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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. 'fake hooks' work just fine ... we've been using one on the FJ-4M Fury and several others for Loooooooooooooong time! wrench kevin stein
  2. that helps a LOT guys!! looks like the last 4 digits of the BuNum (I HOPE!!) wrench kevin stein
  3. with a Starfighter buzz number??? i call "photoshop"!!!
  4. came that way. I've been scouring all the downloads to find out where I got it from (the lod is dated 4/22/2005. And all my archives; not even a readme with the thing. I think the skin was done by pappychksix, and I'm redoing the decals and a bunch of other stuff (can't get shadow to work, though). Hopefully, it's Russo's Hopefully, uploaded before the weekend. wrench kevin stein
  5. Isn't that what I said above??? The way we fixed it on Monty's, was seperate the pylon meshes from the wing, and reattached them. Which is why the AD/2/3/4 has weapons that move with the wings (as do the lights) and like I said above, ain't likely to happen
  6. and they said I was off my meds??? (i know i'll get slammed, but it DO pretty good!===== ducks, runs and hides) the star is wrong, though ... the side bars are way too long. Us the stock insignia; they're correct in shape wrench kevin stein
  7. Beach, you mean like this.............. wrench kevin stein
  8. no s**t! for american stuff, there's Joe Baugher site, but for foreign (ok, non-american!) 'rotsa ruck charie!' even books like Detal & Scale, Warpaint, etc, sometimes don't have all the listings for a particular bird (but the put you the right course!) wrench kevin stein
  9. don't thank me! thank Tracker and the Argentine Modder Group, they built it! I just fiddled with it!
  10. You won't be sorry!! wrench kevinstein
  11. Glad you like it! you'd just need serial number decals, and edit the decals ini to remove the Tlet and Num decals from the rightupper and leftlower wings, replacing them with the KONMarine roundel. One of the advantages of using decals for markings; allows for easier creation of other squadrons or countries. the SeaplaneGray/White would also be good for early JMSDF Neptunes, too (in case one needs to serch for Godzilla!) wrench kevin stein
  12. Version


    P-2H "Neptune" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod of the original P-2H (P2V-7) released by Tracker and the Argentine Modders Group, incorporating some tweeks perfomred by ChampionsVA56 You do NOT need to original download, but if you want the COAN skins, you'll need it to add them. All inis, lods, etc, and 3 new skin and decal sets are provided. The inis have been 'adjusted' back to original USN state, with a completely new UserList.ini, descripting the different countries that used this late-model Neptune. (NOTE: RAF is not listed, as they used only earlier models, with the gun turrets. Hopefully, I also got the users & years farily close, too) Skins included in this set are: VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s * (* revamped version of pappychksix's, now with decals) All new decals are included, many with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). The Basic Skins ™ for the USN Gull Gray/White and Seaplane Gray and White, can be used for many other countries, simply by creating new skin folders, copying the relevant files, and creating new textureset and decals inis that reference the proper markings and nationality. A new weapon is included; the Mk.44 lightweight torpedo (note: it needs a new lod, as it's using the Mk.13 which is too long, but it works just fine!!). Loadouts have been corrected, with some reengineering of mounting points. Not perfect, but very workable. Other ini edits use Champ's landing gear & light fix, and I've replaced the pilot figures with the stock 'Prop_Pilot' with the baseball cap. The engine sound has also been replaced, and supplied. It's not what I consider a perfect match, but it's seems what should be farily close. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Warning Note: If installing fresh, do not use the original download;s inis, use these =ONLY=!!! If/when installing the COAN skins, use =ONLY= the skins, and nothing else!! You will mess things up severly, and have to start completly over. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  13. up at the top, at the bottom of the ]AircraftData[ section: [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=Spitfire9c_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=2915.0 EmptyInertia=9437.3,6601.0,13770.8 ReferenceArea=22.48 ReferenceSpan=11.23 ReferenceChord=2.13 CGPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 CockpitCGOffset=TRUE OnGroundPitchAngle=11.5 Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=Nose Component[003]=LeftWing Component[004]=RightWing Component[005]=Tail Component[006]=LeftStab Component[007]=RightStab Component[008]=VertTail Component[009]=LeftOuterWing Component[010]=RightOuterWing //moves to remove cannon barrels// Component[011]=Move1 Component[012]=Move2 Component[013]=Move3 Component[014]=Move4 [Move1] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=20mm_barrel_R DestroyedNodeName=20mm_barrel_R DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move2] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=20mm_barrel_L DestroyedNodeName=20mm_barrel_L DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move3] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=cannon_bump_R DestroyedNodeName=cannon_bump_R DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move4] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=cannon_bump_L DestroyedNodeName=cannon_bump_L DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  14. search function not working, I guess.... http://combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/
  15. I don't believe this

    beg to differ ... Nellis in just outside Las Vegas (been there, done that!) wrench kevin stein
  16. Happy birthday Silverbolt!

    HOOT!!! happy birthday dude! wrench kevin stein
  17. see my eariler response about static ships (around here somewheres...). It's the same thing, using the same procedures wrench kevin stein
  18. They install, basically, just like 1st Gens. For this exercise, we'll assume a standard 1stGen aircraft, with the /D decals sub-folder within the skin folder (more on that later...) Locate the "mods folder" (for our example, we'll just use my SF2 install, yours will have a different name, and mine is Winge7) C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 open that, locate the /Objects/Aircraft folder Drop the aircraft directly INTO the /Aircraft folder. Now, it gets a little more tricky, if one wants the decals to appear without a buttload of rigamarole... In the /Objects/Decals folder, ALSO copy/paste the entire aircraft directly into it Then open the aircraft folder (it's copy in the /Decals folder) and delete everything but the skin folder-that means all the lods, inis, etc. (shoud look like image 1 below) Then, opean EACH skin folder and delete everything EXCEPT the /D subfolder. It should look like image 2 below. what this method does, is prevent the end user from having to re-write the decals ini, and is far, far simplier and more effective. and that's basically it. there is some fine tuning needed sometimes (usually NOT to skins/decals), but thats for another day wrench kevin stein
  19. Somebody's NOT happy we're flying over their house... wrench kevin stein
  20. was experimentating with that the other day, but was only partly successful. Removed ONE wing bulge, and none of the cannon barrels (trying to make a Mk.1) These are the statements; there may be other mesh/node names I'm mising, so break out the UNICODE compatible hex editor to read the LOD: (add to the AircraftData section) //moves to remove cannon barrels// Component[011]=Move1 Component[012]=Move2 Component[013]=Move3 Component[014]=Move4 [Move1] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=20mm_barrel_R DestroyedNodeName=20mm_barrel_R DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move2] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=20mm_barrel_L DestroyedNodeName=20mm_barrel_L DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move3] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=cannon_bump_R DestroyedNodeName=cannon_bump_R DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move4] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=cannon_bump_L DestroyedNodeName=cannon_bump_L DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE wrench kevin stein
  21. oh, you this one: http://youtu.be/oJ3oQMLMBnk
  22. I take it you haven't seen my A-1H & J upgrade paks for the stock Skyraiders?? From the readme: I know WHAT to do, and HOW to do, I just don't WANT to do it!! Actaully, rethinking to what we had to do with Monty's for KAW, using BOTH the RotatingPylon and MovingPylon statement, still left the weapons behind, until we cut the plyon meshes from wing, and rebuilding the attachment point setting from scratch (and duplicating them, as well) Don't think that TK gonna wanna spend the extra time and money for piece of eye candy like this, that truely serves no purpose wrench kevin stein
  23. yes, we'd need s**t-loads of seaweed tiles, plus lots of decaying sailing ships (one of which is fake, and has an elevator tube to an "enemy submarine", with a laser gun on top (with the dudes seen below -sorry for the small size) or s shown in this historical record http://youtu.be/o8uF_Hsef2Q wrench kevin stein btw, the OTC Cuba/Flordia map covers the entire Triangle region already
  24. add them as a specific target area, with a ActiveDate= and InactiveDate= maybe??? [TargetArea184] Name=Beach Red Position=276000,590858 Radius=1000 ActiveDate=11/01/1962 <-- InactiveDate=01/31/1963 <-- Location=2 Alignment=Friendly Target[001].Type=USFlag Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=0 Try it, and see if it works! having a similiar issue in cuba the the para drop zones and landing beaches wrench kevin stein

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