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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. than, my guess would be its an 'applied material' issue to the windshield mesh. Nothing you can do about it (even experimented with the stock 'canopyglass.tga', suitably renamed, and still have a slight tint. wrench kevin stein
  2. isn't there a HAF AUP already in the SF2 downloads section? You canNOT use the old 1stGen data ini at all ... too many nodes have changed. Also, probably calling for the wrong lod (a very common problem). Best thing: determine WHICH version of the E is being used, adapt the skin for that, edit the userlist.ini, off you go. wrench kevin stein
  3. leave eerything alone, swap the aircraft on the Loadout Screen, reload weapons by hand on that screen, go fly wrench kevin stein
  4. have you tried renaming the 'frontglass.tga', to it can't call for it? (ie: xfrontglas.tga) wrench kevin stein
  5. do you have the ww2 formations ini in the /Flight folder? do you have all the correct ground objects installed (the ones I, iirc, put in a subfolder of the terrain -don't remember about New Guinea, but the Solomons should have some) truck formations are set in the formaiton ini, as are ships, but ships have a few other lines -- FormationSizeBase=1 FormationSizeVariation=4 those are stock on the cargo/tanker, and should be in any other add-on 'cargo ships' supplied. Vehicles don't seem to need them. ----------------------- I'm really surprised that you're able to fly WW2 stuff in SF2 -- for me, the damn planes are viturally uncontrollable; and the AI can't get them to do anything right! We really need all 350+ aircraft's FM totally rebuilt....sigh....just makes me want to weep at all the work done, to have it negated..... wrench kevin stein
  6. AFR doors aft of the cockpit (ala Phantoms)? or like EricJ said, an long probe (extendable?) coming out from nose/fuselage/cockpit region Neat idea!! wrench kevin stein
  7. if it's a 3d object (like an antenna, or CFT or pylon), it MUST be created in max. The fake pilot method ™ is only used to create a place to hang things from (ie: the new object is the seat the FP sits on) wrench kevin stein
  8. Quite astonished this actually worked, and worked the way it does. There is definately some VERY interesting coding inside SF2... Notice the 'black items'. Kudos to that can ID what they are...(suffice it say, they did NOT fall the sky) I always liked the 'lived in look'. Otherwise, it's just too pristine wrench kevin stein
  9. the D7s are in my rebuild of the WW2 Solomons terrain (you can find it in the 1stGen terrain d/ls -Solomons V.3) dozer.lod 30118olivedrab.bmp are the items needed. (if one is also clever enough, you could turn them from Terrain Objects, to GroundObjects, that drive around and cause traffic jams) I don't know who actually built them, as they date from 11/2004. Could have been Edward??? I can always just upload it, with easy to follow instruction for adding to a terrain. wrench kevin stein
  10. they look like shadow defects, coming from stuff on the airbase. It's a known 'issue' with the pit1 object. copy/paste this into a blank notepad sheet, 'save as..' PIT1.INI, and drop into EVERY terrain folder. It that dosen't cure it, then it might be something with the Tu-160's lod. But try this first
  11. You should see the ENTIRE destroyed cities on the SoCal map! For "regular" destroyed objects; things that are found in the terrain cats, simply requre a small edit (well, along with a copy/paste and renumbering of the original items) to change the pointer from the standard item, to the destroyed item, and removal of any target value points these come directly from the terrain cat. The same thing can be done with vehicles, so if one wanted to have the remains of a tank battle (say, in the Fulda Gap), you just need the entries and placements (you'll see that too, on the SoCal map) For the destroyed aircraft, that was some guesswork. First, I had to find them! They're stored in ObjectData001.cat. Then, experimentatly added them to the types ini (in this case, the MidWest USA map). What I wasnt' sure of, is that they'd show up without being inside the terrain cat. So, I just added one, placed it via the targets ini, crashed in a city ... and there it was! Pulled right from the ObjectData001 cat!! The entries are pretty much the same... there's 35 or so of them... the bulldozers come from one of the WW2 maps wrench kevin stein
  12. Happy Birthday Jug

    Happy Birthday!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. well, they're hard at work, trying to figure THAT part out!! wrench kevin stein
  14. File Name: F-4E_86, 45th TFW "The Warbirds" Skin Set (Fictional) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 February 2011 File Category: F-14 F-4E (86) Phantom II Skin Set - 45th TFW "The Warbirds" -- For SF2 (any/all) -- This skin/decal set is designed for use =ONLY= on the TMF F-4E ARN-101, as this is the proper airframe for the time period depicted. You can find/download the aircraft at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/9268-mirage-factory-f-4e-phantom-arn-101-for-sf2 -series/ You MUST install this aircraft first, before applying this skinpak. This is a fictional skin, representing the 45th TFW's 3 squadrons, as seen in the Richard Herman novel "The Warbirds". The novel tells the story of a fictional Persian Gulf war, wherein the 45th are (basically) the only US Air Power ™ in the region. I won't go into the storyline, but since it all revolves around a Phantom unit (the book says it's the last USAF Phantom unit, btw), and EVERYONE love Phantoms ... it's a no brainer, eh? The 3 Squadrons of the Wing are represented. They are: 377th TFS 378th TFS 379th TFS They carry the tail badges as when assigned to RAF Stonewood. After much discussion with the Resident Experts ™, it was decieded that the 45th's deployment to Ras Assanya was just that -a deployment-, and they would still carry the codes from their parent unit or base. Each squdron also has it's own tailfin color flash. A slightly modified Loadout ini is included, with some weapons changes (back to Iron Bombs ™ ). In reality, these late-model aircraft were used more on PGM delivery (ie: laser guided bombs) than 'dumb-bombs'. The Dumb Bombs fit more with the descriptions in the book. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Don't forget to read the "Notes & Other Nonsense" for various and sundry ramblings of a madman, and Full Credits. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: Iran-Iraq Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 February 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Iran-Iraq Terrain - For SF2, Full-4 Merged (or any with access to the Desert cat) - (Although Perfered Usage is as a Complete Stand-Alone Iran/Iraq War Mod) This is a complete and total rebuild of the Iran/Iraq terrain from oh, so long ago. The entire map has been retiled, using Polak's Desert Storm set (also with some updates) with the addition of rivers, more farms, cities and an major expansion of the target areas. Simply put, those that have or seen the original probably won't recognize the place!! Although designed with the 1980-88 War in mind, it can (with EXTENSIVE reworking) be made over for use for any time period, up to and including the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait/Desert Shield (more in the "Notes" below). While many of the neighboring countries DO have (minimal) targets added, they are set as NEUTRAL, and have 0 value targets, as they are beyond the scope of the main focus of the map -- the Iran/Iraq War. However, the major airports ARE there, also NEUTRAL. MANY new tiles have been added, updating of some originals (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. Including ALL new river AND road tiles for all 3 types of terrain (desert, farm, mountain), with all the transitions. While not perfect, given game/terrain engine limitations, these changes make the region look more like it should. Unfortunately, however, some rivers and other terrain features are NOT replicated due to the height field display of the terrain, making it virtually impossible to do so. This is especially true for regions in Iran that are heavily mountainous; or have some other "oddities" due to airfield flattening. Roads may also NOT follow their actual paths. Other changes are to Runway 2 and Runway 3, that have been retextured to fully paved (no more FOD from dirt!!) It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, and Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, the GAZ trucks, etc; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. HOWEVER -- make sure said add-on objects are CORRECT for the theatre and timeframe. (SA-2, SA-3 and SA-6 for the big Iraqi SAMs -btw, 2 & 6s are stock items) While NOT all are included, some are. Wherever possible, I've tried to stick with stock, historic items. Several new, "nation specific" items ARE included. Aircraft are NOT. As to be expected, there are some Easter Eggs. Most are scattered around the map; some are actual historic World Heritage sites. While this can be used in a SF2 series (any), it is reccomended that it be used in a Stand-Alone Mods Folder dedicated to the Iran/Iraq War only. As it uses desert tile/terrain naming conventions, it points to the Desert.cat. As all tiles and most terrain objects are either stock or included, it should work with any of the stock Cats, =EXCEPTING= SF2:I's IsrealME. Use of that cat is =NOT= reccomended. It is highly reccomended that you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, well, you know the drill. You get clowned on. Hard. As usual, the expansive "Notes and Other BS" section for clarifications, elaborations, explainations and general ramblings. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. the major problem is, they don't like being anywhere's near anything with the zBuffer offset (like runways), as they tend to sink below it's surface. But when placed 'in the rough', off the concrete .. they work fine. I guess, just assume they were bulldozed out of the way oh, btw, these are stock 3W items ... not placed ANYWHERE (well, other than the _types and _targets.inis!!! But called from the ObjectData cat, directly. (although there are some destroyed models in the WW2 terrains that work fine on 'the pad'; they ain't jets) wrench kevin stein
  17. what, don't none of you read Harry Turtledove??? I direct your attention to his alternate-histroy novel, "The 2 Georges" linky thingy.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Two_Georges wrench kevin stein
  18. Just to yet ANOTHER correction from pureblue --- another spelling error by your's truely Open up the IR_TYPES.ini, and find this item: [TargetType094] Name=factory1 FullName=Factory 1 ModelName=fabrik1.LOD TargetType=WEAPONS_FACTROY I"d spelling 'factory' wrong, so copy/paste the section above, or just fix my mis-spelling. "Another fine product of the Los Angeles Unified Skool System" thank to PB for catching that! wrench kevin stein
  19. well, the desert tileset comes right to mind. SF2I is the odd duck .. it don't match anthing else (tilewise), but all the 'usual suspect' buildings ARE there, plus a boatload of terrain specific items as to cat pointers, that's why I always list the other (except IME) in my terrain mods. As to snowy norway don't have it anymore, but iirc, it was built with/from WoE tileset. wrench kevin stein
  20. is the radar texture (called out in the avionics ini), and in the /cockpit folder a bmp or tga? There were issues with tgas being used that caused that. Switching to a bmp made it go away (if this is the same issue, that is) or, change the pointer to a stock bmp, and see what happens (ie: F-4E_Radar.bmp) wrench kevin stein
  21. that's why having good templates is a MUST! Unfortunately, there aren't any (stock) templates available for the Red Air birds for SF2, so one may need to create their own. wrench kevin stein
  22. you won't get ctds ... but you may be attacking the same 'class' of cargo ship over and over and over and over...etc. So, I've not experienced that in any SF2 install (KAW, Iran/Iarg, Indo-Pak, etc) I never had a problem durning testing wrench kevin stein
  23. Skins and ini edits are ALWAYS allowed. Full aircraft mods are allowed; proviso: IF the creator if the aircraft is a Freeware signatory, all you need is making sure you spell his name right. IF not (like TMF), get permission from a rep of that team, and make sure that's stated in the readme. IF said aircraft is NOT readily available (DAT), don't include the LOD. Give information on where/how to get it. For example, on my recent F-4D LORAN mod, using all mppd's decals, the LORAN rack, and the stock 3W F-4D_67. Even though the -4D LORAN is in the SF2V War Expansion pak (albeit with a different skin) The 117 is a special case, and I don't think it's allowed as a seperate release, only in ODS If one want's to go through the whole process of building a complete new aircraft form teh groun up, no one's stopping anyone. OTH, if it's mod of something stock, that's only availabe in one version of the sim (example: Mirage III only in SF2E), it'll only be usable in a Full-4 Merged install, that MUST be stated. Look at some of my reads, in the 2nd or third line form the top. An example would be my MirageIIIO, for the RAAF -- you need a Full-4 merged for the lod (SF2E) and for the cockpit (Shahak from SF2I) (these havn't been released, btw, as TMF is working on the correct physical model for both versions) To put it another way: the onus is NOT on the modder to make sure the End User has all the parts necessary for the add-on. We ran into this very same (non)issue for KAW and Indo-Pak. KAW will require at the very least, a Full-4 merged install, WITH Expansion Pak 1, as that's where the MiG-15 comes from (unless the aircraft is replaced by a new-build). Same for India-Pakistan -- full-4 merged with exp1, as the Mystres come from SF2E(/I?), the Vampires from Exp1. bottom line: if people don't have the needed bits to run the mod, its on THEM to have the proper game installs to do so. That's my opinion as modd builder, NOT a CA Rep. We build for what we have, and let other catch up wrench kevin stein
  24. If it's kesselbruts cockpit (and it is), he's given permission =iirc= for his stuff to be freely used (check the Freeware Thread in the 1stGen forums) It should be availabe in a couple of mods lying around .. I just don't remember where they are! wrench kevin stein
  25. afaik, 86 and later. (the story in the book take place sometime between 90-91 as Dave & I extrapolated) wrench kevin stein

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