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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that's more like it brother!!! wrench kevin stein
  2. File Name: MiG-21F Fishbed-C, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 April 2011 File Category: MiG-21 MiG-21F Fishbed-C, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba) = For SF2, Any and All, Merged or Not, With Access to MiG-21F = As stated above, you MUST have an install that has the MiG-21F in it. As this is pretty much ALL installs, it should work in all types, merged or not. It also assumes you've made the aircraft flyable. If not, consult the CombatAce Knowledge Base for instructions. The skin is a base natural metal with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. The stock in-game Bort number decals are used, as all the photographic evidence seems to point that way. (in fact, other than the repainted tail bmp, everything is stock!) The latest (as of 1/11 patch) _data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, and included a modified Loadout ini, that adds the centerline drop tank to the base Air-to-Air loadout, and reset the RECON loadout. The engine sound has been set to the old TMF "MiGEngine.wav" (not supplied), but there are several good/better ones out there for you to find. A replacement main ini (MiG-21F.ini), and a NEW avionics ini that activates the gun-ranging radar are included. When installing allow for the overwrite. Any other skins will be automatically added (so, not to worry!) The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). As all the decals used are stock, there are no additional decals to be added. As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  3. could even use the stock Germany map, as it covers that region. With Stary's tiles ... hmm...have to eliminate the skyscrapers in the cities with stock TODs (or, just use stock tiles with some of stary TODs for forests...hmmmmm) .....rebuild the targets and types inis (types is the easiest). Good thing most of the names haven't changed since 1945. And with my 'expanded world tweek', airfields in S/E England are also possible. Well, one or 2 at least rearrange the airfields to a more WW2 look...those already exist in my other ww2 terrains (read: dirt textured stock runways) yea, it's doable wrench kevin stein
  4. Thanks Chuck! Seriously, converting the existing terrains (with perhaps the exception of the EAW Euro one) is a next to nothing job; just 30 second edit of the data ini. It's the flight models we need... (I'm not all that particular with the externals ... "a good coat of paint hides a multitude of sins") wrench kevin stein
  5. and place in skin folder wrench kevin stein
  6. not to blow my own horn (more than 2 or 3 times a week, at least) ANY terrain I've done. and ANY and ALL of Stary's retilings ... they're just too good to pass up!
  7. Like FrankD said, the 3 or 4 of us (love the new name!!) Terraformers are up to our ears with work. BTW, there ain't a damn thing wrong with the new I/I rebuild for pre-DesertSheild usage - Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and points south/east, just need targeting (and turning Iran OFF -make it neutral-. This, iirc, may have been explained the in accompanying read me) and how hard is it to build a texturelist ini??? (odd that I forgot the leave it in the terrain folder -- I used to) Having had to (re)build several, I can say..... Not Very. Here's what ya do.... 1st off, create a new, seperate standalone TE for I/I usage (like I did) 2nd, place all tiles -reduced in size to 265x256 max, otherwise the TE willl choke on them - in the new TE main folder 3nd, convert ALL tgas to bmp. discard tgas afterwards 4th move the I/I terrain folder into the TE, discard ALL items except the following: Ir.TFD IR.HFD Ir.ini Ir_DATA.INI you can leave the types, nations, movement and targets ini in, as they might be needed. In the main TE folder you'll need the desert_texturelist ini. Open it, and "save as..." IR_Texturelist.ini. open the TE, load the IR_texturelist, load the Ir.HFD. When the terrain loads, you WILL be missing tiles .. don't worry about that. In notepad, open the data ini; LEAVE IT OPEN as that'll be your reference to (re)build the txlist Go to "Edit Texture Map List", and matching the numbers in the data ini, add the new textures to the IR_Texturelist.ini in the exact order they appear in the data ini. That is super critical!!!!! Remember: there are 68 stock tiles in the desert terrain, so start LOOKING and then ADDING from 69 on. Crosschecking, and refershing the TE occasionally. You'll see that as the correct/new tiles are added, the blanks will start filling themselves in. When you reach the end (Tile160), you should be done. When done, however, completly NEW nations and movement inis will be needed, refecting the nature of the new national alignments. The Nations ini will also need editing, to again reflect the new alignemnts The targets ini will also have to be completly redone, with Irag becoming ENEMY (or in acutality, staying ENEMY, Iran switched to NEUTRAL, and all the other Gulf States becoming FRIENDLY. There you have it
  8. forgot to mention, if its IJAAF, the squadron markings would be completly different (ie: the Sentai) Japanese naval aviation used completly different styles and types than army aviation. (see the Pearl/Midway Zekes, Kates, Vals I've done, as well as any Oscars, Tonys, and etc) I've got several (read: MANY!) books on PDF on the subject! wrench kevin stein
  9. yes, completely rebuilt FMs to meet SF2 criteria (approx 300 needed, for aircraft variants) and completely rebuilt aircraft lods that meet SF2 criteria (although, I'm quite flexable on that -- as long as they fly correctly, I can overlook lod issues. After all, you should only be outside the cockpit for screenshots) wrench kevin stein
  10. The World Famous Pasko SAMS and Vehicle Pak ™ is still in the 1stGen Downloads section (again, the HAWK radars will need updating, but updated ones are readily availalbe in most of my terrain mods) And, THANK YOU for using my old thread! At least, somebody's read it!! I feel better!! wrench kevin stein
  11. as I said at the very beginning -- you're GOING to be hand-placing s**tloads of tiles. The autotile feature is only good for the basic shape -and even then gets it wrong more than half the time. So, get used to working one tile at a time --that's how it gets done yup. paint the transition edges with contrasting colors of a bright nature the 3-ways I'm speaking of are the transition TILES you have at the city -- city to grass to farm (C/R/G -- don't know why the texture types calls a "G" tile farm, and an "R" tile grass ???. Yet another oddity) Look at the city in my screenie above -- city/grass on all the transitions as for roads .. each tile MUST be linked by hand, using the various ones given in the screenies below, are the Kobe/Osaka region of Japan (that's lake biwa in the corner), and Pyongyank NK. Like I said, the roads run all over...from Kobe all the way to Shimonoseki at the extream s/w end of honshu. The NK roads run evrywhere....and there's lots in the PRC that won't get seen until the post-KW version is released. too much detail to list also, on the G-RIVS tile, you'll be throwing bridges across the river to link the road on oppsite sides of the river w
  12. expansion pak 1 (along with Spitfires, Mustangs, Fagots, Meteors and some new vehicles) wrench kevin stein
  13. harder than hell to find an unused Kitai number, ain't it!!!??? So, this is an IJN Spit from 343 Kokutai (wonder what code name ATIU would have assigned it??) edit: missing the yellow ID stripe in the leading edges. those went into effect mid/late 42 wrench kevin stein
  14. get rid of those 3-ways around the cities ... that was the missing tile was shown above. Retile the city edges with the GC 25/50/75. Try to stay away as much as possible from the screwy RGC/RCG tiles. They suck. Also, you city isn't linked to the road network, you'll need teh GC-RoadS for those. Linking roads is a f***ing NIGHTMARE!!!! ... wait till the New Korea comes out, and you'll see. The entire penninsula is linked by a massive road network ... from the Sea of Japan (and IN Japan too,) to the Chinese and Russian borders, and points in-between. Remember, too, there are NO R-series road tiles (although, easy enough to make) and, you might want to consider doing this (look at the screenie) to all tiles in the TE folder. Yes, I AM a fracking genius!!! (why do you think mine come out aligned perfectly, everytime?)
  15. looks much better!! Good job guys!!! wrench kevin stein
  16. kfrge sent me a basic terrain; but it needs to be completly retiled (had an importation problem on my end) no time frame ... so maybe next year?? And will be released for SF2 (but, like all terrains, with <45 seconds of editing, convertable to 1stGens) wrench kevin stein
  17. Always the best idea!! wrench kevin stein
  18. glad you got it fixed!! wrench kevin stein
  19. with more to come! wrench kevin stein
  20. do you have the ww2 nations ini? It really shouldn't matter, but ... you know what with me being the High Priest of CYA... wrench kevin stein
  21. If it was placed wrong, moving it to the SF/Wo* downloads section is no big deal. Let's wait for confirmation from the uploader, and then if needed, move to the correct section Ok, jahm...the ball's in your court. Where is this supposed to go? wrench kevin stein
  22. already ipmorted the J-series TODs, plus GJ and RJ transitions. Got some real dense forests on the mountains. Gotta love Star's trees! Had to (re)make a cityport tile last night for Napier's harbor. Hawke's Bay airport is misplaced (furthr west and a little south) of it's real life ™ position, due to the rivers and ocean proximity. (screenies later) The reason I asked, is 1) Local Talent -knows the area well 2) I'm backed up trying to finish off the Cuba terrain for OTC, and I promised Flogger23 two years ago Panama/Central America would be next. 3) easily trainable person ( ) If one can do skins....hell, I taught Piecemeal how to target! Look what he's done! I've GOT to finish Cuba; I can have a fully rebuilt NZ, probably, by the end of May, if lucky. If you all can wait that long, it'll be worth it. As always wrench kevin stein
  23. Good to hear!! any chance for the FJ-4B??? wrench kevin stein

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