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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. They're back, bitches!!! You can, however, "Expect No Mercy"
  2. I stand corrected .. somehow didn't notice the props!! (old age????) You want the Viking? I'll never find time to finsh it off... wrench kevin stein
  3. did that in 2007 (at least, that's the date on the _data.ini)... called it "Viking Mk.3" to keep with the V-Bomber family (have it in anti-flash white too) wrench kevin stein
  4. you need to use stary's TODs (and associated terobject bmps and tgas) from his Enhanced GermanyCE set (as this is the tileset seemingly being used -even if the screenie above says different- rather than taking the easy way, and just learning from a stock setup -like everyone else has! Start with stock, then as experience is gained begin adding/creating/whatever new tiles) What you need to do, is open the STOCK GermanyCE_Data.ini, and stary's enhanced GermanyCE_Data.ini, and go line by line in the tile descriptors, and see what the differences are. They'll be quite obvious. The major one, being the difference between 123 vs 142 tiles If you're going to use star's tiles/tods, you MUST use his data ini (and by inference, texturelist.ini, and a TFD created FROM the enhanced tileset).
  5. there is no such stock tile as "outskirts". that one's Stary's. wrong terobjects_buildings.bmp wrench kevin stein
  6. missing the associated TOD files (which includes not only the buildings, but the trees as well) wrench kevin stein
  7. you'll be concerned with the _2.bmp and 3_bmp (or PSD as the case may be). Those are the 2 wing skins/templates easiest way to do it; resize teh original skin as needed to match the psd size, copy/paste it in as a new layer (UNDER all the panel, rivet lines, and other details), create ANOTHER new layer directly over the original skin, and just paint over the NAVY section of the wing on this new layer, keeping all the little details intact. Flatten, save as bmp, drop into skin folder wrench kevin stein
  8. moved to correct forum (sorry, I don't have an answer, just putting this where the right folks will see it) wrench kevin stein
  9. I guess this section somehow got missed....?????????? don't work without SF2:I wrench kevin stein
  10. I was thinking that too .. Ant would never make a mistake like that on his beloved Rhinos!! wrench kevin stein
  11. just because the tiles are in the terrain folder, dosn't mean they're placed/located in TFD (in my terrains, there's sometime a few extra tiles I've made, that aren't used) Here's an idea ... go back into the TE, and hand place the corner tiles in the locations where they're supposed to go, and recheck that location in game. Then, triple check the data ini, and make sure they're listed in it wrench kevin stein
  12. they'll be needed when I (FINALLY!!!) get the Central America map finished ... if I can get out of Flordia!! They look MUCH better, btw. What about the camo version? (ducks and runs....) wrench kevin stein
  13. standard markings depending on the timeframe... going back to 1945(ish) CVW letter carried on upper left/lower right wing and tail fin. Check the Squad/Signal USN Carrier Air Units books (#6160, 6161, 6162) However, you're right about the NAVY tag -- s/b only on fues sides, not the wings, as that would be the CVW/Modex location. Looks like it's time to break out that template!!! (oddly, post-WW2 and during Korea, the service name was sometimes carried by both USN and USMC squadrons on the wings, with the Modex number. more odd stuff, eh?? You'd think there'd be a T.O. for that!!!) wrench kevin stein
  14. BOMARC launches... wrench kevin stein
  15. my mistake -Mystre VIA!! opps!! (well, they STILL need uploading!! ) wrench kevin stein
  16. assuming they're painted on the skin bmps, only by RE-painting the skin bmps, and removing them. (and why would you want to, as that's a stock USN marking -NAVY, ... and the NL for that CVW) Ant's F-4B templates (SF2) are in the downloads section. Start learing to work with layers .. and really, it's not that hard! wrench kevin stein
  17. then I'd start checking placements ... because I can assure you, you're missing the GC75A or GC75B on those corners. And, like I said a few posts back, you WILL be doing s**tloads of manual tiling ... trust me, there ain't no one around here that knows that better than I wrench kevin stein
  18. Indian AF 1 & 8 squadron are done ... aren't they in the download section already??? (if not, we need to get them up there!!!) wrench kevin stein
  19. sound like somebody was screwing around with the flightengineini, when they shouldn't have been. Delelte it, let it revert to stock and stop messing with things wrench kevin stein
  20. Adjust Sea Level (which WILL cause some very interestering effects --keep a backup of the HFD, as you're gonna need it) wrench kevin stein
  21. don't do a damn thing ... just like the 'roads' function. Ignore it; you'll have to link them by hand (see the downloads section for pre-painted alignment lined tiles) wrench kevin stein
  22. talk about throwing everything at you, including the kitchen sink!! (or the plumbers truck!!) wrench kevin stein

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