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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. airport terminals with jetways!!!!! and a large suspension bridge that touches the ground a both ends!!! Just in time for me to "borrow" them for 2 other terrains!!! btw, use the FlightEngine tweek to kick back "The Wall", and the eastern map issues will go away wrench kevin stein
  2. which cat extractor? Skypats don't work on Gen2s. YOu need Gerwins wrench kevin stein
  3. Moved to the proper Forum REMINDER: Do NOT post question in the Knowledge Base ... it's for ANWERS only; question go here, in the regular forums
  4. Yup, substantially easier. Be advised, however, that when you add the others in the series (SF2V/E/I/Exp1/Exp2), it'll automatacilly merge with SF2, and will erase/rewrite the pre-existing main ini for ALL aircaft -expecially the (normally) AI controled Red Air. So, once you've made the ini edits to make them flyable, you'll really want to have a "copy of ***.ini" in EACH of their folders Example: /Aircraft/MiG-17F/Mig-17F.ini (standard) and as a backup /MiG-17F/Copy of MiG-17F.ini (this one with all the necessary lines added to make it flyable, then it's just a simple 'save as....MiG-17F.ini', or copy/paste the needed lines INTO the newly (re)created main ini.) Saves a hell of a lot of time ... wrench kevin stein
  5. din't TMF's Vipers come with their own cockpits??? Of course, you can alwasy import the WoI Netz pit -- takes some doing to extract/move/etc all 200-odd bits, but it's QUITE doable wrench kevin stein
  6. is this the updated Israel2 I did a couple of years back??? If not, I'd suggest using that one (VERY expanded targets ini). May also need to use the Desert.cat, as ALL the airfields are desert terrain based. (btw, IRAN is WRONG!!! should be Iraq -Iran is classed a FRIENDLY in the nations.ini) You're definately using a old version, as the update goes to 99 tiles... wrench kevin stein
  7. same procedures for both series (and FE2, as well) wrench kevin stein
  8. open cockpit.lod with hexeditor, search "tga"....???? or, extract/open the various and sundry hud tgas (there's about 250 of them, for the various aircraft -those for each aircraft called out in their specific avionics inis) wrench kevin stein
  9. preparing to depart from the transient ramp ... just a quickie overnighter... (paul nortness skin/decal set on stock SF2V Intruder) wrench kevin stein
  10. actually, it's 3 decals max per mesh wrench kevin stein
  11. HOLY s**t!

    hmmm....rapidly increasing decrepitness.... I should know!!! Happy (early) BD, Dave!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. can't find the link right now, but Deucse had an RGB to *whateveritis* converter on his old site. You plug in the RGB values (111,222,333,example), and it spit out the numbers TK uses for things like lights, HUDs, etc. I'll look around my old bookmarks, and see if I can find it wrench kevin stein
  13. could be the min/max extent issues from way back... try this: http://combatace.com/topic/28344-fixes-for-su-172022-fitters/ wrench kevin stein
  14. Happy Birthday, paulopanz

    Happy Birthday Paulo!!!! Here's one on me ... wrench kevin stein
  15. why not try unzipping to a temp folder, and then hand place/move the necessar files to where they go?? and, YES it WILL overwrite the existing 3rdWire Intruder, if you have merged installs. So.... some ini/folder renaming will be necessary. wrench kevin stein
  16. Give us a harder one .... did you have F-102s trying to (re)catch the Vindicators???? wrench kevin stein
  17. Give that man a cheroot!! And don't forget to place them in the _targets.ini, too. wrench kevin stein * -- TargetValue=0
  18. isn't the IAR-80 in the SF1/downloads/WW2Fighters/Axis fighters section? (by Pasko) wrench kevin stein
  19. Great Lighnting shots, Gustav!! Stary: it's the "carrier_still" object that comes in The Factory Place. Always wondered what it was, so I dropped one offshore of Key West Naval Base just to see what it was. Yes, I was QUITE shocked at the size too!! Wonder if it can be converted for use a a 'real' ship??? wrench kevin stein
  20. Holy smokes!! Is the Navy planning on launching and recovering B-52s???? (for scale, the 3W SCB-125 Essex) wrench kevin stein
  21. Are you asking this in the right Forum??? Is this about Falcon??? If so, we'll get it moved. if not, the question makes no sense for SF2 wrench kevin stein
  22. the Jug and Lightning use the same mapping for all versions (the lightning is ONLY mapped one-sided, so the use of decals is a MUST!!!) Just ignore my 'extra' layers ... I did't remove any of them wrench kevin stein

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