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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Happy Birthday Nesher!

    NUTS!!! How'd I miss seeing this one?? Happy Birthday man!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Happy Birthday Sony!

    Dude!!! Happy Birthday!!! Have SEVERAL for me!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. "you'll be sorry" if you do!! (not to detract ...I assume 'modified' is the operative word!) Everything on those tiles is twisted 45 degs, or more, OFF from center, making it nearly impossible to bridge rivers with any accuracy; to say nothing of cardinal point orientation of any target objects (NOT TOD objects -which are even more difficult to place). I made the mistake of choosing that tile set for MidWest USA ... and it's a nightmare! OTH, it's good to hear a new version of Black Sea is in the works!!! wrench kevin stein
  4. no, that's the Mk9 that came with expansion Pak 1 for SF2:I (also, the clipped wing version, too. exp1 also gave us the Mig-15, Meteor8, P-51D, T-34-85 and M-51 Shermans, amongst some other stuff) I think the most decals I ever listed was somewhere in the high 20s ... but I did over 300 individual decals for one skin mod (the 498th BGs B-29) wrench kevin stein
  5. You can upload the cockpit ... Kess is cool with that. LOOOKING GOOD!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. combatace upgrade

    same with IE8 ... can't EVEN get to the forums, without using the links off the front page, and then takes 7-10 minutes to loads (yes, clered and relooged in too) wrench kevin stein
  7. the whole 509th pak I did IS 100% accurate (except for not having the 'pumpkin' mission markings) Hope you added a radar to the Fibber, Spinners! (hhhmmmm...wonder if the 17pf or 17pfu nose/pylon kit would fit??) wrench kevin stein
  8. aren't there some over at Paul Nortess' old site "FIst of the Fleet" (linked here at CA)?? otherwise, it's just simply decals for various markings and such (btw: check the various cat files ... squadron badges may already exist) wrench kevin stein
  9. The Mirage Factory has several F-16 variants (albeit for series1, but readily adaptable). In the downloads section you'll find a boatload of F-15s, recently updated for the last patch. and, whilst not updated for (quite) some time .... there's this listing (covers mostly 1stGen series,but will give you an idea as to what's available) http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ Of course, browsing each of the download sections, while a bit time consuming, is worth at least looking through wrench kevin stein
  10. well, if it get US usage, and follows "standard designation doctrine", it would have the "A" prefix, for attack, followed by the maunfactures letter designation, then a model number, like the AV-8; so, given a time frame of 'before Harriers', maybe something like A(letter)-2 (note: pre-MacNamara, it was type-of-use/modelnumber/manufacturer/variant example, the firt Skyhawk was A4D-1 A=Attack 4=4th model by manufacturer D=manufactuer (in this case Douglas Aircraft) 1=variant post-MacNamara, just like nowadays, as he started it! (1962ish??) hope that helps! wrench kevin stein edit: manufactuer designator didn't always follow it's name - Lockheed was V, Vought was U. I"ve a list somewhere...
  11. was that the SA=7 guy? if so, it's was Pasko's from teh "SAMs and Vehicles Pak" wrench kevin stein
  12. No. you're not reading what I wrote.... you see all those f-104s **** mod folders? THOSE are the plyon/ventral strake sets. They will ALL be needing conversion to SF2 standards, as they are used IF they are being usedweapon, mounted TO the aircraft via data ini edits adding them as a 'new' station (as was originally done 7 years ago, when first released.) Instructions for converting weapons are in the SF2 KNowledge Base. ***unless, as appears to be the case, the pylon/strake pakcages are being used as a 'pilot seat', then -yet again -- you'll have to be rewriting THEIR individual ini to make them into pilot seats, as yet again, SF2 handles pilots and pilot seats differently. A quick look at the data inis of the aircraft will confirm this*** (There's also a really good ASA-M, with upgraded cockpit, with full, Working HUD by me in the 1stGEn downloads section ... but, again, you'll have to convert the "f104s" pylons object/weapon to sf2 standards) AND ... since SF2 handles droptanks in a completly different way (NOT a seperate LOD, but built into the aircraft itself), you'll have to take ALL those drop tanks (expecially the skins FOR each tank) match them to the aircraft skins for each and everone of the versions in the package, and upconvert/repaint/tweek/pullhair/etc to get the associated with the correct skins. So, you got a LOT of work ahead to upconvert this for SF2. Maybe a PM to Spillone is order, to see if it's something HE might want to take on???? Admittedly, the 'readme' contained in the package is NOT clear on what needs to be done, other than saying to drop everything in -- which don't exactly work in SF2, WITHOUT the necessary edits to the various 'pilots'. wrench kevin stein
  13. oh, I sooooo glad that it got saved! It's too cool to loose! For which nation/service? That'll help determine 'model type' number wrench kevin stein
  14. Sound like it wasn't installed properly. I'd delete the mod, READ THE README, and try again. Obvioulsy, a step got missed somewhere (like either weapons or 'pilot-parts' not installed) and since it's a 1stGen mod, you'll have to do some 'conversions' of the weapons to bring them to SF2 standards wrench kevin stein
  15. Software Updates

    Truck? What Truck??? Which flatscreens? What boot??? wrench kevin stein
  16. This Forum should be considiered as an ancillary to the SF/Wo* and SF2 Knowledge Bases Therefore, ALL questions, comments, requests and so forth MUST be posted in either the SF2 General Discussion or the Mods/Skinning Chat Forum Thank you for your cooperation
  17. As the stated purpose OF this Forum in to have ANSWERS, and Operational Guidelines, similar to what the Knowledge Base is. Questions WILL be posted in the General Discussion or Mods/Skinning Chat Thank You wrench kevin stein
  18. hehehehehe....right now, I can use the green ones in Cuba!! Thanks Ant!! wrench kevin stein
  19. is there a 2-AHM rack that they need to be loaded on? (like the 2IR rack for the A-10s) Don't forget to adjust the loadout.ini, as that's WHAT tells the game engine to load the 2-AHMs, and add (if the aforementioned rack exists,) the 2AHM statement to the hardpoints in the dataini, and the rack type to the loadout ini example: (F-105G with dual ARMs) [sEAD] Loadout[01].WeaponType=AGM-45A Loadout[01].Quantity=2 Loadout[01].RackType=2ARM Loadout[02].WeaponType=AGM-45A Loadout[02].Quantity=2 Loadout[02].RackType=2ARM Loadout[03].WeaponType=AGM-78A Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AGM-78A Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=f105_650gal_sea Loadout[05].Quantity=1 (rack statement in bold, so you get the idea) wrench kevin stein
  20. that the WoE/WoV/WoI terrain editor DON'T CARE which/what HFD it opens? That as long as you have the correct texturelist ini, for whichever terrain you're fiddling with, it'll open --and open correctly with all the stuff where it's supposed to be?? As some of you may have guessed, I'm doing some reworking on the Cuba/Florida terrain from OTC. And just for s**ts and grins; after spending 2+ days *&%$#ing around with it in that crappy SF TE, took a chance and created a stand-alone Cuba-only TE, will all the specific stuff for JUST this terrain (I have a habit of doing that ... creating seperate TE folder for seperate terrains -- keeps things MUCH simplier!) TOD creation is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier; the "work area" is twice as large, and the zoom is better (if if the 1600 is "misplaced") Any other TE guys still using that SF for desert-based terrains, move it over and try this! YOu won't be sorry! Wish I'd known ths 3 year ago.... The screenie below is the main work screen -at the standard, 'full size' or 100$ size. You can zoom down to almost individual pixels (yes, that's a new tile) wrench kevin stein
  21. well, I had been using the desert TE for ALL terrains using desert tiles. This works the same, and is easier on my old, wornout eyes (too much p0rn maybe???) TOD creation is a nightmare ... the only thing I can't do is like Stary does, and 'add in' those cool other buildings. Never figured that out, even with Deuces' tutorial, so I use the stock littler ones. Best advice for that, is follow the street patterns ... I always use the philosophy of 'it is man made, or G*d made?' Bulidings should follow a somewhat organised pattern; trees (outside of cities) should be random, more natural looking. Stary, I was actually gonna hit you up for some TODs! Need some for the new river tiles in the Panama (GH3 based) and for here as well, once I finish tile creation/importation. I've only added 18 so far, with anothet 8-10 to go. Your treemods rooolz on the terrain! For the 'new' sea/plains tiles, I can do those, as they're used for Cape Canaveral, and want it not quite as overgrown as the Everglades. (hhmmmm....swamp tiles???...have to experiment with that...) (oddly enough, I still have Deuces' original TOD inis, from 2003, as they came WITH the terrain!) wrench kevin stein
  22. go for it. major lee is excepitionally cool wrench kevin steim
  23. Have you tried adding "LGB" to that staion's AllowedWeapons= listing? Since that's the store type.... A quick look at any Data ini for post-mid-1960s style aircraft will easily confirm this (ie: like any USAF Phantom, fer example, F-4D and later). Also covered in one of the weapons editing threads in the 1stGen KB) It's NOT the rack, but the AIRCRAFT hardpoint. MERs and TERs don't care what the bomb is, as long as it's a bomb (Mavericks excepted; since those are missiles, and use TLR) wrench kevin stein
  24. for each gun, AimAngle=*.*,*.*,*.* where each * Are they high or low? Probably have to adjust the y axis (middle number) For example, on the B-57s, using the F-4B pit, its' AimAngles=0.0,-1.5,0.0 raises them up closer to center wrench kevin stein

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