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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. for Baltika's new NZ terrain, some interestering "What Ifs...." wrench kevin stein (the backward's bird has been fixed) Enemy aircraft still to come
  2. There's a lots of dam(n) groundobjects!!!! sorry, couldn't resist!!! actually, the correct terminology would be 'terrain object', as you'd put it INTO the terrain folder, just like any other building. wrench kevin stein
  3. actually, I only used stock items, to keep it more simple, until a full major targeting campaign could be implimented (but it's moot at this point ... Baltika's is light years better!) wrench kevin stein
  4. export the heightmap as a bmp (or what I do -which is slightly easier), use the planningmap3. Then repaint the land black and the water red. I think, iirc, it's saved as Index not RGB, then resize to 512x512, and rename to NZ_water.bmp, and list in the main ini (NZ.ini) I'll locate all the bits for R2 & R3; I know I edited the runway3.lod to rename a tga, so I'll have to find it. (I know it's in the Cuba and MidWestUSA, but....you know that goes!) you want the modified port tiles as well? (they'll need repainting, as they're basef off stock GCE -replacing the city parts and maybe the ocean as well. don't forget stary's lighthouses!!! And carrier stations! (or, I can always zip up tonix's whole terrain "as is" and you can use what's needed from my version of -no tiles included other than my new ones) Edit: what I meant on the locations, was just split into North and South Island; unless you want to keep the counties (??) or whatever! <grin> wrench kevin stein
  5. stingray: my question too! Expert+++ level photoshop skills??? (way beyond mine, that's for damn sure! ) wrench kevin stein
  6. holy crap! well, I guess I can shelf that rebuild now, huh? ... EDIT: some quickie comments: Location=1 is alwasy FRIENDLY, Location=2 is always ENEMY so those need switching throughout the _Targets.ini I have fully paved versions of the Runway2 and 3, so when you want them....(too many Runway1/5/6s used) I know it's a beta, but some transtions should be made for the city/airfield tiles, some 'sheltered ports' are needed too. Easy enough to do!! I see you solved the problem I was having with Lake Rotorua (sp?) Looks GREAT!! I also have the layout for Marsden Point Refinery (but it'll need locating, as its off the other map) the thing looks GREAT!! Found Osgilith! Maybe some parked WW2 planes at Wanaka? EDIT: (again!) will need the desert_airfield*.inis added as well, as some of the airfields are pointing to the Desert airbases. For those that want them, you can find them in pretty much any of my terrain mods; just copy/paste DIRECTLY into the NZ folder, and shen (as my grandmother would've said) wrench kevin stein
  7. Minas Tirith??? excellent........gonna check this out wrench kevin
  8. coupi: yup. only the damn thing wasn't casting a shadow, so I couldn't accuratly recreate the real photo wasn't there a fix for that?? wrench kevin stein
  9. self explainitory wrench kevin stein
  10. 1) locate the item in the terrains _Types.ini 2) locate the LOD in the terrain folder 3) open LOD with hexeditor, "Search/Find ..." bmp/and or tga (do BOTH) 4) note names of skin maps (the bmp or tga) 5) with hexeditor still open, copy/paste the necessary filse (bmp, lod and ini -if required) into terrain folder to be modified 6) copy/paste entry of object from it's original _Types.ini into the _Types.ini of the terrain in question; renumber to fit sequence 7) SAVE the modded _Types.ini Now the fun reeeaaalllllly begins... 8)open targets ini, locate airbase to be 'eyecandied'. 9)Using the 'targets test.msn, as described in the SF1 KB by Some Genius ™ in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/ locate the offset (as described in that tutorial) for the object to be added. 9) transfer that information to the _Targets.ini, also as specified in aformentioned tutorial It should be noted at this time, however, that Piecemeal has already done the 'eyecandy' for the VNSEA airfields ..and I can't find the damn thing!! and it's in my SF2V VNSEA terrain folder! --but search for "PIECEMEAL'S AIRFIELD MOD ADD-ON FOR STARY'S 'GREEN HELL 3' TERRAIN" (at least that's what the readme calls it) HOWEVER... It may NOT be compatable with the Vietnam Mod/Expansion (and most likely isn't) The only problem I have with such a mod, is that not ALL airfields are fully military -- depending on the where, it may be civilian General Aviation/Internatinal airport or mixed use (civil/military -very common!!) but, there ya go! EDIT: I'd also suggest becoming intmately familiar with EVERY object in EACH _types ini, and ALL the GroundObjects (as they'll need entries added, too) Truck (both Zil and US, the Jeep, both FuelTrucks are already listed in ALL _Types ini, as TK has them sitting around the various stock airfields) wrench kevin stein
  11. it's not not MS or CFS, where the whole world actually is there, just with no man-made structures. It just kicks back The Wall a few KMs wrench kevin stein
  12. was that the "reworked" buildings with bump mapping? (as shown below) don't remember exactly, but they're direct replacements for stock? A couple look new...are there types entries for them, or do I just make them up? k
  13. No Pilot

    Like quack said, 1stGens you just dump the pilot bits in the ROOT of the /Aircraft folder in NextGens (FE2, SF2 series) you need to folderize them, and have a seperate /Objects/Pilots folder with the pilot figure -and SEATS!- in them wrench kevin stein
  14. Got tested on the STOCK maps first! (well, not exactly ... Korea got tested first to see if I could reach Nagasaki. Yes, you can, but there's nothing there but a watertower placeholding, then Germany) It only expands the usable border; it changes nothign in the stock maps (or 3rdparty for that matter. Anyting below -for saftey- 20 causes CTD (I actually tested down to 5!! Boy howdy did it crash, with a large wet THUD!) if a region isn't on the map (like Tunisia on the IME map) you cant get there. It actaully works BETTER on the IME map, with the our 56 war expansion, as it allows more sea room (well, "air room") around Phaphos and Akrotri. Helps the Canary Island map, which is reeeeeeeeelllllllllllly small! wrench kevin stein
  15. funny, as I just finished re-reading (for the umpteenth time) "Dark Wing" a couple weeks ago. Pity the ww2 china map dosn't quite cover the region needed.... I can't imagine trying to replicate the Dragon's Jaw bridge...oi vey! Now.... If we had a South Africa map ... "Iron Gate" wrench kevin stein
  16. I wish we had active volcanos .. I"d fiddled with something like that for WW2 New Guinea, but never got it working (would also be cool for WW2 Tunisia, as well as Libya as Vesuvisis and Etna are both on the maps) Safe to assume the Beehive is a government facility or a sport arena?? (time to visit Google/GoogleEarth!) EDIT: ok now I know what it is... well, a new 3d item would be needed; sketchup (3d Warehouse) has it, but since I'm not a 3d-guy..... IF someone converts it, and remaps, I can place it!
  17. http://combatace.com/topic/23485-decal-tutorial-long-with-biggish-images/ this is the one in the FE forum. I do mine differently (and can't seem to codify the procedure for some reason; it's just instinctive after 6 or 7 thousand ...)
  18. Stary, they're supposed to be screenshots not photographs!! that first one is simply stunning!!!
  19. thats why I painted the road sections ... they still suck, though!! (look at the new Korea terrain ... a real PIA to link all those cursed things!) wrench kevin stein
  20. La-200A

    I'm liking that!!! I think I saw pics of it in one of Yefram Gordon's books. Very cool! wrench kevin stein
  21. there's a decal creation tutorial in FirstEagles forums (somewhere!) too. Long and involved, but detailed The National Insignia ™ is a stock decal, as Kuwait is listed in the nations.ini. Probably be insigina051 (as that's the nation listing) Squadron badges, however, are another story... wrench kevin stein
  22. was there a WinDoze error message associated with the CTD, or just stright down to the desktop??? Error messages are important! wrench kevin stein
  23. and the tile naming conventions are the same between VNSEA and GCE -- once one learns the various suffixes (SJ/SC/RJ/GJ, etc), it's not diffucult to switch between TE/tilesets. Even added some roads, but had to delete them as they just didn't fit right, so that's that with them! I'm using the trees TOD from the last GermanyCE set you did, Stary. Cities I'm leaving alone (when one gets used to the hi-rez, hi-detailed tiles, the stock one just look so icky!!) I can have a "basic"* targeted terrain in "2 Weeks", but I want to triple check the movements ini too, as Im sure its not the least bit accurate (as was the frontline -- waaaaaayyyyyy the hell off!! wrench kevin stein *=basic targeting means minimal 'generic' target objects; with some support AD units (meaning: every city must have an evildamncommbuilding

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