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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Delete or rename the "Default.ini" in your /Controls folder. Also, check you don't have a AircraftObject.ini in the main /Objects folder from some old mods -- if not stock it tends to mess things up You will, of course, have to reset everything. (but you expected to do that anyways!) wrench kevin stein
  2. not a 3d guy. sorry and to be totally honest, dams/resivours are completly impossible to make "look" like they should, due to the internal heightfield of the terrrain (so are waterfalls, unless you count rivers that point straight down) been aaaalllllllllllllll through that with the Hwachon and Chosin resiviours in KAW (to say nothing of the Missiouri, Mississippi, Chicago and various and sundry rivers in the MidWestUSA) wrench kevin stein
  3. or an even smarter way would be to edit the Sounds section of data ini, and comment them out, eh??? [sound] EngineSoundName=F15-16Engine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner BreathingSoundName=xBBettyOverG DamagedEngineSoundName=xBBettyFire StallSoundName=xBBettyYaw FlapsSoundName=AltFlap AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=AltGear LandingSoundName=TireTouch
  4. actually, for sf2, you don't need nations named in the terrain nations.ini; it really only exists to set the differing locations don't forget, you'll have to turn on LimitedNations=TRUE in the terrain's main ini (Tunisia.ini, NAfrica.ini, Palestine.ini, etc) wrench kevin stein
  5. I belive the correct answer is ... Impossible as they'e completly incompatable formats. If one has the source files (Max), like Razbam does, you can export to the SF/SF2 formats. Otherwise, nyet wrench kevin stein
  6. how come I don't have any problems like this at all????* My 3 ww2 installs work EXACTLY the same in SF2 as they did in 1stGens 1) you should NEVER have to touch the aircraft data ini for any reason, other than to fix the f***ed up FMs 2) all the terrains work exactly as advertised (other than with the minor tweek to the data ini, as in the Tunisisa one attached above). None of the WW2 terrains mods I've done make use of the limited nations statments, nor limited/allowed mission types. do you have the proper Formatins.ini, with the ww2 settings? (gose in the /Flight folder, with the nations.ini). Try the attached Edit: have you adjusted the year spread in the Options ini?? That's an easly forgotten tweek wrench kevin stein *other than trashed FMs
  7. View File LOTR "The Evil Ones" MiGs SkinPak LOTR "The Evil Ones" MiGs SkinPak -- For SF2, any and all that have the 21MF & 23MF -- A Just for fun Pure Fantasy Mod (a What If... that's beyond belief) Yet another in the Series of "Things That Prove The Wrench Is Off His Meds"... This is, basically, a redecalling of the stock MiG-21MF and MiG-23MF, but with new insignia decals for the the main Antoganists ™ from "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy ©. We have: MiG-21MF "Isengard", for Saruman's forces * MiG-23MF "Morder", for Sauron's forces (*=how an Urik-hai is gonna fit in that little cockpit is beyond my understanding! Or if Sauron's Orcs are smart enough to fly a Flogger...) This mod also assumes that you've converted the AI MiGs into Player-Flyable units. If not, consult the SF/SF2 Knowledge Bases, and download Ordway's MiG cockpits. For those truely bent, these decals can easily be (re)used on any aircraft that suits your fancy, and where insignia decal positions are known. Just check the relevant aircraft's decals ini for positionings. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Have Fun! I sure did making these!! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/16/2011 Category What If Skins  
  8. well worth the investment! wrench kevin stein
  9. for those that haven't seen them, I went a little 'round the bend in the regular SF2 Screenshot thread: http://combatace.com/topic/55714-sf2-screenshot-thread/page__view__findpost__p__491367 I'm back on my meds now wrench kevin stein
  10. templates for Dels' Hercs are, iirc, in the 1stGen downloads section somewhere. for the others, none exist that I've ever seen (unless TMF has one somewhere for the F.1) when a template in nonexistant, one has to build one from scratch. Not tooooooooooo, if one is used to working with multiple layers, just time consuming as all hell! (and I should know!!) wrench kevin stein
  11. davokingy: upload to gallery, right click the image, read "Properties", and it'll give the pathway. Copy the link from that window, paste into this thread wrench kevin stein
  12. are you using the correct ww2 Nations.ini??? try the attached, below note: japanese naval airforces added, so all the appropriate aircraft of said service will need data ini editing wrench kevin stein REMEMBER: SEPERATE ww2 installs!!! Another Thing I forgot: you'll have to edit the Spit 9s data inis and user lists, as the start dete/year is WRONG for the Mk.9s -- should be 1943 (according to the SAM Modlers Datafile 'Merlin Powered Spitfires' -which is a GREAT book, BTW!) Also, remove the Soviet references
  13. yup, judging by the lake in the distance, he's near Bone, Algeria. Desert/mountains to the east and south wrench kevin stein
  14. it should look exactly the same. Remember, you SHOULD have a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for you MTO install, as there are theatre specific skin sets (as we discussed via PM) what differences are you see, specificially?? wrench kevin stein edit: don't forget, you can add this to the main ini, thereby eliminated ALL modern aircraft: [AllowedDates] StartDate=1939 EndDate=1946
  15. ahhhumm...if you look, you might find it in the 1stGen terrains downloads section. however it IS for WW2 only, and not for use after 1945. wrench kevin stein
  16. you're missing tiles somehow....or screwed up the data ini. Make sure you have the full terrain, and all 100 tiles in the Tunisia folder looks fine for me try the attached data ini (screenie was taken with this) wrench kevin stein
  17. The Evil Ones...... wrench kevin stein
  18. for Baltika's new NZ terrain, some interestering "What Ifs...." wrench kevin stein (the backward's bird has been fixed) Enemy aircraft still to come
  19. There's a lots of dam(n) groundobjects!!!! sorry, couldn't resist!!! actually, the correct terminology would be 'terrain object', as you'd put it INTO the terrain folder, just like any other building. wrench kevin stein
  20. actually, I only used stock items, to keep it more simple, until a full major targeting campaign could be implimented (but it's moot at this point ... Baltika's is light years better!) wrench kevin stein
  21. export the heightmap as a bmp (or what I do -which is slightly easier), use the planningmap3. Then repaint the land black and the water red. I think, iirc, it's saved as Index not RGB, then resize to 512x512, and rename to NZ_water.bmp, and list in the main ini (NZ.ini) I'll locate all the bits for R2 & R3; I know I edited the runway3.lod to rename a tga, so I'll have to find it. (I know it's in the Cuba and MidWestUSA, but....you know that goes!) you want the modified port tiles as well? (they'll need repainting, as they're basef off stock GCE -replacing the city parts and maybe the ocean as well. don't forget stary's lighthouses!!! And carrier stations! (or, I can always zip up tonix's whole terrain "as is" and you can use what's needed from my version of -no tiles included other than my new ones) Edit: what I meant on the locations, was just split into North and South Island; unless you want to keep the counties (??) or whatever! <grin> wrench kevin stein
  22. stingray: my question too! Expert+++ level photoshop skills??? (way beyond mine, that's for damn sure! ) wrench kevin stein

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