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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. sound like somebody was screwing around with the flightengineini, when they shouldn't have been. Delelte it, let it revert to stock and stop messing with things wrench kevin stein
  2. Adjust Sea Level (which WILL cause some very interestering effects --keep a backup of the HFD, as you're gonna need it) wrench kevin stein
  3. don't do a damn thing ... just like the 'roads' function. Ignore it; you'll have to link them by hand (see the downloads section for pre-painted alignment lined tiles) wrench kevin stein
  4. talk about throwing everything at you, including the kitchen sink!! (or the plumbers truck!!) wrench kevin stein
  5. some new tiles, yes; many others revamped (lets just say the texturelist is now up to 153 tiles...) Need rocket gantries, though, even for the 1962 version of the Cape (and yes, the lighthouse is there, for those that know the region) Just redid it again last night, fixing some tile issues around CCAFS wrench kevin stein
  6. west of ataturk (sp?) airport, an SG75 tile is missing; right near that one, a GJ25 (??) looks to be missing as well. So, far, only things I found! Loving the detail!! wrench kevin stein
  7. yup, I too, noticed a LOT of empty territority aching to be filled.... wrench kevin stein
  8. 1962: CAP over the Cape wrench kevin stein
  9. photoshop (at least the 2 verions I have) does that automatically. IE: 'save as...bmp' and it removes the alpha channel Lex -- that's the GermnayCE tileset. The "A" series tiles is a dead give-away (the snowy mountains) wrench kevin stein
  10. action stick figures!!! what a great line!!! ok, maybe this'll help. (please note, in the shortcuts imgage 'Suez56' is actually Exp1) wrench kevin stein
  11. Diego has some gold-plated visors on a couple of his pilot figures ... shoot him a PM; I don't remember where they are wrench kevin stein
  12. awesome!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. or, just have a shortcut to each exe, for each mods folder, like the rest of us do They should never conflict (however, EVERYTHING from everything else WILL be available in/from the main SF2 shortcut), as each exe creates it's OWN mods folder (which, unfortunatly, will have pretty much everything in them, so some editing/removal of unneeded objects will be required ie: IDF aircraft/tanks in the sF2E mods folder -and SF2v as well!!! But, hopefully, to userlist.ini for such objects will prevent their appearence in those installs) wrench kevin stein
  14. did you move the decals folders INTO the /Objects/Decals/*nameofaircraft*/*nameofskin*/D folder??? remember -- SF2 don't do decals like the 1stGens do.... make sure ALL name are correct ... if the folder name in the decals pathway has been changed (ie: A-7H_MF, as shown), make sure the aircraft folder name matches. wrench kevin stein
  15. ummm...it's a STOCK aircraft .... wrench kevin stein
  16. looks like it's time to start hand tileing the transitions, eh??? btw, have you tried the function pointed to in the screenie below??? wrench kevin stein
  17. the syrian and egyptian DisplayName= are still in German (didn't I change them english??) This is my I2 nations.ini: (mind you, is sf2, but should work the same. RAF/France, from 56 war, and Greece because of Cyprus; those, plus the US services, should be removed) TheaterName=The Middle East Location001=Israel Location002=Egypt Location003=Syria Location004=Jordan Location005=Lebanon Location006=Cyprus Location007=Sinai Location008=Mediterranean Location009=Red Sea [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=ISRAEL FriendlyNation002=USAF FriendlyNation003=USN FriendlyNation004=USMC FriendlyNation005=RAF FriendlyNation006=France FriendlyNation007=Greece EnemyNation001=Egypt EnemyNation002=Syria EnemyNation003=Jordan EnemyNation004=Lebanon EnemyNation005=Libya this is the main, Isreal 2.ini: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Israel 2 DataFile=Israel 2_data.INI TargetFile=Israel 2_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Israel 2_types.INI MovementFile=Israel 2_movement.INI NationsFile=Israel 2_nations.INI BriefingText=Israel 2_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Israel 2_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.CAT //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.CAT //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.CAT Longitude=29.0 Latitude=35.0 LimitedNations=TRUE [Map] FilenameFormat=PlanningMap%d.bmp Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 [WeatherChance] ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=4 InclementChance=2 Wonder if the extra space in the folder/main ini name has something to do with it?? Never experienced any types of crash with it in either series (but, again, I don't build missions either!<grin>) even in 1stGens at 08 levels, you no longer need to list the ]Nation001[, etc in the terrain's nations ini. try this ... rename the folder and main ini to Israel2, taking out the space. It's worth a try! wrench kevin stein
  18. installed to the main SF2 install, yes??? Have you checked for double nested folders ... ie: Objects/Aircraft/*AircraftName*/*AircraftName* folders? Happens sometimes! wrench kevin stein
  19. mine just dropped right in ..!!! how odd!!! Even without installing all the /GroundObjects, it worked fine, albeit missing a few things. (the only reason I said 'for sf2 only', is cause you said 'installed to WoE'.) wrench kevin stein
  20. NF4 and ODS are completly seperate mods, requiring completly seperate game installs All is explained in their readmes wrench kevin stein
  21. yes, it's a small mapping error, and has no effect on the game. Why waste time sweating the small s**t, seriously??? wrench kevin stein
  22. because it's for SF2 only, maybe??? wrench kevin stein

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