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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. AFAIK, and hope a Campaign Guru corrects me, the SAMs are set in the terrain _Types.ini; either as seperate battery-style target areas, or said batteries built into existing targets areas. So, if more are needed, the desert_targets.ini would need their addition. As they've been before (look at the VNSEA, and GermanyCE_targets ini), and you'll see the sams and various search and track radars built in wrench
  2. fire the helmsmen??? looks like a shipping route needs re-routing! (oh man, been there done that!) Or it's Elric and the other incarnations of the Imortal Heros in the Ship(s) That Sail Over Land and Sea?? wrench kevin stein
  3. mine work (from Gunny's Pak). Try those. I also have some working para-flares with long hang times for those pesky night interdiction missions over Korea/Early VN wrench kevin stein
  4. I've never tried whole dates, just years. Say, a 39-40, then 40-41. Roundels/other markings as decal are an easy edit (to leave off!) wrench kevin stein *tried the black/NM or white skin on the DAT Hurris and Spits, but due to mapping the Hurri's radiator will either be all black or all white (a decal can fake it, though). Same with the spits Have a semi/partly completes 1sqd AASF skin for the Phony War I never finished...
  5. !! did I ever apoligize for putting that SAM battery in your backyard, on the SoCal map??? wrench kevin stein
  6. SF2 really is the way to go... so many improvements... You don't have to worry about relearning everything for SF2, it's basically the same. The differences are the core files are located in the protected regions of the HD, and all the 'goodies' (aka 'the mods folder') are in the MyDocuments (xp) or SavedGames (vista/win7) The formats of the folders are the same, expect for one major exception ... decals now MUST be in the /Objects/Decals folder. SOme minor moving of folders/files is necessary (and then deletion of unneeded stuff in said skin folders), but it's easy Good to see you back again! wrench kevin stein
  7. In particular, this is directed to StGs in North Africa.... It seems the StGs carried their lettering; T6+AM on the uselage, where the 3rd letter is the individual call for each aircraft The question is: did they carry the individual call letter under the wing? Sommat like this: + A None of the pictures/profiles and such that I've got in my various and sundry books on the Stuka in NA seem to show it (in particular in the time of the retreat from Benghazi west to Tripoli, and during Torch and the departure from Africa). btw, this is for a new variant based off the B, with LOTS of fixes. Eventually, I'll apply them the B and release an update, as it's sadly in need of some tweeking (don't even get me started on the lights....) wrench kevin stein
  8. exhaust position is incorrect ExhaustPosition=0.0,-6.5,0.115 AfterburnerEmitterName=AfterburnerEmitter AfterburnerEffectSize=0.9
  9. Flight Model (ie: the data ini)
  10. you can do the same for skins, too, below, from my unreleased MirageIII0, switching from NM to camo: [TextureSet] Name=76 Sqdn Nation=Australia Squadron=76 Squadron StartDefaultDate=1967 <-- Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000
  11. Iran/Iraq terrain -completed and released India/Pakistan terrain -completed and released Korea terrain completed; awaiting aircraft/ground objects/campaigns India/Pak aircraft need releasing; my mods folder for I/P got f***ed up in the last patch, and I (stupidly!) didn't have a back up that survived. So, I'd hope the other teammates will package the necessary aircraft and release them. Then, a campaign guru needs to build the various wars. OTC/Cuba terrain, nealy finished -- final targeting and movments ini in progress. Then, off the eburger for campaigns. (some aircraft being redone -like the Neptune in the screenies thread) Ok?
  12. the S.6B would be good for the unfinished "Air Race" terrain. Unfortunately, with no multi-plaeyer in SF2..... Yes, Light and Mediums will be needed Havoc/Boston (at least 4/5 variants C/G/J) Mitchells (B/C/D/J/H) remember too, folks, it's not just ETO/MTO we have to think about ... there's all that wonderful stuff in The Pacific to shoot up! ------------------------- Has anyone thought about trying to contact Wolf257, and see if he still has his max files? I'm sure our 3dGuys could cut the meshes to create moving control surfaces; this also keeps the dozens and dozens of skin/decal sets from having to be remade. (he also showed, once upon a time, a Spit and Hurri in the works....) wrench kevin stein
  13. add the proper effect callout in data ini perhaps???
  14. start with a known position -- for nose, in this case, it's the pilot position, then move forward or aft depending
  15. Inspection at-sea the actual photogrpah can be seen here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/P-2H_Neptune_over_Soviet_ship_Oct_1962.jpg wrench kevin stein
  16. I'd also like to remind everyone (expecially the 3d Guys), that as far as I know -and of course, I'll have to ck with Major Lee on this, the "Great Gabby Autograph Giveaway" is active http://combatace.com/topic/58359-the-great-gabby-autograph-give-away/
  17. if you're meaning the destroyed model, and it's associated effect, No don't work in 1stGens, as its not coded for it
  18. caption this: "Oh, sure they say! 'Join the Navy and see the World'. What? Through this stinking litte window?" or "What engineering genius puts GIANT picture windows next to the toilet?" wrench kevin stein
  19. Did you add WP to the AttachmentTypes=??? make sure it reads SOVIET,WP try that
  20. Skypats' Cat Extraction Tool (in the Utilities/Tools Downloads) couple of threads on "How To Use It" in the Knowledge Base. If using Vista/Winge7, put all the extractor bits (ini, exe, other stuff) in a folder on your desktop, and run it from there. If XP, just create a new folder at the root of C (ie: C:/Cat Extractor), and put it all in there wrench kevin stein
  21. clicking the link to check wasn't an option???
  22. One still needs a full version of 3ds Max to export the lod to TKs specifications (VERY Expensive, I'm told) Not that iit can't, or isnt' done all the time ... the DAT's been doing it for years, as well as Razbam. BUT.. you MUST have the source MAX file (and the get ready to rebuild all the animations and prolly remap as well)
  23. "porked" is too kind a word But, with the A-1s, Mustangs and Spitfires, we have a workable base to start from

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