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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. 'merged install?" (the only merged installs for 1stGens in WoV/WoE) ok....first, lets deciede WHICH game set we're talking about. That'll determine what kind of answer is to be recieved! Is it safe to assume this is for SF2? or for SF/Wo*?? TMF released the 84F about 5+ years ago for SF/Wo*; SF2:I Expansion 1 adds them for the SF2 series wrench kevin edit: while not updated for (quite) a while, this thread will most likely be of some (vairable!) assistance http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/
  2. Thanks for the compliment on I/I!!! The rivers were a nightmare!!! re: guns I did that a long time ago (adding the A-A MG). In fact, one of my very first mods was that one. The only thing about adding "_and_ground" to the main gun, is the tanks will stop engaging their primary (ground) targets, and start shooting at YOU!!! Found that out when we were building DS -an experiment I tried. AFter getting shot down a lot, I discarded the idea as 'baaaaaad' (even lost an A-10 to T-72s!!!) wrench kevin stein
  3. might I be so bold to suggest that, Google is you friend. I'd really start researching the individual aircraft, as for to gain knowledge on the various and sundry different sub-variants of the myriad of mods done to Sovet/WarPac aircraft. The only Fresco's that I know of that carried missiles (and not in SEA -although it was reported, but not confirmed) is/was the 17AS used by Cuba, the 17F-(SF-3) with 2 Alkalis, and the PFU (with NO guns) also with Alkalis (semi-all weather interceptor) wrench kevin stein
  4. File Name: P-51D Mustang, Fuerza Aérea - Ejército de Nicaragua (3W) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2011 File Category: P-51 P-51D Mustang Skin & Decal Pak Fuerza Aérea - Ejército de Nicaragua (Nicaraguan Army Air Force) -For 3W P-51D- == For SF2, Full-4 Merged (at minimum, SF2:I +Expansion Pak 1) == -As stated above, you MUST have at the very least SF2I WITH expansion Pak 1, or you won't have access to the aircraft and it's cockpit.- The is a partial reskin/redecaling of the stock 3rdWire P/F-51D Mustang into those as used by the FAN durning the 1950-70s (as many Latin American Air Forces used them for quite some time!!). Many of these aircraft took part in the (in)famous "Soccer War". It represent's FAN Mustangs from the 1950 through their retiement in the 1970s. ------- Note: if you want to get the corrected lighting and operating canopy, you should (it's reccomended!) get this Mutang Upgrade Pak from the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/10968-3rdw-p-51-decals-and-ini-tweek-pak/ Not only will it add the 100% historically correct lights, but it'll tweek up the USAF skin with proper decal placements, and serial numbers ------- This package has already been setup/broken down into the various sub-folder that SF2 needs (and requires) for ease of installation. (read: drag and drop) As always, faily simple, easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    P-51D Mustang Skin & Decal Pak Fuerza Aérea - Ejército de Nicaragua (Nicaraguan Army Air Force) -For 3W P-51D- == For SF2, Full-4 Merged (at minimum, SF2:I +Expansion Pak 1) == -As stated above, you MUST have at the very least SF2I WITH expansion Pak 1, or you won't have access to the aircraft and it's cockpit.- The is a partial reskin/redecaling of the stock 3rdWire P/F-51D Mustang into those as used by the FAN durning the 1950-70s (as many Latin American Air Forces used them for quite some time!!). Many of these aircraft took part in the (in)famous "Soccer War". It represent's FAN Mustangs from the 1950 through their retiement in the 1970s. ------- Note: if you want to get the corrected lighting and operating canopy, you should (it's reccomended!) get this Mutang Upgrade Pak from the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/10968-3rdw-p-51-decals-and-ini-tweek-pak/ Not only will it add the 100% historically correct lights, but it'll tweek up the USAF skin with proper decal placements, and serial numbers ------- This package has already been setup/broken down into the various sub-folder that SF2 needs (and requires) for ease of installation. (read: drag and drop) As always, faily simple, easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  6. It was done for 1stGen WoE; shouldn't be any different here (excepting running into the same problem -- not enough 'sea room' on the GermanyCE map.) For expansion pak 1, the Suez War mod we did, the carriers are there. new target areas (ie: CarrierStation=TRUE) must be added to the _targets.ini. Same as it's always been wrench kevin stein
  7. the Fresco-A and C both carry (stock, rightoutofthebox) 2 23mm and 1 37mm. If you're missing the guns, start looking for a /Guns folder, if a weapons pak has been added. They should ALWAYS be using their stock stuff, regardless if a WePak has been added or not. Double check the data inis for both aircraft, and make sure the //Guns----- section is still there otherwise, a reinstall of the game may be necessary. wrench kevin stein
  8. There should also be an Indian Hunter skin pak, and the Paki Mig-19/J-6s floating around somewhere in the downloads section, too. note to self: assemble the PAF Sabre and Zipper paks wrench kevin stein
  9. all explained right in the first paragraph of the announcement thread. wrench kevin stein
  10. well....if there's room...the lower penninusla it getting a bit over crowded (and teh upper is just plane shaped WRONG!!! that's what I get for tileing freehand!!) wrench kevin stein
  11. B17 Flying Fortress

    Moffat Field? There's no mistaking that airship hangar! Great pics! wrench kevin stein
  12. mightn't it not be linked to animations built into the FE pilot lod, that don't exist in SF?? wrench kevin stein
  13. That's why most of us just let the AI handle it ... it does a pretty good job of hitting the ground wrench kevin stein
  14. spam... well, SOMEBODY had to do it!! (and yes I LIKE spam!) wrench kevin stein
  15. especially in regards to the 5COA as delivered to Columbia (and not the upgraded versions later on)... As I can't seem to find any real information, webcrawling.. what, if any, type of radar was it equipped with? Something similiar to the Cyrano in the MirageIII, or a ground-mapping only, or what??? (this'll help figure out which cockpit to use) TIA! wrench kevin stein
  16. hmmm...looks like I'll have to redo the serial decals... Interestering to note, TK has already supplied the rudder stripe decal! Yup, all markings below (except the tail tag and serials) are stock wrench kevin stein
  17. Interesting...considering the A-4B Skyhawk dosen't COME with WoI.... Your other problems are: 1) NEVER EVER install 1stGen 3W games to any of the /Progam Files folders. They are protected in Vista/Win7, and you won't be able to work with ANY files in that zone. Only in XP can you safely install to the /Program Files folders. 2) To fix that, you can just move the entire folder (judging by the path name, Wings Over Israel), UP to the root of the C Drive. The new path/loction would be: C:\Wings Over Israel adjust your shortcut accordingly. 3) Assuming that you're using Skypats' Cat extractor, it also don't work that well in Vista/7 when placed in the /Progarm Files. What you need to do, is create a folder on your Desktop, call it "Cat Extractor", and put all the files from Skypat's Extractor in there. This is the pathway for mine, so your's will be named different: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\SF-Wo-Extractor Don't forget to set the compatability to Windows 95. From that location, you'll be able to start the extractor, then use it's 'navigation pane' to locate the cat that has the file you want to extract. Extracted files, when pulled what that tool, will 'appear' in the game folder associated with them (ie: things from the /FlightData.cat will be in the /Flight folder; things from the Object.Cat, will be in the /Objects folder. From there you can move them, if for an aircraft, or edit in-place (for anything other than aircraft. BTW, this is all covered someplace in the Knowledge Base; I just don't remember exactly where ATM!! good luck! wrench kevin stein
  18. There's an SF2 version in the SF2 /Aircraft downloads section wrench kevin stein
  19. I thought rhuzyo had been banned from there, too. wrench kevinstein
  20. Thanks Guys!! Points me in the right direction! wrench kevin stein
  21. this is actually FAR longer than ever before. I, too, hope things are OK! Maybe DanW will stop by and reassure us! wrench kevin stein
  22. i didn't even know the Faun's HAD a liscence plate! Never looked at them that closly! The CASign is in EVERY terrain mod I do ... just my little way of saying "Thanks" (it even shows up on the FirstEagles WW1 Palestine terrain - I love anachronisms!) wrench kevin stein
  23. just flying around (everyone knows how much I hate to waste good decals....and 30minutes in PS, partly re-templated, viola!) wrench kevin stein
  24. File Name: India-Pakistan Objects/Weapons/and Other Bits File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 February 2011 File Category: Ground Object Mods India-Pakistan GroundOjbects/Weapons/Guns/Pilots Pak -For SF2, Full-4 Merged -Reccomended (plus ExpPak1) (Should actually be called "Objects, Other Than Aircraft Pack") This is the Second Part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains GroundObjects, Weapons & Guns, Menu Screens. Aircraft will be available as seperate, packaged downloads as soon as we get them together! These weapons and Ground Objects are NOT to be used altogether in a 'everything and anything Merged Install -- it is for a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan Mods folder ONLY!!! Those experienced End Users ™, will be able to pick and choose the various items necessary, if crazy enough to use these in such an install. There are many (read: MOST) items that have been nationalized to either side. It is NOT reccomended for any use, other than what is it intended for!! You've been warned -- if you mess it up, it's all on YOU!! These items are designed for use with/as a stand-alone India-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in the Word Doc that comes with this pak, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ these 2 documents through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Hard Good Hunting! For the India-Pak Mod Team; Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  25. dude,you quak me up!! wrench kevin stein

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