all the WW2 maps -- there's 'convoy stations' that the ships just sit there, waiting to be sunk) That's why you can get away with only one model used for 'in port' or anti-ship missions. The only reason one would need to create an extra 'in port' version, is to remove the exhast smoke from the stacks, as sitting at dock, they obviously wouldn't be "making steam and under way" wrench
  18. Carlo, yup. Spent a lot of time there this week!!! upper walkways are easy enough to remove (thank the gods I had the forsight to make them a sepearte layer!) pics posted later today W
  19. I venture a guess that it would be the SquadronList.ini???
  20. not that I'm aware of. You'll notice the incluson of a _Shadow.SHD, for 06 level games, and that dosen't even work. I suspetct something changed with the 1/11 patch We could always beg and bribe Russo the take a look at the lod ... (since we don't have a smiley for 'money changing hands',) wrench kevin stein
  21. isn't that the same tile set I used for Iran/Iraq???? Hmmm...... must check this out! thanks Stary!! wrench kevin stein
  22. green-ish to my eyes! I think all the glass uses the same tga (but never really looked!) Just pretend it's tinted for sun glare!! looking at some other photos are airliners.net, it looks like teh tag prolly reads as SP-2H xxx where xxx is the modex number (200-218). Easy enough to do. wrench kevin stein
  23. was playing with it a little couple of weeks ago ... flys good to me, but has 'pulling' issues on the ground. Shoudn't be torge related, as the engines cournter-rotate outwards from each other. I think it may be gear related, but couldn't run it down wrench kevin stein
  24. ADF serials site ROCKS!! It's where I got all the ones for the CAC Avon Sabre, and the MirageIIIO (yes, i know the Mirage isn't out yet. Waiting on the TMF guys, for the correct body shape for F and A version, although one based off the stock 3W Mir3 is ready to go) wrench kevin stein

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