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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Stary, they're supposed to be screenshots not photographs!! that first one is simply stunning!!!
  2. thats why I painted the road sections ... they still suck, though!! (look at the new Korea terrain ... a real PIA to link all those cursed things!) wrench kevin stein
  3. La-200A

    I'm liking that!!! I think I saw pics of it in one of Yefram Gordon's books. Very cool! wrench kevin stein
  4. there's a decal creation tutorial in FirstEagles forums (somewhere!) too. Long and involved, but detailed The National Insignia ™ is a stock decal, as Kuwait is listed in the nations.ini. Probably be insigina051 (as that's the nation listing) Squadron badges, however, are another story... wrench kevin stein
  5. was there a WinDoze error message associated with the CTD, or just stright down to the desktop??? Error messages are important! wrench kevin stein
  6. and the tile naming conventions are the same between VNSEA and GCE -- once one learns the various suffixes (SJ/SC/RJ/GJ, etc), it's not diffucult to switch between TE/tilesets. Even added some roads, but had to delete them as they just didn't fit right, so that's that with them! I'm using the trees TOD from the last GermanyCE set you did, Stary. Cities I'm leaving alone (when one gets used to the hi-rez, hi-detailed tiles, the stock one just look so icky!!) I can have a "basic"* targeted terrain in "2 Weeks", but I want to triple check the movements ini too, as Im sure its not the least bit accurate (as was the frontline -- waaaaaayyyyyy the hell off!! wrench kevin stein *=basic targeting means minimal 'generic' target objects; with some support AD units (meaning: every city must have an evildamncommbuilding
  7. Caption this photo: "So, Sergi, the landing gear extension tests aren't going well, are they?" or "Never go with the lowest bidder for concrete" or "This is why OKB Ilyushin is no longer is business, Comrade!!" wrench kevin stein
  8. National Museum of the Air Force...

    Althought I like the idea of having one freeway close to me here in LA, I would have though the Cosmosphere (dome?whatever!) in Hutichinson, Kansas would have gotten one.e It's a GREAT museaum, we were there some years back whilst visiting Witichia wrench kevin stein
  9. the bump mapping can only be attached to the LOD via 3dMax, as it's a material applied (so I'm told!) wrench kevin stein
  10. Birthdays Today!

    Contrags and drinks go out to Old Diego and Baltika!!! Gents, I raise a glass to you both!! Happy Birthday! wrench kevin stein
  11. Where is the loading screen?

    is this even in the right Forum??? Since an identical post is also in the SF2 Forums.... wrench kevin stein
  12. don't need to pull the stock on, just drop the new one into the aircraft in questions main folder and add the ponter line to the main ini: (Skyraider used as example) [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=A-1H Skyraider AircraftShortName=A-1 AircraftDataFile=A-1H_data.ini LoadoutFile=A-1H_loadout.ini UserList=A-1H_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=A1_COCKPIT.INI LoadoutImage=A-1H_LOADOUT.BMP LoadingScreen=A1USN_Loading.jpg <--- HangarScreen=A1H_Hangar.jpg AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=A1_avionics.ini SF2 series uses jpgs, but it'll take any type (we used to use bmps) JPG prefered, due to small file size. I should know, I've made hundreds..... wrench kevin stein
  13. Also considering the fact that the 1stGen games are "a done deal"... it's unlikely that any upgrades -of any kind- will be forthcoming, ever, for their future. So, the alternative is something like FRAPS. Just how it is wrench kevin stein
  14. you MUST use the TE to flatten airbases - there ain't no other way. However, your answer lies within: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7614 as to the ship issue, I have no idea. Are the ships in question listed in the terrain's _Types.ini? If not, do so. It's all I can think of
  15. NEVER assume that with terrain objects (or groundobjects for that matter). You'll find its pretty much never the case. Easy way to find what texture goes with which lod: open the LOD with a hex editor (use XVI32 - and it's easy and even better -its free!!!), "Search" for bmp and tga. Copy/Paste said textures into you new terrain. It's how wel all do it, and we don't always keep the items stored seperatly
  16. did the skin have a textureset.ini? That's what makes the GameEngine ™ see the skins. I can't believe that Ant would forget something like that (he's not nearly as old as I am )
  17. briefings, or mission descriptions like we had, say, in ATF or FA are not available in any of the 3W games. The only way to do it, is like how YAP and Rising Sun does it ... seperate txt or pdf files in a seperate folder, that you'd read before starting the game (and the mission) would be great if we had them ... would really help with things like the novel conversions I used to do for FA. But, that's the way it is! wrench kevin stein
  18. Possible map improvements

    these are all very old trick, dating back to SF1's first release (should be something somewhere in the old SF/Wo* KB) here's another, to reove the background on the data display, and inflight messages: [infoDisplay] //BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <-- BottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985 BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985 DisplayWidth=0.20 VerticalBorder=0.0015 HorizontalBorder=0.008 EnemyTargetColor=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 FriendlyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0 UnknownTargetColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WaypointColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 TextFile=HUDText.str NormalColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 WarningColor1=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WarningColor2=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 AGLAltStart=609.6 AGLAltWarning=152.4 EnglishUnitUseMPH=TRUE the real beauty of TKs stuff, is EVERYTHING is the same across the board! wrench kevin stein
  19. in the targets.ini, change all the Iranian listing to NEUTRAL; remove Iran from the Nations.ini, change all the GCCs to FRIENDLY One of the most important reasone for a LimitedNations=TRUE statement Your Nation.ini should look like this: [Theater] TheaterName=Northern Persian Gulf Location001=Iran Location002=Iraq Location003=Kuwait Location004=Neutral Territory Location005=Saudi Arabia Location006=Bahrain Location007=Qatar [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=Kuwait FriendlyNation002=Saudi Arabia FriendlyNation003=Bahrain FriendlyNation004=Qatar EnemyNation001=Iraq Iran is set as 'FREINDLY" in the game's nations ini -- the only way to keep it from show up is to not list it in the 'allowed nations list (ie: limited) You can try editing the game's Nations.ini, and change teh alighment to NEUTRAL -this has NEVER been done or tested before,so results are unknown. Yo'd also need a complely stand-alone mdos folder for that experiment, and NO IRRAF aircraft in it at all. Let's just hpe the limited nations statment takes care of it. They may still show up randomly, however. wrench kevin stein
  20. just bumping this up, and asking "How's it going?" wrench kevin stein
  21. Possible map improvements

    the planning maps are locating in each of the terrain cat files; they're bmps and not too easily edited (even with the clone tool), but it CAN be done there's an ini to edit that will remove all icons; just can't remember which one (it's the same for all 3W sims) There are replacement icons (albeit for WW2), somewhere in the 1stGen SF/Wo* downloads section. Those'll give you some idea as to what's what. The FE/FE2 icons are in one of the Flight cats (disremember which) edit: look in the MissionControlin, found in the MissionData.cat; a simple text edit will remove them wrench kevin stein
  22. if you mean the shimmering on the Olympic stadium, it's a Z-buffer issue in the lod itself (and/or possible flipped faces on the meshes). Only TK can fix it. Even placing it on a completly flat region don't help wrench kevin stein
  23. similiar to this, maybe (although Italy IS missing!) From the NorthAfrica rebuild (so the invasion of Greece, retreat to Crete and invasion of Crete can be recreated) Yes, FULL DAT aircraft cannot be included (everything but the LOD is OK. Folks will have to get those themselves). Which not only cuts down on RAF and LW, it hoses the RA as well. Until new stuff arrives wrench kevin stein edit: if new airfields are needed (Kalamata and/or Andravida -IF hisotircally correct-) shouldn't be too hard to add them as new Axis bases
  24. thank you! It's what I had in mind. I don't build just 'single use terrains'. (as the OTC guys are finding out now) SAMs/AD sites: well, if it's Iraqi, just find one in the targets ini, copy it to a blank notepad sheet, locate a position via free camera, copy down the coordinates, and paste it back in there (editing the Position= line. For 'friendly', you may have to build from scratch ... notice, however on the Iranian side, many are built directly INTO the city/airfield target area. However, there are several HAWK sites that are seperate target entities. (albeit pointed west) (also, it might behoove you to download the shipwreck item from the 1stGen downloads section, as it includes a tutorial on how to place targets. That tutorial is also in the 1stGen KB) wrench kevin stein

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