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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. what we also need (read: I do for the Central America map) are the funky green/blue/lightblue skins for their Fishbeds and Floggers, too! A Mig-15bis partial reskin/decal is due out soon, too wrench kevin stein
  2. I had to go look...din't remember! just plane-jane Arial wrench kevin stein
  3. PB, that IS nice!!! Can't wait for it!! wrench kevin stein
  4. oh, gods ... you have NO idea how much I miss that feature from the old Fighter's Anthology map/mission builder screens. Like PB said, you use ONE with the airfield showing, ONE with NOTHING showing, and build new layers from there. Here's a shot of how I do planning maps ....(this is the Indo/Pak planningmap3 template - I do one for each level, triples the work, the but result is nicer) wrench kevin stein
  5. if I have an 'empty' target area, I alway put somthing thing there; usual a watertower1, as it 'holds the reallity of the position', and has a 0 value, as an 'attackable' target. (you'll see that on the Iran/Iraq map) wrench kevin stein
  6. eeeeewwwwwwwwwww ---- aim-4!!!! wrench kevin stein
  7. as the guys said above, the "MeshName" I highlighted IS the mesh name of the object to be removed. wrench kevin stein
  8. "Show Cities" has never worked. and it will crash/runtime error in all SF2 series; another reason why to keep at least ONE 08 level 1stGen series on your hard drive -- it's how I make all my planning maps (of course, with a billion layer templates built OFF the original, with new dots and better text lables...) Put SFmapexe at the root folder (C:/Wings over Europe, for example) of the install, put the terrain in the /terrain folder and go from there wrench kevin stein
  9. Yes. Add/edit aircraft data ini... where ** is the next number in sequence... [AircraftData] --snippage-- Component[009]=Nose -- ///===moves to remove things===/// Component[0**]=NameOfItem (note, can also be called "Remove1" -- but must match the 'Name of Item' below) [NameOfItem] ParentComponentName=MeshName ModelNodeName=MeshName DestroyedNodeName=MeshName DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE pioneered/discoverd by Bpao himself WARNING: don't be surprised if it leaves a hole in the fuselage; it all depends on how that mesh was extruded from the parent (ie: the fuselage) Post a screenshot, if it works (or, even if it dosen't!) wrench kevin stein
  10. contributing to the Mirage-Fest and, since someone mentioned OTC, a shot over Cuba wrench kevin stein
  11. if it's the stock 3W Mirage 3 .... here's what I used for the OzMirages (and the nose gear door numbr positioning, too) [Decal015] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat= Position=-4.70,0.1 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal016] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat= Position=-4.70,0.1 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal017] MeshName=nose_gear_door3 DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat= Position=0.0,3.57 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.4 DecalMaxLOD=3 adjust decal# accordingly (15,16,17) wrench kevin stein
  12. bring-aboard weight issues, and saftey with the mountings wrench kevin stein
  13. deselxic my typing was yesturday. espeically after "The Asshat Incident" that's acutally been discussed, but the whole tileset will need replacing. No, the 17AS was actually brought about by a question from the 1stGen Forums. Thought I'd take a whack on up-converteing. They'll also be needed on the Central America map (where that shot was taken -note the use of your GH3 tiles). The problem is, I left that map so undone over 14 months ago ... trying to pickup where I left off! wrench kevin stein
  14. because when the Hunter was built there weren't any A-A missiles*. Sidewinders were under development starting around 53-54, and didn't reach operations with the USN until sometime around 57-58ish (have to double check. Research=Knowledge. *later model Swiss marks added 'winder capabililty, iirc, in the 70s* wrench kevin stein
  15. Don't forget people -- this is Gepard's Terrain; he built it -- I just made some very minor tiling changes, and targets tweeks. All my terrain inis are in ansi -- SF2 don't give a rats ass what format they're in. Of course, you'll have to edit/change/add the stone-age shader effects, and a few other items I removed from the terrain's data ini. As stated in the readme, "modern" is defined as post-2003, and not Soviet Occupied The use of Western/NATO style airbase. So, you'll have to rebuild the target's ini by replacing ALL of them with Soviet-style, like Gepard's WarPac bases. (also, stated in the readme. I don't know why I even bother writing them anymore....) The soviet union canNOT be added as a friendly nation, as it's classed as enemy in the games nations.ini. That don't means you can't fly for them...as we all have flyable RedAir. The (puppet) Afghan AF at the time, would also be enemy, due to it's use of Soviet equipment. And as the Mujha's didn't have an air force ...well, the game needs BOTH sides to be operational, otherwise CTDs may result. then you'll need to add them to the _types.ini, and replace every single one of the Taliwaker AD units with those. Have fun with that! If you'll look through the _targets & types ini I supplied, you'll find there are NO 'standard or garden variety' Soviet AD bases. As to EricJ's newly released targets mod, I cannot speak too, not having d/led it yet. (I'm busy dividing my time between the American Midwest and Central America) My part's done ... you all can pick up where I left off wrench kevin stein
  16. "We Have Cigars! Just for you!!" (will get new serials, right type before re-release) wrench ekvin stein
  17. Moved to the correct Forum You'll get better and faster answer where the folks involved can really see it. --------- Short answer is no, not yet. There's was a really old Kosovo terrain, that's not worth rebuiding wrench kevin stein
  18. 'merged install?" (the only merged installs for 1stGens in WoV/WoE) ok....first, lets deciede WHICH game set we're talking about. That'll determine what kind of answer is to be recieved! Is it safe to assume this is for SF2? or for SF/Wo*?? TMF released the 84F about 5+ years ago for SF/Wo*; SF2:I Expansion 1 adds them for the SF2 series wrench kevin edit: while not updated for (quite) a while, this thread will most likely be of some (vairable!) assistance http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/
  19. Thanks for the compliment on I/I!!! The rivers were a nightmare!!! re: guns I did that a long time ago (adding the A-A MG). In fact, one of my very first mods was that one. The only thing about adding "_and_ground" to the main gun, is the tanks will stop engaging their primary (ground) targets, and start shooting at YOU!!! Found that out when we were building DS -an experiment I tried. AFter getting shot down a lot, I discarded the idea as 'baaaaaad' (even lost an A-10 to T-72s!!!) wrench kevin stein
  20. might I be so bold to suggest that, Google is you friend. I'd really start researching the individual aircraft, as for to gain knowledge on the various and sundry different sub-variants of the myriad of mods done to Sovet/WarPac aircraft. The only Fresco's that I know of that carried missiles (and not in SEA -although it was reported, but not confirmed) is/was the 17AS used by Cuba, the 17F-(SF-3) with 2 Alkalis, and the PFU (with NO guns) also with Alkalis (semi-all weather interceptor) wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: P-51D Mustang, Fuerza Aérea - Ejército de Nicaragua (3W) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2011 File Category: P-51 P-51D Mustang Skin & Decal Pak Fuerza Aérea - Ejército de Nicaragua (Nicaraguan Army Air Force) -For 3W P-51D- == For SF2, Full-4 Merged (at minimum, SF2:I +Expansion Pak 1) == -As stated above, you MUST have at the very least SF2I WITH expansion Pak 1, or you won't have access to the aircraft and it's cockpit.- The is a partial reskin/redecaling of the stock 3rdWire P/F-51D Mustang into those as used by the FAN durning the 1950-70s (as many Latin American Air Forces used them for quite some time!!). Many of these aircraft took part in the (in)famous "Soccer War". It represent's FAN Mustangs from the 1950 through their retiement in the 1970s. ------- Note: if you want to get the corrected lighting and operating canopy, you should (it's reccomended!) get this Mutang Upgrade Pak from the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/10968-3rdw-p-51-decals-and-ini-tweek-pak/ Not only will it add the 100% historically correct lights, but it'll tweek up the USAF skin with proper decal placements, and serial numbers ------- This package has already been setup/broken down into the various sub-folder that SF2 needs (and requires) for ease of installation. (read: drag and drop) As always, faily simple, easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    P-51D Mustang Skin & Decal Pak Fuerza Aérea - Ejército de Nicaragua (Nicaraguan Army Air Force) -For 3W P-51D- == For SF2, Full-4 Merged (at minimum, SF2:I +Expansion Pak 1) == -As stated above, you MUST have at the very least SF2I WITH expansion Pak 1, or you won't have access to the aircraft and it's cockpit.- The is a partial reskin/redecaling of the stock 3rdWire P/F-51D Mustang into those as used by the FAN durning the 1950-70s (as many Latin American Air Forces used them for quite some time!!). Many of these aircraft took part in the (in)famous "Soccer War". It represent's FAN Mustangs from the 1950 through their retiement in the 1970s. ------- Note: if you want to get the corrected lighting and operating canopy, you should (it's reccomended!) get this Mutang Upgrade Pak from the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/10968-3rdw-p-51-decals-and-ini-tweek-pak/ Not only will it add the 100% historically correct lights, but it'll tweek up the USAF skin with proper decal placements, and serial numbers ------- This package has already been setup/broken down into the various sub-folder that SF2 needs (and requires) for ease of installation. (read: drag and drop) As always, faily simple, easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  23. It was done for 1stGen WoE; shouldn't be any different here (excepting running into the same problem -- not enough 'sea room' on the GermanyCE map.) For expansion pak 1, the Suez War mod we did, the carriers are there. new target areas (ie: CarrierStation=TRUE) must be added to the _targets.ini. Same as it's always been wrench kevin stein

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