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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Again, moved to the proper Forum. You'll get more answers, and of the proper type (like Baltika's above) IF you post your quesitons in the right place
  2. ARe we speaking of "Microsoft Time" (you know, when the progress bar says '1 second remaining, that sits there for 72 minutes) Or "Real World ™" time, as seen on my a-tomic clock (or Swiss Army Watch?) Or time flow at high sub-Cee velocities (as viewed from inside the craft????, or from outside the craft?) Perhaps what is really lacking, is a true defination of the Observers location and velocity, as opposed to the observed object?? And since observing the object changes how it's precieved ... well, that's another whole can of worm(holes)! wrench kevin stein
  3. File Name: MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 March 2011 File Category: MiG-15 MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 = As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1, as this added the 15bis to our aircraft stable. As I have a full-4 merged, plus both expansions, I can't say for sure it's available any other way. The skin, is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. The stock in-game Bort number decals are used, as all the photographic evidence seems to point that way. (in fact, other than the repainted tail bmp, everything is stock!) The latest (as of 1/11 patch) _data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on. The 'main' ini is also included, as I've included Ordway's Mig Pit, making the aircraft player-flyable (as if you all haven't done that alreadly!). The engine sound has been set to the old TMF "MiGEngine.wav" (not supplied), but there are several good/better ones out there for you to find. The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... ¡Aterrizajes felices! Wrench Kevin Stein (hope the translation came out ok! or at least right!) Click here to download this file
  4. "rolled on the thighs of virgins!" wrench kevin stein
  5. 000000hhhhhhhhhhh..... I MUST have that Flying Saucer!!! It'll replace the (somewhat defective) Avro-Car as my UFO of choice!! That tank is frakking AWESOME, too!!! PH: I agree, somewhat. It just "feels" odd to see them on a Spit! Maybe I'll do a Mustang or Jug (N) next Spinners: of course, I had to pick a winter day to have the window open!! wrench kevin stein
  6. of course, extracting the 150-odd cockpit bits from WoE or WoI's Eagles is probably too much work.... wrench kevin stein
  7. and the routes are all there in the movement ini?? (btw, afaik, "AllowedMmissionTypes=" is only an SF2 thing; the stock 08 level terrain main inis don't have it. Again, afaik, it's not supported in 1stGens) Looking over the download, that mod is for SF2 only. So, the question is: WHICH game series did you install this to?? It's highly likely that is may not 'work as advertised' in 1stGens with some editing.
  8. If you are, I HOPE you brought enough for everyone.... No, I've seen it too recently, i'm on Win7, exp2, fullmerged, DX10. I can't remember exactly whcih .. i know the Viggen (DAT), maybe Russo's P-47N. ... was 1 or 2 others, but I've recently developed a case of CRS* Somebody, somewhere, posted something about the '2 sided mapping' being part of the problem, due to the fix for the prop issues. That's what I DO remember! Wrench kevin stein *CRS= Can't Remember s**t
  9. You can go ahead and release that ... pretty sure boopi has left the building, pretty sure no one will complain (I certainly wont!!). That is a DAMN sight better than the fishbed pit we used before. Go for it, brother!! Our radar-equpped Red Birds desperatly need a good pit (or reasonably facsimilie thereof) wrench kevin stein
  10. for Fast Cargo... apparently, yes, you CAN get there. I'd pulled back the view for this shot, but I was right over that small island. I"ll have to place something there*, fix the inlet on the Merritt river, and see if I run into (suspenseful music...) The Wall (sorry, can't do nothing about the barrier islands ... there's just no way to make them -- and make them resonably thin --had that same problem with the Texas map ..and THOSE were a nightmare!) wrench kevin stein (*given the time frame intended, there's some V-2 launchers I can 'liberated' from the Euro WW2 map...) (I really, really, TRUELY don't want to make river tiles for this map...)
  11. Mostly; just destroyed in place. well, as we don't have a NextGen (fully capable) D or an M, I'm sure a quick re-decalling of Russo's N would suffice. (still needs FM work, but is fairly 'stable', as tested in KAW) Again, doing Mustangs is a no brainer! And other than my aforementioned decal glitch, niether was the Spit wrench kevin stein
  12. hmmmmm....17PF/PFU cockpit ... niiiiiiiiicccceeee!! wrench kevin stein
  13. It would really help the troubleshooting procedure IF you'd tell us which terrain you're having the issue with. Have you looked at the movements ini for said unknown terrain, and are those mission types allowed??? wrench kevin stein
  14. Yes, we will. wrench kevin stein
  15. EJ: if you turn on the HUDDebug, it'll give you some VERY accurate aerodynamic readings wrench kevin stein
  16. 'prolly the same way I did for my WW2 mods, a coupla years ago. create a "new" ship item from the CV, withOUT the ability to launch/recover aircraft (its a simple data ini edit). It's just treated like any other warship. Add to _types ini, place via _targes ini and you have carriers you can attack and sink (btw, they DO shoot back) wrench kevin stein
  17. that looks perfectly Russian to me ... like it was built in a boiler factory by tractor mechanics!! (reminds me of a MiG-17 I saw at McCellen AFBs museaum some years back .. the 'restorers' had used standard sheet metal screws to reattach some of the skin panels! Looked awfully odd with slot-head screws!!) wrench kevin stein
  18. Version


    MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 = As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1, as this added the 15bis to our aircraft stable. As I have a full-4 merged, plus both expansions, I can't say for sure it's available any other way. The skin, is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. The stock in-game Bort number decals are used, as all the photographic evidence seems to point that way. (in fact, other than the repainted tail bmp, everything is stock!) The latest (as of 1/11 patch) _data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on. The 'main' ini is also included, as I've included Ordway's Mig Pit, making the aircraft player-flyable (as if you all haven't done that alreadly!). The engine sound has been set to the old TMF "MiGEngine.wav" (not supplied), but there are several good/better ones out there for you to find. The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... ¡Aterrizajes felices! Wrench Kevin Stein (hope the translation came out ok! or at least right!)
  19. OH NO!!! Not the the evildamncommbuilding again!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. in respone to daddyairplanes question in another thread in this forum pity my 44+*num* decals won't work ... bleeds out the fueselage bmp. So, just go with stock and few old ones (that work!) JV-44, late 1947 (hurridly re-equipped from standing RAF stock) wrench kevin stein
  21. Don't forgot 99.9% off all the WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft were bulldozed into piles and burned (same as we did to the Japanese). Hence, the 'idea' I'd had for 'Cold War 48', using what was (then freely) available. One could fairly easily take the decals off my BLW Spit, and add it to TK's Mk.9s *, or for that matter, the Mustangs (since decals positioning on the P-51D are now well known) *some re-templating will be required to add the 'tulip', once the nose mapping is figured out* EDIT: ok, just tested .. my jv-44 fues decals are NFG in SF2. see screenshot thread for 'new' results. wrench kevin stein
  22. FC: yes it does. In the TE, I was able to id where Merrit Island (should) be, but for most players it'll be behind The Wall. To say nothing of the easily accessable Bahamas Hope you guys straightened out all the tile faults ... at least I'm adding the cities (and proper shaped Nike bases) Even thinking of rebuilding the tiles COMPLETLY using GH3 (already started -- but it'll take a looooooooong time to get that mess sorted) wrench kevin stein
  23. I'll go along, a short way, with PFunks post... re: what's harder? IMO, in descending order of diffuculty .. 1) Aircraft Cockpits 2) Aircraft 3) Decent, fairly accurate (ie: 90 percentile range)flight models 4) ACCURATE terrains, with Real World ™ representation. IMHO, the terrian editor is a POS that's a PIA to work with. And don't get me started on transions tiles (or the oftimes lack thereof) So, PFunk, do this mean Black Sea is returning?? wrench kevin stein
  24. is that a new Fargo I spy with my nearsighted eyes??? ---------- Departing MacDill ... (testing some tiles) wrench kevin stein
  25. File Name: MiG-17AS Fresco, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 March 2011 File Category: MiG-17 MiG-17AS Fresco-A, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara = For SF2, (Hopefully, For Any and All with Access to the MiG-17 Fresco-A) This is a re-packaging of the MiG-17AS, (iirc) by Starfighter2, as used by the Cuban Air Force. His original readme is also included, for you history buffs. As the FAR were the only users of the 17AS, this is a 'nationalized' version; both the _data.ini and Userlist.ini reflect this. It makes use of (almost) all stock items, in particular the Fresco-A's lod. So make sure the plane-jane MiG-17 (no suffix letter) is available in your game install. In a pinch, you can edit the main ini to point to the MiG-17F lods, as they are mapped identically (don't forget to rename the skin maps to match the 17F's). A slightly revamped/repainted version of the "F6 Pylon" pak has been included for the outboard Atoll mounts. The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. New Bort number decals have been created for the approx 40 used by the FAR (*note: this number of aircraft may have also included standard Fresco-A and Fresco-C). These numbers are 'best guess', as only a few listings had been found during my research. The font used is also the closest match I could find. The cockpit is Ordway's Mig Pit. The avionics ini has been 'tweeked' to add the radar ranging gunsight. A new 'generic' MiG-17 Hangar screen is included (albeit with Soviet markings on the aircraft). The canopy has also been activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it) As always, please READ the enclosed 'readme' for full, detailed install instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file

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